HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1874 I' l f ",. , '[ , i ,. i. \ , '1' J I,.,!', ' , I '.i ,', f( .- ,'.: 83 J ./ I', r ,I', i ' I.- ' , , , ) i ' I.', I,' , . /-', ! ',' L',., , , " , " ' "I ~ I I, ,I ,a ' : '", : ' ,.' " :', -' " , ' ' . I" ~ . ii",' " I . ,I ' , '" I:, ..', '.',.',' : ',[,.-, , ',::",'" , ' ", ":' 1 , . ,'.,' , ""';,' 'I I' ;,' ',r, ': ',' I ' , " I ~!;:';~:~:~~~Jt-"T:'t;~~~C;l;;~:'::':;"-~"~I~' rr:::-::~:;~,I~~~*:;:~~;~I";;'::~~~~ :-~~~~-'~.::~~1:~;.~~.:.t~:"':'~;';':~~'-~~:':-'~~"':""G-"'" " ~t.'<":~~:"':-:::" . '. I\'1 ,:' I,'. I '" , .1, ' , ' :.' ' , ,", '-. , I: Ill, 1 ' ; I', .", .J '~ I' ,,: II' ),1:1 \ 'ILots~~e~.Ii(3~'~,~~ FO~ :t~) :~t:,'1t~~andl~~,e~ue..'He~~,t8/""":"";4 : , : I,;J {,'" !' "', I'-\' ~8re~pr~ed:~ \~l,T~~o* ,ro~ ,t,4L~~'l>~e 's~~,y;~\o~~ (,6lh' \ " ;' :\'i \,f I .",(:,Ij,:,.,.'"" : :,'\ ,'i' 1,'\ '.1 reookda p~ S't .,:t.)101~ ~o~~'., Florlda~" .. , ' 1".-, I' \" 'I'," : '~ :\"ld \"\' "', ".;\ '($1,.00 l:~R,.ste.nipli \'.'.'\..,:, 1 ,\ \, :,'\,\ \ "\1, 1\ ~ 1\. ' \ \,\ '.. i Ii;,' TO" HAV$\.um' ~ HoiD ti$'-,'8am~, together 'Wlth \the. heredl~~e~~~ ~pd a;~pw;'teihu~oea', unto the'l 'I :' said' ~~t~"8~ ~d't~eir'h~'l~S an{aJa1gns \h tee' ,~~mpie'. ' , ,'.' .'\~, '\ I'; '; : .',',' \. . ':' i,' \ , \ 1 '; , , " ',:\ I":' :-,' " ,. ~,', ' ,', ',' . ',," " \., II "'\ \'\' '" 1\'\, "]' ,;:' I Alm'.th, '8a1d,~rantors,',to~ the~aelvlelJ '~a\th:~l~:l1el~~'m,.d l~l'rep~'s~nt,at~velJ" .'oovenan~< '; 'wlth\~dd .antee~~ \1;he~rhe~rs. \ legal ~,epre~e,ntatlv,e,9-e.ndlasS1gn~:., Tha~ said.'g~tc)rS are ,"" ,: ;\: 1Dtlete.aslbl;r '~'el ~e4 Ofn ~{l.lo. J.~~~~ _Simple ;:t~a ,1; 8~~d g'~\lt~ ~hav~ ,fullP~we~and'~~riiu'.' '\ : I \ \., ,\ _, , , , '" " , \ ,I . t' "r~ht ~o. ()on~~ '8ai~ ~lUld8 ~n fee 8~ple" _~, aforeQald;, 't~t it shall ~e 16;'ltul' tor ,8'a~d :gr~tee..: .. j L' thelrhd~s,',-lega:l rep;t"esen1iatlves arid as'siSrts',': at all times 'peaoeably ~dqu1eti1 t~ ~nter' .-: ,J I .' _ ';., \. - "",' :_..... _.' ':< _~.; ~ :_~'" . '.,.",'. "',: _ _ ,\."'., . ......... ".., "'.- _ _ ''', . . upon" hold, oOoupy'~d ,e.nJay QoJ.o.lan~; that Io.ltlland ,1~ free trO!ll ,all i%ioumbranoes :' that aaici.:' '-g~t();S~'the.i~'h~ir~~iegal rep~~en1)at1ves,'V(nl ~i~~ ~,\\~~:;turther' a~su1.1Uloe8' top~rt~Qt> ' I ',' the fee' a1mpb'tltle ,t~ ~a1~ land '~~'89J.d,g~tees, '.thel1'.he~~s'.' leg~~'~p.r~'aenta:t1ve~ and" ,,': 1 .u__ u - . a. .~in. '. a. ~~ ~...o ..bit be ~. ~",r.cil ; iutdthat .Oii ~ r~ i~,:, deh~r. b; f>41y ....fr~~ the h tl'.' , , ..' -, , '" " " , ',' " ' , ' ,',', , ! ';t,o .."aid,l~d:'a-m ,w1.