HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSCANNED PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT, SERVICES BuRdhig C6de Compliance Division BU11,DINGPERAUT sut_CONTRACTORAG­REE,MENT Qp.pIity.,Electric . have - agreed to be , (CompanyNameffiadividiialName) electrical Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN 'HOMES (Type 'of Trade)' (Primary Contractor) the project f-oatedat 53S� (Project Street Addliess or Property`Tax ID IfIs understood that, if there status ourparticipation ion we. is any change of 8tdt 9 regarding o With the above mentioned DrOj6dt, the Buildg ' d Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will. be advised pursuant to the dig• - Sub-c _tractor 4anotice. " p�j ROLE ERT simiTHWick P7,NAME 28'' 17 COUNTY o,1y CERTMCATIONNNUMBER Statellof Florida, County of PALM BEACH Zoe ROBERT SMITHWIICK iy6qill personally known lohas -produced a aside aton, STAMP LEBRI NI 11/1012016 Aprr SUB -CONTRA OR SIGNATURE (Qudlffldi) qotry R..Eyads PRINT NAME 28626 COUNTY'CERTIFIC-ATIONNUMBER sfatLi of -In6ji, - , , BtbWc _d _44, Couility-bf The . foregoing �'i 22-: . _n§truFqeikt)vRssigRe4hefore me this - day. of FOru,qq .20_t%*.Gary R. Evans AV6 'I'S personaiiy iaown or has Produced a is id#-ftfifiakfi6d. STAMP Signature of 1SAtgy Pdblic ERIKA LEBRINI Laura. C. Linden at-6-of*Florida-Notary Publib :ommission # GG 0843371 Prffit Name Pub5c My.Commission Expires March 16, 2021 Laura Gi Lind , e , n �ps GG0336 's Expitd-September 26, 2020 412R Bonded thrd Notary Aaron Not, PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I— rAM -I =� --IIIn , , Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT One Stop top Cooling and Heating, LLC have 4gredd to be -(C6 . WgAny NAMP/Individual Nam the MectiarlicalfflVAC SubTcodtractor for NVR,. INC...dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Tf,adp) (Primary Contractor) r the project located at 0 no6inylidl, ltj1 C'k I (Project Street Address or Property Tait ID Lt is understood that if there is any change of status f0gagidifig our pi LrtidipAtion With the above,menti6ned Droject, the Buildirlg4,5? Code'R6gulation Division of St. Lucie Coi inty ml,"ill be ad'v'iSdd puestiaht to the I ling of a,C of Sub ctor notice. fill fROBERT SMITHWIcK VT'NAME 917 INTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER. !of Florida, County of. PACKBEACH foregoing instrument was signed before me this U day of W-RObERT SMITHWICK is pirsoha'�lly kfi6w.h_or has .produced a cation. STAMP Ature of Notary Public JKA LEBRINI ERIKA LEBkINI: t Name of Notary r9bl gtgto ()f Floricla-Notary Public Cgmmission # GG 084371 g V m commissioh cxplroo March 16, 2021 11/16/2016 SUB -CONfRACTO$1 , GNATURE(Qu (Qualifier), KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of'0RA,NGE The ioregaing instrument nos signed before me this 23' • day of FEBRUARY by-.KEVIN STINE. who is personally knowa 4or has produced R RS Identification. STAMP Signature of Notary Put ITUVA *ELtY WEBSTER hary rUblIC Notary :p6bild - State 61 Flofidi. Commission OF 978034 My-6'6- M'M'., Expires Apr 4. -21]20', I PERMIT # ISSUE DATE 11 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING (Coany Name/Individual Name) PLUMING Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) For the project located at 11 (Primary Contractor) 5 35( (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) W have agreed to be 11 It i s understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the SUB -CONTRA TOR NATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZ PRINT NAME 1 Z 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Statelof Florida, County of. State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 2Sday