HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1856 I I , I" I' 'I " .1. .1" ,,/"i" [;:. II." .. 1'... :IJ,\', '. J:"I','/'; I ," I ' I ,. , '" "--. ',I,' I' r,. t. , '.' ": ,I ' 'I I'" 'I ',,":l ", ,:'fi j . I, ", 1 t ' "" '(." > ,,' ',' ;' . I' " "\ ' !' II I. '.1" \"" '" t I,,', " , ;=:~'~;;J::"~~~.,.i~;{~ j~:.~jo.;;:;:,,;:.;.I;;;-~~I:.:,l:;~~~~"Jr~:f;;'~~~~-;;:~~~l~~::::~.~~-:;;'::::Y';~;l':' " J .'\IIl>kt _IfI .h.~I~r.\~~17ii.[i..~ l,~ tbt1i,8Ild '''~l.J.. ~t t'~71..r.~t:r~.,~~...,I.ai.i'\"~',;.~_ci./ " " .\; i ! ;n~ ~llat' tl>'~haY~ ,li~4"lg1!t ~ntl'Wtiu ,,?-~hOr1ty't 0 ..tttb.; '~.l an<lA.,' .'~4 ~Ji..' ~~~. ; l"..".,.."i, (".'" ".... I", '~,"-,',~lr'~\,~t:,~, h".,e rebY, tUl11..~,n:,\~,,1i.the u ~l. ,to .,~.1,i t"", ~;anb,': ~~i~~:t.,' "4~1l. ',' lam, 'r' ~t~, 8\t, th~ 'J !.,!" ~~~ i :~~a~_-:Ola.lrn~.."o~.-&Ll ;fe~on,.".~'om.o.ylfr..,'-,.,':' ,', ' ,I..',~\v-..-:\'-~;u--..,\ n in ' .' \ \:: ' . , . IN wtTinisr ~f. . the .e14 ...u.i. 'ot the t1~~t 'jlar1i "",... h....unto. ..;. t~lr _48 end , \ , ., .\ \ ,'" .'"" ' ,', \ \ \, , , '\ \ , : f I, 'II. \,' :', I *e&18 t~.. \aat.~ ,year,'e.bQ.ve~1t~en'. " '. . ' " \, ' \ ..', ;' ,\'\Slgnec1.;\ Seale4.a~dI>e).'iT~re4.': "I' . \ , , ,\ \ :', ':, ' , \" . ',' I " \ " ~. 8.' O,l,.....land,,'. \ ,(S.al) , I in our PreSeDOe: ." " . > . ' , . ... ;." , B. J~>>am. " 'i, ' ":no~~noe ~~le Ole"elan4.\(S'all;.. 1 ;:" ,';Jaolt Foater ','. ' ,\ ,"" ."\ '. " . :, ,,'\ \ , 45 .. 'I Ii, ~ \ ' ,~\.~ i " \ , " 1;;1' , t,.... . :1 . r , , '~eparate .mdprlv~te:, ~inatlontaken ,aiut malt,., 'by,a:Ht,'~e:tore. ~e,' and..~'e~e.rat.l.7 and ap~rt, :trol!1 ',' . herSai4.,hutlb~d, d1A .Ok;nOWle~e that"~e m~de,h~rselt a ~a~~: to,the'ji'e,4-d ~~d ~tOon;e,yazi~~ : . ..., . .. . . . . . '.' ", ',' - ," ; .' .' . " . '. . '. , .. . ~" ~_. . . . , . - . . " .;,to';'tb.e ,pUrP98,e',o:t,. renou,nolng,' r811.nQ.p,18hlng~4. oGJWe;r1ri8 all he~' ~1&ht, . t'lU"e and Interest, . ,,- . ':: Whether',~:t, d~weror'~:t 'se~ate~ p~'o~erty, st~tutory' or e~ui 1;able~ in' and 'to. '~h6 lanwr th01>'i.h' , . . . .... . . ': ,', T '. _ . . .. . _ " ',_.. . '. \ .. ~,. .' . '..' . . . . . '., 'desoribed, an~ ,that she exeouUd sa1d deed :freely and ~()l,un~94"lly,and_~h~t B:R oonatraizlt, . . ., .,' . . . .'.:....' . ". 0' . " i: fear. apP~ehenfJI0ii or oomp\Uslo'n' of or. f~omlle~, sa1d 'hu~band~ : . ': 'W~~,~~.