HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1938 " 'I 'I,. l' ! I . I I'" ii, /1 J, ~ 't .,;' ,.. . ,I ,",: 'Ii r.l, \L I, ' ; I r, ' .!" . 'l"1 ; I' ! .~ 1:'1 ,I;'. 'I . I . . ,';', , j 111',;' I :' ;,j " ~. I I . . f '-.l '. '[ . .' f"'., 'I .' .' , i. ,.' ' I , "'f' ~ 'j ;.' I ' I I . .. .... "" , _ _ ~, . . I, , , ~ \ I . ;~II~::;::CJi~f~;;:~~~:~-::~,;::~~;:;,;;;"~~~:.:;~r"~~~'~71~tf~~;':::+'rJR~3t~:':'~~;~f;':f ' I \ ""~lU'H :~ I ~A""?OIf. , I .,1 i '00,', ' '11 FpR T ~l ~ OR \,;'!'~ AljD ~~B,1, co.- J " 'it :-: 'I', : '1\' 1\'" ';; . " , ; ~:.'. i'lA~~~;~,~E1).." \' \,'1. \ III \'. 1,11 "'!l I. .,! ,I \,~', '11' , TH1SIll~~i~~i ~;J,~e' f}1.iS,9~:,,:'dht1 of)\u.yi.~.'~}:~?'lbet\\'eo~l\ J0!30PhS.'\~IlCJ~.s,oo,',~':rt~~1~!.r'.r' \, ; {. 'iri~n f~ l~e;C'olU1t:, Qf St~ I,t\CI\,~ :ano. Statep{}\10ri atl)fl'~rty O,f th~ ,ftl',st pnr~, '~Ii1IT ?p':rt horae \.".'\' "I'} '\Bfillk:~ i1'r~st COl11),W1'Y...\ a,corl(oration .ex.\1a1\1:ng \U)!q~'r t.he'.laYla~Of the,St'at(i6t\:?lofldl! havITlg', 'l ' .'; . ' , . .. . . \ i "", ,\ '. , ' , J 1 i.s' pril\ol]lal",pli ac'e .01 :bualneas ill the CO'U1t:.' 6\tS~.. LncI&Gnd 3~e.te 19,f'f~ o~'i d~ p~r't~- ,;~ t!;e,\ \ ,j , s8oond'p.8,rt',' .\\. .." '. ,\ , :' ',j".' ,.\ i .\ . . ,: ','. '.'.' .: " " .',' \ " . \ . \ " , , . I ..\'II:I!1:33B~. tha1;" the 'safd' pQl'ty Q,e the\ fi\rat part, for~n"d~n\ con~lderl1t1(\n of tpe f' '.' ... \..... . , "."" - .:" . ". \ ..' ',- ~ . _ -.-' ....,.,., , < .'. _ - '.-' '; "1"\ , . ,~ti:m.,of'i'en DOna~a imd othe~ vlllU8l?leQv,nslde,ratiop.to hir.J'1n l:!lnl pa1.o;,the.roceipt" whelt ...' ~",: . \ ' " , " " ' "'. ..". '. ,,\ : , ' ,'., .' t ,. .\ 1 ,~~'h m;eby 'acknowle dB'ed, has' .grall ted' b8rga'hlell~ a6-1?,..,81JeI~e~, .remis.ed,," .enfeofted, ~co~vey~d: " r: . " . ~. ,,' " . ' ' . '. '" .,\ . ~ "and--confirmEld '811<} by thes~' pres'entsQb.ea"'gr~nt~. .bargaln',-sel): .Qnen.,.'retl1s~~r'el~8Se, . ---.---. " . : - , ' . .: '- , " \ , " ,. " " :,,: '. ,', ',' "<', , , ' .. '" enfeo.f~,oonvey ape oonfinn lUlto .t~e.. ~8la r)~,t:? .of the E!econd pal't, 5lJid:Hs 81t~rgear:ors,n: '() . I. ., .'. \ \-- \ --:-..j'",.c:.., \ .~ \ . \ , ,\ \ i ~ .... ~ . . . assigns :for:ever,,'al1th.8t :cJiit8~ pa;rcel.. 01' l,$nd l;tJllfi an1:l beIng 'In~he Cocurty 0 f' st'. ~ucl't:! , ". . . ", . .' . . ' ., . " I. ...",. . ,4no. .Sta.teof r.J.or(dO:' 1':1.0 re"l~,r t1,,'llar~y', deBoribed, Ils',f'o]:"1qwa:, " " '0. . _.. . _. . _ . " ~ '. ..., . ,Go.vernment pO'ta ~,3.epd ~' oj: S'ect.loi1.. 25,' IU1d~o"ernme~t ~Ot8 .1', ',P, '7: <and 8.oi' Section 26, 1311 In.'to\<11ehlp 34S. ~:"40':SQs,t. to.f.:ether with',ell' -.~~ d:p'erlnnr1,Ghts~&lld suke~Ged '!arioa ~hpur~llo.nt th~r(1Ulto. ': . '. '... ',": . I' . . .... ..' . ". . .' . .'