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'Ei~'Pt~:hoW'~lr~-a'-.t:r:lp,ot"lan4. ottt;h."llo1'th~14.,ot ~ai4,~raot on~, ' , . : b.Un4~.l."(l00)t.et ln~'dth,~4 '~n;llg tl'~~1 .~anlU~r 'to,th.'.~tlarit1o · Oo.an., and,h.fritotore ',oon't'el~~toOh..te~ ,J1.0r~d&,~~ ',aOllP,~~'. '. ,'~' ,~-'--"----'---~,-'-",-:., ", P~~~OIIIIle)+t11B:at, a '~ak.-on.t~:b~~~~t~th..~~im~R1Ye?;~.a~4, .:' ~take betnB ~~e 41v141iig line b~n~en fo'~.hl>> 3., SOU~h' o~,~,~1;' East. an4, .. , fOYtt18h1~, Z.,: south01:Ilail6e '2',"'t., .the~o. 'n.n.~~"oBorih'fhl :hundreO:: twftntl-',, :':", .; __ 0 " " . . . . _ . .. ., ,,'., '. ..., " " " . ~ ' _' , ',' ,'~'1T" (~O)tt.~; t~'lloeru.n, Sou_ a~,~18ht~,aii~,~eoi.or,h~IIl'''heab,ovl .~~e. 'tour . " J ,,'. ._ '." .;, '. ,> hun4re-d ,t1r.n~11420) teet; theI,lO"'run' ...t:"o South'~'th~' b~. otthe"Indlu' . .. ...' . .. . . ' .... - ~ , . '" .. -- River; theno~ run alollg ~'b&Ilk. .ot ...14. x.n41~ lU.ver,1n ~ 1l0r~hwe~ter~7,ooUr.e ". .. " .-. " . ofo' , . 150 the plao.otbl&1nn1:uB. to the .tlke betore liienUon.d.en41 0 ontaln1nBt1 ve (0),' , .' .,.: -. . ' '. ". '-. . , ' .. ~ .. '\. " &o~e.- ot,land.mor. or',l.... Midland belpgaputo:t La.Ud~ot one "(1). SeotloD.." .' "- ... . , ZO.,T01in8hlp ,Z7 Southot ~e 42 But. together with tlie lliparian aighte 'thereunto, . - ' . , ' - ~ ' , .. , , , , . Ii h~lO~inB;' .' , , Both of .ald p&rOel. oon1;~ln.1zl6' el6ht~d ont-hal:t (8.5).. 8.01'8', more or " " 'I , ,I 8'8~ , .\ .,.. ',t 4 ,:' I , '1 , i I. I . ! .-' , \ " ',' ~. r ..... ,'. : ~- cO' [ j .1 , .. J . '. ,~ , ,,<>, , :'1 : ,} -r t .." ~ .~ .., ~ ", '~ . :.f '. , f 1 . t , f; ,~ , 1l' , '~ ''1' .;~~ ' " , ' I I r I 1 ",,~ ! I I 'j ! I " I ! i \ 1.... " \. i J I I I j , ' " . .aid la.h4a and toP" the, 11&14. part;t.. ot \h. t1Nt .part' the 8UIi ot Bi'ne fhoua&n4 !hrt. . 1 't , I , 'In' 00D81c\tFatlon thtl'.otthtpaZrt7 :or'the .,0Cl1d partoove~ta ~~,agre'. to Purohaat I. ' ,Bu:A;4n4'I'1tt71>Ol1&~ (.9.3&O~OO) '1ntb. ,aU.ul'tOllcnriN,1 The.. ot l1ttl,Doll~(t60.00), ,,- , '_ 1 ~ . . . o~h, UPQllth'txeout1o.a 8Dt. dt11Tt17ot this agrelllltnt. the rtoelpt whertot 18hel't.b7 ao- 'J. ~ '9 ~ r-....----;........... .. ;-: !-- -~-