HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1936 r,'!, 'I ''i..: '., /.[', i ,/,"/ " ,'Il " 1,1 J'/'r,.I, '1: ~125 ,., ,I,.I! " .I' . i,' . /'. ' . .' ' 1". " , , . ! ~ ! I ' " I .j I I I ". I . I " ,I ' . ' . , . . , ' I' ,I 't \. , '" I.'.'.','..'" r ' , . I . "I'" '1 I I , , "., ,. " ,.1 I · " . ~ I' " I . I' I " . . '. I ' ; , . I 'I ' 1 'I r ,1, ',' I' . 'I I", . . " I,' t. 1 I '" ' .' II"~ 't ,,' "j.l '. I , '1 ," . '.. ' , , . ,I " I, , jl . . '. '. . I! . I .' I, . , ' , '; .' f::.' i\ t"':;"ih: '0",;;';:-'~". ',' "';\17 .'. :.':,c;.;~1;;:-'~,:';~;:;~~T"'::::ict~~,;,::~-';;:~';l7~_d#l ".d'':;;::;:O:;f~f;';;~~~F:'C~.;ER:. ~.;~::-.::~.~/~;.C; I ,I,' I, I I.., I '!IT~SIl7' o~n~~:r. I"'dottt~~oI. .o~, "~ok~. ~ ~o; oo\,ntflot ~.oL:o.. ("!id ,Sto~1 I.: . . . 'r.\ot Kl~CI,O~~: th,'Mr anc1 Y'oar'1:a.t,afo:re.ald~. '\ " II ,\ "~,I \ .' " \, d'" I, \ ,t' \ " : 'II,~\ .'{ \ '. '. I'" ~,)r\~~ \', ,\.' , ,\, \ '''....', !.'~~l~ J~,"~e':'k . (So~)'; ," ,'1\,1, ,\, :'.' ,.,' .' II .'l,', \ \ ' ..., , I \, . \ .1, ,.\. lfo~aJ7Pli.bllQ\wlthln and for lald Sta.te "'"Oo~tl' ; \ :.""~ ',. \, \ ," l,' \,\. J " N.~.S~aLll, \'., '~' ,lCtif3~" hDJ:e".1.on eX~l;r.1 .D~O~~.1:, 1~~1~~6~ 1-, , ..' \, I' (...,\. . J .' ", . J' \ ' ,~, \".r .f., \i '.' . \. 1\ " '. . ' /,' . .\ ~ I, , . ,., " I' \ I' . . Y . \1 ,\...', ..' ., .: I ' , \ '" '" '.\.-.,,0.,..., . II I , '.:_.__J.'\ ,'.." , '.' ". . " , \ . 1\: \ (,' \r~ltd ~dt~OOrded onthl'~',~Oth d4Y'O~:Ju1yf192G.t 214).~~K.",\:,' \' '..:, 'i ,: ,'. .,' \ ':\"" ~. . . . . . . . \ .' J -' '. . . . "', .' . . . . , ,; :,/ "~~' ~r:-U .', p~ ~O~ Zii1r~d, ~i.~k' airoutt Oo~t. " ~ ,",. ,~-:,. . ~\. , .~-'.= .) . \ ,,,I \ Ot"Ot.Se~l'f'":-' \~. . . ,\~, 'I' . . ...., " . . ,.,' ."-. ~ec()rJ' '.edlicd~:-;-' .B7~~:g~~.,' '~.O".\" , . ~' . . " , " . If I :,i~1 ,i~;; :1:1:# I~: 1:1 :i:I:~:I: i I i:#~I:#';#:i:i :#;#.:# ;"1:1 :1,:/:1:'#:# :#f#~#. i" 1.#:I:i :'#: i :i:;: #,~ i=#,;" . . "<10sm.r.'HBDt .' . ,'..,..' : :.' fo" .,.~ . ._ :.:"': . ...'JOSKP1l.S.'J...OKBOB. .,' . " . .. . . .'.. WAlUWifiDDD. . ."'- ~.' . " " "t ..&r. . Tilis, IBDUTUliB, Jlad~ ,thl.. 9th4a1 0~,Jul7-A.~ De' i926, ~~ JOS:&PH'.1. 'HEIK, 'l~wer~", .. ..' .... ':. ", '" " ", " .'. " . '. , ., '." ..' " ." ... . or x.heaa ~lt7/~~~t,. o:t'JaOksO~aD.d' .Stat'.~.J.(i;8'8~U~'Pe.rt~ ot:'th~, t1rS,f'P~; ~~ JOS~Pli 'S.': . . " .' -.... ". ~, '., . ',.. ". l.ACXs~ll,a sl:tl61e ~anC~ .ot~.eooUnt,.oi St'! ~oleand ~tat'e o.t Fiorlda>'p~t1 of ,the lJeoond" . .' . '." . " , . '. " ,..... part,':.ITNESSE!:R,~ \'ha~', the laid ~J:'t7 'o-r th,"fti-.t' par_,,' ~or an4'~Jl. 00n81dera,t10,~: of, t~b. e,..' o,:t. ,,;.f~,.'