of The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of , 20% by _��oPn(a� ���/►W�C lC , 20_, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known has produced a who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. as identification. STAMP YPL� STAMP S lure 11 Notat�ryyPubl�iicc Sigulfiture of Notary Public III (Vc�iCJl_ �` _ Print 'i, ame of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public •`+���"� r� NADIA K. LEFEVRE 'r 7flfi�S1�`'r MY COMMISSION It FF 144435 EXPIRES: Au�ust28, _ �*— 11/16/2016 Bonded ThN 2018 Notary uNc Underwrfters "Y " KATHLEEN M. HALL °�° r ' • �4 : - Notary Public - State of Florida ' ° +'1��}" n c My Comm. Expires Jun 17, 2018 - '` a°; Commission # FF 133586 ��t'/' C`r♦ bonded Through National Notary Assn. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildiaig & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMtNT �j PetersenDean Rooting And Solar Systems Inc. _- have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) — — uthe Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES I'I C Fype of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at C; r , (Project Street Address or Property Tas ID #) l'i't is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned prroject, the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a C Sub -co . ractor notice. 0 III � I BERT SMITHWICK ;r ti:OTx 89'17 of Florida, County of PALM BEACH Thelforegoing instrument ryas signed before me thiZday of I'� P 0-Mb3' B013FRTSMIzriy8tLQK _ whq is personally known - or has produeed a as itle�tit'�catian. w tare Public STAMP ER KA LEBRINi �1YPt, 1, ERIKA LEBRINI Print ofNoiary Public �'`�` a�'/ Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 ;?9,Foii My Commission Expires `o`' March 16, 2021 I, xevis_ id 11/16/2016 I'I <<I - ;o'rxaG'roti tiIC\:VTURG (Qualifier) Byron Keith McStoots PRUNT 29024 _ COUNTY CER'nFIC'A'I'IO\ \1 1IBER State of Florida, County of Palm . Beach' The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 22 _ day of February /hy M Byron Keith _ cstoots who is personally known �i or has produced a as identification. ignatore of Notary public Beth Wagner Print.Nalne of Notary Public -- _NVF,: BETH WAGNER .�� MYCOMMISSION#GG081027 EXPIRES: Apn113, 2021 '�;pdv�op�` Bonded 7hru Notary Put>flc Underwriters PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING .4 DEVELOPMENT. SERVICES 011111difagr &Code Compliance Division 0011I)ING VE RNfIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGO- t ME NIT I LE INSULATION agreed " b havq:ggre_ 0 e 6 1 Name) e') the INSULATION for NVR, INC. dbaRYAN HOMES Tr4 rim Ot. i1b .project located at_ L36b.gick, (Prr'p�j9d7site-0i Address­P "rop'0 �T 1D gy _ fty _ at is uii&f.§t6O-oJ that, if tJhft6 is. any change di-19tatfis ng. our particlpation with the above oned qjeci, the B dildiM" And Code, Rd-giflati . bri, DiVi . si6h of . St. Lucie c6u,"'lify will be Ad'Vi6d, pb`i-stidfit to the ✓ radtof notled. ,in& Of a Ch-dnVof -Su- =Vmt ROBE RTSMITHWIQK RINT NANM COUNTY. CERTITICATI.QN NVME'il County or._?aJv-v, Ire tone s 6 6 idbef6k�4'11Q... tk#y of "IAP'j-26Abby. ROBERT SMITHWICK ho is_pe.tsoililly STAMP Sign disc of Nut it"y'I'ublic rihtNalliedNO' H ERIKA LEBRINI State of Florida -Notary Publ Commission # GG 084371 My commission Expires March 16, 2021 H116/2016 If C7 C I dC_ CqVNTY,QIEATIRCATION, NUMBER gJale. �6.f FlJi4dA; Cb4fnO 11,iie"kiegoing ifi,itiunjisit whi ikriitj Wfdri i6i this 2 of 'Y MARCH '201El by PAUL W. HASH 410 N fttibfially liMbiVii X oir'fits pro "Fid 'ed's i. uc us" idontific8itiofi: STAMP Sit'na 6 o7fi­PublFe_­ ry, Pflfit'Nfifie of.NotAty Public, 'ML85; 5- SAP 01' W" I,% 'NotqryPpblj(5tateotFlorida mycorrin'Wir qjded 16qqMNIFta