HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1940 r /"/ ,'0 I .: : 'I I) :" . ' I "I., ! I .. i., ,I. I.' . ':.'. (, ':j I", l' ',.' : ) ,II I, I' .1 ,.r, I; " I .~ j , .j ,,' ~~~~,;ii~':~:T:':~~,L.'''::i:,0'(~:~:;~~'7:L~~~T;~1~:~~~:=~~~~~-:r;ii~~~0i1Lif~xr~: \ ",~r ! " ,\, ..". .\ ,~l. "\.... 's" . \" . 1 '~. ~ -.,.' . !' - .~, -. \ -'. ", '. I " '.... r'. .~ ':' . -.' '- . ..' " ;. ~.:- '. i' ~. \ " . ~~\, ::,.Jrnr~.~:Jld .~o~~r~e~~_:'~l.ac \~1~:, Il~t~lo,!tY\,o_t J'l1~'~":;~;~~;:I: ~': a ~;lO :l:ol:. I.L I ,': \ ':\ ,_ ,'~L:_ \ ' \ "~I ~ ,\ "\'1." ";7.T,;"\\ ,.'. "'1 ..\."..,.,\;..l..,.C;,.tEf,oraO.,c,ld:k, Cl~',l.:',lt\C,01.~r~.,. "',' i',..\. . "\ ,:' 'I'.' " r,: ' '.\' 'tGl1 ~.c..t.\.:.dJ 3oiil..~I.I..~ rd: "~,.". lfi ~\\ I 'nY~', ~\-,~~'67.t\(~,;<--tt'efLk:-~.~,..D.C, " \, ! i .. t \.;." . . p.t.,~G ,V,erl l~,tl ," . " ,.' ,\',.. \ , '.!, '. Ii' ,:. .\. ,II, \,',' aI'" .'.'~: I ..., '.,';':' ,',": ,I ',I" II'. .\' "'\.--.--:-" \ : ~ . ,\ . It . tt . 11 . ,. . 11 .!I ..1. 'f, ". It.. 1r . 'I. I. ',t , 'f . ;, . U. f. ",\ "" r It "'._ 'r . 'f . '1. '. ~. f. (. 't. '\. 1..". I ~.. .'" . \'" .,'. ,t '. '1, \ \ ~ i \. . . . 'I' . ~ . \ . ...,.........,.. ~ '. . . .. ',' . . . .. ....... 4, , i' .'. I\" , \. I . I . \ ' \ '.\ , ,\'. 'l.1. a. 1W{J'ORm .1' . . ''lO, \, . \ " " ' . \.'" ',1JAN'D.AlOrOR'm. .r.' "I," '\, ~"WIJUU.N'lYDQD " " \ \ y',.....,..., I"J i' ..' , :, . \: ".. . .." ~.. ;.,' . .,. . ' " ,.,' , ~\':\. \ i'..THIS,INDENTURB,.~" 'thil G9t~n4ay. o~ Jla7, A. P. ,1925;\~ .... H.i'DANFORTH \o~ tho Count7 ' . .... ..' ,,_. n_ ' ...... _, ' ... _ . _ \'. .....' ., _' . -. . <;'. - -'.' , ' , '.' .. "'. . " '.' , '\ '- '-, '. . - -\' -' }., of' St'- Luoh.1n the state~~ ~orlda, part;y, ot,the f1rst part a.nd:.~DmoR~H, WI~ OP~ .: 1:'. :, " . '. --..~~: ""',' -.,:. .' '\ ~ .' - ;;;- ,:'.- '", --'.'_:. :.- .' <'., .. '. ~- ~'. -."'._'. .', ..'.', \ .~ . . - i. S.LID .1.: K.DANFO~TH. ~~' th~ C~t7, ot',. S~~ ,r.u.El~, ,In..th~ ~~at~ o~nOr,l4a,. partr. ()t.~ th~:8eoon4' >>~~:.: -..., '}lITlmSSlWH, "That the. 8a1d..pa!,"t;y .of' thef1Joilt .pa1"t,~or and 1n o'0i1a1dera~16n 'otthe SWIl ot ':. , '~. \ '.. "'- ..., .'.- :-.......,...---.---.-.....,', '. "" ~"~" '," ".\,.".-. .... '. .. . .,' '.' . . fen Do11arl(tlO.Oot and other val:uable 'oons1clere. tlona, :to m~ :in .h~l\: -pard bjtho"part7ot '~he , '.., . . .' ..",. . '. . .. . . ..' .... .' :.', ':' .,.'