HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1914 , J "I '. ',' " : I' ", .':'; t. , I ., , ! ' ! ' '~: ,-' ",1"03 i Ii: " ,I ! ' , " I., I. " , 1-- J' '. " ' , '. ',', "I ,I'" i ' ' ,'" /', I ' ',' ", I , 'I I" ' 'I ' '~~-~=~~~2~~~~2~~~~~~~ , " 'I · 1 I \ " ' , ,', i1 ,i . 1 " " ' , , " ' . " 'l I ,I" 1','; I r. .!. - \ - I \, I " , ' ", \,' , II \' \, i ii, " J ,.h. th.~ :.0,14 B~i;~~ ~Idj, h~~.b~iu~;r w1rrah" :~h.11n., '\lq~ d i.n',"",,~:;p'l. , ?af.~" I · ';" , !. th'e aO'ljle~g8in~t t,he' l.a\Y:fw. clalmu. of' nt!, pe:r~o1H~ whbm8oflver. I \'" ( , \ '; '~, I "'U~l:~S~ tha\h\8~da" 8~1<1 aealff' of eail" ;gr~~~'r~','~h~' aa~' ~~d ;Ol.\r:, i'itat tlbo\'~ ,~~iit ~(ln~ \\", ,'it, '.' '" - 'JO~Er10k8~~,\(seo~1.r 1,\'1" 'II' ",\ '! ",\ " ' \ ' " \," \, \ '; ,\' '\ , , --;-' i \.signed,1 sealed Qns} de1iver,cid ';' I' Edda ';Urlo(.son (g~a'lJ ,', 'f -in the prl3a.noe of::. ',' \,' ,i '\, ' ) " ' i, "\ \ ' \, \ r" ~,,, I t .. , , I 1''" \ '.\ \ ': ,:" 'J(\ ''\1 'I. ' "I , r\ ^\ " i\ '\ ' f . I.' t ' I .' t. I 1 f ~ ' ! ' I t, J : t:"",.fl'.. ' ..i " c.; 1 ." [, , . t f I f': . ~' L~ [I , :1,' , "j . ,,',4 ~".. - -, , , '"I I', !' ,I, , \ \.+ '\" .\ . 1, : '., I '. \. Geo~" If. Bak~r Jr." \, I i, , \' ' ,\ " ,',\ . \. . .-\.' \' -1.r,ri.t~a, ~Qger.. ,,-' " }', S 1'4'IE '02 ?LeU 1)A .{ -<- COUlli'{0?3T.LlTCIE \, ' ,,',', " !' . " " ': -'.': . '" ..: \ ' , ' \ r ,~BY CER.-crn, 'tl1st 'on, tbh .day pe~aonally appeareUefore me, an ~f~icer' duly.', ~ ,'\!"" eut~o~'hea,io 8dm'~Jliate~' ~8th8'8~~~, t'8~e~Okli()Wl~dg:mOilt,8''''' ;JO~'E~lokeo.nand,h18'~l~e ':Ed~e :: . i .' . . '. . '. .... ". .. .......' .' L.-."EJ."'lok~Pi1 ,tb'me welllmo\'m and ,~OlOWU tome.to' be the j,ndiv19li81s~esorlb~~inaI14' who" :' :~:.' --..-, '. : ~'~-->. ". '_-,' . . ":~ .. \'. '. .>~-, "':. . . ~.". t . . . .... .." " , ' exeol,l,ted the foregolIig dEled, ',and who, aokn'ow'1;edgeCl',before me thet , they eie(}~teQ,the same; . ".' ~.' '. ~ .' "., ,.". '. .' .:" .. -', " . ...." -, .,' ~ '\' , '; \ . \, . .;' ','f \. , , " \ " .. \' ..~ . .. \" I I freely :endvoluntarl1y" f01- 'tlt~::^n'1.%'po-'-88s tlu3r'ein e~pre8s~d ~ " ' " , , ,,' ,', ',: ,"';" '" ,I,' , , ",' , __, ' ','. ,',' , , ' , 'A:'D I ~~?:CE!l~F~ that ,the, aalcfEd,da "Er,io):sonkI101111' t,o'me ~C1'be ,1he.-wite ~f the ~ .' , . . ',,",. 4 '," . . . ,'.' . . ' : " se1d,JOhnSrlcf;:-son 'Ofi a aeJisrste',end priv'Q,te exwniua tl~n ~aken EQ1t\ maoe,by,8ifd bef,ore I;le; . Y.' .,', . ~. ~... '_.~'.', .. ,.' "_..,,. .