~l defend. the, sameeg&1iB t };lie lawiful, olaimS 'or all pe.rsons, vti oI:1S0ever",.' . <' jilI'rlrES~dlh!,]~ds~d s~~18 '()f,.S_~a,grant:or,~,'..'th~, ~:a~~:~ear.:~i~-tc..~b6ve'~~~tte~. ," " \ ,\ , \ .~. . , " ',' S1gn&d, sealed and 4el1nred In, ,the'pr!,seuoe6t;' C " '\ 'if. . C'. Bagge,tt, " urse J~'D. a1dr,ldge '. . .~ .'. jj. Uo}.{urtr~y,..' '(Seal), '. ' ',' ' ,., ',,' . ' . ':r.,et41ieUoUurtray (sea],) ! I 1 ~. 'I I i "'1 ' ' . j i : I " \ ' \ . . ."" , 'SU.'iEcOf'FWRIDA ' C,OUN1'YOr ST.' LUCIE .: ,,' I, ~E3Y, C:gRTIFY,~t o~ t~l~,,~y ,pe1'aonally'app~ared 'befOl'Ome, 'an, o'~:t,'loer,'~~ii.~t~r1B,l ' ' 'ed to ~~lnhter' O&th.8:'ah~takeaolcno'fti~~.ntt8tW~'B.'i(ollurtray'.and ~erl1e 101oUurtray,'h18 wi-te ' 1 . . " . ".' '.' .,' "'.. . - ~ -'" ""'. .'- . . -~. . . .:' . . ' '-:.. . ".':,o. to me' well known and knO\'ln to me ,to be the.-"nd1v1du.e.ls'deaorlbed in ~d wo exeouted the fore-, : 'g~l~deed. and' they aO]o.lOVlledg~d' ~etor~ me that they eXf3ol.ll;ed the,8:e.ine freely-and :voluiitar11y , ~ , , .. . . Mo),(ur.tra;y, knowp.to me to be t.he wife of the sa1d\,.,- B. 'UoUU,l'tray, prIvate examination taken andll)q.d.e, by 'and before' m~,' , " ,',' ' " ' '\ . ' separately and -apa'rl fro~ h~r ,'1;0. h~&nd, drd. a'okno\lleciee ~ slte; mad~ herpelt -a party ,to. . -. . . . , . . . , , saId deed tor' tn~, purpose 0, renouno1nB~, rel1nqu18h1118' and'COllve~l118 all her r1ght.----t-t-tle' an!!' '. '. . . ...... . ,'\~nte,rest,\'Illether, ot ',dower,: ,hom'esteado7iofs~parate'property, statutol'~or equ1ta:bI~, in and ~..', . ". ~ - - , ....' . to the landS deser1 bed therein, ~d' tho. tsh~ exeout ed. the said 'dee,d ,treel;ratld,volun tar 11y, am . ." . ". . " " ' . ., " . .. =. - - . '. .'. ',,' . . " ,.,', '. '. '. -,' -' .:" -;" '. . . '. .' \'11 thOut.any cO~810n, . oon:str~lnt:, ap'prehens loJl!>r fear Of,' or fl"~~ hersai.d';'h~sband'. " . ,- " ", . ,,' ..ft.'", ,< . ' , Wl:TI~3 m"~::d&.nd, ot~i~lal, seal at ,;Fort P1eroe" Co~ty. of ':at. Luoie and sta;;e of Florida tf11JiI 20rd ' ot' J A. D. 1~2o. i o ~ .l I ! ! I . .- \1. C.' Baggott Notary P.ubl1ofor State ot Flor1da. ~ oomm18alon' expires Aprl130' 1926. ~~ ..' .. -:- , -f J I ! "'1' '."'..",'.:,...,""',.., :: ".': : ;:.-':' : t. . '"i ,Filedandreool:'d.ed on,th1.s3rd da~O~Jult,19~5, at 3;.08 P.l[. , .' '.' P. C. Eldred, Cler C1r~~rt. ,'- " ~'~ -:: ':'~ ." " \ Ot.Ct.Seal, '.., ~/ '- " ) ," .' " , - ,k,ecorrl '!- i/,) r.; jpq ", '{.-' , Br ~ ~13~~-( .i f D.C. '( I ' ~'i,' , ( , <, ~ ( '..- L,~