HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1921 /:'1'1;' I, (. ','I,..., ' ~,." .1'""',... ',..1/'.: 'I' ..i',l'Q. ',II . ,.,.........---, .,~ I" "'/' ,"'--.-""". " I ',I.' 1 ,I" , ,J, :, ~ i f ( I:" ,"I r I' '. . '. I . .. I' , j' I ." '. 1'. "", " ' .' I" iI' I ,', '_ ,,' , I I '~ ' I' /, , ;,' , '. -." w" 'J" I.... .. I I I :,. '", . ft. .'" . -. "I' ~ . . I ,,~:c1::~:,:;~ ~~:~;.".-:;:,:::d:;.",:;';;::'::;::.~~;/:::~~:: ~,~~;;;~~~:i~"::i~:,~", ;~V:~~~;;~~:;,..;~,;.~:: '~;:;:-,:f~~:' :..<;c,:;t,~~~~-:.. ',~:-:,:,~:~;:-i;:'~~~;;l':~~~:::::~:?~:' ;f:'::""'-':':~":' \. 1 I \',' I,. , ~' 'I' ' , 'I, ',,' , , L I ' . ',I! 'tEYS'l\;,t:E "BAtTY CO;~l"AllY . I ' ' I' ro ! \ t '! i I 1i.t A., JOl1E~:Arij) .'II ~1E :" i' Ii' , 1 " '\' ; \ \, I" \ \. "\", \. . .,'. I ' . ,\, I I' ' It t. \ l l '.\.-~. I .r' IiI'. ..' . ..\', ,',. , I 'I' \ '\: \ \'1A:l~Ali 'i}f , 1J{ED. ' \. ' I' I _ .1..".' '\ ,_:c..\ \ ., , ' I I, ' , ',1, -- \ ,-~\ . '\ 1 . , " I, ,', , c~~IIS IllDEi:.Tlr.lE" made: rh1 a fonrt~ day or Jlme, A,.1J..l!)25,b~ 'and b'tltwe,en \i:EYSWIlE R~:AtTY ,~" '. \ .,,'1,',":,',', j, ,,' "...,:, : ' "t , '.. ' . ' \ ' '\, I '" , 'ill ~~tn'>All~'.:-.~'Oo~p~'.ra~o~~eXj.~t1\n~,lU1a~t. tHe\'l,Il\~~ of t\h~ 3t~;'e\0'f':?10rl~~,,'~,SV,~~g,1t9 1~~~JICip,~i!' \.~: I ,;~loo8 ~f butJlne~slp ,the,~O:U1~Y cof 3~.Luole, a,tot~\of, }l~Ol'ld~, p8,rty~f ,the :t'irst',1\'ilrt, 'l)lld " . , " , .. '" , \', I L ~ A. I Jones anld, j1eul, ah \ n. J,Ol1P.B' ~1~ "Wi'!e'" of It~E!: Co\~t:\' lof St.., Lu~ie .a.. Il~:\ s.tet\~' (j fFi, orido'. pa~:t:l i '.', i . \ \. \ \. . '\ ' . \ ~ '.", \ I of the .!leoond l)ar't~ ',', . I' " '( I . I" ";, '; ',.. ' 'YlIr:'~33E~.' ~,h,Qt thtl. 'a~.'l'~ ,,~r.ty'of\ tho \f'l~Bt l?~r~t; 'for ~r;d'iri\'~ons'i;1~':.:~t'ib~' 01. -~he6tin1 of t,:' ";' ....,.~.--- j" ' , ',' ," ,"'- \, ,', ! ~,~10.oo' an.e othcr,good~nd valuable oou'ardel'~ti,Ol1B dollara 'tc 1~ in hai?-d 'Pa.1d by, tho. P~,~ty'of ' ' I, 1 ',. ""', 'T',__ '-.. :~ " _,._; '. _.'" \'-c'.-.. _' . '. ~ ~'. . . ,,~~,~ j'the, ,i3ec-cnd '}~art" -the receip,t whei'~of ,is here,by' ac~c.wledged has' 8r!Wt(j~f bllrgQ~ned', ,Bo).d.ril1Pl)-' r ' . i '. ". :.. ; . -', _.' . \ - . - - _ '_.' l -.. . - . ~: . ", ,.., ';. :". . '.' ~':; . 1 'ed r,enI,sesr,'rel01168,d oor:v~~',ed anLco~"f1;rm~d ,~'d\, by 'th~6e ,p~es.entB do'th gr~nt.: b'nrgdl~, soll, ,J:, ,i a1~en,' relntse, roleaso, oonvoy,lP.1.d c~nfint,uritothe soid p~rtyof tho 'Seoond :'~t thci-r. 'heii-a' 1- j. , , ','::' ,,",,' "" ,,', " " , , " '", ".' ~', " ',' , 'I' i, ~ml'ssBig1!B ~oreter" '111 .t..."l1at'o~1',t-a1n pott1o~,o~ ,~end,1::1z:t8;,,~d.-b,~lnt1i; ,tJ1C:COWI,ty 'of St,~' t.,uq~e.1 -: i $-nd State of-?J.'orl,lla, to-wit.: " , " ! .1..' - . .',' ,'. "... " .'. ,""". _ . .,'~' :' ~ ,.:. "_ "-". _ _ ,. ~ _'. ..... _ ~". '-f l' , to,t: 6Thl J~~ravl~ia' Sub'dlvislon 0 fSectlon ,:rr..''l'o\'i~shlp 35 Sou ~h,' Range 40', : ' .:} .,~ "E~8~~' 8cc.ord'~n.g:~'1i~1,a~'~~,?~ld ~Ubdi~'l,a10n ~'e~ordod i~Pl~t' B?O~A, :a.t j"';":page' M of st. Luol~',C01~lt:l'Record.a.:..To h'avesn.d 'to. ~old' the 'sane 1n .'fee', 1'" , .' . ,0 ' ,,' "", ,,' ...., \, 'is1mple fo'rever;and' the said party of th.o1;J.rst' P&rt:'dQt'h',coV~r:IllltWlth' the ! . '-. '" . . . .' ~ .' .' ",' . ; sdd,partioft,he a~,Qund }'l8,r,t~,:th~t~s .1S i~\,!f)tl1y,sebed ,of the said l'pim1ses" ~, . I " "'I I . .' , . ~ -.. party ot l,t'ha,e: ,eoodr1ghta)~d lawful eti.th~ri~:rto':,~e2.l: ,th9 : ~eI:1~, ,b!;a. the.