HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1933 I '''122 ,....1 " . I , If" .. . . . I 'I . '. , ~ '. ; ...... '~:~"~~::"""i:~:~~~::':~~~~:~::~::'~;'~;'~r-c,~- ~;..t-,~~~~:~:;~~:G'~-:r~.;,~,;~.~~l::'~'~-;:l~:'~"~'~:1'~~~1:;;'~'~~' ;"'~~~I'::=~~'-;:'~::;'':~:- ':-:-~~~:';~~'f:;~~"'_';-'f- . I' ',ln4tt.al~bileellS'd 0:t..ai4,'1and.'~ tee '!Ilpl~ ;,t~t a&14 8 ~"~a ha~.~l P9w~r!lUI\,d l'awtuli' I . 1 I', ' . l'illh\' \~O'""..O;Y' 0~1~1".~ !-" t~o ,~~.~i.,.,.~~~~.Oa1~' ~ha;~) i~ .;..u ,~.' ~~ ,~O~ .1'14 ~~... ' ',' :", . . , .1'.. ~18,,~"l,.r,,".,:' i,I'~,l '~~P~~~o~t,at~~e.," 'a,' nit ...is,.,' WJ" a~,' ar1\ 1m,.,"', "..q~ :a~, 17;~, !4, 'qu .~t",t,17"~O 0 ,n ", ,~.UP~,;. ',':': :',' ',i '~I,l" 1.\ '1 ';" ':. h'bt4, \ O'OOuP7 and, .i1J.Ol .ai 4 l~~; that. _a14, i.:n411,t -1'411 all '1hCJWIb~oeIJ:1;~t lai4 gr~t'or., .,'-, . :. " < \ " -.', ' -- : ... . ' . .... . \ 1. ..,. '.' . -, : '. . .' .'~. 'l., - \ \ ~ .. . ".. .' . " . ~ i . ".:). " .:_ ! . ~h'~r \~~lr8 \an4.1~~ r.px;....~t.atlV;..,Wl11IlW:~'\.UOh\ 'tu;'the~ '~S8Ur&n0~8. top.~eo~tJl',~'e~.:..,\,.\ '.';." ., ,"" \ ',' , . ..., '\, . \ .', ." . " , \ , ..! \ .I . 'a1llP1.0 Utl.to. lald :l~d in 8a14 gran.teo, h18,heJ.n-, l,,~ r,pl:'tee.n~~1V"~c). ~esl~.'" ! \. ... I', . . ~ . . \. . \"' \ . \ ., .' '. . . \. . ", .... i ..ai reaao~abllb~ ~equh~4; and that '&14.,grtnto1'8\,'do hereb7 ~ul~ ri,rrant' $hetltlt:. ~o ..i~ \. . ....,... :.~. -. ", '.""' .~' ", \ : .' \. \ . ," ..,~.,." " . -'.~' i. ,\'\, \ 'land 'aild will, a..ei~the .......8Ba1.nst~ tho la~ o).ai-eo!' all;~.r8ona whoai8o.y'er~ ; , . ," . "" \' ", \. : ",' , . . ~. '. .. - ':', . ,. -' .' .~, -~", ~ .:~ ,'. ':\ ~.~\' . ,.' , . \ .' :. "\ . , \ ~~ss .the,\~~,~~,".l' ot .al~ g~ta:r's, tl;Le. 4at. b4 7~ai' fir" ab.o" written. . J" Sl~e4t ,eaied ~ddellTero4"'",\ . . . ~ ,~. .pr~s'noe .~~I,.' " . ',' ..:. B.Har':, c..j~tal) . , w. O~ BeaO\_' "'. .~. . ..Ru.tl1Hart" (S,eal) , W. H. BajUea .. . ",' ; < , , l . , r ", i . ~ ' r.~ . " " ... i /' .. ': . I , 'J I I > l' .. ..,.: I . , ' r I ' I' .. ,,:, . ~,. . /.: 'I ,1- .., . ..'} ,~. _f . ,,' ';:. I! ,~ , ".1" I' . ,"_ . f:,j_.,! I , .. , I 'I ~. ,." J .' " . '. I I... .I " I '1 '..' '. . I 1: ' 1,1 " >' . ; I .'." I , ,j: . ," .~ ,. . L: . " . .1... " #'~ "': t " \ " STAT. QJ' ~RIDA' :'OOU1r.l'Y OF' 8~..LUOIl , , .' . t.' . . ~~ .' ~ ',' '. . . . . . - ' I.. iumox cERTIPr, fhaton ,this' ~7 pereonall)' appe'ar.4b'tor~Il..' an ()ft'1o~~ l''.tlal,:-tu,'. , . author.l'~'~~'to'~~1n~~'te~at~ an~, ~ '..o~o~le.