HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1904 '--.:, .. f'" -",' 'C"," '. T' -,'I.( I ' 'I,' , '~' i-', ......"':~' "'---,-=- ", ,',' ";' ,. . 93--" ,',J i',' '; .'j I, i'l' ';,.' ,',," ,", 'r, . ~~.'~;T""-t--.:~.~._---...,~, , . ' . , J ' " , " 'J 1""'" , .I.. J l' ," '. i', . p't;. . I J ~ _ ~ ~ ..... J-' '., . ,',' i ' , . I~' ~. '.. I' I'" 1, . ,/, , ' 'I .. ,: ,( 1,'- "., ~;;;~~~~~~;l:q~.~;~~,d;;;;~;~~~~~;~;;J~~~'~;::!~;~~;~~f:~7~t;;:::~;;~:~~~~7~::'::d~~~=~~:r~' "',1 11: J'~l~c1:a~,.~~or~,~',,-onrt~,, ~l'f~' ot"1\\1l...1J.92D,, at 11,;8& .1..11. r, ' ' .1, I I ,: '; ,I {, f JI j \ I . . . ,\ ."."'. ' , l " . . _\: . ',/ '>,,', j, ;i 'I, II \; .\ \, \ '1'& ,i~" \IP.~'O~ ~\ ~4, Ol..r~, 01", 'k~, O\'~~. \ . . \ \ I \ '\" , ' I , . ' " ' I,' " .\ ' '\he , \ r,,.-,., , 1,'(\ "',' ','j , " " -~e<;-ot..l~"'\ 'I" I ' ,\ : J)t\~'~ \;&~, ]),0. ','I ,\' . . ~ ~ . .. t ~,~' \ \ \ \ . . '\' ; "Ii' \\ , \,' 'i' 'i,. 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C. lral4en: ha~ 'qr4l!.4 to bq,at"a PriO; 6", " .- " ; - , ' 1/',' ' " ", ",,: " " " ' ',', " ' ' '~~.OO',~d aUt, to-Wit: 'th~"~ ~~-B~~.~J} f!h0u8~ ('18.000.~)])~11~.,.,,~O. &oioe8:of):&I1c1 "'. .--' ,.:~ "-. " ..' ,', ", .... -'~, - . -", .~. -.,', :;:;'" - ", ..'.': " . .:'. ... ".. . . 81tua.~ ln .t.',~Ol. 00\U1t7,Stat,' 'otJ'.1,Ol'lu, knon.' and ,ClAIoribe4.a. :th~ " , " : . 'j - ". --'" :'. .. '". ,.,. '"::. '. .' , ',:' ~ 9t'th$~~ of S:'O~1011 12.. ,TO~IP'M, 8~ut~' Of;' \,,::.. , ~. '~~ ,But.~ , ' "-- ~on 'thet.1'!D8 &114 oOllUtlon8 in aidatt"ohec1 obntraot ~on:~neci.' , ;. " 2..~' ~', ~e ' 1,&14 '.!' ,:D~' ReJ11olo.. baa ,p~c1 or &4vano.c1'tb.ro~ ,the, .ald' J. O. Wallan one- ' : , ,!l~~ ..of",th."p~ha8e. P'z1.0t'~ of: the ,~~~:l~~ 4a,orlbe.4' i~'~.14.'~ontraot&l1d' ownS &11 und1 v 14. 4' " ,', [,' ,on.-hal~'lnte"8t"1Iitbe .a14:"oont1'ao~ an4'the land.,th8r.1D4e.orlbe4.,,' , , , " " ," ,,' ' . "~." , ,',' ", ,: 3. That: the '&,lc1'I.: 0." Walden shall' pe~the"ld oOlitraoJ on be~tot .ald ,,_ D. _' t;. '. . . ;,: '. .' J ',', ' . '. :'.' .3 ._ , ~' ' : . R.