HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1878 I . _,t . , 1 ,J . ; ,: : I " ( ! "" , i " , i 1.', . -' , ' , , ,. . i 1- ',' F., .! i .. /, :.,' "~ ". : : . t I ;,) I I J , '; " '. 'I' , 'I. ~', It' ..", '. ", , , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; " ..... ;,' ;'Lp~.~,b.;~ort~1t,.,,\.;l4' )q~10.~4,:~"": ~li. ~~;,o~~. .~0004;'';~ '.ban, ~.~t.l.liai~ ~OJlll~n~. [. I" 'f'~ad~ ~7 h~l oti,I,t~8o~ntr,~~t;'~d,,8~O~ >>..~e~,ts8~~},~\e..;r.tall\e~b1 ~li""B~ld part11~t the :tlr.~ .~, , :"J':~U.t ).nth11,.at1B~ao,'ioriind i1q\1.1datl~n', ot al1~ dama68,8' ~1Ih~'a~t~1ited~, .andth~~ 8,&14: Pai-tt '. f' ,\ ,"t, o.t,tbe "!~~8t, :>>'art, Slu.J.l ~~..~:e- the ,r1sh~'"\q ~""\Iit,el\e.nd"~~,~,POB.B~S'810n'..ot ,thlpremls~'ri, atore~ai~\ . '.' . .... . . - . . - \ I . :~\Vl~h.O~bJ~lrig:1~,~~e~'oawaoUo.~,ther.:t,o:~~, 'I.' ":" 1,1"',1' '\ ' ":~",,' , ,.1 "". ? -\ . '., ~ I'. - .. .' I, , . . '... .. . \ " \ . . '. . .:.' " Ben Arnold 8hal~'be reoognlzed 'as'bro}:er in thls' tralisaotlon ~d upon 'the . \" "l.\\ '"', '\", - \~., ,i'\ "\" \\ :'., \\ I \~/. . \"\ \.\\.,.... " .,the t~lisaotlon heaQ&ll.:rEtoUve ~ (lO)peroent of ,the}iUroh~e .j, ',', "i". ,",. " ,'.',' \,,' ,'~ 1.8 to be 'paid' by thep8J,'ty, otthe !1J.'s't p~t .:" '\ ! "~ '~1Dl~ ~ha1.i "b~ an e8s~ntla1; 'Part'~ ot th\i~.'agre~m'ent"\~nd ali<~ove~ants, QnI18e~e'ement8 '8h~'l ' . '~..' . ~ ".- . . ...'.. , '. .. ~. '. . \. '. .. \; .. ,'.' J,6xtend to and, b~ 0 b ltgato17 upon 1;1\8 'l1e1r.s"exeouto1'8., a~lnlBt1"&t~~s 111 d e.sSlgt1s of the ~~' -~--'--=:...- ;:=-=-==0;........... . ~ \. ,." '. . . -.. ~ \: ~', '", . \, .,. , jspeo,the part1e~ hereto..,.-._,~_, {nIl .l~' ,: '".,/1,,', .,',:, 11 --' ~ ' . ' ~ ~ ... '-- -; . , . ' , .' ~-":..~ " ., 67'1 ",I . ~..' , , ' oons~at l.on 'of' \ \ , , .' ',-\, , , prl~e tor h1s' ,servloe8wh.l0h' \". .. \ , "i, ' '\ j i I '\ . l ,I I i " ~ \ ':1 " H "'\ L l ,,- \. . \" _ ~ . . . .. < 1" IN\W Ti-iESSWl!EitEOF' the '~Ue8have hereUntoiot , .~- "'-,",' '. '. '. .... .," ~ "" ".,.\,,,' .' :.~--- , ,,( 1ear tlr~t abo!~. v,rl'tten.: .' ~helr 'h.an~ ~d ,sea~8.. this the 'cw .~~' . ' .: ',' '.". ! ," I '. ': ,t',SIGliED..sealed wid, de,11nre4. .