HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1851 . > I, f, :'. -I i' ,:- J" , . I r -'. I ,_ j . J I .~, .' I 1",,4'0" ',' \ ,I, ,'; 'i 'I., I' "" ,: ,I I - ,I I.", ) , , .".- , I ',,: -1 "I ' I ) ,', ,,' , " ~~r:~;~~:;k~;~;~~::~;:;~~~T~;;::-':";;~;~'~:J;;;~;~f~;;:;~~;~&~~~;;;C,~~J::~~~:~4"~:,:;: , ; 1 3~, The ,oonat~ti~ :01' ere'oU1on 01' a, bu~id~ 1,3 l~tn1ted( to ,o~ere91deJld,Qb,uil~ an~ T', II:'; , , , .. I 'orta priv'ate' 'g~age )~ e~~h l,Qt,. ,lO~xl5P ~e~t~ :h:~D~"1~ o~ ,S~18~ B'OU1.e~lUfd.' ':,1 \, ,,' ~ "'" . ': ' ",: '\., \ ,"..; That ,'~Ol ~a~~~~ '1.miqO,l'''i. Use,~h,liii\ b~ ,ma4:e 'ot.}h~' piemi~~" he~~~. Ibe ~\o~VeY~d, nor ,J ':'" ,-' ',~ :1 ',~~~u' the 8~+~;~" p&J'~ th~);'~~'t, nbt ~ l~~~~OS~. :the~~\in ~e I .oH."l~~~4.01'.. othet:"lSlt, (Johve~e~,\'\ ' ".'~ \ , ~ " to8.Jit' person' otl)er than o~ the 9auo,a81an raqe, providecl"tha.t \nothli1g herein' cont~1nc(\ '8ha~1.' \ . 'I' ' ; ,',', ',',.' "',', \ ,\ \~\ ",' ,'...:;;~F'.<":,, ,:, :", ,;' \ .. prevent'the k6e>>iM anel'ma1l1U.1a1nslot' serv-.nts 0:Q the 8Ud property~ 'for. reasonable '(am111 u.se\;( "" . '.' \ '- . .' - , . ..... , . . "\ ~ - " '., . \ . \. . \ \,,' \' . . c- ,\. ,.... .,,' \, ;., '-J'~'--:,if.-'-- NO'~'b~lidl~ OQ~OnlY 'known as an ~part~ent house tor oooupat1~ ot m~1-"e :th~ one ' \', '.' .- . ,': . \ . '. '. \ .," ....,,; \.' .~".',.'.' ~.\ '.'. ' \ . ". " ...': ':\ . - . .' . ~ I ,,_ t~1~1, n~~ 'a8ylUli; >nor,h08p,ltal ,hall ;~e O~,o,te4. or U8~cltor 8~b~ ,~'PQaeso~ a~, ],ot, or',l\ob, . -', . ,', -_. " " , . '" ''\ \ " ." .' , , in' Karavj,ll"~~ ~~qept' that"4.eslgnateel1:0r" bU.ai'lles8. p.ro':Pert't'by part1~f the "ti;r'~t 'vart.\" -..-. . , " . \".. \, . ._--- -'., . . ~., .'.,. \- , . \,' \ - , . " 6.,', ~t, 1t, .~~Beoon4:~~t,y;~slieir.s~'",Pe,rso~1.'~~BentatlYea,n,ol"'-a.ss19ns" or my '.' . .: . . . ,.... . . -. ,.' '..' . ~ . '. \"' . ' . . 'holder, bi' h,oU.ers: ot,the~ro>>erty ~e1"~by oon~~ie~, by ",tr~ue 'otn~-:-~U4J.:Ol~1~.OOe8,cUn8IiJ,Shall : \ . . . ~.'. " ". '.,' , ... ~ -. '. "- \ ,tail to' OO!:lply.'vt1th any 'of.. the above . and, toregaUlg rest~o~1o~.., 'oonc11t19l111: or, :Uml tatlon8""l(1th~n' ~ ' . '. .. . \. ;, . 8ixty'dqS after' wrlt,tt'n' notioe-t'o thQ,8a1~ eeootiA party, ~'18h~irs't' persona.l:~epre'Sen1;atlvee' ' ' '{ , " .,' . ,.' _________._'-9'.___..~.,., or~a8,1!1gn8J~',or n~ ~~~ ~th~., '~a_t FOrt 'P1er~'e. ~a. or th~lr ,last ~owii' addres,,' by the sald',p~tt:' of' tlle' 'tl:~J.PIl,~t,' 1ts '"a,~oo~'~~,~~s:;,'pers~~'~epr.B'~nta,~~~~, orass,1gt1!3;' ;'r'e1the~,~t t~ein,:th~n i, ,the Baid .ab ove':eles,07,",.~'ed' ~el o~~n~;eteel':prQPe~t'1' "Sh~i~' '1mciedla1;eJ1're~ert, ~,' ~h6 ,'s&,.d f1r8i-p'ar1;t,~,: : .' . .' . .... '. . -. ~'o(" . . .., '. ~ l~s' suooes~or8 or ,asS1~~s; wli'o. ij'hp.11.. ~e ek1t1_t~ell to' ~'ed1ately ~n,ter upon .~al(l pr~perty wlthou~ ':., ';', .'" " " - '. .,.., " .:'., . :.,.-,...0:, . . .' ' ", '. .' " ~ ~ ", not1()e., 'and, take 'poss;esalon Of ~t;hQ same\Yith 1)1li' title,' 'lrii'e,e 8:11liple,~,togethe'7," ,W1 tho a~l' 1m..' ~ " : '. '.. .,-. "~',..., ....,.