~ate, .....:.H...~'t~~~.: Ruth:,Ra~t,.,h18 ~u~., t:'o ,..me well bocana. 'known to lie' to be' the, lnci'1~1du&18' d.tao~lb.4 In ail. who '~xe~t'4 th.tor~1- , ,".. ~'.:. - . '. <' . .., " " . ,,:". .' . - . '. - . ; . .,.. ., . . ~ . . - . ", " - . r.. ". gO~' deo4,and ~hei aObo.ilt4g'~d:b.tore. Qat ~hat the7exeouted thf.a.e ,t~Ol~ an~'. voiun~ar.li~;: .. : . - . -.. -"---' . . . ,.' . . . "... . ~ .', ..: .- - . :':; .". .. .... .... ~ . tor the purpos..therein expro.e.4.' ',' \ , :- ,-.!,. . . " . . AID I J'tJRTHEI\ ClRUn,fb&tth' iaicl R~thHart moWn' 1;0 '.. ,to be the wire otth. .8ald . . ; ~,':l._, . ",- . 1 . _ . w. 'H. .~~,on a..ep~'te'an4 pr~Ya1il e~~t1oDt'8.k'~arid ,1I&,d. b7~4betore..". 8e~.at'lr ;'," . ';. .,' . . " ",. . . -. ' ." " - ". -",' . . '"", . .-. '- . ',.., >~ ',':-' an4 apart: trOIll her ~&1d hUSban4,. cUd aolo1owl~4g.~that 8h..,....her~elfapar~7 .to .&1440,,4 for" '~hO' '~PO~'Qf ;.n~w1oins. . rI).1nqu1eh1n8 ILD4.oon1;e7bl6 &1.1 he~, ~lght'~ .. t1tl~;:an;4 ~t'~I' .Wh'~h.r ",' ot dow'l', hODe8te.ad '01' Of 8..~~t~'p~po~tj'\~ s.tatut01'1 01' 'eQ.V.it,aij~.,;1n.&Dd ~o '.~hel&I148thef~1n,. . . . '.' '. .'. " . . . '. - " . -. . '. . ,-. .:'. .. ." - . '. " ~. ".. . . . ,': :. .. ... ,'_ ...'. .' . .;. 3 and tba~ Ih, exooute4 t~e~a14' deed' fl'e.17 a$ voluntar1l.7. &1\~ 1rl,~ou1i a~oolllPu;i.ll0D, 'oon-', . . .' -~)~ ,.\\\:'" " . . ',1 e'., '(/\ . .~o ..., :ae.c . .).--.. I #:#:#:# :1: #i':':#:I:I:#:I: I:':i .#:# ~1;"#:Hi :l:I:":i:., :i:I:( :'1.:# :,.# t#:.i :'l/;#:1 :i:.~:1 :I:i tt , aOl" G. Hp..UJID IT AL .,'00 . W. H.HART ' " ' I ' , .;, f .. .:., , ( . thlli "I: . ~ ; . ;, 8 tre.1nt, appreh'e~slOl1, orfearot 01' tl'Olll40r laid' h~ban4.' . . . ". . . - ~ WITlESS IQ'hand andoffl0lal 8.~al at .rt~ Pl.rot, 'CO\Ult7,O:t.at. tAlo1e: and Stat. Of'J.'lor1~,t ~. , .,. ",. ...' O.Ba6get_ .". , lrot&l'JPubllo fQ1" the Stateot nor1u~. . Jl7. o omal e.sl on. ~1r..qr.I9..L.~~26. . ~ . ~ .' , . . . . . . '., . .ne.4 and 1".~Or4.e4 'o,n' thl.'lO~' 4ai or' J~7~i92t,' d 12.00 P.M. !'t -.. .. . . .",:;, "- ." .. ~. .. '.' '. .,... '.' . . .~~~. . . P~' O.El4i'oo..Cl~k ~l1"Ou1'~ OoUrt. " 'Bt~~/d~._ .~!O~ ,1 .1 .~" wAIUwi'lY J?DD . . . ..' I TRIS~, Ka4.etb.Sth 4&7,of Jul7. A. >>..1925. b7 R07 G.H~1l1a:r4 and Florenoe.. . "- . ... . . Hl111~d,hlS witl. of ih. Oount7,~f St. LIloU' ~'a~.1 otJ'lorl4.f., horeinafter oalle4 the' pantON, 1;0 W. H. ~t of th. Oount7,of 8'. LQ.01e Skto of Flor1da, J?e1'.~fte~ 'O&l.lidthej pantel. .~- :I, J /.' ./ I ' 11. I