HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1877 r....,66.1:1 J . 1; , t ,", i." '" ,., " ! .. ' " -'I .J ' J' , J' I I' ; I ii,' . I ' , I.' I' I , I. , ' I' , . , , I ' ' . "I .1 '. 1 ' '. J' i \', ,I,' ,I, " .~,. .i . "I , ~' :,' .1., I ,'; I , .,"1. ! 'i./ J', "," 'f,,"I_"'~', ,,' . . I. _I ~". t,.", ~-. - ~-~ I, ' . ,f+-.;:-:r:;~~':~=~i::;~'~;7~~b;~~;~~~~;;.-'f:~;-~C;'~;;:.0"::;f.;:~~.,_.~~}~:~I~~~i'..; 1 tor Ith8' ,p~sen~," pwnors. If~ll- ~d ret~etoo\qte ,s~ d.. deteots,' Ith~rl~h~ rpa~l ot ~he 8e~oq.d p~1;~ : \ , f , ,\ ' , ' I " , \ . ',I \"', '. ' . , , ' "', \,' ,I ' ,I, \ : ,', \,' I ,,' II II ' \Di~y at' h18,Optl<OIJ. aoqopit U1;le to. th~ ~bore desorlbed Ipi"8m1G~s 8ub'~eo~, to t 8,uph <toteots or' ,the P~l",ty " ,I. \ l I '" ' 'I' . . ' ,,', \ I' , " ',' \, ' \" ',,\ \ "I , , ", I. t' l ; "\ ' , , , ' , " " ' .' r ot tJt.e seO,oh,d ,part ,lDayrotuse 't,o a~oept !I\1ol\ .t1t1~ tpldupon' 14e.r.t~!1,ot, th~ ~arne8t ImqneY\~d.;' '\ , ~I' \ [ h~reun~.rt ',t, Mnth1~ '~8B,'\,re\e~e'nt 8hall,\ ~e o~o'.~'~eci :.ih~ ,i~~ r1g~ts ot\' t~e ~t\h8 8~ + b~ ,oEUi~e~ib.d . 'I \' ',; , and nol1~b1li1tT.fOn' th~ part o,t e~~er 'ot' the partie.. sheJ.l, '",rls8 hereun<ler-. ,', ---:- ,'" .. \ ", I" ,i \', ,'Th~ 1l~()ha8tt.l'.pr~oe ,ot ~a1d ~~l'e~lS~8 8~l:l. be>'on~ Huuw.'e4.Flt1lY'])011&rs '~er ~ore.' be~n.8 a, \ \~-:' \;' 'I " '. \. ""," '.,' \ ' , ,\ " '\ . \" ' \', \ ,\ " \ ,,',' \ \.- " , I to~ 01:' ~.x\ty-Sb; ~oUS~d'Two HUn~~Fi.tty ~Ol.lars ($26.25Q) to 'be, paid, a's ':fol.l~wsl1-. Five '\ ,.., ',~ '\, i X~~d"~Ollars, (t500) 'lm~ch' i~ de~lted t Wi~ht;hep~ttot' th~' tl;.st ,~at<t a~\'efLrne8t m~el"~' \. .~ the:o~Pletl~no:t:th1tl'\purohas~;"E18ht 1'hQ~an.~ ])ollars'ttS'oool.oe,sh 8hal~~,~e,'~a.~a'~y'the party, ',: "~ ot th~ s~o~nd.,~rt to:'tJle.pVtY'6';tt'h~f1rst~'Par't',att.r eiam1ilat1o.h\:~a: ap'proval :ot t-itleby the' ~ . \. . . ,..... . ".. ".-. ~'. . - '-~--'--'. '.. ." ,.' . - . '. \. ..~ , 'atto,rney tor,tb.~ ~0h&Ser8 &1.ldC\ellv~yo~ 'warranty de:ed~ both' as\h~r'e1ne..tt~r Pl'OV~ded,. ~e ' ..,: : .' ,'. . , ..; - '\,' . ~ { '. . . . .. .' '''' \ . '. " . ... '. ....: .' ~ \'. '. .. .-; ; 'balanoe to 'be pa1d 1~' three ,equ,al;- annual '1n$rt&llme!1~s due ,.:lne., ,:two and three :yeani. trom ~t. ,ot ;, ,>" ", :.} ~ . - .' .' .' ':, ~'.'