HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1879 6S" '. :,'. . ' , .. :"~' "\ ' , . I .' , I I'i.' I \.' j ~ ,I' ,I " "I'i' : '! I ~ ' I' ," 'I ' ~'I' I, '1'" ,I , I '. ,"': I '~I' "t' ~ ",f ;;~-c:;;.~:::,;:.,::;:~",;:~;~~.:.;~~~~:::;;~.::;:~;::-::-i.;b;:,:,:~,~~~:~;~;::~:;:,~;;~;::;;:.-,~[:,:~;~;;::i:2. f ~ , I I ,.. I" I I- \. . [. t ,1... " . .' 1 I'," _' ~ . f ,', . r' J - ,\ . ~ - ,". \ ,I I \ j . \ f ,I ' r,. ~ \ '. ' 1ttLLUY t~ .rONES ET,.u,', \ I' ,,~, "\ " \, ""R.A,. C;LYATT~T'AL, 'fT,1 , " I l r r . l -.; ,J' ~. '\, \' ... " 'J..' a"'R'E K ~ B\N 'T, ; '" ,.1'" "':" ,,;'..:" THltJ)~I(ORAHDuH~ OF 4GlW.2.rENT ~~t'ere~i1~to, ~hl8 ~7 ~t o1:1une A. >>. 1925~, betwe~n:"l11,l~ .:. 't. ..'.' i ': ., \ .",," ' , " (, \ "\ ", \' '.\" " , '. i \, "'I .. '.. " " ", " :'; l lfpne8 a1i~ )(argartt '.. .ron~, h18 wite,' parties ,,~ the ,tir8t ~iJ,.rt.,'~d R. A., ,Clyatt, R. ,Eo, ,:',' '_ \':', '., .... '\\' \_' _" --. \- 1\\ . :\., :\ :.',_...__.~....-_~ 'I ~B, anc1,'ByrOl1 '~1"o~,~a8,True~ee8otthe~h:era~de.Bapti8t Churoh"pa.r~h.. of, ,th&81o~i1o.,~lt~, '., .i:'" ~,TNIl:~s~.that.the~ ..'al~ par~les ot.th~ fll'~~\pf.l.t, dO"h8r~lii8gre,eto :iLooep~','the,'~e,8t, , . \ i . . .. . .' ,'. \ \\ ~ .' \ \ \,.~ \" \. \ \ \ ~ \ \\.. :. \ 'offe~ ,made them op.,' or, ~el'ore' .J'a,r;xq.ary let", 192'&, over F-lFTEEU, THOUSAND ,( $16,000,00) , ~b11ars ,~or ~' '~., " .', . ~ ", ," , . \ " ," . . \. - .' \ ;, 'tl;le :i>r~per:t7deBorl,bed Il.'8t91l0'l:S\~" i, " . \ , ... . . \ , "~ \ Beglnnlpg a,t '~po1nt,~n,t~e Eas~ side~'t,R1v'er.1d.~,Drlve lp.',For~ Pler,oe, Flori4a," . -. \' ~ - ~ \ . 81xtJ(&O) teet &Let ot, the Sout,heast oorner 0'1' Lot K1~t (slot BUok,Onedl) ot ,.\> ".<~'..' '_' . -'... .,' " \,' ~':'. ,..~-; -: .,'~." -,- _' .,"_" .7, ,~., ._', .ro~e'q SUbd.b~ls1on, as per 'plat~,oorded,1n'PlatBook'Two' (2)page.,flV,' .(5) of St.',',- , . " "", ..: . ..... \". . . \' . . . ': _ . '. _4 _, '. . ' .:. ," . , ;'.Luol' CoUnty ~eoords; run" tlien,qe Eaat,1.0&feet" ,thenoe Horlh 10() teet,tthen~'e \feet' '- " '; .' '. . -"" '. , .-' "', ~ .. '. - . . . . "'. ". "~,,\ . '.. ..', ~, lt7t~et.tb.eno8 8outher11'to' tloi:nt 'ofbeg1lui~n8, Md, iy~g lnth~~EJouthYle$.t oo~ner . . ,.... '. . ." '. -' . ; ; . -". .....'. . .- .. .. -' . . ~.. ,', . . , . I'" . ot the unPla tted landsot, the 'par:tl-es o~ the,;tlrst part" :b&.twe~n Riverside Drive and' , . ".. . . '. :.'. - " '-." - .' , .' . '.' . ..... , ' .' -" : ," .. ., {the Ind1~ Rlver, '. , <,,' .! ' ..'....l... . , I ' Th,~'.~id ~irst parties turther'~ee to. J~lve ,'to' th:e' ~eJ.4 'eeooud' pa:r't1e8~to~ the,1J.8~ an~b~-':" . t " " ',' ,,' ,",', ' , ,,', " " ' , . '1", ' " ' .!nef1t ot aalAJU.veralde- Bap~~st .Ch\uo~" On~haJ.tii~, t,he,ne,~pro~1 i o~erand above l'IF'l'Em:THOUSAlID: 1 . . -' '- . ~ :. ~. , '. .." , !($15,0006.00),D0l1arB \11th the P~V1BC" that t~~ '8a:id,t1.rBtpart,l~s:sbali.~'l1aV~ thtJ ~ghtto JItak,e f,' ";',', ", ' ,',.