HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1844 J; ,:1" t, ' I ,; '/ I ~ -J~-~' i.~'-'~----r--::", ' f II" '11,1. \ J '", ) ,:j':.~'3'3" ~ !, ' 1 II .' j "" ",'I' I , 1/' " ,,1,1 j , r, ' ", ',,: /,','" ,,' 1,1 I, ' , " :; " 1 .', . .'! . I " ' · . '~~ . . " . -. . _ :. ~ ' . : . _ "; I '~:+~ '~IT: '. ;\,'J. ;I':~~;: I " .' . I~~:.c;:r~.;:;~,':\ ~'::;r::'~':~1 r:~,::::~+;'~..~;;;.~.~~:,;~:;,h'~f+:;71~1j;~:-;;~~;~!;'i): ~' . Iii, ,\, Wx~S ,,\h~~'lan~ ~tt1.ot-r~l, ~e\al:;~hl~: l?th',~:ot ,jU1l~'~ J.\~ Dt 'l\9~~<'~I~r~e~'~~:8all1., , ',i" r. \ Oo~t,y.a#,~t ~ '~' " i \ ,"I .' ,," 1 ,.\ ,I:, t\ \ '\, \'.; " :\' ,~ "I., \, ' Ii, !'.' ,\ \, ',:, ,I \ , '\ JJP..ry.'I. )(~llB. "', \ ' , , \:(S all '. x.P.s.At... :' \'\ \: ~\ ", ,\. I ,\ }lotar1'~b11~, " . ',' ",' \.. ,\ ' r, " ,"'" I ' . \ , ~ OOJll.ll1881Qn expires JlarOh 7. 1929.' 'I \ f I , \' '\, \:- , .. \ " '\1;' , ,',' :JI. 'il\1e~'. aM ":r:~o' '1....d'e.d'.~ ,. I I .. X 'e, .l!' i. \ ," ,'. I.', ''',. I' , I E ""f....<4... 0... V" th18Z9,th"W ot Ju.ne~l~~~at 2:02, :f.flt,'t' ',' .,' ,\ ','\ \ \ " , \.. '\', , ,. \, \" ' ' \ \ ' , , ' ' \ ' " , '\' I' \: \\ "\'.\" p~ O>n~ed, \Cl:e~~ C1r~l~ ,a~r~.. ~ ' , '\' \, ~ ',':' , , , ",~" . \ '- \ \ ~ " .' , " .' . '.'6,' , .: '\" .', ',',' ",'"".\, ::~'" \ ," "'f(\,'.1e:c\\e, ~.\tl~"",',;..":,'7hiMf.,,,, :.,",' ,~, :~'.,".D,,~~. ,tleC~, :", ',,'," '.' #i#,,:'i.#'t#:#:#i :'" 'j '~-p;' B~ ET "J.L " I ' 1"' , ' J'" '\ , DEED 4~-~.~, : . ' D ' E' ~ . ,;I> . , ' . j', ", " '.,. '.' '" " , , 'j' ': THIS IN])~ ma~e thi,S. 16th day <>t 'JUNE, A. D., 1.926; ,b1.' U4 'between ~F.' BOYER and,' , ',' ,r " " , ' < " ,'" ' ',' " , , ',' ' , ',"" ,',', ' , .>~ " ~',.' !,.lDDIB 1(~,,:B0YER'-'hUsb&rl:4 ari~ Wlt~.,ot'SlO~..~:o~~Q~ty', '.IOw~~ ,partiesoi' the, first '~t; , l .1 ,andClU.1ti.ES li; tAYDollot Wal.t()~, .P1'-ort~; of th~ seoond p~t.." :; ;,1. , ' ',. ' ,'. '" ','," ,., ,,'" .,,'.," '" Y"" " , ,:,', ...'i:', ,:1fI~sEm:~ i'ut .th~ .ai.cipartlel...~i~h"t~r8t'';p~rt' tor ~" lnOOD.8i.d~rat,lo~:ot- the ,~.' , ) 'I" ~~.m'~OUs~l>O~~e.~t~~one7 ,ot .the t1nlje~ StatesC?1: . Amerioa. 'to'th~m 1n'~nd"pald'b7' " . ,- , ,1 ,the 8ald party ot the'seQond part. ato~before: the'~naeaung, '~ddeil,!:e17 Q;t" thy.preS~l1t8, 'th, :' ". r reo, '1,Pt.1die,reot: lshe.'~ebyaOkn,O".le4gea" 'ha~egr~t.d~' b';g~lnid., BOl~" r, el',aee~, " '~~o,n.~ye~:ano. '~ ' f',., ft.. .... ,j c .~i....4. an4 ~:r ~hO ..~re~.,;t. ~.h;". b;r ~,;" t ~~..."a1!l,"11. r.l....:. ..n':~. an4.~"r ,... : . i::~,' '\ Un~o the8a1c1'party, ot the seoond part' and 'his helr8a~ aa~, '~ntee "B1IIlple, , 81.,1: t~~ ,pieoe,' ;t ' , .