HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1839 , . '',I' i";"2Sl;,>. ',' , ' ,J I 'j , I ' . ',' ,', '.1. .,\" . ',', ,"',' " . '\ . ~ .' . ': t 1,' , .'.f. .'J- 'f I I ,i', "t' ", I'" " ,I I, . , '1' 'I, , ' ' I' I,', I., I,' 101 ' ~, .' ' '. , ' , ,:~:=:~~ ,,~~l~::;;~:'~::~,~'l~;;~'~';-;~~r~:~;r:~~.o;::;:;;:::d~r'":;';, ,...~~;~n-~~,=~;,:: ;;~:-.::..:;/;;;;,~,~,~;~t-' ."..i'~..;~'~.,-:::~I , I:,~ jU.~:,AJO) .T<liJOLll,'tlli .....e, ~~~t~e~,: ~'~tht,.;~. \~~,re~~~~:\s,~:a~~~~e~o~~~I'~~~ :t~:~\ I~ \ II. \' I , '\ I' i \ ~'srtt.nt~'8. and thelr halr8 and asslgn8 ill :te,' l1mpl.. ""'. "i \, ' I ,I, ,\ ), ,',,'\., \' ; 'l' '..' lI' " . . - r: . . \ \".' .', _ '. .' . , . '. ., ; : .' . . ~. \'. \ . .:': ~ .'.' ,; ,.utI> the....ld glmto:r". :tor her~el,:t and'h~r h"l~S ~d ieg~ repr4u~ent.at~ve8., oonn&Iit~ Wlth, i. , ; \ .', . ..: ' - '." ',' .'. . .. I . \,'. \ \ l' , ; .aU~ p-i.ntees .h~lr ',he1rs.,leBaJ.; ~ep~8inta't1v~8, ~d &881gns: ,That.' 8~id grantor 18 pldf>teatJJ,b11 ' \ ; ." , \ . .... '..' - . 1.lued ot ~t.1,d\l~d 'in'1'f!8 fllmllle; ~t '.al~'~t,oi 'h&8#':po.er"~d '~a~ r18htl ;1!~ 'OO~V~7 'j,: I '" \, . \ . 1 '... ~ ,', \." \ . . .' t \.a~d landa lnt..'.luiple. ~8 at~r.8&ld; th.at: it "-sl1aJ.1be"lawf1il :torsalQ.'grantees.lthelr 'he#.s. " . "';, " , , \ " , " , "\ ,',,',' ',' \ ", ',I ' ! 'b'$&l '"pr~8e~ta1i1Ve.. ~d'a881~~;, '~1i \all,~1m~'- '~ao~abiJ'~~'q~~~11~o~n~er ui>on~ "hOld.':, '.f\ ", ~ ,,'" . t. \ \ '. ',' . '. ,'. . . .' "-, . ,," '. ". " . . ',' - \ .; - _ '. _ ',' :. .. . . . _, ':: '. J .- . . , '.!'OOOU>>l~d en"oJ' .ald'land;,'that .aidJandls fI:oe :trela, aU'lncWzabJ'anoeslthat'.aldgrantor. her'~,' "1 'heirs ~d 'lO~.~.p~;8e~1ai~lV~8~ .111,IIl~e 8,U~h \~ther '~,8~an~0~'.~;o .pe~fo,ot,~; ~e+~i>l~ 't~tl~ '.., .' ,r ; to ....1d,~~d 'i~ .~ld grantt!8d, , t~e'lr hell'S, legal reproso.nt_atix~'8' and &JIB1~'. ,as m~'reasonab1:7'! ,- ! ~ , .- . . " . . . ..". . . .. . '.' . - . \ ". !. ~ be~eq\iired.;.'an~_~hat ,ilaidgretor. 4.0'88 'horebl tully warrant "t.he~1.tie .1io, aialdi&i1d and "nl' .. ',' ',' '. '. - . ,-. ~ '. -. ", " :"~:~' ',. . cl.~enJt 1ihe':B~e~a~s~'.~e ,l"~ o.1a,1m8:~ of eJ:~' ~~U:Bons'1lbOms,~~VQr., "" ":.' " ,:-, -----c~-'c:-""i~-:..L,--.-c:l-'~'~r -. " ,'WI~~S the'.h~d ~d~eai' O( li al 0.' grantor~ t~e4.aY ,and/ie&1':t~rstabo,ve writnn., ",." ,', f S1:~e4.( Sea.l,e,~ andDe11v':r~d, ' " ~~f:', '. " 1n ~the. Presenoe o;t:, ,;.