HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1931 J '. , , . . '. ,." I ' . , . I 'I ,I ',', I " I J', " . ,i .1 '. I l't', ., . "" I .' f ,'I " .J . ~ \' I I. '..1 ..' , J . ". " '" , : ;1 ',~ ; ~;;t:~:~;;:~~~:.;;:~;L~~~T~;:,":;:,;~L"'":.:~~~.~i~ '~':;~~T:{;~"i:~~:~;'~;~.::T:';':':'~~:;~C'.',~~~~;:j;~~.~.~L.~.J,:,; ! ~. \;:1 \ ;11,"I\~&;1't,:~t aQ.~Vl'1qp'i~t',,8~:.;an4.,0..: o;t Ithe'18ub\4.f"'J,81~~' ~f ~ .' \, 11'1, . F'. , i '~. I 1:' \' > . ,', . '. ',', \,' .1, I. ,Gov.~.n~.,Ito~~'3- an:~ t: ~~'8~"Uon ~~f:Jir o:t' ~t. lTa'O~~1;l ;:.. \ ". _' . 'r 1: .,;':,1 <", \ " t I .-.--:~~-,.~~\ . ."-'-,' '-,'-;-:-' . '.. ,~.~\~. ..,.,'" ,~-.~, ., .;~' " -," : ( ". ~ . J i '\ ',\ '," ..,10, 'OlfMh1p.a.'(-I'0-utli, 'llan&t tl. kat, ~. 8Un.,.4~<< p],.~tt~4 . , ',' 'T 1 I'". I'; I :. j I, ",;'..'~ R.ll. ~~1~~'" ~~.th;18~1.' ~ ~Y~l.t ~ Platt..> I. .;,' " '... '; ,I J I', \ . \ , , ~j:t~e ilo~t OOi1o'.~. ~no., 'o:t.~~~:, .~or"~,\Aprll 28th~' 1926..\~'" . , "', ; ! ," " . '.<' , .: aliln..8t.~o1e ~v,~ln~r~~\. \1hOl~~ ail\rip8r1~rkht~.,'; " . ,;:~L\~' \," 'i! \ ;\ !ro&etb8r ~t)1\~o 'ene.ent.~. 'h.ere\~~am.J1..anA ,anUl'h~.I' \~theT.~;'~~~1l~se,,~18h~~,. V "\ '\~ui6.1n~'J."t..'e_ta~' '1'!~1~~fn4\ .u,...e,ntth~~.to, 'bolOD8~,or,:~ a~~' ~P'i'~~"Dg,'\ ,'l' I\',,~,,! ~tt(th. .al,4,part~.ot, th....oonA ~rt;hI8.8UOO..~'oz:a an4,,~81gnsfOrt1..r. ". , .' ~.' \'" . , - . \ ". . \ \. .. ."" . ,'"" 'vj :' , .' .' .' ~ HA.~ Alf]) Tq HO~ the' ab~ve 4'.0~.1b,'4 ,pr~18'" ~ tee . aRle , with.: t~e' ~>>~t~nano.. . '~ '. _ \ . . '. _, _ _ .. ,'_ < . . " _", _' ,. _' '. " . . . . . '.' . , '. ' . . ;.' .' ,t. ~ . "q 'and :tiXtUl"tt,. un~o: ~. '!lA14 trua~..." ' an4.: ,hi8 a881~ .to1".....r.b.11t- in tl'Ult. n~.v.rth.le..,tor . . . . '. ~. . > ~ \.. \ \' . ---:- . ". ~ . ..... ~ . .'. " . - ..' " " ,)hI prq-ra. ~.' an4 blnot1.t. of the .a!o>>OYI bl_t1o~4 par1!1.es,' to-wltl, '. ',Hatr7Dfer.'- 'J.A..': .: .; '1f~~,' >>..: .... ~.:>Ruf~.,,".. B~' !liton ,&ZJ,~ i,. ~~.. 'a13:'or,; ~he~ ~e~~' ana ,~s"i6M'. ". it l~':turtJ:\4lr' ~!"enan~~I' an~'4,' tl1at....the,.abQy.. u.ortbe,4 p~~~,se,Q :,~l~. b~ .h81~. b7:', < ~"'eal4, ~t.. '.~bJ'eot to the :to~low1D6: ' ,'. '.' " .' :", '.- '. , . .,' " ;, .',. .', , ',., . . ,'. ',; ; .', . . .....,,'.,..,',. . . ' . . ' '-'8-.1,4 .t~1iee 18 '~rebldil'to1;'4,bt the '.a14,pELrtnerehj;p:or. '1J141~a.t. to " ,~~e~t~apro~~ '.on'~ mor~86',for"~,~" baiallOe.4ue' ;ot t,h.;.pU.rol1as~'>>r10.. ..',:, .... .' . ,." ~t, US~l 'l)~ .the4ul1:0~"~li,.at:o~e'&14 truat~.-;to; tr~~eral\1~rall ot.tlleabove " a.~one4 peIIll'....:U.pO~~.O.lPt o~: 1rrlth~' not1ot'1sn.~.bf ~'..hr'" ot'the' ~.aib.r8 ottht" \ ~, pU'tn~~h~1> o~".1I14J.~'~:.. 8alQ..~,~i.hJl n.*'10e~hal~8t~t.:to' whora i,he ,'p~emlses,~1;o,.b~. 't':ran.:t'1'~4~ '. ~e,4e801'.~pt.l0n of, the p~opel'.t7, "he ,~1me~a1db"tl'Wllon~. o~,~be.~.t~r' 1. ,. . . . ,,'."'~ bti,.xe~~d' t~eto~e .~," oonclftlons/.of ~$,.'ea,ld ,~iU:.tei-. , . ' . ,{. . . , It . 