< " " " ';;' I IN the' pre. po 0:;, ' , . Godon WellS , H~ R., Clrol!bi . ~ U )(oKee ' , . liouie Ha1pern',(;JEAL) " " ,j 'j, ',> . ~ UltIBlT, 4' . , RA~\1..Riu..fi,'co~~, niq'. , :" P:u.tohase '1.!oney~eoelpt . - -... -. -"'. ,1 , ~' ,If 4 -.' " ])e~emb~r~?th~ 1~24 ~ ~ . " "; i REOEIVE]) OF ,Mrs. 'Lui~ UoK~e.'the suin ot $$00.00 toapp17o~,thepurohMe,.'p~10e 'ot .10,500.00 " ,,' ,',,' ,',,', " '"y", ' , ~'oJ.' 176 'aoresmore ,orl0s8 In,t,he S'ltot SeOtio:n,2Z ,ii101ud1,I,18 'a, tre.ot,~p:p~C)s1ma:te1y15 ,aores: 1eadingthro~' th,ls,qu&rte~ .tQ'~heB1ake8}ee' irao't, w1th~Cwe.te~ 1'i-ont,.novlll as the' FIll tit . . .... . " - . ." ' ',' " . . . "'. . ' , '. " '," . . . ~.. '., pl',o:pert1. 'With hait mlle"on a.nav18a.ble C,re'ek.: '. ',. '..' ",". !.llRllli OJ! ~ T,Ol!E.1/2'O~h,." ~Il~ .t~.~doi1v.~YO~:.4';"4 ob"t;_ot ....." b. .4.11vor,4 ,', and 'the' 'D~lano'e one ,and, two yeatts . ' Subjeot, to' approval' of om;ler.' .. ',ft"...' , " .- TERL!S.;..... i' ~ . . . , " wi:TJlES~: C! A. MoCrary Qraoe E. Wily (Signed) &\11.'Borl REALTY co~ , , P. ,.R. MoCl,'ar1. ,Pre,s. '- -'- : State 01' Florl4&, . OO,Wlt1 ot, Pa1mBeaoh. ~~" . . .- .~ - . ," . ~. '.' I" _ , ,I lIE~Y .oERTI,FY, ,That, onth1s 4.aypersonally a'p~ared btt1'Qre me'an ot1'1~ei' 'du11 a'lthorlzed' ; :to adm1n1,ster ,oatheanq. t&ke ~Okl1owle~ents,~Urs. Lulu MOKee; ,lido." t~ ~e well.kno\'ni'andknown ' ,to' ll1e to b~ ,the111divt"dual ,desoribed in and' \7hOexeout~d'the foregoing lnatrument, ~dl]heo 8.Cl-. ", . "" \ knowledged before me't~at she exeout~d'~he same 1'r~elY and vo1~tarl11 'or the purposes th~re~: ., in expressed. \'fIT1:s3S Uyhand:and,ottioial seal at' i7es:t 'S'aim 3each"County 'of Paw Beaob:and,St~te ot = .=-- ", .'" ", , ~ ; , 1 w i I j I day of July, A. D.' 19,26. \'1. R. 'CDsby , Uotary Publio ll,y 'OoJ:l::l1sS1.onexpires, April 6, 1929." ~ "'" I J 1,1__- " i I . Filed: and reoorded on this Qth ~ ot JUly,19Z5, at 10;00 ,A..u. i I I~ ,/ " P.O. El<ll.'ed.. CLerk C1rou-it-:0O1U'1i.--,nu -----'~--~---: ,'f r~- \Ct.~t .seall \. ' / ".----,/ r I /Record V. edUa4 '/ ,By'~ ~,~P~e: D.C. . -J ~ , ," " , -- _~,4'n' ~ _':Q. , , .i.-~J:,... _.. ,-; '. b:,:~ , , --~,' ' ~ , .