~CieQne "L.' ,SWanso,n (8"',1). r, , . ',:;"!g~:~t~~'~f.nW~n~~rghe~ :" ' ,.,_' J " J " ~ . ~ I, ' I . II 'l l !' , ; , " ST4TEO',ILr., . IN.,OIS, ' , " , ' ''"' . " 'I" " CbUllTY OF ROCK IS:wm, ' " ' _, ' ,,' , . ~,~,', " , 'I , I, ~, CEnT'I~,f1ia:t'.on, this daypersonalt7.ap~~&1'edbet:ore' m;:.: ~ 'o:ttloer : ~T 'mihor"lzt4. ' , " '. , ,,~ "", , ..' ' '" " " ..", ' ',':" ,.~ ,'.,', " ;' " to admlnis'1;er' oaths and tak~ aoknowle48ments. Qieone- L.' "S"an:aon~ a ~insle wotn~:--to 'me ..ell known ' J . "'~"" ~,", -"', .. , " . .', :.._ .. ~., ~ .' . , ',' " . . .. _ ~,.' and' mown ,t~ iIle' ,to bo Jihe 1n~T1du41a.es~ribed1n 'and who e~.eoQ.~ea.,the:tO:Ngolng.deed, &l;ld.she ,:!' ., ' , , . ,,', " , " ',,':.,', ' , , ,,' ',' , .. ;' &OknOw1.ed8ed"boto~e 'me ,tha:tSl1e :oxeo:u~~dt~e S8me-:'tr,eel7 alld V01\Ult~1i.y 't~r, the P~P08-'S' therein.. ' .' .' ; --~.---: , "\ " I , I ':1 , ,:' expressed. : . "11 , " I: . }" ,'", ... . :."' .' ,0 . . '._ . . . , . JJfD lFuR~CBRTIP1. ,T~~tthe .ala.,U1lknown to lIle, to; be the"\7J,f'o O:t. the,8aid nil;, on a separa~e ati.a. prlv~~' exam~tlQD: t~on ~d uiad,e'bt andb~tore :m~" separatelt:and: a~~~he'; " . ; . . " , - . . . . . IIa.U.' hab.....a.", <l1a...",l...uumdge ,tha-tshemactehei'Selt a party to' iJ~id~ed tor ~he purpose ,ot' r8,- . . . .... - , . "). ,'>-, - .' . nounolng~ rel1nqh:1Sh~" andoonve~.all her :rl~t, ~ltle and'interest; whe~herot c1ower, ,home':' :: .'. . . ~.'.' ,.... " -. -. . , '~~" ; , ., : ' '. . - :;:., ~. ahad or of separate. propertt~ statu.tory or 'equ.itable, :In and ~othe lands d.esori..bed..ther,i~,n.~~' 'i- , I , ! . -, . ,that Sheexeouted, 'tlie: saldo-eed free~ya;ndvoluntarllY,. ;anll \;d. t,hout'4~ OOJ;!\pulston, ,oonstra1n1;. . ' .' . ~ appreh&nal0X1 01' fear ot 01" f~om "her said hU8band." , , " 'Ii> I , I l I r f ! . '\fITl~~S.~ ~an~ and 0#tl01o.1:,~~.eal. atl(Ol~ne:'~ounty,ot }~ook 'I~~Mdan~ Bt~to of Ill1nQis,' ' ~~18.~6th .day- oil~e.. J..~.D;.'~1925.' ". '. ~. .~ , '1 . 1."8. Harpor ' liottU'YPubl'lo. " ...;\ ",. .. , I 'Fll~4 an4.'reoorded ~on this 29thdal' o:t .TUil8,1925 , , at Ilf26,....H. . ,~ _'~' ll..~.-O.~.~_~dt Clerk CiroUit ,Oourt. '. I " '& , , ~ ,ret\\e ' ,1te,cot, , I ,'DJ a~ 7)uJ/3~ ,.. D.C~ , : # ]1 l, Is I: I: Ii #:#:1 :1:: : #:;: I~ #: #:#: 1:I:f :.#:# ,:ift:#: #:1:1 :I:i:#-:I :1:;: #: I: I: #:1 :h;:1 s;:#s 1:1:;:;: , ." I ' , M.t.RlNUS H.O~TlC4UP ET .t.L TO CLEONE L. SWj,IrsON WAIUWI'lY DnD " , ' , ' , ,THIS DEED, lIade the,20th day ot....prll .... D. 19~5,blJLUUlmSHORSTlW!P and LUella lIORS~, . W1:te'cotthe County, of Rook Island, 3tato of Illinois here1na:tter oalled the grantors, to , , SWANSoN'O! t~e Countt ot RoOk Island. Statlot Illlnol8 hereinafteroal18d tfie grant... ,/ -~ "