HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1870 1>'1' ,/'" ','Ii:' -....-. ~",' J ' I' "I 'I:' I"'! J '",',' '~91, ') .-, ,,~:",.~ '/';1; l~' , ' i" l", I j , ' ,-', " 'I . " . ,.' , '; 'I I' I ' i.. · ' I 'I ' · I 'L t .,' ~.. I ' '" , ". " " . , " "" I'," , "".' ' ' I., I " , I " ,I " . 1 " , ;::i~~~~.1;O:;~~~,~:;;~~~-:~~!1-_~;:~~:..: :--~~ L~'.~'j~1,;;~;'~~l.i!!~ ~~~ '. I' j ',J " '.' I ',' , , I U ". ,'r ' ,1.", I' ! " , , ',: !,l I .,' ,'. ' 'I' ", ' .' , ", , ' t' ' 1;t~~~TrmSS'IYlHERlfOF,1i~e 'Iial~ Pf";;t,Y 'Of Itheilfst' ~rt .has ~au~~ :~he~e,pre~eh.~8'!to,))e ~+~~~I \ l ",: !lrt" +t~nEulte I ~I fr~Slae~t, I ~d 1 t8, ~ ~rp~~\a~~\, sek~ t~' ,be. ,aJt~e4t\a ~~e~t~d'bY '1 U 51~~lr~'tar;r,'\ , .':; t \~/'~ :d~~ d yell>' ~ l ~t 'bO~.r~n~ \',' "I~.'" '.;, \ i \ /1, I '~!,\ " ,\ , .'. " i', , , , \ (Oop~ra1ie S~al' . ,\ 'I, ':, \, , ,'lt~:Pie~oeFl~~ID8 IUld\'OOll8~rh~tlonoo" \' \ (),rp.~eal.\, 'I .,\ ,"', _ ,\ " .", . \ ' \, ' ," '. .!:,' " . q, ','By:' ~. Gi, YoU'lll:lenl ' ' J, ' , . ~tte8t.' S ayl 0'1' \, \', ~e,ldent. \',', i \ \ \~,.\)retary. ' '.'\ " " '.' , " I. \1 ,\ \" ., ",' , ,'\ .\ ," l ." \ " \ \ ; S~gn~ci, 8eal&~d and del1Vere~.;\ \" , \ ;, ~n the presenoe Otl", -r" ...---~'-~---\' ",'" ,~, ,\''- J ,\' ~~ a., ;iull1 van; \ "'," \' \ j 1. W. FoX :,' i \ \ .. " !.. " "",. _e,c" ' ,\,' , .. , " , ' i ~_BY: OERT.I1''Y,' Tpat,on: th,1~ daY' be1'Or~,'me, ~ otr~oer"ct~y, a:uthorlzeO, ,tC?,admiti.18ter" , ,.,! oe,tli~ e.nd,tak~ a~~O:WieOgments" Pe'r3~ria1.1yappeared'B.'J;l~ ~i~, and\ G. 'S~ ~aY10,~ ~eap~ot1ni.y: ; ; . . - '- . ..' . ','. - . . . . ..': .' ..' ': . . . ~'. . .,' .. '. '. '. . J~~id8nt' ,an~ Seo~etaryot For,t~ier.oe'1nap01ng'and' CO~8t,~tlon. ~~mpai1y.,' a-'OorpOration undel': . . ~.. .,. . . . .' . . . . '. -. ~,the, law. ot the. ~tate. ~t ,Fl~l'l~, t'o,II8 mowU to be the persone cle~or1bed In.-and "oe~eOu\~d t~ toreg'om8 oonveyano~~ 'and.' t.he'T,ao~\o;le~ed" tne "exe9ut1.o~ t~r.ot' to' be'the~r.'~r~e a<!t':an~ ' .- .~ . ." .... .;1 '. l'.: '. _ .. . '. "'. .-Aeltd':-a8..8~oh :~ttloers, 1'01".' the~es'and' pu:rp,0888',, t.here~n ,expre8sed; andtp.&tthe1, 'atflxed, there- " . . -. ~", . '~. .'.... ....~. ".',.' . , -- ~." . -~, .' . "'-' . '..', ~ ---: -" ~...' - . . ':. ~ ,,', :to tn.eoOrporate 8.al' 01" sald. ,0 Qrp oJ'at1 on 'undel'due, authority-from' said ,~orpO'I'at1,on, land the I'al,d: ~. . "', . , ,. . ", ..", . , \ , , ' ;~', '.::.[[: i' '\' .,. f I- " -". ~ " . . \ '\, \ i, ',\ \, L ~ . . '0 , , t'll ' . j , '1 j', ' i ! i , j ~ ' f ' ir. ~ " L 10'. . ), , ~' , ,:' , ~ [-". .' .'~ } ? r. ~' r ~ r I r f' .... "fl: .I ',' ',I i,';', ~.~ ~ ~ ~...;,~ ~.. . , I , \ .., . .\ , ,- , \ ,:, \ '\' , '.\ ", '" \', , " " ,\ ;' EI.60 I.R~Stamp oan.) , .'