HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1869 I ' I " ;'/", 'I' . "" II ; " . J , . I, "I', I ,'f 5Q ''. ,', 1'. ' . /, 'I, · . I J, ' ,., , ,,1' ,l, ;, /, 'j" ' 0 ,~", ,'I' 'I ' I i' ! ' I I~: I , ,,'~ J . ,,> I', 'j I I ,I, . ' j' 7" ' " I' I' 'I , I r I " 'I ,', . ,'!"; , I', :. ., " ,; II"' , , ,,'. 'I .,' . -, - 'I.' '. ' 1 ::: ,~ I. I ' .,,' :J. ,['f j ~-. ., I _ ' l -. I '" "j I " :' " ' , , . ' " I i II",. ", I, :; ! II ' I '" l' I' . I',' ' ' , ! ~d;:~J:::;:~:~; '::~1~L=~.,:j,:;;;~~~:;;~;~.~:,:{j~:'~~:;:'~:;~~T~7:;:q'.C::~~';;:~:;;rT:'-I~::;;7.~t":,'J'~:'" ',t 1 ~O\b. iaridll ~'''O;'b.~ ~h.1'\<l"''' "'dthat'h.;'X;'OU~.di~..kD..d :tr.~:I;r ~nd yOlimiarlJY a~d . ~'. l' ...' . ii' "f ' wi tfo';~,'a~l 10 ~~el~~. oo.f t':" ili t; ap"'~~~.f'~qn ol- ,r.'!'Ift o~ iro;.,hilr ..ltA, h~~~ .), I. ' ,i \ ,,:. , l, ",\ IN ,WI1i~\'"ES~ ,Yil~lfj :1, her~to, ~\etm~ h.~~,dl~~ ott10,lal. Seal ,thts ,2\3\tlld~1 ~~,\;L9t;;~.: 'I.. 1",\, \ \ \ \' \,\, '\' l ":.\ \. \ ':\Eciwin'T~ .O~h.n ( :')' \.; "\t' ,l . ',' \ I llotary PubU;o.St,ate ot Flor1da at ,Large, . , i',' '--" \ ' \, ' .\ '\,' .'Jly\~OIlUU;8~1!)rl'\exp1rea ~u1Y4.-: 1928. . '.', ' ,i . , ,\ \ . , \', \ :' \ ." , ',' i' " , ' ,\\ \ ' \ I \., \ ' \ \ \' \. , , ,1. ,\ \ ,\ . '\" i . \ . . :- ". '. \ -. ~.- . . ;. . 'i .. ,: .. . 1: . '-,-_~ ~'lled and ,re90~Q..ed on, this 3~\1" day 'ot'J~y,19G5, 'at'10;3~ ~~M. , , ,', \ \' , .... ",r~:'. ...., '.. . " ~OJ~Y~r:in(~~' \ \'I~"" ',,' I ' "l "i . . ,". ':'1 '. ",' \ : \ , \ > \," , \ '. . ~ '\ ,\ . '. '.' :~ \, I' . l' i ! ,__'n i .1 . \, . ,p. '0. Eldrd~,' Clerk Cl,rou1t Cou.rt.,' ,. 1i~ By'~~-Iil~\:" ~D'~a. 'i"'-'.'L ' . , '.: '; r ' .... ." _', . . _. -.~, . ; {. : f ',\. . ~" \ . i ~ ", ~ " " \ [ i 1i ~j " ~ .', . i '., Ii " :"';"'}:I:#II .1:1 :i:i:l: II" I i:I.' .i:! I~'#:/I~:' ,j I ",:;" ~".! ,j., #~ I: j, IIN:.N: M. 1:1: '.'" ,1':. n.p~C~FIl;AliCliiG,&COHST~ 'co. . TO".,'.' FLA. EA~COAS~RY.'CO. ", :,:,:,:.,' ,.. '. . ~ WAlUWlTY , ' DEED ~ ." . ~~'~~IS:I1iDBlriuR.E~ '.de thl's .2;,3nd,.~y of Kay ~'.A.. >>.1925, aE2~, !'t..' pieroe, 'lP1nanoing am , , ' ," .,,' ",". ,,', " " " , ". ~ . ',:' ' , " ,..... ',' '., ',,',," ' ': ' , ' COD8:f;~otio'n' PO~1>an,y.. 'a, O(),rpore.tlon Organ~ed ,an,d 'eXl:8t~~ under the lo:w.s ~:f the state~ot" '_, '\,' _ . , '.' . ':,." .," . . . ....., . "'~.. "'- . ;'. ".~...:. :'. . '.' ~,.~ -.' ",'. . .'.' ,. . " ..... . " . . .'. ' " .. . , . ".: f.,"~' 't Flor.lda, -party ot,the tirst pQrl,~d:'nQR:tPA f,AST, ,C O.A.ST , R~L\U.YCOltpj;1\Yt 8. oorporat1oll Organl~ed , ,'f . . : :' , .~. .- '. . '. . ' .': " " , , ," ". " andexiS,t111gUndr:-, the 'iayts:oj: .t'he State.