HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1835 ~'l~ 24'. :11; ii' :;.,,~'j ) I ". '\~~~I" ,'". '.;;-, ~ I I I; . 'I: . " '., I ,'..,',' " I I " I .' -/'\, i ~~_L-'~~-~Ff::-~~~" .~.'~--. .:',.~4-b~~; n"" :~~.'.~_~,I~: . "~.t~X'~..;;;~ I 'i ;'. 'I " ' : I \ " I I' .,.. '1 1 . . " i I' " :1 ' ,I.: 11; IIi 'tUl"t~~ ~,d~f.~oqd ~d ~gr..~,that\ !)art,l o~ ~ltn~, ~1r8t ,par,~.~l n~t\lIlJJte~ a.~~, 1\ \', ..;~ I ,\~ 'toa~l1o~.'~!ru~lI:er ~e*ao.; \p~1or 'tOiTa~~ l"t, ~9'3~, Wl'~li:~i ~h~\\a~o~..,~~d l)royl,stOn.e jf i , l I'. , ,\, . " ' , \, ' , ' ' ; ',i . ,'~n r:::1~ o~:~or 8~1pUJ.~te4 ~~ ~~~4b~ ;~"'" ';b~~~U;' .~~~'~t'l.~\;.r.'to~ t~.~\U:th~ 8nnH'.' ; ,\ '. \. " ,. :" '. \ I. \ ' ' , .,' , \. \ '. '-,.' \ . \ 1 '. ", " . '. '. '.': 1 ; , \"~t,,th<<t, tallure~t. .~a Pf.J"ty;0~'par,~1'8 of the'8eOoJJd\pa~ to make ,~"ot;the"pa1Dlen\8her'1n;,. . , \ .\ , " . ". " ,'\' .' . ~" , \. \ ' ", ".-:-\, ..' j 1 ,proVl4e~, ~~ apel:i~ .~t ~0Ul" ,mp~~s p'o~: a...~, ot ~a,t :~.,-,ent.,~ all 'lIlone7' pre,,101i817 palO. bJ': I \'., .\. ,\ " \ ' , . " , " _,'. :,' '," \..,. ' a'~d part~ 'or. 'p.-rt1.~, 'o~ th.seoOJ;ld'\ part:, upon .1!~li'oont~o~, spa1.:J, be "torte! te.d t9 .sa~4 i>ai-t7. ; , '. \ ". \ '.. i'~ \:. ...:~ . ':. -;- \ . \ ". . <\ > ',' .' . .' '#:. .' \,". . \ ~. \ o~\the: first,part a~ .'~l~\1,l4atec1"d4mag~~i ~d this. oo.n~vot shall oea~. ~d t~~lnateupon . . - .' -' , lit"'" . , . ~, " '- . , ,: '\ .... '.\ , . " -~~-.. \,: th1rt7\'U18! not10elp ~~t1na ~Q last .known .c1dre-88." . \. ' . ' , . \ - . , , . . , " - . ~ " .. . \ '.' I~, 11I1lU~ua,llTa~~A" _~~~t Hille 'is :the~: e~8.no,"o1'~lil!1 oon~not~"and: tha~ '~l,oov.ehan~~ 'f ' " and agreement h""inQ~nta~ned shall':,.~tenc1 ~~ ~d be obl1aato17 upon 't~~ he1l"8,:e:i:e~utors....; , ~"" ' '~4mln1s~l'a1;o~s.ario.,: aS~lgh.:ot. t~~'res~e\\St1ve,'~par~le~.' ,', ~H,__ " ' " . " ' ':.';-" .. ;~~,_...:L~ 'r,; - '" . " \ \ .' . ' IN WITNESS ~OP'. ~88~d'pa~\1.s' haV;h81'eunto8Qt:..t~ir.handsand ~e.ls tb~s . _' . t. " '.' " . '. .' . _ .; . . _ . ".', '.' .eventb:'dq~t ~oh. '.... J). 19201' Exeouted1n:'lh:tPlloa~e;,__, , .,.. ".' - -. . . -.. .' .' . . ~~ed~8,e,aled ~d 'd..liv~red " ' ' . , ", , . 0, .0. ,Braswell " \1 ,\ .. 1 ;. , . \ \ ~ . \, " :'. .} L -. I . ... ::' ~'. ; 'a..li.' Go~rel' ( SE.t.L )" .:. ' , (SEAL) . ' .:. if .' , ' In'the'pl"eaenoe oti . ,'Helen~. Rowe' . . Henry O. Kor.t' .