~olda &S a .1lent ,partn.r &I1d 'he" ~a1c11.0. Wald.n shalf take:' i;1,1;,leto the' '&"4 lancltlihl" .. . " .' :.' " . .... ....... ". " 'own i.nd1 v1~UAl J1aa. and g1 ve the PUl'oha8. .one, al,o~tga8CUt U1 hl'i' own :1n~1 vldUlil ~. ,!he Ald:,: . . 'I. D, Rotao14.lIloY~r'hllle.. blll,nlp'" PO"lblot~l' ."o-Wtottho Ai do blip tlo.... " ..: '1hatth.'la14J.' o. W"l.4.n ~.8 her.b;r deola1'e t~" h. ho148 an 'Un~I~',4, ,one-halt" ' intereat ,in .alc1oontri.o.t ~d the land" thirein ,4elori.b'e4 ae t1"\18'8':01" ii-ld i.- D..~7i10148 &n4 . -:: ' " ..... 0-,' . .::. ' , .' ~..-' " . " '.: .. .. " '" .' . " ' " "- " ' " , " ,." ",' ','"', ' 'that he' W~ll, flo hold &11' un41v1ded one-halt lnt~r,a'1n ,aU., land and, thei;1tl.the~eto' 1nt~t ,,48 af~reHld,.l1inev'er,he,the 1iJ.4 i.,'C..ai~~l rjoe1vea\4e.c1',t,O t~e tanG:, c18ilorl~.c1,,~ " .~ - -" " ", ,~... .. .' '.. "the attaoh.d,oont,raot,' &Ild '~:~1;~e ..ll .1:; O~, .a~deD".I11n01; ~el1;' th., .ald land .1tlJout:th~ ' ~ol~tOQlW'n.t/.Of, hllUelt an.~ t~ n.lc1".'D. R'rnol~, and, that when la14 1~4 18 !Dlel, by'J01n.t , , , ,',., " . , 1 ' , ""'" ,',', , , ' oon.s.nt ;tb~ ,.ld.,. D., ;1l'1J101d8 .~l betntUle,d';~,o 'reoe.ln o~.-~~'ot~ ~ro%1t.ar1a1Jig ~t :~.t.t~epurOha.e, ,an~ .iLle ot the ,.a1d'l~,4tt.orlb'd ,~, ea~~~~nt~ot. " .., 'ItI.ITIiESS, W$EOI'" .the ...14 n~~ O'-Walden, .foiDe4 b1 ,his 1flf.~ Berti.e 1:. 'alden, ~orth~ "pUrpo". ot'rel."lD8~er 4o'wer 1ntereat in .a14'lana.~ ~V. here~t~ e.tf1xed. t11e1.1' 4ADc1aan4 .e&la ,th18 the .W 'an.c1;rear t1r.t above wrl1it.,n. In.: th;e" pr'...no. of ~)1. un4er8ig11ed .1tn......, ' r" , i:, r ,~ . '-:' . -', . , -~ :~ ." . 81pe4, ",alel\ anc1' dellyere4 In the pre.eno. ot Q: Letha Mtum L. 8. GaUldtn I. O. Walden (SB4L) . B.rU,.,.. Wald,'J1,(SbI,) ; , ~'..~~ ~" SUT,,- OF FLORIDA' , .) OOUlm' 01' P.4LK )'XAcuJ . ' .,~ 1 , , .! I h.reb1 o.rt~ 1;hat on t-h18 t1a)" p.runaU7/&pp.ar.d b.tore II.. an ~tl-o", 4ul1 author1z6c1, 'to a4minl-' Mr ~a th8~~ ,1iak~ aok1?oWl.~.nt.. 1. C. Walltn aDd .ite ~~7&1~n, to.e well, ' ~ ,- ;, known to' b. the p.nona c1t8or1bec1,1Ji a4 who ex. outed. the tOHg01ng 4eolaratlon ottl"Wltan4. " " . , " , . < " ',I' , .' 'tht;r &oknowl.4gec1 to &ad betere Ill' that ,th.;r ..xeoute4 'th. ....h.el;r ~ Tol~arg1 for t~ I ' p~oe.'" th.reln .xpre...d.. /, ';- . .