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G~,l9AutO~,;theDO' J:aetalona .&14 lohDIt'on'l '.,~th 1in,,-,to the. , I' abon lIent~on.4 r1P~-ot,-"'7i th.noe Scnithtr17' a1.,ODg.1l4' rlght..o~-W&1: \0 ' . : . _",.' , i _ . ": . . .' . ,~,'- . ., . . ,,'- -. ' ;-' , ' .' ". . j" __ . p1ao. ,ot beg1Jm~ lAd, oonta~aa on. aore .O~. or lei. ,,'bt111B in, SeotleD . ,",' I ' ' , ,,' fWent,':two ('22),' TOWD8l1b, Thlrt7-..T.n (a7), ~outh'l~e rort7~o!i. ~.l) ',' I ' ~, , " ~ 1;" I I , ~"~ ~, l, ".,.,'~.\ , , -" (14.00 x.a.s'&II1)I ean.). !, , , , ~,w1th-'-land l1ti8W-ar~. ten~~e~ta~~ere~~~e~'s,"ualt&PpuJ:'hna~.. ,thereunto b.-, long1Dg OJ:' in ~ie appert~. &DIll, tbe reyeraion and l'enl'llCulI. J:"ma1nd.~ aDd rema1nd',1"8. -,,' '.'____~_u'_, I,' ,", ". rente. 1.._s and profitl, ther.ot. ,AD ALSO. all tile estah. ript. Utl.. inter..t. 4ow.r an4 I , , , I, r1aht ot4ower; ..parr-- '8ta~.. proPt~ty.' PO'''~810n. I . " " , law,ae 1n .qU1.tt. ot1;h. .&14 pariJ ~t the tint pan. aDd p&1'oel tbtr'ot~ wlththe ~PPurt'~'81 ,TO Hl.8 AJ1)' to HOLJ) ~e abor~ ~'..,~~.~'Cl, ',I : ,an4 dteor1be4 p..1..... .Uh th,e ap~.~o... ~o the '~14, partyot the .. ~oon. ,pUot. hi. . But. I . . ~5 " r .) 01a1al an4 4em&Z14. wha,t,ieoTer. al well in of. u.1 _4 'Dthe ......and "'.1"7 p~t' ' ,)