-\ p~~ei or':'traOt.' ot -1~~ ~1t~ated'1n,St'.. kO.1e Oo~ty:, J10~~~~ knO~,~~:~~orlb'd a8'~~llj)~,:.,,: ' '.. I. ' .' ',. _ . '~. .... . .'. .. <0. . ".'. .'..... ~ "'". ',' '.,. . . ~ . . . _:. ,'. ','- .,' . ~.' ! . Beglnnltig at ,~' polJ,lt on the 'west Bh.oreot I,nMan Rlv,r't~V'8>(~) , '. ! ona1na andE1ghteezt (1a) 11Ilks:north,oft,he south line of Lot ,'-; I' '..., ' '.., ' , ",', ,.,"" , ", , .'," . , " . . . ", .' . ~o'(2r !nSeotion' Thlrty-two (32) iow~~hlP 'Thlrty-s1X.(36) S'outh, , .' . ~. .. .' ", ,'. . -, f .' \' ',,' Range ~~rty"0~e.'(4lJ' Easti thenoe '~wes1; parall,el W,l1ih ,tlie' sou:th ' , I - line, otaa1d.,Lot 'Two, (2) a ,d1~t~oe of 'rhl:rt7-ttve(36), oha1nB to' .. ~ ." . .' , ':' . ': . . . ,.' 1 '. '. '. - "I: " th~ we'at i~ ~:t8~,d,LotTwO (2) ;'tllonoe run n~rth,One" (1) ,ohain: ',ancl:lflnetY-fJ1x(96) 1:'lnka; thenoe 'ruJ:l ea~~ ~ral1ei, wlth, th~ so.u.t119 1 ~ . - . - . ,:' ~ '-,li~e,Of ~~t ~o(2) .to: the ,~nd1~ aJ,ver, a" ~lstanoe' 91' ~irty..tour : (34) olia1nS ;tllenoerun B~ thw8aterl-y alOJ:lg the r1. ver shore." to :the. , : . '. .'~' .__~~ . - _u> ._', ... '. . . ," '. i ' , . p1.aoeotb!tllnn:tng.. ocmta1ri1nS6.7Z .ore.. more' or:1.s8, 'with 'all , 1 ' " " ' : , ' , ' -c-+--~'---'-:-----'_':"- and IU~arthe rlp&rlanrlghts to the e.bovedesoribe4: ,pr.opertn i" ", be'lngthe: s~'prem18e8 oonveyed'by' GeorgeR~ 'Ju11.er and' H~l1~ea~ ! "l , ! ,)(,~~i,r ,hUSband andw1,:teto e~d ,~'''.,Boyer ,by, 4:eed. dated. D,oe,mber, i i '2,,191~ and reoc:w.-de,d D.O~ber:la, 1912', on paa. 264 .ot~e~d 'Book 16 t.',' 'ofthereoor4s otSt. Luole Oou.nt1,:norl~. ' . f . . . " / ," ",',' ' ',',., j TO HJ.V!: .urn, TO HOLD the 8am., together w:l. th all ea8~nts" imprQvemen1;s, hereditaments . t . ~ I ';" . . 1 atld !JLppurhna1iou thereuntobelongln8, unto thee8l.d party ot the' seo~nd part and hlshelra ',:f: ' l.t." .,:', , lj ,,~",::, 'I, "l" t '... . ~ ", ' :.-,..: ., , \, f '. " . {, B,.",.~.., . ....,.. . ~.... ..;, \' .\ ... \ ~ {. \, i. \; , '. . ~ i, ,1 I , I, a... . I, ..~. , , : ,'. -,' .. '\ /, , ~ and a"i8n8" in 1'e. 81mple ,forever. ' I ~~~ / t i ' And the 8ald par1tea of tho tint part roJ,t ~bAM.1Y,., theulegalrepre.sentatlV88 and j' 'I, ! ass1gns, do hereby OoveJUUlt wi. ththe '8aid party ot'the Seoond part, ,his heirs', legal tep:r.s"en~ i .II'" ta~lvea and&lslgns, that' the1 are 1nd.teaetbly , selze~Of .,.10. land. ~ fee 'SimPle;: thatt~~y ! ln~i.v~ lull power and l'a~ r1eh~ ~, oonve:r!~t1lland~infee '111lil~~a8 aforesaid;, that '1t 8~l,~l lbe la\dul tor .,,1d party ot the seoond part, hia )lell's, leg&lrepresentat1ves ,and as8ignS at i, f\ ...