HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1922 r.,' ,t,('I,' f ,: Ii ~"':" ;' 1:1 1-/,' ,:" '" ',; I, ",1,f'1' ',., ,,)',< 'Jl J'! 'I",r, I :'.. ,~.l...., " "~"~I' ,. i)"') 'I' \"\d":' ':." "I. I , ' "I r . ,,', . ' .. I, I" Ii" i, I , , ,.- ". - 1:, . '" '. , .." ,.... ,0, . ~; ';:':;'~'C:":';;;;;>~i':c;,:C':"rl:~.~.'..;~.~::,:~;.~,;;:i:::;;';k.:~~;;;~i;-~=~~::;.~~~f#F;.t+.~~~l:;:::r,~~;;:1;~ ;,; " -:./ ~' 1'6'.:"~t~,lt ~a.1d'~eO~~dl,~]!'~7~'thJ~;'helr1t.:~~r~ona1.1 ~e~r.~e~ta*;'~.,:-;~la~~ign8,',~~'~ I {\ L '.1 ,_(~' .'th~~c1~r ~r~~,ol~~ri\ it; th~~,~~ope~tl\~,,~b7:'O'O~~~4~ b~ ~~.tue'lo~:'~: ~Ud1oial\~~boe~'~'~.' ~~l~":~ ; , :, 'I' . . \ i ' Ir~ i *l.i.~ ~~~l ~lt\1' ~ .bi)l>Ol.' aUo~! ~p.to~'~Ol, ~.trlo:lo,;i I ~?~d~~lob. ,~<i~~ t~tl~"'~lt1'~! ! ';' ", ,\ ~ i~ .,~tt claye ~ter n1tten, not.,io. ~o the \,..14, .lo9nd pari, 't4eir hllr8, 'p,reonal repl'e..htaUT.',: ' .' ' \, ' " ' " \,' " " ,\ ,,' \, j:\' i." \ \ ~'or aB.,~~.\o~.~ otth", a~ :rt.,'~i\e~o."l1,~~, or th~u-,l'al1i :Jt;Down\a~e,~.,' b;r.th'la~4 pa~~: ' l;, \ : ' '! o~ .t~etirQ~p~t.\'l~I,.'a"oo.,8~0~.:t ~rlbn~,~pr~l~n~~~he~~ a8'1&nB~"Or either ot ~h~, ~~~ '!;:, i, ,;" ';. the .ald aboyt d..or~bed' and qOnYe7ld-P1'~p.rt7 ehal1~.t.mme.~ateli reve~1_1;..o_' t~., .,1'4 tll".8~ .pert,-. --, -.: . - ~ --t '", .".'.." - . --.:::---~-- -----:-.- , -'j, --=~-~. - - -- - " \ ", ',' . - .-" , '". " ' ,,' \, ' 1 ,\ ,: J\ it.a~'O,'B8or. o'r &8lJiana. 1d;l0 aheJ,.l' be ~n~~tle",. '\0 1IiIIiaI1a'-'lr,nter, up,o,n \ 'aldprCfpe~t7 wi. thout' ;, l\~otiO., 'and ,tak~ 'p~~.e'81~Il' ~ttll".';'. With Mi':titl~, 'in' t~~"1mpie" ,tQsether..,..th ehl ~~", .- ''l~ ;~ \. .". .-" -".~ ",' "...., '. '.-<=- _, ":- '. :' '.~_' .' . t pr,:'>v.lllen~. thereon, &.Dd' DO waly.r of' .{~ ~h,ele' oO:nU tiona, 11Dlltati~n., or l'e.t~10~iODs;, ..._', ' , "1' .:,' ,'." .. " , ,',' " ',', ' , ',,' ". ' , " ", ,," '( j)r~8 or'1Iapl1ed, or ~~Uure. t01:' aDT' ,:;'en8t~ or t11lle,,'~ entoz:oe the: ~... "h81l, oon.Uut~ . '~~ . '. ,.' . .~ ". , .0 hoh ento:roement ',at 'ant t1Jl.~' " ~ . '. ~.. . :. . .. . '. ' .; .. . .". ",.,.}...,'... . , '.' ' . . '.. . .' -.' , .' . , .1.' '!ha" the' ~t70t, thet~8t'part i 1 t.,. .uoo~8aorl,or a8~1gnB, 8hal~ ~ay~' the r'llht tr,~m ,tUle,'t~" ,tS:U;'"i~,r~l~~e .'u,y 01: ~he'~bOY' ~r" ~oreg~1Jig relt~~~~On8' oo~dl t1o'~or:i1ia1t~~l~~~, b7 i" s.eal.e4ii18truiDent dul7 e~Ou~'cl in 'acoordanoe w1,t.h the: 'laW8 :~t thestateotF1orida :'tor, tbe' ',', .' -" '....':. . . .'. . "', . ...., .-.'.-" ." -' .' - . .' . , oo~Yeja:p.o~ ot'reaJ., e.,tat.. ' , " ~" .:. c' ...',...... _,.:. "'-'e'" ", .' '.