~.~~s.gn~t'lU'e'_~c1"~ffiOw.'-8eal-at':,'~r~Pl.rO.'1nthe 'COi1nt1-0f~St.-Lu:cle''"EtJId~,CStat~----"-.- ~."- . - -' -, '".' .':'- - ." .,' ",' "'- '.~" "",. "..- .~_:' ":..""" . '..' ," ".... .-' .. - " -.-" ot~orJd& ~dye\,:,-la~~-:or~;"~d.: ....: ... .. a. J. -.(S.o1) . ' , I' , ~~)' ' , llotar;y PUblic- for th~' State of Flor1da at' Lal'ge., . i 0!1;y OOlll'i18sion .x~J"'. J.~.t'12;1927 " . .... : Piled and reoorded on thIs 15~h~ ot lul1,1925', at' 4;,~9'P~It. .' , , ' ~ " ~, . ~> \' j r I, r L !' ! i .: .' t ' i. ~; . i ! ' t r '.:1; if' ' 1'1:-:., .. . ~ .(::1.'1 .. '. f~t, .,' I .' , , " ',' \.~ :." . ',./ " " ,', ',,', ' " ",'.',,' ',' . .' ,'.. .'"".',, 1:'#:#:#:#:#:; :111:#: 1:= I: I: I: i: I: I: #~;:J: hi :.#: -;: I:l:#- ~/; I: #:~ :i:#: '#:# :10:#':-#':'"1 :1:#: #:;: #: #,:/:: I: 1:1 ' ',-A~ H. WAlUiElf ::.",rAL 'TO L. J(~' UUiUU.y , , .,y=, , , r?r>('()'r'~"! ' :. ',., " " " " ',(' ~ '.'" rf " ' t; ~.,O. )ldre.4., 'Olerk.Cs,rou1t' OQu.rt~ ," > /) ,', ,,' 7JruJi."/!;~ ~,~' " .B7~' .. ". ,',,' ",". D.O. EN , , . '",,' , '1'HIS II,:1>lfZ'l'tTRE, )(ad-e thle 3r4.~' ot, ~Y J.~ D. ,1920, BETWEEllJ.. H. Wax:ner and Anna O. . . " '. ' , , \1arner, "hls wlt(l. of the Oounty of St"Luo1~ :an4. Stat$of norldapartles of.t.he~lrst Part,' , \tJJUWlTt DEED and. L~ Jl"~,oOf theOounty of Pal.m ~eaoh and sta.te of, .Flori4&. P8Z'ty of the 8~oond.part, WIT- . '. . ~SSETH, 'tha.t t~e 8ald parties ot. thet,irst pa.rt~ fo1' ~d ~ oO,nalderatlon .t the eui ot se~ent7' -' - ~- ," , ~ , ", , . ,',. - - - " ',- 'Thousand Dollars, to them In hand'1'81d, thereo.ipt whereof' is hereby aoknO\1ieOge'd,haye granted ~ .. .. " . . ~ -. - ' ' .. " " " " . . . '..' ~ ~ : ' '-.1 .. " barfalne'c" sold !,nd t):'aneterre4., , and by these presents do grant, baraaln, sell arid transter unto . " ,r,~ ,__.,", '", . the Baid P&r,ty Of the 8eoond paz.t and' hiB heirs and, aes1 glis torever -.11. that 'oortaln' paroel of -, , lan4, lying and bUI1ti~1n the OO\Ulty ot St. LUOie, lI1.d State of FlOrida, more partioularly desorib;' " ,.' e4. as follows= .' r" I, ,r, I, I ,jJ,l '?t'S,.ot~Fou.rteen' (14), ,To~8hlp ThlrtY-8ev.-n (37), ~e' , , , , " . I ~orty (40) East, exoept tiy. (5) aores lnthe South~e8t oorner ot .ald ~and, 8ald exoepted land belng de80r'lbed &8 the .e-at halt ~~~~-.--'---~-~'-., J , I , ~~