-.~",....,'.....,.... .~. ':.,"... .,'~, ":'. :," ,: " _.":"::,'~ ;." .';1, proyements ther.eo~.. and no 'wa1v~it,'ot a'~ 01: these QOnd1tlons} :l.1mltat10ns. orreetZOJ.oiio'ful,ex-'," , . . '. " ',." . .' -~.' '-":,' . . ..... , ," prus or1mplleel;' or}~~ll~.etora~ ieng'tli of ~1tle..to" erif'Ol"n~ ~hARAJitA'. AhAi1 MnRt.1i:.'1t.A A ~Ar, ',' to su.ohentoroe~~nt at'any t1J!le., , " .'. _ - L' : _ ;, .,' 7----'. ... '7. Thaftheparty .~,:the,1'lrat part" 'its 8uooes.sors-'0~ ass1g1\8, shall have :the' ~igh~\ trom' "."l ---------=.-~--._-'_._.-.--..:...--.--.-- -,--.--.:.-..------'.-- -'J-~~ ~ .~--- ----~-~ ~n-" - ~~-~----.-- ~~- ...-------------;-----;---- , ~ ~1me to,:t1ml, ,to releas.e, aqot,the_~boTe or' for~g0113B re,str1~t10~" oo,nd1t~ons, o~ li~l:ta.tlon'" , .. " ' ,>~ ,} by .sealeel1n8trument 4uly: exeou,teel1:n ~o~O~d.e.n,oe ,wl th the ~W8 ot tl1e state ot Flol"lda: tor ;the .. , ' , , ,\' ,\ \ ' '.,. ' ..- ". ".,,], '." ',' . '" .. J,' : . ! J " , , , , ' , " , . . . .. . ~.: 'oonveyanoe ,ot' real "estate" , " ' " ' ',,' .,," ,'" " , ,"'" :iND'Tai\JJ.ID'>~~TY:'~F T~" FI~T1>AR!.JOr~~tse~t, ,l,t1~~ooess:or~~and. a~sl:~s~,~~es:'her'ebY'o.', .:. ,.oovenantand 'a~ee wl.th the 8aid' party,'Ot;the seoond' ~t, his he1,rs",andas8ignsj in the follow..: ,.: ", , , In& manneJ:': 1. 'That the ,b!J.ean~ toregoiUg ,~,8trlo,t~ons. l1m~,t'at10na and ,0 ondl,t1ons 8liall ,be ~- . .' . ..-' olueleel in all deeds and agreements tor dee'd in the 8a1el llarav111a, eXoept 'in that' portion set apart' ~bU81neSB purpo~es., " .,' ".-, > " '. ' , . ' " ',' , ' . IN WITllESS WHEREOF, ,the sa id party ot, ,the"t1rst, part '.haa, oauaed,theaepresent!J to be ,.., .. ""'... , , s 19ne el in ,1 ts ~eb1 ,its ~es 14.en t. d'~~-c1'trO~rI,orat8~i'-e~~,to bee.f't,1xe d;, 'a~tiiTe~cfliY~1~8~' "~ ,-:~~~~:~~_~'O~"'O'~n, ~: 'i . ! . , , anc1Y',arabove nltt'ia~ .' KBYSTOllE aEALTY C01.IPAllY -~~' -;'--=-- '.------::-nBy-'-,c--~a~l.Gli--Enas "-. " ';' , President. "" , . i I 3 , '1 ': I. -;---,-'---~--~ , j j i' '! $igned. seale4.and dellverod lnour~resenoe: Ii. K~ Runy ,B. Halbe' 'i:.. . I I ,I I ) , .. ",' ~'" ~ ("l~QO I.R.St'amp oan.) , ' , . -! , i ! ~ ! 1 ~ , , --"-~-_._----~-'--'--~~~'~-- i4'...... SUT? O~ FID~ID.A. OOmr.rY OF ST. LUCIE ",-- .._-------~ "t....,'.,..'",',',',. 1. . .j . ~ .1; " "~, .' i , f j, t II l, ! PAUL G. EmlSand L. w. Haloe, ! I ,+ ' )' a oorpor,at1on under the ],awa ot t~e St~,'" ot. FlOrida, tome known to be the persODa d080ribe4. In , '... I eel who exeouteel the torego1116 oonve1'anoe to 11, I, Dame, and severally aoknow,ledged the exeout.loni , I I tht'J,'eofto' be the1~ ft.e act anelL1e~el as sU9h, ott~oer8, tor the uses and ,purposes ~~e1"e1n men.. , , ...~~.<J!~,c!,}..~':Ji::~:,the7 atti1ed the:Nto, th, ott101al 8e, ot sa1d oorporation; and the 8alel , I I HEREBY CERTI'ir:l that On , I this 12th day of Ju.ne, respeotlve11 Pre'ideht r J.. D. 19~o. before me personallyappeU6di and ~e~retary of KEYSTONE REALTY C01TJ.NY i ,I 1 t " , I .I ' ... - "" - ~ I , t