HomeMy WebLinkAboutLETTER15 lightyears, Inc 776 Bennett Drive Longwood, Florida 32750 June 1, 2018 To: Local Building Department v� SCANNED Y 15 lightyears BY, St. Lucie County FILE COPY RE: Blower Door Test & Duct Leakage Test Reports To whom it may concern, This letter is to request that the attached forms be accepted for compliance of the 2017 Florida Building Code statute R402.4.1.2 Envelope leakage testing (Blower Door Testing) and R403.3.3 Duct testing. The attached forms were provided by the Florida Building Commission as the accepted forms to be submitted. These forms are listed on the 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation Technical Assistance Manual, Document Number: TAM-2017-1.0, released February 02, 2018, pages R-78 through R-80 (page numbers 159-161). Web link provided for quick access to the TAM document https://tinyurl.com/2017FBC-TAM These forms meet all three required Residential Energy Efficiency Compliance Paths listed under R401.2, Prescriptive, Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI)' paths. We are working'with building departments across Florida to standardized the form submittal process and would like your department to allow these forms to meet compliance. If there are any issues with accepting these forms, please reach out to me directly and I will ensure that we submit any specific form that you will require. Tim Smith (407)-951-3236 tsmith@151ightyears.com Respectfully, 2 �- Timothy`Smith 15 Lightyears, Chief Operations Officer Energy Technical Advisor RESNET Quality Assurance Designee IECC Residential Energy Inspector/ Plans Examiner Member, Building Officials Association of Florida Member and Code Development Committee participating member. Also, representative to the Florida Building Commissions, Energy Technical Advisory Committee for the BOAF- CDC 11 Date: Smart II Built to live better. Inspection Report ❑ BuiltSmart Sampling.... BuiltSmart 2 Ins ections ❑ Pre -Drywall Final Inspection ❑ Re -inspection y ❑2009 IECC* ❑ 2012 IECC* ❑ 2015 IECC* V -Code Compliance only relates to Infiltration and Duct I.eakaseT"z ` — Model: II Division:_ Community: - (-z4 hVY1 L4W Lot# 1U Addres�* 5956 O A/fLAW 0 LA Kie Am't E City: Oriental on: State: Zip code: Electrical Meter # Gas Meter # Foundation: ❑ Slab ❑ Crawl Space* ❑ Basement** ❑ Above Conditioned Space *If Crawl Space: ❑ Enclosed Vented ❑ Conditioned **If Basement: ❑ 50 percent below grade List a deficient items, general notes, and recommendations (attach additional notes if necessary) R SR -Required; SR -Strongly Recommended) ❑ ❑' u F-111 dditional deficient items are listed on page 2 ❑ 1. uct Leakage @ 25 Pascal*: Total (cf1m2s) Unconditioned (Cfm2s) Cond. Area (ft2) Total Leakage (%) Leakage to Unconditioned (%) Sys em 1) j cfm25 cfmzs] _ _ft2 = %Total % to Unconditioned Sys em 2) f cfm25 Cfm2s] = ft2 = % Total % to Unconditioned Sys em 3) (_ cfm25 Cfm251 _ ft2 = % Total % to Unconditioned ❑ 2. Infiltration CFM50*: a * 601 Q _ .Final Cu. Volume ACH50 ��f-...- — — - .... .... ... __ ��un "fenud[ivn'3cfrn)7.verso►i+7li�fm7100sJ.'cvnttida>:edsaare}'-----,--.-._...__..............-._._-... __._.-.---.--............ �is ^r7sanHrynfhechtilnacs 11=utgdnpi; 7Nnmbcr of Rcdrooms: TE�Qt of Lot:__ Toad vemtlorivn needed. _ *Tesdngprocedures compliant with 2009IECCR402.4.21 Envelope andR403.2.2 Dud Leakage and2012IECCR402.4.L2 Envelope andR403.2.2 Dud Leakage. (See local code official and code book for specific parameters.) Inspection Result: 'PASS ❑ FAIL ❑ N/A (Re -inspection Required if Fail is Checked) Duct Blaster Result: MPASS ❑ FAIL ❑ N/A (Re -inspection Required if Fail is Checked) Infiltration (Final Inspection): PASS ❑ FAIL ❑ N/A (Re -inspection Required if Fail is Checked) Rater Signature: � -- <;4 4...... Builder Company Name:--Ryan-Homes r Employee Signature: Date: PEG LLC 11130 Fairfax Blvd. Fairfax, Va. 22030 703-934-2777 _1_ x 60 � = [FM(50) Building Volume A[H(50) PASS (Mechanical Ventilation ianot required) | |PASS(withyWaohenioo|VenU|aUon) || 1| Fl FAIL 1'4A'.i,iesdng..'1,Te I stin , g shaR be conducted ln,ac I cordance with A"NSl/R'ESNET/lCC,-,390 and reportecl�at a press I ure, , o I r 0.2'incKw&(5& Pascals). tesii' shall be cohducteclb�,,either in'dividualsas defined, in,Secitlo'n 5'5'3.943(5)-or (7)—ploridd Statues,,,or individuals llcensed,asset forth in Section_ unpg testing: mpers including ek h aust, intake, . mbkeup� I af�,:ba& draft an , d'flde dampers,shall b6l_ closed, but h6t seaile6be'y6nd'intende I d'jnfiItratiohcontroU' d installed. at the time of the ie§t,�shall bi 60en. o 5nk&iing and c6olln-gsysternSj, IT installed at -the' tfineofthe, test, sh'all be turned, ff. es ingtom tp I he by ve�ri y that the above Air Leakage results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy Con ervation requirements according to the compliance method selected above. Sig ature of Tester: Date of Test: o/1611.5 Pri ted Name of Tester: Austin Blankenship (Copy nfLicense / Certificate ofthe tester must be > r , duct Leakage Test Report Residential Prescriptive, Performance or ERI Method Compliance 2017 Florida Building Code, Energy Conservation, 6th Edition Jurisdiction: Permit #: 5 �� U)z 0 Wd ;job In ormation Builde : Community: Lot: Addr fi s: � C�r Unit: City: I State: Zip: '3'�-R l DuctilLeakage Test Results SystI1 n 1 cfm25 Sys+ 2 cfm25 Sys+ 3 cfm25 Sum 0II any dditiilnal systems Cfm25 Toth 1 of all sys�;ems 61 cfm25 3 = , Qn of all Total Conditioned ems Square Footage FIPASS Duc�'ltightness shall be verified by testing in accordance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC380 by either individuals as defined in Section 553.993(5) or (7), Florida Statutes, or individuals licensed as set forth in Section 489.105(3)(f), (g) or (i), Florida Statutes. Te#ing Company, _ Corhpany Name: 15 Lightyears, Inc Phone: (855) 438-151.5 I hej�eby verify that the above duct leakage testing results are in accordance with the 2017 6th Edition Florida Building Code Energy Con ervation requirements according to the compliance method selected above. I Sig ature of Tester: Date of Test: I t b Prl ted Name of Tester: Austin Blankenship License/Certification #: J87RSA Issuing Authority: RFSNET (Copy of License / Certificate of the tester must be attached) tCeitfficate-of Achievement THIS ACKNOWLEDGES THAT Austin Blankenship HAS MET THE STANDARD REQUIRED BY RESNET, AS A CERTIFIED RATING FIELD INSPECTOR Certification Date: 05/07/2018 Certification Expires: 05/07/2021 2. Tim Smith, RESNET Quality Assurance Designee 15 1*igh.tyears RESNET QA Provider # (1998-199)