- '.. , . ,~ . ."L ,.a , , ~t iTUn~,i)2.5,:~t '11;10 ~.K~' .":"', . , \ ", P.O. ,El.4.red, Olerk 011'Ou1t Oo~t.. , '" ,,,uea. ~d 'reo'orciea on~l~, ~ " ' . Dt\ . 'e~"v , ,,"~~. .. .". co{: . "", ,....e " ", , ' ",' . . ; . : 1 :#:#:#:'#:#:1:#:1 ;i:# ~":I:#:#: #:#:1': #:# :#':#:I':#,:'#t#:#:#:',':# :#: 1:#,:#:#: i f#S ';:.' Al)()~ .ns"'! ~T jJ,', to .'" <R.'~.HlWPHI~ ' . , . .. ' , .,~..~'.~'t8~" ~~~..,,' ~ . - . ,WAR~U~Y, < 'IlEED (statuto17) . ~"_.,--'~-: ~,~.. '. . tHIS IND~TUR.Ic, lIlad8thls7~h ~. ot~ .1... ,D., i.9~oB.TWED aolphPesat, andJ.far1eP,sai,', 111'-,_"ite; 1!lll1am Hlll.,ebl"aDA and:BenleHll,le,brand, ,h~w1te ,.'ofthe:' O'~UDt1 ,of 8t. Luole .~ , ., . \' ..,', ' ..", ' "'.'. .',' . the State ,otnorl4i\ part1.es 01' thei'1rst p~t,&nc1R., H. Hemph1]'11ot the Oount7.of lIrenrd ' . . 1,nthe Sta.te < of 'm.:er14aparty 01' the 8~'oond: pr.rt'H - " , ~'," ." - -' . s. . . lr,.' . " . . , 1J1~BESSE'lH,' That' ~e said p~tnao:f tbe t1r~t~,r~~"tor an,d ~n oonalderatl,qn ot-the, 8\11l ot !e,nDollara and 'other- valuable oo~lderatlolla .tothea 'in hand, paid by the llUll P~t10t"the' , , , I .' '.' " -- -" . seoopd part,thereoe1p1; whereof 18 hereby' aO~,ow'le,dgec1haV._~AISe4~barga1ned and. sQld toth. . . . - . ---- . ~': > . -'. .' , '. ' . .' .', . , .' said part7 o.t the 'se~ond par,t,' h18helrs and .'assigns toreyer, :the tOllow1n6de801'1beG,land, situate, 171na anc1bell!8 '1n' ,theOount1 ot St. >>Uole, , Stat.eot Flor14.a. to-wlt: An, rea1.estate~~eN,.,;~d by the Seb,ut1an ~verL&nd anL, . " . . . ~ . .' .. - , ' " -. Iiapr~vementOor3pani at, Ro'el&n~ ui sald 8t.Luo,1e Oount,.,' O~J1SUt1D6 , L..J' , ot ,apP1'ax1iDa~.110ne hundrec1and. e~t7-sli: (196)' aores, more o~ le8a, and bou:n4.ed'a8 tollo\fS, to-wit: ~'the',lIorthw..t. b7 San a'balllUan Ba7; ~ i '. ......--OA-the Southwest by the J'lorlda kat Coast a.a1l~; on the Southeast ,'b7 .a Itreet 4e81guated as Leaon .8treet on a map ID&de by'S. B.Carter, , .,,' I ' , . , Civll ~1n.er, 1n leSt, ahd :r-eoord.ed 1n the Publlo, aeoorda of Br.vud . . C0W1t7; ..no. o~ thelforth..at b7 thelo~tAeast Grant Llneot, nelltllig G:tant, . .. . , I 'oOlllf"ialng all the lot, w1th1n .&1d boundaries, exoepu'na lots, one, (1) .'lIro .(2). three (3), tour (.), tin (5), and 11.J;tY,(60) t.et oU the 3outh- I I', ."~,'.'.'..',"'.".. ,'..' '~~ .. " , . - ::,}:~.;;-~-i"i~:'~~~~-~-:~i.'"ii~i",:-::~",:~,~~ii1i~~~._,- .. d...~~~..