-~' '. ": ....' "_,: . .... ,"' ._' ,,-'" - :, ' ... ,.",':. 's~par,ctel:i and, apart Jro!i\ !leraa1,dh~abni1d. "dl'cipckll)\vle~ge, that, shemnoe ~r8elf' ,~,'arty t"o ~ . ; -ssid '4ee~ for ,tJ:l.e l'"\lrro8'lt'"\T.f'renouno~l1g". relinquishing" end cOI!veylng en h'crI'~eh t. . title, . '\ - " . ,,' ". - . . . p.; ~-. J . . ,', : '". , '. and interest .'1?etller ,of dOOlor.' ho~eB::e8d or of 'inanC1 tp ,thela?~s' desoI',ibed ,there~ll, 8I\~ th~t 'separ,ate pro-pe:r'ty, ~tt;.tu'to~y: or e'prtitable' she ,eX80l1ted:"the ~aid'6e,ed treely ':EtIlcl,:.- ': '", '.' '" :.. - .', ,..' . , VOluiltarily,and with,c;mt an;'OO~J1u1.81,C?n', oonsti-'otnt~ 'n:'prehen~10n,orfe8r' of or from,' " , , her said nusbaiJd. ',', , .WI~:B3S,my he.11<iondoti'i01-clseelat, /'" '3 , , cOuiity ',ofs t. Luc.le,apd ,Stete '~f ,B'lor~de :;.,' .' "'" ,'. . this ,20th day' of JlUle: .<\.'D. 1921"- . , '~" I.!~rth8::1o gore" ~-." . Foter;,' 'Public .St.a te ot ,?lor idn at LarV8. Uy' COrru':l1ssioneXI'i res Feb. ' 5 ~,l S'29. "," , Ii ~=. Se'sl. .; " , ' thhl. the 2-1)cl ~8J' C)f Jul:,: 1925. 'at 11, .")3 A.H. ~; " .?c., Bldred, Chrk 'Oireuitpourt. , , 1 ,," " , , . / Rer"d~/rdi"d .llyJoI4~-<utJr~'~L./d4. D.C.. ': 'j,: .f..: ~ : if.: 'if :-:(h f: J: :-=:;j :if :h,~:-f!: : 1 : -:;n :1 :?:': t." ~ j :..~': :f: :,= :i< :'.'i.:: :;;<: ;f ::f-: :<: ',' ':..;: '": f: ';:, ~,,': / :, ~/: ',t :2 :'C:'f ;;=: f i' : ''-0 if. .,.. . :C., ';( .HUGE~S ArD ':1I?E. " TO' OOCL ' ' ;','[ A:."".'R JJ,:7'[, D~D. ,- 1~!!'S W.A;~~l,HTY D:~SP. .OP .COlI~iE~R:CEt ;;~(lCU te~r this' ~Bt dc.:/ o.f-JulY in t?le :.te.~r of", Qtir '-." "Lord One thousand nino h,mdred rind 'i"i/on t'J five ....ax~,AHi) m-~?'GE11 C. 'J~H~lehes.. joined b:,' his . , \,ife. 3usie Hughes' of the,~irst part,and J.R.Odolll, of theseoond part., ',lITlE 3S;;m. that the' acid.parties of.14e f1rst part, 'for, end in cC:noiderlltior: of the , ' SuIll of Ten Dollars end other valuable oonsiderations Dollors lawful money of the Uni teq , , St(ltes of ArJerlca, to thee! In hand })'11d. by t1:.E! aaid 'arty qf the fJcc'ond !1;art, if',';' orbo ror~ tl) , .. , I . the, enaeallIlB and .del1"er~' of these pre13ents, therecelpt whoreof is hereb:'aakno'fJlodged by theoepreaeti ts do g1:ve," gran t,bargain. oell, alien. .df.of~. l:'er:l,ise, , rei e~ae. convey I ' and oonfirm u.n';.o the aaid [Iarty of the seGund rart.lll1d hia hoira. that certain prciperty in the GOl1.l1ty of St. Luoie, und State of Fl'orida, described as fOlloWS: , ,. , I , I ~~~~___.___.,________J'~~ , .