. " - .' ..~.~.... . ,.',~,' " '-' .. . :, .,'. ~"." '::'hollb,ove'described })rop'brti is o,?nve~;eos'~";jeot to. 'the . en 0 urnpri: nee CD 2,-'0, . .... ,..' , , . \, . . ~ortgage . dated Jltly.'J.,' 1 'c'2,I5, ~1 Vtm' by Sill d'; ~oseph 3. Jnckso~, to.. 'Je'.sprh.J,. Helo, t \) seO\treth~ 8~, of 'J90 ,o~o, an d III :~erc ~ t.' .', ,: ;"~C1".oo t.n.$tilmp'aC91oel1ed.)' . _... _-;~ _:J'. '. ~"., . '. '~" __. ".. -'. . ~. , i ,~ . ..,'. . i ~ . . t" i' :IJ" " I , . , '. .. ,". '. .- ;ro:;:S1'!~ '.1it,h 011 t '-.e telleL:lerti~and8~Jnti'tena;,ceS"Wi~!1 eVer;lrrhqe3e, i'ISo,t,' title' '1 . .helon~ins' ?r~ri,',QllywI8e'a:~'~?ert,c1nin~;':.1'O :ENfE lnter~at ~n'd estate. ,dowet', Bnd'rl~ht o.f doweJ;., reye;rs!.oi1', rencir:cer Ene ~(\SeflP~t.t'::~r,etQ, .,; .~.. ',. ,', -t, .~ Aiqj ?O HOLD, tJ1;escmEl ~n fH?'slm(le .forf:\..;~r ~ . ' .., . ." . . }Hirt that he. 18 la',';ful~y Gel!~ed of tho srlc rre;1~~es;': that ~jley,~re .t\~e.o.f an ,txi);JJl}rt>i1CC, 'Al!D :I';~'aai'dparty c~:tho~l'r8t' per~ does cov'el!an~ with the. ac10 .:'nrtyo;-' t,he'8ecoJI~,. -I 61n<1 t.hat he' haa. 13'00.0 rIr;h,t and lli\'I!lU 6utho)."lty~o:,.sell the af.l~l&; ETJO' tr.et said 1'6 rtyoftJ-~h J " , .tl\e' :::~wf.uio~a1080f eil persona who6so:pvor. firstorart ,'dothheren:i . fully warr~n.t.~he '., ti tIe to sl!1d lar; d. aIld, will d'efet:d t.he svme,e,,:einat .. ) . 'Ill",'II?J::':33.f::::.B~OE', the; aaId part:: of th~ ,first i~rt'hea.h(;tenrl;oset.h~a !1{(uc1 sno seal the..dQ~; and ;!oli.rabovo \'1r1:tel:.. i31c'l:e'o. .seal~~ and delivered ii1 our l)re>el,oe~ ' Joseph,'S'.. Jn6kaon'. fl3efl1') .;. . .! ? . L. . :! e.:'J~inD s " ...~H~ S'.e.i'lard.. . . . ." '3 '1'1..:'2 0'::' 1I,C~I::...A <oJ CO~'1!'}'{ 01'3';'.L'..'01:: ,,'. . , , f,.,f,IJ Ie. .l i I ~,.. l ~~ ., " 'I I:':'~~3'!'J'3Wi'1JY:tha t. C1: tHe 9th 01' yofJ~llyA.;i-. '1'::25-; )Je::01'e ',C PCfI'JOlill1y Crrec.rcO' Joseph '3. ,Jec::aon to rJel'.rIO\'m to be, ~}:e y;cJtson Oe8(;1',1. beel' 1ti .CI10 T}:o e}:eclt':ed .thl? f0.l'c;~oit!p, ,'conveyar,ce t,.:; ~'ort l'icroe' 33ar,k and '~l'.n!3 t ,Cc;r:-'llUliY, and, uc::n()';llcd~ed theox€Qution therObf I p .' I to.be h1s tree rict tll!odced for the noes nnCi !',ur;:'5'_sC~__~I,~'EltJi l;:oritionecl'; . [, I :'/I~:cn~r t.ly sicnsture,cnd o.rt'icie~ seal at Fort ricrcc, in tile C01U;t:! of,St. """'" . , . Qui Stote' of. ~'l(;ri<l() the CE~,; r,nd :/cnr 1 t:;......nforuofi"cl. I .\.l<~. 1 C ~- ~ .~~ . , rn,... '-0" .' , (Jr,. 1'>,...: the 10th' Itf~ of July, ". . }). !t. 3 te\1Q14d t Iiotar'J 'Publi'c, g'.ote.of lJ.Ol./idll, IV CQ~DIss1on expIres 12-19-20 :~:' , A.D. 19~5 Qt~.30.P.~, l'.C. ~a(,I~!_rkC.lrc.::dt COcrt. B' , .. . . t . ~~~--.........~...... 'f