HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1841 ~o "r' ,',' ,', ,/, !: ,,' 'I, )i, 'I~ 1 ';. " .r o:i, I' f 'j ,!) j. 'I": I I /,/1 I ' ) :: ',' I . ,i . ''1/. . (:; I' ; I ,'" I . I II ,) <, t', I" '1,,1 li;-, "II' ' . , " 'J '! l! ., I ," r.'" , ',.' ." . ~, . f' ~l:. ., J I '. :' I If '_ l:.t '." I,~, .t '. '. , ,," I' t", , I , ,I .I' I, i' J, I " !,' I . . \,~ t ,.-, ' " " i, I , " '! ',' , \r~~:~:~;~,~~tl.~'~'~'l,:;.ril':~',~\~;t#~~~.,'~:'~~~~~~~:i;::~~:t~~~:-:~~:~ \1'( .1 l' ", "1,, \, ~ . I ;" !), "'\\'" ,'\" '" -' ',', 1,. (,,' 'I!" .,\' 11" ' ynlED'\' '~', \ ,.,'\','." '\,' \ I"' "'1.' \' ., '.-, . ~ , '. " , " ,,; 'i.; r !l ;',\' .mIs'~~..\liAd~ the'122n~'~ 'otl JUlie A.\~. 'i926;, biIR~'li. ~Obl~gard:' ar'~""~d'~~8~'~~\XQbl~Ja~"':~',,',:'\I"i' 'bi..,.w1f!. o~ t'h~,'Oount7 ~t'St~ ,Luo~e 'S~'1le()i\Ji:~lb1he~~t,t'~,,0a11e~\'th~'graritO~8'. ~o ~~r~..' '.\' , lfl . ~b105~; .J~.\. ot,~. Qoun~T ot'8~r ~~l~'t.t. : ~'no'd~.l ,h~~,1~t'"'' .o.tlo~ th,~~t~.~. I.:'. . I' i \:.', 1fIT~aE~.,\ ~t \~h' :.&1d, ,,~tors...in ~o!).81.e,r~t1on o~, fell, ~Ol:-l.rs,imd other yeiuable ,oon-,', \ I .\' ':\ :'81d8.ratl~8.'the.re~'eipt\1rher(t'ot, i.~~J~b:r, 'a~kPowie~~4, ,d~, glve'- ,gra,nt~ > b';~il1: .Clel't~ alien,.. ' \ \ ,-..: I " ~em1.8e"rele&8..' e~.o~,'o.o~e,. ~a. oontiXomunto the' 8a1'~ ,gr~he, 'and hi8' he,1r8"'and~"a~igri~ ,lt1\)' ' ' \'. \, ": . , . ~ \ \. ' - . ,".. .' . '. "'-. - .- - - '.... ... ,j,.t~e' s-",~e" ~e, ~dit':si'~at! :In St. ~Oi&ooun,i;state'o,t,n~:tid~.' de,aor,~1)Gd~S'~9i.l~W.:' ' '" . . . , . . ~ -', " ' . \ . "_" ." .'" -'. ',' I ., " 0 . ': " . ..' '.Lo~,'.Sev~nteen (17)'.,~~gh~een(l8l.' 11net..n(lCil. Twent~(?O)\ ' , , , , 'bentYf"O~~- ,'(211,~ TW8nt~~t.~(22) ~"\Nent~-thref (~) .T1Jeht7-t~' ~24l,: .....: - 'Twenty-tive (25);:'TW~nt'-:a1X'(26),,'~d'~~nty--se.'n' ~2~l", ot ',B1QOk" . . :. ... . ,'~ _ . . . . . '. ;; . '. ."", . '.' " . . _ :o.'~ , ... .. : , ' ',' On, (l).,~d ,Lo,t~ Thl"ee "(3) ;,F:mr~' (4). Five (1)).,Sk,'( 6.h: Se,veJ1, (~,). "" , "', '.1gh~(8),,'1l1n~. (9),~ anClTW~lT.e (l~).. Of"~OOk~"(2l.'aii:'be1ng"1p ".-' - ..-..' , . .' :.\,.<.. . '. : ,-,' -,. .." .' . . . :. . 'the,.piatot:K~b7'~ubd1v18ion~'besigth&t"'Part 'ot, the'S~,ot' nt9.t,' " " -, '. ' , ' " ':,,: ' >. .- '," .. ,-- -- ',~ \' '" " ' '. ~. ~r nt~t ,~," ~~. ;~,O~S~0t10~ l.~,., : ~0Wn8h1'p .3:S8.oUth.~~e 40" 'E&'~, lJ"1D8: South:; ot, H1gb,land,J.yenue( Ok,e<tho.bee 8.01.4.) ,aooord~ug to, . . ,- c' . _ ",. _. '. .~: ....,. , ", .', . . . ,I' . . ,'. . . . _ - ~. '. ... _;' > . :: " . '..: '. .. ". : ... .;~ . ',- , p~at 'ot ~a1~,.8Ub41v111ori:t11,ed 'for reoor~ in '~~e 'ot~io,~ :o~>~l1e,Ole:rk, . ,,', '.;: 'o;r, :th~ Oi1.~tOourt ot ',St.' .