HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1884 J' ! I " '. " '. " ' .~. " , ' .,t : 1.. .' . ~" , , ' ' pr"~.n\a'< "',, " " ,.", ".. ,;",;, " , ,'i.' lio, r..lt1.eno. 8h&l1 be, ..no\e4 'or ,oonstru.o\td ,on . aid., land ota ':lea,8 0Q.8t, ,thant2.:iOO.QO '. _, / j' ..': an~ ,~l:".ld.'no~a lJ.\' .ald, ~~~V18'10~, ,~~llb'OO~.t~,~Qt~d,~t:O~ral'~Og~,' oo,no'rett ,,~tu~oo,' . t:, '--'--- ; . ~oono~h,. blookrliollow tll-'~brlolt 'orm1xed OOD8truot~o~, or ve~te~ed Wl~'~Oral ~OOk' orbr10k: ,\ " "., , ' . " ',,', " , ," " " , ' ' ' ,.' " : ~, . " " , .r~" ~~ tram.,' rene.Ndw1t~~.s\uo~oj'aDd .hall ,l)e &1.0Dg ,8i>u1811,Moorl'h~ vene1;lan'oJ,- 8~~""hamO~OU' , ' . ,',' ,~",', ' " , , '..' " ,', ' . : ! . \tpe~~,ota~o~lteo~", ~~ the,at~l:uald',~0~\8h&l1 ~~, aO\,Jal,17, expend'donoon8tru~tl~11 ot ; "8uOhbu.1141~ ~d no1;tor ~e'8'111,Oo~otl:o~ theNWith'.'> , ',' " ' , ',' , ,~. Bo bU11cUnB ,lihall be oo~tzilote~ or, .r.o~ed 'on ..&Jqot ,.aJ.d : land until afi.r ~he Pla~, . ".,' . '. ,.'. . ". - . 'j. .peoitioatl0'.. '~a>looaUOD ot,' th.,.,..e'8~~ha.T.'~.eD,..ppro~.d..bt the:'pan7,ot th"tlr.1;'pVt~, " . . ~. .. ." \'''It..~.el!'.oH,:Npr...n~atlTe.' or &8SiSU_ " , , 1 ", ~. . . . " . .' . - . -.', .... ",' . ' .. . . '. ' ~ . _.. .0: W11d1~a other, ~Oile rea14.enoe' bu11dll18,~!l o~e, pr,l'Yi.1;. g&rGB', ~l ,be, ereo:t,eo.. ... ., ,_ . , . " ' .' " ":J " ~ . _ .. - . . . ..'. ' .' , ,:,; . . . ;..' .' ., ,.' .,... ._.' . - ' , 2 . . 'on &nt 'DQ t90~ ,lot, w1thout'1;he wrl~~en ~n..ent ot P,arl7 ot t~e t1r8t Part aD4nobu.S:1dlI1B, .~li,'b' .r~oted'..t 'a,l...'id1.taxui.than'40',teet trOll th~ tr~nt U,neot, &D71~t'1i1aaad'~ub" , . '. . ...,'.' " '.., '. '.' ',: >.: >" . .,' '.' . 41v1.1qn. or fr'oa aIV' .tre.t' or at 'a '1"8 dl.ta~e thai13i." ,bo~ the 81~ lint, of. an:, lot, " . ' '_ ,'. ' . . : '" . -; -'.' . .', ~ ,_' ". . - ;;:A :_.' ' . '. '.. ,o~ at .. ).... dl.taaioe ~han 6 ~ee\ 'tromtherear t1ne. ' " " ' "\ -, ,', " ,. " ".. ,~t ,J)~ unl&1ft\Jlor,'1mm9ral,~'- "h&U}~~ot the' premlseabereb, Conny.d. no:\" :, ahall the' aam. nor ~ pa~ thereot, nor an-r '1nt~re_8,' th.rebi, be a old,' leased or o~hmoriae' .- . . ' '. , . . -.' , '... ~ -.... . . . ,~, '- .' .' " '. . ..' ~. . - ': -, - ~ '. . ' ,OO1lY~1.d tD &D7peNOn other than ~t the Cauoulan 1"&0., ~rovlded ,that noth1Dg h.~e1n oon~Deo. , , ',8~U preTent 'theke,~P1JJBand ''''p1ta1nlJJ6'-0~'8,e"&Dt8 0~.1;h. 8ald.. RORer~lt~r r'.OD&ble tamut ',' . ua..' , ftiUIII. I " ' I ,0. 11'0 w.hl4,e toUet' Bhatt, ~e perm1ttedin anY>>&rt ot'ai.,1d. aubdlvlB1o~ but th.re8~111 b'O~lUItru~~4. b7' .ald...oond. ~t7~ ~1noOmie,ot1~, W1thUT r.alcleno.;'on"&nTot eiJ.41and. a ',,;', '""1,, i.pt1o.J.a;ak, in aQoor4aJioe ,,1 th, .peo1t10at1~ apprond by the .pv\7 ot the, tlr8t part in f j i i ! I i ~ .6. , " . .,., .0, bu1l4.1ng oo.onlt ,Q.'oWD a8 an apartmenthoue. tor oOoQat1on ot .-ore than one . ~ .' ,lI , :',\, taml17, no~ a.ylu" nor hoalt.l ahall be ereoted or us.d tor .uoh purpoi.a 'o~ .a1d'len4., exo.pt !.. '. . , . '.~ ' . . tb.&t 4.ea1p.ated tor DUlne.. Foper1;7 b7 J&~7, 'Ot the :t1nt P&l'\. , ,.. .0 aip.a or b1l1boardaot I.hT JWld' pr obt.raoter .hall .be exhlblted, d18P~on- , .t",.oied or _1ataln.d in .&10. .u.})d1v1810n wl1;hOQ.t the w;r,lt1;tn oonaent ot the part7 ot th.e , ' , ,,' ",". ' I , , :t1ra~ part. ! t I 1 8. .0 lot o~, lote in .&lG. ~M.1T181oD shall b'. 8ubU.,Ued or r.-n_dl.,181ed W1thout the , ~ < ~ .. ,wr1t'en oODaRt. aDd apprn,J. ot PaM7 otthet1rat pari. , ,9. 1!hepr1.,iltae ~~a...ent 18 MHb7 tore.,er, re..rndto ~-~y ot the tin1; ~,i ~.,:- ...--'4 . .:..... '_ . .