HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1847 I ' I I .-)" ,'J /' T. " ,. .36. I,",!' 11 ,1 J /'1 i,Id I,': .', I ,,' Ii' " ,'/1, ".1' J I .i :,1,' ~ ,',' , " " :," 'I I' , I j . ':' I, ',Ii I ' 'I ,r"'" i ' J 1 I" I ' I" ,I " .' , ' I' I _, I ' . I ,1\ 'I,' .,' I I "" "I, ", r ' " ~, ',', -I , . I'. I. ' " I ' l .. r' f'" .' ..,1_, ,'-, ---- "~-'" ~~ '- ~,' '. ~ '..._..,,1 + :., - --- -- --:... -- f.- _0 1- ~-', -. -- -~, ,<.' +, "~:~ ,~~-;~ ..'-,...:......:.--- ., --r-:..._-~_, '..:'- ~ "":';:-. . :..,_~;.._,.:::~-:,:-:t,_ : ::.:::;.t -- _: +~ ...:~.,...."....,. -':" ........... "T'"----'!":.-~C<".... 4"?......::..t.. ---,..,..~.:-~,c:IPl.--~--........~~".....-,...........~-r-~~~~-.,.,~~...~-.....~~....,..-l-.r.~."'II<~-.~.,-~""...~1'--1"<'!!'1Ir-6;~1It"'o-_ _'_. J"_ro='7' JII"":" 't"<~,. I \ _ rt r ' ' " \' "i' ' . I .. I I, [ I j J'iled '~'11 ~'OIO'~d\ O~ l~hi!8' ?~~h 'M~ 'ot 11.1un~.'i~25" ;11 .~~i2 P~u~ _c~--:- , ' , \' 'I" ,'. 'I .-I ' "\ "1 ' '.,' ;.I>'j,~ *~ 'T . " t " I · ,I" I I' I l" I "':: ~'" I.' . 1 " \. , ,,' \ \ ! \',' . .' , I' I, I \, 1.'1' , ' ! \ " 'i' \, IJ~i \ ' ,I . \ \ I,' ': "P. ~b. ~dredl, Ole~kCl~l!t 001l,rt~', \\ 'i'" 1 ',.' I' \ :1: , f." \, : \ \' , ',','" \,' " '. ' '\; ~ ': \ :, \ I '1' 'L v,' " \ \id\,'~i\@t\ ;, ~", 1:/ ~'~~~. '.~.?\" . ~ . , , ',," \ ,i, cOT" \"", \ ..- ' . t - ~ . \ \ , \ I " " \, ' : ,\ \ ,'" " \' , "I', , : \' '" :.-'- \' , , ' ' . \,' , , , ' III 1:# ':#:11#,1# ;1;#.# :1';#:#I#t-# II 11:#:# II 1~:#I#;#I;:# :#l~~' :1:1: #:'# If:#:'' :1:#: I\,#:~ :1:#:#:#: #:#,:1: '\ " " , ",:' "', \ ': ,',' \" " I, ,i" ' , "',, : " II',' W 'E~ COTroN ET AI, , '0 \ ' " SELMA. Bj,'RR:{ , . , 'I,' " '- ~ I '\ I' \ "'; \ \. .' lirA DDA'U~ DEED .'1 ' ,\ .., 1IAo,I;~:""'" . .. i \ ,_ " ,',' , , ". " \ ' ' . \ '\" \,' ,THIS DlED,:K,&.c1e'the.16th dei: of June, j.;~ ,D. '1920, by',W. :B. Ootton and '~~s.le,V.'Ootto..n,; . ~ . .' . -' . '\, . . \ j , 'hi. wlft,' 'ot the Oountl of St." Io.1018 3tate, ot J'lorlda, 4ertliiaiter, Called the,_grantor, "to \' _ \ \ ,." '.. , , ~elm_a' B~k~r '~f ,thO' (~unti o~ 's~ ~ Luo~~' ~t~~.~_ ~t~ ~~r~da:~~~~rel~~O~r,,'cl8J.~~d :t~~ Bf'an~'ee., ' '" I" ' W1TJiESSETR. :rh~the .ald'grantor. 1~ 'oonsl!1era.tlon,.ot 'Ten: dQl,J.ars . ana 'otl;ler\ valuable' ---"~~D:~l~e;'tlOD .DO~l~s,:~he,' ~'O~IP,~\ ~her:eo.f 18 h~ebl ~a~~ow1.edged!_~ give, ,~~,'" ~i1r~a~*" ',' ". ,-,... -.' ~", " . .' -' :" . - - -,-: . ... .-~''''' '.--", "-, : . . " '- . .' " .. .' '". . . - -,' -', ,'" . . ".: ' , "s'el,l, 'ai.le'~;' re~~:s.e~ ~e~e~~e,' ehte~tt~' oon~.eian~ ,OQ n:rl1'11J @to.t~e~a1d g;r~tee;:ana: h~~)lelrs '. "tp1d assignS tnl't~e ~imPl~, ~the'.,l8nds' !lituat.J,'1n St,: ~U01e Oounty., ~ta:te of J'lorlb, ' , ~ . , . - '" . '. ... - ... ~ . -. '.