~'stil<1 , ..:.-. .,. . '.." '. .... -'... " . .... .-' - . the first' 'pe.rt doea: 'hereby, fully i.1,rr'8nt the title to said l...:d 5.nd " . -, . .' -. . ; '"r '8nd ~hat ", . will ,defend "the, e~me ~~ai~f3,t the, i llflf,ll',~1a.1r;1,aof all, persona ;\1h().riaoE1vor,~ , , t! .,. } 1'~OVIlJ~~'n.:..'Y~T;rBLE~9~ t.hnt' th(i::je, p'I:el)~ntB~re f-1:ado e'Rbjeot 'toth'e ~llb\?lnG eX'Pr~~a cen- 'dl t'1011e, 're!ltrIotl011sl11jd lltilt~ti'~rt~. ~arp:j..y'1ng toth~ aa! d:r~raYiila," aocording to''the r~c()r-: ~ - ~ " i r , i , . , ded plat of 'se19 1!uav111a~ apd v';:lch condit'I0na, rO$trlotid:a alld 'Hr.ii':~a,t1onB81~e 1nt'cJ1dod',' :" to be,~~l1ef ahal.I, be ~~ce:pted as C'oveniulta':r~nlnG rl1th the lEind'nno \'Ih1ch,~ohcllbe binding alike: -uJ:'0~ .the heirapereonaI repre'Je!1t5t1~eaand.;aBSi-e..J180f the' psrtyof the, second'}'art, \'::~o, 'by ~, thelr~ooept.ance' of, ,this InstrUr.1ent 8[ru::a to ah1Ce,by tmd pertol'm said rea~rlc:tionS,U{:;1 tQtion~ . ". . a,ndcond'ft1Qnssaone of the,e~presa oonalder"aUODs of. the-se }Jr,e-!3ellta-. 1. no r~aldenoe slrell , he,e~ecte<lo'r.c.oll'strticte<l of,~' 1~n8 coat, t~:an '3,6oo"O~c#tidnll t'oaIaencealn ado ;:!i:t'ullle' sheil be oon~~r-uo.ted oCoorBl ~ock~ dOf:ciete,'atticco, c'o~:cr~t,e , i . .'j ! veneered, wIth s~tlco:.o~ai1d': shell be , , ' oonstruotion, or veneered wIth coral rock or br10k o~ frane, , , '- . ,I' " alo1"[: 3panl~11, 1~()orI~,h" Vellethnor s16il~r 'l:arr:; ;,loua t:rpes' - :~bJo,Ck,.h'Oll(;w,t11e, brl'ck en r,:1xed i' , '., . of nrch1t6?t';U'e, and ,1;ho,iforesaid tl!";)O':nt .shull' be Llotuullye>:r,er:Qco 01 ~'Jn3truct1~n,a:hC ~reo- tiOD of '~uoh bul1'dinelil',d Eat' rorf!:es.in~ c(:nnection t11erewith. 2. "Hobul1clilg ..shall,'be oOI:struoted~r ereoted 'on an~' of tt:e lc:.teof 1:IU'~vi11n atter the Planasp'~o,1f1c6tlon9 ,ono locetion .of ~h~ 61l.!.e -sna.l1 hove heen'llrr;}"ove~ by . of -the first plla't, its e~cceseora, fell' /}':'~j, L.. \.1-vtllSOr sasi,;ua. 3. 7no oonstri.totlon orerect,10n of a buildinG is '11[;li ted to 'one realdenoebul).'dlpg and I .. .' . ,one private sarllse on oroh lot, 1:)0 x 150 feet frontine onSu.nrloe :Soulevel'd. ~ .. ( , " '\ 4. "I'hntr.o lUlIIlWful or lr:.r::orrl use s;1ull ,be Lode of the prer:lhea hereby be cOI:ve~'e<i. · 11 , ..... ' nor shall the SQr:,e nor nny l'srt thaoof.nor 1?11Y in~orest th(lroilii be sO+d,leQsed or Mher-' i . t 1 . : !W1ee oOl;veye-d to aLy,person o'.her than of the Coucoaicn rnoe. provided thct .:1othb," ,hc,rein t,t' oontdned Bh211, prevent t}:e ;:eepillc 2nd l;.[!intal~llne of servvnts Oll tho st1d rrop.erty for ". ,., I ~ ' /;'1 ru'som:ble ,family uS,e. . I ::,1 ' 5;, no building 'opr;....JQrll~: ~:.r.(}i'ln us 1'i11 QP~rt!:"lellt ]:ol:,oe for ocqUPll.tioll 'of r.:ore th!n~ one I '. I , family, 1101" as]1 urn, nor 14os]il till shr.l1 pe'erecte~ or Hued f~r 01.lC~ purfo!; es OU Imy IB-~~i'n--' ! .,) ",r i I exoept that deB1enated ;for bUtHlleSB property by Tart:,' offlrat ~'Grt. I ~ --------....--...-~-~~ I