. , . " .: :" -' ~', ,'. ",'" - ,:', .:-.".. . ....' . . : - ' .' ..... :' ,; .. . . , delivert ~'t, warranty ,0.8'8.4..: 'to~eth~r ."wlth ::the. le~rate ot lnte,~B~of, ,;g18h~(al, POJ'o~nto~' all ,; ,: " " .' '" ,: '. , " '. - ',-, . ,,' ....' : "", ,'.-' ".. '. ..,.- . ,-~.' ... . . ~'. .'. ..'\': .~. " . , sums !',8m&1ri.1Xlgfro,m lime to t~e unpaid, "as 1:0ilOW8':-the 'p,i.rty, o,ttp,e' seooridpart ,assUmes' tha..t'.' , " ", ..... ..... " :.., .". .... ,"., ..:. ~ ."-.. .. ~ ,.,'.' '--.' , '.'.':' '.~,-'-O ," "". , certa1n mortgage to be" g1ve}F~y' the, "'1d, party 0:1' ;th~t1r81; part ~o' thepresent;owne~B',1J} the ' '" , .. .. ,.' '.' ~ .. - ..-,,' ." .;,. ~ '..' '. " :. ' .- .'. . " ." .. . . - , .' ,~' ", . ,~Of,F~t~7-tlr~'HundredFl~~,'~0~~~s' ('~2~..oO). P&f&b~~one, ~d'~wO,7,e~~ a:;te~ UW in th'e , ,',', . " "', " ' '. " '\ ' " '" '".., ,amount ,o1'.TweIJ.tl':'~1xHundre,O: TY!e~ty--;t1ve,,])Ollarll, {.2~25..o0J e",qb: 'P~e.,~t; 'Thre~"Tho.uaan~:,Tw~ . " . . - ' . ,.;,. '" '. . .-....... '. . .. - - ", ... - " '. .. . - . ~ - . '- " '. ..: ,:' ... . . . ..J' HWlo.reC;-;E.1ghtl-elght,,])Oll~~ and-~hi,rty-,t.lir$e' oents :(0328a.33), to be 'p,a1d one y:'aJ.', trolDdato; , \ . \', ',,'. . ,,' ',,' , ,J ,,', '.. ' . !, ' ", " , Th,ree Thoua~d' Two H\UldredE1gh:ty~elg~t-D&l-lan'arid..thtrti-threeo'ents ,(13288.33) ,to:be' pald.'two';, ,'. . - ,'. -. . .' .' ," .. - . ; I. :'-i ,'i . ,:' 1 , ii' .: ,iI'<' ,I, ' J, .~ . ..,. . ~ ~ , annua1l7~ .', " .-'~~'--" , < --I ,- ! ...' "'fJ- ",jl: . .. -O~ " .. ~ . l .. ( \ , ! . ~._" ' ,'. , rears from ,d~te~ ,'Flve ~O'u8.and N1ne,~n'clr.d Thl~e"en DO~4~~ and ,Th1r1iY-:,ro~,oent,S(.5~13.34) '. .. "''- .' ,..' . , .' . ~ "'. . ' ,','iIl': . . .' . ....._ -.' .n., ' ~ three, years: tr~,da.te;sai.d .~ast, tJu'ee ,me~t10ned ,Bl,IIl8~0 ,be seoured. bl a, se,oond: mortgage on. above' . ' .'; '. . ,', ,.'..,.. i -. " '" . . ; d~sorJ.bed l~ds\,~~~~b~e to,~he:,~ty-'o~' ~~~ :rUst, ~par~, ,b~,ar1l1€,jani~c1a~e",,:, .t~e',:cla~~t de~1v~~' ot d,eed, , t-ogether',rJ,,~ ie~ r,at-e ot 1nt\lr,s't' 9n the '"bove,deBor1.b"ed'~ouhts. ,payable ,8emi,-:-' '. . , : " ~he .p'r1,oe of the premlses, Blial.! be, determ1ned a,ocord~g to'. the govel'IllIle~t survey ot, the _ . .: '" ~ . ." "'-, . ."". J' .,. .