- . '. .: '. '.. '~ ufollQws: . , .. " ' ; , . 1.-1 I I.' t' ,\ " , , .',\, ,\ ...1.... i r ., LO~8" 23 ~~ 24'Of~10~~ ~ < ~fthElI!~at ~nd ~dd1t~bn, (is' , " i,: , P" Plat. :hao~rd..d lii~hel.tloe '01' the Clerk ot t~e qiX'~I~, ' '~':-~~',-~--~,~~~-~-~--:_,'-~u'-O'~~'t~;'St,'.: ~~1~ "c'~ti" '~;~;1~~~'1;, pi~ ~-~~~k-'2; -'p~~~,~~-~"" '~e1ng, a 8Ubdlv~~~on o~ th~.ifo't ~"ot'S1fi:01'~eotlon 9, TOWr1Gh1113~, ' S~t~~ 'Raiig~ 40 'Eaa t; St, Lu.o,1(Cqun ty ,,'Fl.. O<.3~OO,I.R~S*amp8)" ' , ' . ~. .. t -c:' " ., " . ~ ' .,: ~ ~ , TO ',HAVE ~ ?:O'H~LDthe, aame~oge~}1erw lt~' the her~d1 taments, and appurtlnano~a', unto the' 8aid 'gr8~te'e, and hel"heu.a, .u,.(l. assigns :1ri tee>~ 1mpl.e. :,' ' , .,' '. ..,..' . . ..'... . . .. , , ,"A.N1) the, sa,lctgrantors. ~Ol" tl1emanct:. t~el;,rh~lr8 "and l:~a~ repres,e~tatlves, .' opvenant with 'sai~grantoe~her he1rs. le~8J. re~resentat1v'es and'aSaig'n8:'T.ha~ 8a1d.gfiWt0l'8 al'e1nde,f"eas1 b~7' 8~be~ ot.a1,dland'1~ :l'e~ s1ntp;Le i,th~t ,~~l'd.~,rantors have 'full power and la~fv,l 'rl~tto OOriv81 ' . '~ . . . 0 aa id'landS,iDj ,tee. ~ 1mp;Le, as o.1"or&s&,l dJ that ~1;'sbal,l be l~wtul tortiald gran tee ,hor 'he lrs , le8&irepr:esentat~ve8 and asa1~,at :8J.lt1me's 'peaoeabll:an~q\11etlltoeht~r upo~; hold. 000up1 ,: ,'..',', anc1.enJoy .ai.,dland;"th~t 8~~'iand iair~e tr,oma~,l 'lnoU14b~an~esithat, sa~d gran.tors,'th81r, heirs, and iegal;ep~e~eRt..\i.e8-: ~1111 UWce S~Ohfu.rt}lt\rfl.ss'u:ranoe', toper1'eot the, tee lJ1mpl,-, '. '. . . . - " ~. , ~ . + . - .' . . . .' . ~. .... . title to "8J.,d land in s'ald grante,o:, ,her hell'S ',loga~ 'represeD:~at.1 yes 'an~~SsignS, ,a,~ may~ee.8~n;- ably :~e~equll"eafalid that said ~rant9rs ,do hereby 1"ullywarre.nt the', t1tlet'o, sa1d:landand, . , w11:1' defend the sa.nie~.1.nst~helawf'ulola11ll8 ot. all pe~sons'wholl1soever. ~()eptlng'tax:~a ~a1d," " " ;'J' . " , . ", I ; " , , , , <,onandafer J'a11. 1925. '.' . t WI,TlfESS the ilaJ\da and' 8e~ls of said grantors,the. 'd8.y and Year first abOVe wrltten. . ,\, '. Biped, s~ealedai1d delivered' 1n ~hQ, ,pre,s,e,nco, ot: . .. ---r .I.. ~. IIon'd,ry, 1.1'. Fret. Fee ,', ' W. E. Ootton (SE.\L) lessle V. Cotton(SEAL) ! ,,\. 'l' STolTE OF FLORtDA ' I ~ . "r .. COUliTY OF ST.. LUCIE, j. ,<),,!...... - . . , . I f I HEREBYCKRTIVY.That on'th1s'day personally appeared before 'me, an oftioerduly au- f ," , , f ,thor1zed 'to ~dmlfliBt'er oaths and tw......Oknowl.el1t."ll1en~. w~ -..K. Cotton to me well )mo\fn am known 1 , ~ ./ho executed the~torego1~ deed, and. that he tome to be 1;he ind1vidual de80rlbed in and I ' . . J . ' , , aoknowled8edbe1'ore me that he exeouted, tAl lame 1'reely and'voluntarily for th~purpoae8 thore~' " in expr'.sed. II ,. ~ .