\ ",' .",' :.', .,,,,,'.,,.. .' '< - ", ,', AJfD ~SAID P.lRTY,O~THE J'IR81!'l?.AR!, ,-ror~~8,elt, 'ltl' 8uo~.la,ors and a~I~,' ,dO~~bei'e~7 ' . :'. :.' ,'. ,- -. . '" ..' . .." . .' .. ", . .', . ' '.' ", -. '.'. "'. . -. -- , ~.:' .' ,- . .' '," - . - . . ~ ': : ooyenant 'and ff.gr~ew1th t1\e .aid part, ot ,~he8 eoond P8.1't~ ,their helrB' &Ild'aS8l8nS, In, thQ ~ ; . to'l~Owlng'IIl~~r~,.' · ' " ", " '". ,; , ' ' , " ' - , .' ',', '1. !hat the ~boye and ~~reso1JJ6restriotions." 1im1tat1~nB and: OOnd.1t~OD8' ~~ll be inolude4; . . . . , . .. .. . ...... . ~ . . '1ii'al1 deec1BanC\~eelll.entB :for:de~C\1nthe 8aiQ. MaraTill., exoept in that port10n set 'apart'tfn.' " , '. .,' ill':' . .... . '-~--': .- ~'7] bUl!'lr,u,sB"purp08el. Said land herellioon-v:eted i.: 8ubJeot ',to.' aortsa.ge lft-rayor otG. :~ x111,er~lIiidqd'Mortg&6e ' " . \' '. '\,' ,'"" . .. ~ . ~--", : ~. [, I'" { ; , " O~paD)' reoor~edln Kor'gage..:SOo:t22'Pas- ~9 .hiah '.or~. p&.rt70t, the :tint' p.a~a3SWle8 and., . . ';..' :.''- '-. .'~.' . '.. ~ ':." . ''".:'~ ,":- '," -,'- . . ..:' ",.;'.'; ,..' .. ""'".' .' .; ~r..~.. to pai~ ,,' , ' .. '<' y. ~ ! !- 1 : . i 818n8d',ln'itl n8llle' bYU8 Priaident~ &1i4 1ta oorl?or~te' .'al, to'be 'a~1xeci.,. attested b71t8 . .. . . , . . ..." 'IB"WIftES.' s: ~P, '-.. "'4,lvtt4et:1ahe ;t1"ti,p8.1'~hu oaused t~.e present. ,terb" , ,.. .' ~ . d 7Iar &boYeWr1tt.n~ ~-_:"':'.'---"-'- ,', 'JC:ft8TORIWL'l'Y cOJn>m, ~B7 :PI. ul ~.' EImI , President. i:.. J.tte.taL. w. Balb, .- Seol'etarj' , : 818n~c1., ,aiaied and ~eU.Yere4 Jl. "M.RUl7 ',' 'B., H&1.ijl ", ('8.00 'I,a.stamp, oan.) 'in our.' prellJ1Oe'i ' , , ',' " -J' i j' :':. SfA.TB OJ' F,U)RIDJ.,' , , I ~ l ~--:. a' ~ t , l . ' ' .1 .IO~ OF ST. LUau:, "~I ' A . , I HEREBY~TIJ'l that on tl.ler'~ ot, lun~'~. D. 1926, beto~. me ~~r8C)ne:il~"pp'ea"d', : PJ.ULG~ DJIS,'and L, w.. x&lbe,.' ~e.peot1n17 Prea1enl'and Seoretaq ot XBYSTOB- RhTLY ,COM;Pm, I, " , " " " a oorporat1on UAder" 't1\8 la.I'ot th.~talte, of, i'lorl4a, to m~knownto be,the per8ona' 4eloribtd.' , , , andaevera1l7 aoknowle4gec1 the exeoution'ther;: I ' In and who exeouted'the torego~ oon?e7.-oe to . I of to be the1r ~ree aot e.n4 41ted a. 8uoho:fti,o.rl, tor the \18,. md purpoaes theroln mentioned;, I I , ,; and thai the, afflxed tber.tothe offioial .eal ot aald oorporatlon, and the .a~d instrument ~. the aot and deed ot ,a1d oorpo~ lion. Pieroe In the CbWit7 of ~t~ Lu,oie. and st8.te, , j I , ~ ',.Mq L. .!.d4.er Bot&l'7 Publ1o.tltata ot ftor14a; at Large.. II,- 0GIIIt1..~o. txpire,: , ,........:.-.-~-~._.*, I ' _' ,d -' .