. I.. ~ . l' STI.'.U6F FLORIDA:' ~ '. " ,\ .' -'. - uu\fHTYOF ST'~' X.UCIlI '.l' , " , " --"- , . '~niltrunent 18 theaot, and ,dee4,~ot sald. oorpQrat10tt~, ' , \ .- .- , lH ,\'II'1'l , F,"I hereUnto set ,~'hand $.Dd oUlo1.a1,' 8,eal.. this' 22nd -d.ay 'ot' JlaY,:'192o. . ~:~~- ....-.. ..' p'- "-~.' . "_:'. "..'. -'~'." ~''', '- :.~ ~;:, " .~. , . ":'G.'l.. SulliVan' >'~:' , Notary Publioi state of Fl,orlda,at ~arge.." " "JqO~18,~1?n'-exJ.ilres Oot. .2~ 19271' '. " ._I~'t:- .~-.' . , .. 'P.,__; ;' , ; Fll~d and l'e~orc1e.d on~h~83r.d, ~ ot' July,~92o,'a~ i,O:3i-" ~~-.il. -~ ..ro.--..... /' c( ',Ct. seat, \ , ' I , ' /, ," ...........;.,-~/'.-... Recot.(~ Ver;1:,I~,d , .- ; 'Btai-~'~ ,~~",' D'.~.' P. c.ndred, Cl~rk C~cult Oo~t. , .- ~' " , ..", . ili ~'#: #:; :'#: #:#:#: j :1:71- 1;:;:1:#: #: hI: i :1:#: i: #:-,:; :;.'~ i:i c# :#:'1:1:1:; :i:i~/:;:J: i :1:{:i: l: j.:'f :#:# , " . ': ... '. '." .'. 4 -', '. '.- - --,C' ....,1.... :. .' . ._, ' _ " ltARIA. SEABROOK.'A,.S GUARDWI<' .- ro "FLA.. ~~S.T.CO.lS:, RY.. .00. ',' , . , '. " G~U>I~" S' 'DEED "This Indenture, made 'th~s 20th. claY' of Deoember,' ~.,'D. f 1924'" b.~een J.WolaSeabrook; Guard-' ..-'. ..... -.' . . ,:. t" " _ , ;'lan'Of the Est~te'ot ~le BrO'o7J!,Yami.e Bro\llland'Rub~ Brown, lUnor8,ottheC,~untT 0.1' S~lnt' .:Luo~!t, State ,ot ~orida, "party" ot the ,tlrstpar,t, and Florida Ea8~ Coa.6~ aa'Uway Company, a 001":" "porat10n organueci fPldeX18t1ng~derthe lamr ot riorlda,Par1iy ot. th,e seoond:l?~t~ ...,. i1'1tnes'seth, fhat the-- laid party,ot the flr8t p8.rt. ~9r and 1n oonsldefatl'O?' of' the S,WD,ot . ~ -'. . -. . . rNlneHiuld.red' FlttyFour anC1 5~/10o-''D~'I1-ars to"harin hand:,pa.'ld by: the "e.~~ partyoftheaeoon<1 -, .,' . '. .- " .(}' . , pa.~t,' and.lin '-~~uan~~ of anora.er',ot Honorable '~'Sumner, ,County Judge Of, Sa1rit ~LU01e ,~ounty, 1 Florld.a,mad.e a.nd'entered on the20~h clay of Deoeil1ber, I...D;,1g-24~author1li;il18 the sald Uarla ' , " ' 'I' , "/ ."" ' , , " , . ' , Seabrook, as Guardian ato~aald to sell,. the herelna:f'ter 9-.t!3o'r1S8,d l,ands belonging t~the Qald, : mlnora, < and. ,In oomp1'1anoQ Wtth an or,der entered bYt the saldHonorable Angus Sumner, 'Coun~Judge 'aforesald, oontlrmlngth18 .ale and. orderlng and dlreotlng ~1At the Guardlan make oonveyance df , " sald h,nd8;" . ; "Uow, there1'ore, the .ald party ot: the 1'irst part, f~r theoansld~rat~on afQreaalc.., 1;&s'- ~rant : " , , " , I" ' L.~,bargalnecl ~d sold to the "'~d 'P~~r>t the seo;>nd part.., lt~S1l0o'8S0:L"8and a8signs 1'orever, . ' , I," > ' , the tollow:1.ng de.or.1be~d traots OJ' parcels Of land, ly~ng and :o.l~ 1nthe County of S,a1nt Luoie', i' ,.----- -T" ~ . ").,.~ ~"<' ~ '-0'" ' --. . t.": #, ... :: I, =-==- '~'~'