~~ - '. ~,', ,,: '.. . .". . preml~alS.,~drln t)1~ ev~~t an,aotual,aurve11emad"bY, dther ot,~he,pe.rt1es; then ,the, p~loe!J~l ,be, d8term1.nedc~by ,the n~berot,~o'r" 41Bololledby suo~ eurvey"e.nd ,the payments to' be Iliad,here-' . . . j '1nd~r' shall be'pro-~te~' aQCOrd1ngl'y,., , . ", , 'The pCU'ty ot the s:econd.parttui-theragre'8 toPl\1 all' taXes. fL8~es8lZ1ents ,or '1mposltlon. : . ,,' , , ,__ \' '" '"""" " r .. , legt.lly levied or~posedupon, ,.1<1 land subsequent to the', date C?f, dellyery ot,~~ei1~ ' ' " , " ',!.., ' . . ", ' , . " , ' ; , ',',,', , .', " , It'1smutUl17,un4'erStood and agreed by and bpt~en the ,partieS her,etj); ~hat' no ~au.!ie ot . ." .' '. '. . . . , ~ . "... , .; '\.. ..,. . l ' ' . '. 0 ao,tlonShall ar18e'0\1t,'o1' thh'a8:reemen~~ ,it the party ot ' the 'f,lrs1;pUt, ii, unab~e toobta'1n ~1 t\.l.~othepremi~e+torefJ~fd, . Pr.OV1~d h~weve~.: that1;he,'~art'7 \o~ the" t1~~1!'P~t 1i~11"he....e ca~1ed out.c;Jomplled with andpertormed t,nd or tendered performanoe 'ot the terms" ooveIUl1 t-iJ and: ; '~, !!I . ". !" : " .- ' : . . ' .' f' , ' , . , .: . agrements on her part to be per1'o~d '~aer the sa1<1 oon'~not ':fI1th~e :Ra~bow ,Realty' Compaiv.' . . ~ "...:... . . '. "'- .. That in ,the event the 8ud party o~ the.t1rst part .talls to obta,1lltl tle ,to said la1~ and the , - . ," ','.'; ..'-, ' ~' .... ... .. - --- . ---:. .~~~..:,. '. -'~ . I sa'id party of tho, 's800nd par1i '1s, unable, to reoeive saidt1t18'through the sald. party ot the't1rst 'j f part.,t~en and 1n that event the' .saidpartyotthe 'tlrst ~r,t, shal.,l retu.n1 all moneys ,~a1dhere-, 'I : ! , . ' UJlder and all r1ght ot, ~otlon upo~ tender of .same ~hall,OO~.. , , I ~a1,. aereement. turther prov'1dec\ that upon s1gnl~.a.nd 4.e11V,el'y .of SaUle all wr1ttenagreements . .'.. i ' whatloeveJr now exlutlng', botween' the part1efl heretorolat1v~ 'to tlie aboT8~'ol'i bed land' shal.l b, " ,I r . , . ,null, vold and of no etfeot and that ~hls agreemontluperoedea any agreements now outstandillg on " I' 'I I ;) -, , ,\ I , j I .f I ,I .a1d'U;~,between t(,~, partyotthe tint part and the partl ottheseoond part. , 1 It is further underatood and ag1'eed that In oaie of failure of the 8a.id~arty otthoseoond :.J t , . . , ' .. puot, to aaake either of the. paroDis o,r Anl partthereot, o~ to perform~ any ot the oonnlll1h Jon his , '" . . , ~ part hbrebJ aa4. Ind entered lntp, th1s oon\~ot, sha4l e.~ the option of ,the party of the,tl~.t " ; I .- I 1- ~-'. , 1