.D~i~~~~~~~~~~~.~~, ~~.~mf,h,~h, ,~~,.~b:r . aOknow~~08e~t' ~e granr.4, btU'galne6,' tJ~ 1_,_.1 " 80 " '. t~naterr.~ w;tto the Jald.par,t.:1 ot.~h~ ".eoond ~r~.ndhl1 !i,1:t.s and a!lelgns to~~Yer, all"tbat oe~1np~o.l ot.l~d ly.iD6and bd~ ,.1~~0 '. ;01Ul~j.ot '~~. .~~Oa..d, . dt.~o ~tn~~~da.o" Pl'UouiarJ.y do00l'1b.4"tol\O"~' . . :Oovel'lllRont'Itot, 2,3, and '~ot:Seot1o~2~i ,'and G~v.l'llDlent',: . 1.9tl :4.;'0~ '7 '&nd. 8 ot :seot1~n;'~,,','~l In '!ownshli. M 8~ a~ :' . .. , . ; . '. .' " .... '. . . . . '. . ~ ,..'. .O'Ba.t;'.~'~'hOr ~th."&ll #R&rlazi~6h.t~'8.nd.~blnerg~a ~: ..... . ", lands 'al,lpurtenant 11her~~to. " : .. .... .. . I !'".. " ,.90.00' I.a.stamps: 'oano~ll~c\) <::. . :...) .ToGBmEa 1rl.~ 'al~ t~ teneuiente, 'her~41tamentl 8.nda1>purte~ee, with tver7pr~vcll~g.. r~ht, , . t1 tle ,lnhrelt',andeetate.: dow.r. an,d )lght'ptdow.r:. 'r.ver81~,rellabldor,andeuem.~t thereto~. '. . beloIl61ng 'orin aD1Vd.eeappertalnil.18: TO ;HA:VE JJiDTO'~OLD'theeame'.1Jl~e'o 11IIlple, tore.,t~.- . _ . _'. ' ~. "'_ . ",' . .' . ~ 'J=-'=-, , .' .', '.", _ . _ .'_. ~ .' . . . And the...1d .part, o~ the tiNt part, 4O.0S oovt:o.ant.nth the ,ea14 pe.r~l' ot the ~eo~nd .p~t th&'~' hel~ia~lY ae1z~4.,of th~...ldPr'lIi.~.!', '.t.hat the7:.are tr~e .~r~all. in_b~anO~.8ancl , ~~at hehalgoodl'18ht. ~ ~aw1'ul..uthorlt7 t~ ,sel,~ the, I~.: ud .tb.e,.aidPar~yot'the,~lZ'8t. . pe.rtdoee ~e~by, tul17 warrant the 1;1t18 to 1&10. land and' .111, de~endthe lime egainet.the 18.w- 'tut olalme o~ all pe1'80nlwhoin8oeY~r.' . . . -. . . . , Dr 'WITBESS:~P', th.. lald party of .the tlrst pl~rt has h.reunto,88~ hl.han4.'anc1 seal t' tho 4a7,andle~above written. Slgn,ed, seal'ed and dolhere4 lnoUl' presenoel . P. L;, R....lug. .... II. Steward . '. "Joseph' J. lIe a , . ( Seal) ;. B I' /. STA.TE OP"F!4RIDA. OOtmTY OP'ST. L~Ca .- .... " I I '1iERUY CER~IP'Y, ~8.t ,on thl" 9thdalotJulr. .i.])~~ 1925, betore lie persona-1l1 appeare4 ..--------. '. . " '. Joseph J.'Rei.to lie well kno& ,Uld laiown to'mo .to/beth. person dosorlbed1n and who exeouted the toregoing Oonve7anoe to Joseph S. Jaokson and aoknoWleOgedthe exeoution thereof to be h18 I ~ . ". .. J." ~ . . ' ;'. .:'. -, tree aot and deed ~or the ~o. aDdpurpo.e. thereln m.ntlon.~. " ~------------:- ~,' " . . " . I . .. -- r~..~ I ~i\-~ 2j .'~-:<;: .,.,...___ ..._ ______.~ ~v~__........_w _r__ _-._.__