18t--turther . ui1del'8too~. ~ . .,re.4 ~ha~ . tl:1e 8&14 tl'Ulte. ~s .t~ aooept .8lJ,oh tru,at agr.e~nt w1ththeUn,41;re'an41JJ6\hat" he. ,,1ilb8. '11able 1n 'no~.:tor l1i~ a;0~lorie'lt7. r.~on of ~~O~1lJB ';'. . . . . '. . ..' - ' ~ ". ,,'". . .'::r . . ...; _ ,;" . - thl ..abers ,ot .a14 ..partr1orllilp'ol',,8~4.10ate i9ret;aU1 tha... ano. p(),...81on Of the ..ii14 . ',' ,,' .",' ".-., . " ~'''. . '. -.~" :", .; . -, .: .. ,', ... ., : . ". ": pl'~1'.'.~ .!hat heahal~',~1 1.la~le' O~7fO~ gro.8S,uSJ..1s.no'I.:W11ltu.l'Or '-nt.ntlQD&1 "fault .1nt~. ex'OUt10~ 'O~ .e;q(lut7'~r~~t to}h1l1J14.ntur..; ". . '. St,li1 tl'WJto. .18heioe.b7 authorizo4to pay,. aU, h.us 01' U8tS8ments ~hat IIq b. ,:1.ga117 " . . -' . - . - ' >,' . . ".. ~ . .' , . . .1'T1.4.~a1n.t ,8&14 pre.l"8a~,\-~1;1me..' ~t ,~~n tne' p&:illent o~ ani ta.x~.',or'oth'~' . " . . .'. ,., . . '. '.' . . . , " " . , , " ., . " , " ," I, . . ~8I~.m'Dta the ea1~.tr\\8tte'ls tonot~7.thO.a14P~t~rah1P or'J]1Uoa.te anA ~h&t.ala '. '. , \ ~tner8hlP~~IJ711d1o.~e 1~. 1Iiaae~ate17'to' i'811ibiiis8 the S&1.dt~te..... ". " . . It 18 .:tUl'th:e~' W1d'1'8t.ooci enci ~08'4 that" th~truateeal1&l1, up~Ji ~.~elp~ ot'an,' funds . 'atoisi.ng '1'l'O~ tho .all O;L"~ oth,"18e 'Of the~bov., ~nUono4 premi.,.es, 01' a4 ",l't,'th~8'O:t'to pa7' onJ:to the .p&rtner8h1p::o~8~d1oat.all'UOJr ~. u4 t~t .&14 tru.'....hall notb..illlblt - _ . - . _ _ . r '-. . . tor' the aPP4.1oat1o~ o:t ui.ot t4e':tI1J1ds, ,0~.4 oT.er' to the partn~r8hlPor"J:J1d10atl., ' . , ' . , . '. t.' . .' '.' .' - . .,~thesa14part1.~. o:tthO,:t1,rst~&%'t :t'or tholl.eivee and tho1r heirs an41.gal r.present~t1J'ee',. . oonnant 1tlth tho' 8&14 p'art;, o:t ~h' :i:t .eoona. part, h1eIfU00.8S0r~arUB1gn.-'thatth'Y aN' 1n~ ,;'.. . .., ,",." "'. . .. ' -.. .. .. ',:.. ;' 4etea~1blt se1.ze~~1.4 1~4"n:toe .1mple. That they bayEtlaw:tul right and full power to OonY87 .a.14'1e.n4B In :tee aiillple. . That it 8hall be la~,:tor.the .ai4 ~tee, thtblembera o:t ~ ~ ',. -. . . . ~ _.' . . the par1ine,toU:L1PQr.e;vn41oate. at all .tliles. peao'a~11 and qulf1i17'toenter upon. 00011P7 an4 en~' . I. -, _'" ., ;~07"14 lan4. ;. ~t the.ai4 lan4 18 tr.e:tHa.aU enOtlllbranoe.. ~t the .a14 parUee ot tb.ct . ' , .' 'I t1ret, pal'~an4 ~lr. and l,-sal r.p~8enta~1YI' will aake ,8uohfurtMr allUl'anoe. .to pO'l'feot the, toe .1lIple title to laid land 1n the ...14 trallt.., hIe .waoeesorl or a881Bna, as ma7 be reaJonab17 ., , " " I ' ',.' . ,. ~: r'tu1l'.4 andth. .ai4 parti.. of the t1'r.t part 40 hore~ :tul17 warrant I tne, title to. .-ai4 lan4'; . I . - .. .. - ., ~" an4will defen4 the 'aM "~1nIt lh:tul 01a1.. of all, p.1"I0na wholalo.yer.' I . . '. ' , , .' wI~S th~ han4S and. .eab o:t the 8&1.4 partie., of. the t1ra t part. tha' 4&7 and)"8ar fiN t, . ..." I r" . I ,120 . . j. , . ~. ,," --:-;--.'1 . , , .~ l , .,tl ..] I ;1 .( ,~ . " 1.,1 i ,~ . - .' " . .~~ ,'1 . , . .,t " ! j j 1 aboyt wrUten. . Charlae E4a1on ' ,Maude B. E4uon 1~:#-~' I . -,.,'