-of l'lor1da"part,Y' otthe ~oondPart.t, , ',.~: ,~ . WITNESSETH, tha t~h. . .dd, p~ty ot W.. t're.t .P<'>"t, r or, and. 1nOOnll'''.rat 1 >n or. tho .... or, . ,) ::t~o:~:rZ:i::~::'::~;::.h::::t:::~:~:.~ t~: :::~::~4~~8:::.:~:o:7:1::n::::: 0..,. ... .' .... , ..l . '. "1~ed.r'1'...~, oon..y... ""d.o.nr1m.d....d byth.... pr.e'n~. ~ther"'''' hr~'n; e.u.ai.l~n.~' ., rel'~e.oonvel' and OOnfl~,untO--the 8fl1d ~rty ~t the ;se'ondp~~...j,ta, ~~~es.:"or8 an!lalls1.gnlJ , tor~ver" ,a~l'- tha: t " oe:bta1~ Parcel," of., lanCl.iYl~: ~nd be1ng1n.th~ :County ,of St. :~ole and, st.a te t: .; . ". . . '. ." ' . '. '.'. . . :'-," . . '. . . " .... ." . - '.' .""~ - '. ',..' '. '~_-""-'" '.' ,,! " ot Flo1"1c1a,morepart1Ou.larly d.e801'~~ed,~ f0110w8,to.-w,lt: ' , ... , , ' 't;;l ; j:"l , , , " i 1 '- -'._ I "i_ " . ~. . - ~' , ~ , .. '" '., . . ., . . .". . . All thab.bpar~ ot th~ tOllo,\'iJ.n€ des,orlbed traot of'land, . ~ - , of, the Florl4a 'El.st C'oast'(ial1way, and the,.fubl1o RoaQ.,: mo.wn as" . " .' . .' " .' . . 0 .' ..." .---~ ': the Dixie, H!gh'Ray:, the ellovem'entloned traot ot l'and bvlng ~een . " , ", ' . . ". ~ oOllTeyec1}y R8.1phE, Blanohard andwlte to the' 'Gr8Zi.tor hore1n bJ" .' "' ...., "'.~ .,.. .' ., - .. " . .. .' . . . ])eed 'dated~liC1vember.l~,1924. and'reoorded inDeed Book 49,page 366 ~ PubU.o reoorda,H ot St. Luoie C()W1t;y t P'lOr1oA '. and: mOre partlcnlaq , ',' desoribeA astollows: CommenOl:ng at the no*theast COl'ner ot the land , alOldto tirs. Ella lU!iLok... on the ba.ti.k' ot'the Iridlan River, and runnltl8 . Iforth 210 teet;the.noe ..est to the' seot1~n line: th.~noe'_~o\1th ,210 teet -c-'-~',~'~'toCtli$, 'nort~ ii~e()i8'acid;itiia'131~';'i~d-;"th-~~~e ' east 'to the' plaoe , , , . ly1,ng,Il"""_ 1 ~ 'between the westerly limit ot-the rlgllt ot :way . '~ :l. '. , , . . ,of beglmiing,be 1ng 1ri Lot 2 , Seo.tion a, TO\'Ill8hlp 35 South, RIpl8~ 40 East ~ ooti*ainln8 5 1.01'8 a ,mor~ or leas. ',I , th'reto' Otlongill8 or 1n ~1s~ appelftain1ug, in ffJI 81[lple forever. ,TO lL\VE AIiD TO HOLD the sIme, , together w1 th' all the teneme:n:ts,' hered1 tament~ ,and appu.r~~tnanoe,\,' -------~ """, ., ; :1'; 1~ . '.Am> the, aalCl:party 0.1" the flrst part doth, oove~t Wi th t~e sald xa rty ,ot the ~oond P!~t , , , , ' , I ,that lt 18 l..~ly ..ized of tb.lL..&14~P1"8l&1fl.; that sald' prom1aes are i tree otall 1noumbranoei; ~ ,'. / and'that It has good r16ht and law:f'u.l author1t~ to sell the .ame; and the~8ald'party of the :f1r.t " P&l;ot dOe. hereb;yt'ullycwarrant ,thetl tle ~O auld land, and will de1'ehd the same ~a1nst the law~, tul' olaims 01' all peraons.whomeoeT.r. :;, 'i~ i, ~: .. {' ,> ._~~=-------~ "