- , ,'" ' ",., ,,'; ,'" " 't',~, io' "1 the, ,e qu.1valeJit ,(if.' apa)rment. t'o 8,alc1 ohuro~,',and. keepth.e' pr~p,erty,,' It' 18' ~thf>'r underl!ltood' and agreed that to 'make ealllPoBsible th.e 'flr,stpai.ty 'Will ;a,ocept . ; . -". .,' .... -.- .' ~ . . -"".- - - ,. ", . '". .,., ." ,.' ," . . .'" ':torty per,'cent()~s~ as adownpajmentand aooe-pt a mor.tg~ baoktor'. the reoa~d'-r, pEqable in ~~ous therein expressed, and that sheA, exeouted t11$ lI_e tr~ely and voluntarily and. wi thout aJ,':r I, ' ,I 11 JomPul~1On,-'-oons~ra1n~u~apprehe~io~ or teal'--o.:t:' -ornf'rom"~~rsaldl hU8ban~r,', ' ' -.-:--- ' :'-------.----~1 . hand and of't1e1al-seal at fort Pieroe, County oi St. LuAu end'State ot ,F1or~dQ,,, I } " I " . ,I ' .\.. D" 1920" , , ' I' "f f . I . \ -.' j , ! , f , I I ',',' \ ) : ; J \" \ \, ~. .,; J i ,I '.1 one~ 'two, and thr~eyea.rs. . .,' . "'.' It b,e1ng'unders.~QO~' anet ~reed'.th~t t'hen'.p>>~flt over~~l.d above,.,$15~OOO'.~.01S ',t~ 'be,~~ld. t,b, ' t!1e '8~lo. 8'e'oo~d~partle~'tlh.ethe~ 8aie<is:"I:1ade'bit1ie4a~d. ',:flr~,pa~t1as orbt '~,zVone.els-e"8.lld"th~t,, 1n ;t~eev'ent'ot,a bO~~"tld~':Orf,e~:'eXO~edi~$A~;OOO.)06 tor the' pr~p~~ty th~t o~~' haiioi the' ~'e't,'. :' sum ab!)vethe swn ot,$10,,900~OO 's'hall.be- ,payab1.eto ,th~ 8a~d 8eoond. pal"t,18s,in the evinit> they. 0.6 " ; ) . t ,- 'not sell the sald prope'rty., ? ~ III w.,ITl;ESS \fdERlOOF,the ~~t1es ,hereto1i.ave.attix~ct the1rha.~ a)ld'Seals the day and. year .. , , ',: 1:1rst above, wrltte,n~ . ~ ) i \ " .." Signed. sealed ~d dellvered'1n, the 'preseJ:loe pf: Fred Fee EtnelF. Taylor , 'if. ~..rone, '(slU.L) , " . o. . r ~~are,t,A. Jones (SE,U.) .', , ~ ~ ( . ~ ~ : '.. State , ~'. ~ --~ , I . . ' ~:t.F1.orl~, J. :-- '\' ' 'I ,County ot'5t. L\lole. , , .' .' '1 I bereb1~t1ty tllat: on ,thiQ day peranall;y-' appearedb"Btot'o me ,an otfloe~ duly au thorlzed ' '. r ' " ,',', - ' " '. .- " '" ' , .' , '.1 to ~dministe~ oaths' and take'.'aOknOWl~de"llen~a,'Vl1l11am, T. .ronesa~ Uargaret A.jQnes ;tome ,~ll "'I. .,', "', ,', .' ' J 'known and known to me to b~ the individual' desorlbed in and who exeouted the foregoing .and they i ,', I ' ,i aoknowledged betor, 'me that:they ,exeout~d the' same', treely an~volu.nta),'11ytor the purposes th~reln , }~ I ,,' '~;.'-: expres',.od. '~. -- . ~ '. -' ,:, . kIlO. 1:. furtherOert1tY that the Sa:l~ Yargaret A; ;Tones known'to me to be the w1.1'E! of the said , " .~lll_T~~Orirs,on a ~eparate an~r-rlvate 'l~xao1nati,on taken and made and apart from her 8,a14' hus,ba.nd, d1 a.oknowLedge that' she'-lUade ~ersel~ by and befo.re oe. 'sepnl"at,ly I ' a., party to same tor th.e i Fred Fee BotaryPu.ol Q, Ste.te-~t La1o'ge. Ht ,o~1~81on~~~::8'F.b. 19,' 1926," , \ ii" ' . "\ , , \, o ~~ . i l, ,\ ' . , ._\: . \ " " ' ,':''' '.. , ,__ .Ii 'I' '; ,~ '. I i: '. l ,;, :' f , , .' . ,.i \ ~, " ?' '~ ~ . i. J :ci- "'. 0> - , .-. ;;~ -~ " ! J'I ~' ~-- ( ",".',', ' " : ' i ;:: : " , T'