HomeMy WebLinkAboutDUCT LEAKAGE TEST REPORT� Duct Leakage Test Report XIhAPPROVE[ SCANN gesidential Prescriptive, Performance or ERI Method Compliance 6Y 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition St. Lucie Counts® Jurisdiction: S+ L u C I Permit* Information s B'Uilder: O S Community: 004 6 � Lot: d ress: C J O\_ 1C to d L C Unit: d'1 uty' f:0� State: FL Zip: '3 qO(� I dui t Lea ka ge Test Results, , PresCrlptiVe Method cfm25 (rota!) O ['System 1 2 cfm25 To qualify as "sub tantially leak free" Qn Total must be less than orl. � ystem 2 cfm25 equal to 0.04 if air handler unit is installed, If alr handler Unit is not Installed,.Q;n Total must. be less than or equal to 0,03 This testing (system 3 cfm25 method meets the requirements in accordance with Section R4033 3 is the air handler unit installed during testing? ❑YES (=Q„) ❑NO (Q�3) um of any dditional systems cfm25 Total of all Performance !ERI Method cfm25tout or Total). systems v cfm25 - Ly SZ = Qn Total of all Total Conditioned systems Square Footage 21)-ASS 3.C3 �uct tightness shall be verified by testing in accordance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC380 by either individuals as defined in Section �553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes, or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f), (g) or (i), Florida Statutes. ilk esting Company Company Name: 15 Lightyears, Inc Phone: (855) 438-1515 I hereby verify that the above duct leakage testing results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected above. Signature of Tester: Date of Test: Printed Name of Tester: Austin Blankenship License/Certification#: J8713SA Issuing Authority: RFRNFT (Copv of License / Certificate of the tester must be attached) FORM R402-2017 FI L Copy Duct Leakage Test Report Residential Prescriptive, Performance or ERI Method Compliance 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition System 1 cfm25 System 2 cfm25 System 3 cfm25 Sum of any additional systems cfm25 Total of all systems cfm25 OPrescriptive Method cfm25 (Total) To qualify as "substantially leak free" Qn Total must be less than or equal to 0.04 if air handler unit is installed. If air handler unit is not installed, Qn Total must be less than or equal to 0.03. This testing method meets the req uirements in accordance with Section R4033.3. Is the air handler unit installed during testing? ElYES (Q:4) DN'0 (s6�'3) .. . ........ ­.............. ... Performance/ ERI Method cfm25 (Out or Total) To qualify using this method, Qn must not be greater than the + Qn proposed duct leakage Qn specified on Form R405-2017 or R406-2017. Total of all Total Conditioned systems Square Footage Leakage Type selected on Form Qn specified on Form R405-207 7 R405-2017 (Energy Calc) or R406-2017 (Energy Calc) or R406-20 7 7 0 :)FAIL . . ........... ---- — -- Duct tightnesn::SbRerifled by testing In accordance with ANSIIRESNET/ICC380 by either individuals as defined in Section 553. Statutes, or Individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f), (g) or (1). Florida Statutes. ......... . . = . ...... . .. . ..... ... .. T6t!rigt.0­M­­P' Company Name: 15 Lightyears, Inc —Phone: (855)-438-1515 I hereby verify that the above duct leakage testing results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy Conservation requirements according to the compliance method selected above. Signature of Tester: Date of Test: 10 ---------------- - Printed Name of Tester: License/Certification #: Issuing Authority: RESNET