HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTlil unao aion j 'i A8 ®9NNbr39 PERMIr IgT ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Dh7sion BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGItl:ENTENT Peay's Electrical have agreed to be (Cou;parly Natnetindicidual Nam) the Electrical Sub-coniraclor far D R Horton Inc (Type or Trade) (Pnrary Contractor) For the project located at 8637 Cobblestone DR (Project Straet Address of Prolicm• I ae ID k) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building; and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucia County will be advised pursuant to Ilic filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Z"4�� __ CQ1 IUC-To sl 's 1TU en - DN Brian W. Davidson PRI.XT.NA61F CRC 1327068 COUNTY CERTtTI CATION NUMSE R Stale of Florida. Count) at Brevard Thefee clainelnarunttnlnaeslraedbrfarra.cltds 2244lof June 2u 18b1. ahn it perwaalls 4naun0� or bae praduced a Sr tdenitriealroa l,�r��'°JC_ sl A.siP Signmurl of Narari PuMie PrlatNaareaPNutar) Public NOW Pubbe Sate of flat du i3t a Sa te ' L taum GG 0Zp2SI y p Y r 0011iy=020 es t b± 06 SUSXONTFLiCTOR SIGN 1TURE (Quallfict) Christina Slate i'R1tiT N,1Alk ER13014555 3aoi.3 E&Yf CERTI ICATION WONFR state of Flnrlila,Cauall of Brevard 1 he foregoin=Initruratnt uas signed berate use this 2 ,_ daf of June m 1% �huiepsrranstlt4nnt44rluepradVerd] r ar id noa. STAMP 31�as f Nmaq 1'ubtic Print Name of Notary Public �qvA NolnryPubbt SJWAolfbnda r S1dandCorssra al'sLeon ae Y bn GG 020251 �iy�ridF Eapim 0811012020 40 PERMITII �COUi�lT'Y � o ISSUE OA1E PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING FERMT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEPIENT Benjamin Draw Plumbing have agreed to be (Company Name Individual Name) the Plumbing Sub -contractor for D R NORTON INC (Type orTrade) (Pnlrlary 17001 selor) For the project localed at 8637 Cobblestone DR (Project Street Address or Propeny Tnv 'ID ) It Is understood that, if there is any change or5tatus regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, Ilse Building and Code Regulation Division orSi. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the fling or change orsub-contractor notice. COMItAcTOksicif tTUk! 10 allner) Brian W. Davidson PRINT KUH: CR_C1327066 C0Vfrrl fWMCAT - R Yurrdf§ktk,.C«wl.f Brevatd 11%# firettelnthatelhent N.t dined Mfart me Itdt 22 t+l •r June •m184 NbhpterYallarNa��rlWpsrater+.,__ ,.w__,_._a >, R - r r �C ssuur rd4l lum Orman r+Mh Ra1md 1110016 Notary pubk51310ofno,tia i Sardm Lcom y c P My Cant! ron GG 020251 r�oiri`t Erphe-'=1101.024 4IU11-c 'TRACi0R51Cft1TURElt?ak0u1 Benjamin Jimenez CFC1429456 EdL— TYeliTffiC,1 Oft�i—M—Ai0ER irsleasHerWr,Cewtt of The twat-129TeYnaatou+Ipedhrr"tInc fill 224a1 •f June 1, Y11.t1/erueAa)IauNN�, ®rho p.lwrr.e____-__ . Sipal+rt Minru r `�`� ._ ...— STlllir At aatteNt+auq ip 0MI .;yww t1cuN P1D1ie sate of r{onda Sandia L"01W GG 020251 Camnussion E;p,e,eanurorl err N PERFAIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILALNG PERMIT SUB-CON'TRAC 1'OR AGREEMENT Florida Breeze have agreed to be (Company Namellndividual Name) the HVAC/ MECHANICAL Sub -contractor for D R HORTON INC (Type o(Tradc) (Primary Contrac(or) For the: project located at 8637 Cobblestone DR (Project Street Addresv or Propernr Talc ED) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be ads ised pursuant to the tiling of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. 01 CO- ACTOR SIGNATURE (Qualilieri- Brian W. Davidson PRINT NAME CRC1327068 COUNTY CERTIFICATIOKNUMBER State of Florida, County or Bfeevard The foregoing instrument was slsned before me this 22 it.,) or June . "I 18bv eho h personally known Xor has produced a as identification. Signature or Notary PuhUe sTANIP �ix r C 17,60-fe Print Name of Notary Public Pl Ibla st sto o1 FIL:+da ay Cosnat c ut GG 030?51 Ra tsed ! i • I iv_016 '?CNi Isci` E%Pj;es CCFtt:'. a20 �„ •ti1'rrw Sop• ON•1'IAACrORSIG;Y,V'_RXJQualirvtr) Kristen Kelly PRIN-r NAME 0 tic-[ Ag c COUNT% CERTIFICATION NUMBER StateofFlorlda.count) or The fareroins instrument was signed before me this 22 day or June ,,D 18by Who is personally I sown _cr has produced a as Identification. Signature of Notary PublicSTAMP cSGrze��r. r n �X.t; Prior Name of Notary Publc o0, p,.bjic St]to at Fi;.uda 4 td� Camtr on GG 020251 iC<<��cf^ Exp:rey CP,Ii: t.D�O PERMITS I I 1ssm BATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance DiMsion IL • BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Treasure Coast Roffoi g LLC (Ctxnpaay NetatJTndividtul Name) ' have agreed to be the Roofing (Type ofTrodo) Sub -contractor for D•R.Hortan (Primary Contrutar) For the project located at 8637 Cobblestone DR (Project street Address or PrapertyTex ID It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Budding and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. Braln W. Davidson rRiHr NAME CRC1327068 COtffrW CEATffIGTtQY NU ER State ofFbtrda,County or BfB` vard ibe fire=oiaj lutmcmi wu siptd bdost ®e tbb 22 dayor Jun-- e.� �20i-9 by who to P===tty baowa x ar bas prod=W a asidealaka a `��� Siaaatutt ofNaWy bae STANO' a L2oh PriatNaam of Notary room rev NotatyPUGssslotsofPtortda Reeiscd t Sandra Leone My CpMnbiion GG 020251 Esplm10011U12020 SI!&fiONrRgCTO 5 NA aaHrierj Brian Maloney PEUNT NAME CCC1330653 COUNTY CSrIIifICATiA`t NIA1i$!ER start arnorid■, County or� The forga4 tattraeuot wu eltnrd before vies ME— day or --Jun��� 2aL by wtro Is pertaasay $mown Ajor bat jmdatrd a as tdeatliotioa, 01, slt■en+—labile �« STAMP Saft,yiw ume Mind NaawarNotary lobBc 1,%,, Notary PutAc 5bto of Florida Sandra Leone My Commtulon GG a20251 O�M1e Ea,utasODet012020