~o1e oQ~~,no~4&~': ,; ': " " .','" " "(..50 i:.R~stamp;o~~j " " ,'.. ' " ' , " . , " '0';' F.~d:,'::'~~~1::i:.~~:b:::7.:;1r.~41~.nte ond .ppurt.~.... unto' .tb. .' . t . .: , 'J.liD' the: ~~lci',g1'anto1'S ,tor th._lV88&1;lci ,th81r, he1rs ,~d legtu "\repre"ei1t~~l v~s.""o~~~t . ' ,'(J":1 w!th, ,ald g1.ant.e...hl~,helrs. -.legal're.Presentati.v~s~d ,as81~1 ~tla1dgran~O,r$:-'ar-e,~dAt~~;'blY';"." r '::/ '- , , 88Ued'ot", I aU, land 'in tee8irnple;, that la1d ~~t~r8haTe, M.l PO\'lerr~d'l~wtUi right>'to' oO~Ye1....' .~:d lands', 1n'tee 'stm'Ple. as, 'atofe8~c1;' t~a~ :1t.,I~~l'- b:~ -lawful, :r'or ,'8a14granhe',.' h1S"h~1r8j,'le~'.' repre8ent~ t1.v~8' and' fA88igns, ~t', all:t1me~ >>~~eabi.;y 'and ,q ~~tly 'to enter ~on. ~:014, ,~o~upi&nd. " , ' " ,. i :1 i i , ...1 '. ~ ...~ . ," .'~ r ~." . J' ~' . j ':l , , ~. . , '...~oJ": 'ai~landt that '8a1d1.anct 1s :rre~'~ trom ~l ln~branoes;' :t?at sald '~rantors" thel'r,'.l~~11"B : -:. . . _ -. 'lI ' . . '.. ~ 0'-: ~ . . ".; 'lo" .' . and legal ,representat1veIJ,' w1l1<lID&ke8uoh~ther aS8liran~'fSS ~ope,r~eo~ tlle,teel1mple,t.1tleto '" ' '.a14. :land ,in latd ~l'antee'.h1s heirs.' le6aJ.' 'rep1'e8ent'atl,ve~ and a:8S1~ ~' 48:maY :'::~~~blYb. 1"8-' .,: .. ..,', .~~ ",# f!!t" '''~ -:. ,.". .~,' .". '. .....,.-~. ',' "'::" ,.-. '". .~ > qUi red; and.t~t' sail. grantors ~ do lier~b1 tui.iY1ra;rrarittliG't1 tl~ to, 8ald, landed 'wil,l c1,t~nd,:the .'~ .' .' -, .'~ , . .' - .' :';:'"_'~' -_~". "~'-.--/-.- . 0 '. :' . ."_ . . -.,: ' -. ", " , ,.allie ~1r18,t', the la~ ole.;1ms of, all pel's oria' wllolllsoever-. , WITNEss the ~ds and,sea180t)ui1:d grant9rat, the dl\YilD4:;ye&l"t1rst above 1ir1tte~. " ,S1gned, sealed' and' de11 ver~d ','.; 'lnthe'-p1"e-senOe QtJ , " W,O.Baegett; , W.' 'B~ ~tr&1" R~ I,. Xobleg,.rd (aeal), ~. . Ro.e K)Col>>legax:d "(Seal) : SfA.TE01F'LORIDJ. COUNTY OF -aT. LUOIE ... I ", ti , .~ , l I ! 'j ; ~ '"f 1 J - f ~. I HEREBY' CE,RTl7"i, fh'"U' on this da;y per~onali7 appeared be~oreme" 'an ottloer' ~7 authorized ".. , , to tt,dm.ln18t,Jr oaths.,9:Jl,d ,t!'ke aoknoVlledgments, 'a.H. XOb18gard,Sr., an.d Rose'K. XObleg~d, hls .~. , . . .: ". . . ".' " . ' wite,to me ..ell'~own and known to me to be,thelnd1Vld~ls desoribed 1n'and \vho exeoute~~the' ;ore~in8 deed, . and th~;Y a'oknowle~ed before 'me that th~; exeouted the 8a.me~ 'freel~d, vOl~t;~l;Y " " f' ' 'tor the purposes therein expresse4. i . I J.WD lFUR~ CERTIFY', That the8aid Rose K. Xooiega,rd lcno~ ,to,'me'to be,the Wite ot the aala. R. N. Xo,b~egard, Sr.~ Oll a41eparate ,~~ p~lv:at' 'e~lnat10n.~aken and m~de b7 ~d 'lie'tore. me. sepaf&telJ" ,~~ I ~ " 'i , and "pup. troza her said husband, did, aoloioWled8e that Sf~ma-d.e har..lt i. part;y to lalddee~ tor the I , Ji~' , , i ~,'~~ . ~_.-:.-.j .'J . .-~ . .':-;''':''~>~ " _"-7