."', " . . '. '. ". '" .; .' .' I. ,', seoond part; the re,oelpt,\1l,ler~~o~'lieribl. aoknowledged, haveg1"&nt,d7~~ga1ned; 8lld sOl.d.to. th~>; ;...'.....'... ,.:., .'.... ':,...... . ".'.' ,c-~'-:-.'.,~..,'........, .' [.:.~1cS.~Par~~~.~t the~~oond part~ h.i..~e1re. an4 as.~gns 10r.ver" ~he' .tollo.w1~ de.!lor,1b.e~ l~d" , . \ L-' ...... - . ..:..._--~-, . l '.. ' , - ..., '. ,-. , " ;, .situate, ly1ng,and being 1D ~e aount7 'Q'1 ST. ~LUOIE and State 'of Florl4&, to-~tt.' " & . '.,., " ~... . '- : '. .. - .':' -', '." .. ..: .. . . .' '" . - ~ '. '. r ' ~e~~t~t.: o~ ~~e. 'S,outhe~st ~ter, 0$ .; :' Seot1~n. ~1rteen..(13),.."~'~.8kl,P Th1rt7.J'our ~' . ..,. (34)'S,outh,Raiige~1l'~7 Bine lM) Ea's~ ; , '. .' ~ ~ . .- - . '. -'. ~ ",', .' - . " . . . . .,.. '.' . . -. . . '.. . '. . - ..-.. : . - ."'.' . ~..., " ;'"ja4, 'the' 8ald P&1"t7.0t. t.he tirlt part doe. he~b7. tUl17 'warrant, the t1 tIe to 8ald land,an.d w11~ ; . .,' - .. ;' .. . .... .'. .' -' ',.., , , .'.' -' .,' . ~ : ' d~t~nd' the' ,.ame against the lawt\4 o~a~ ot. iLll perlo~. wh0Ql80~:yer~ , .' . .'.... \ " . . '" <'. .'- '. . . ", ,'. = . . ~, '. . - , . . . ' " . .' . " . lli, WIT~S WlDiUOJ'...thela14 'par.t7 ot the, ~1rstpart ~.he~unto~,8et'h1s han~.and8.a1 the' ~. . \. . . . '. .'; dqand.:;year above~ltt'.n.' . ~ . . .' . '. . ~ . ... '3 : . -8!gi1e4. 8f~aled .~d.4ell v:ere4 .. '~~l" .1Ji:(~i~n;:~~t l18l. .<' .' ,a.'li. (Joodw1n'. . . . ~ \".' \ ,\ . .,11 , ,1. " l '1' ", ,I;. j ~ ;.1 : '; ,I 12fJ , , I . , " . \ ' A.. H. ,Dantor.th (~'.l) (..50I~a.~t&np.oan.l: . ""~ ~ ~."~ CBJl~IPY Thatonth18 day person..ll;yappe.are4 'betore me, an ottloe+uf;y au~~r1zed' ': ~1ni8ter' oathl and.~e. aolmowl.e~ents, .1. H. Danforth to ~me' wel1~o.Jl',to be the, per~o.n .[" ~ . to . . , , ~'deBor1b.4.1n and $0 exeout~dthe torego~ng dee4~ and-aokilowlec1ged .betoremlt that he e?Ceo ute d' ~,' , . , ~he. ..eme 1"ree~7 and volunt.ari17 to,r the purposes therein expressed. '.' . , ,.,.~, .' ..'... A.ND'I:nmTHERCIm~IFt, Tha~ the'ae:lci ..-- 'known to' me to be thew1f'e ot'th'; 8ald -.-- on a ~ . .: --- ,;:.. ~,pare.h~d prhate. exam1nat1on.t~en and lIlade ~;y and be1:0".', sep~ate17 SlidapaJ"ti,trom her , . said h~band,.AlK=&OknO~le~e, .Uu\t ,jhemade hers.lt.a part)? to'lal~d~.dtor .the purpose ot, r~- ' .". .; i1ouno1.X18, rel1riq~8h~D8 andoonvey1i:\8aU 11er ri8ht, t1tle, and:'1ntereet, wh.ther dower, .hoaeatead. 'or ot8ep~a te propert7, .,tatutor7 01' e qu1t able , '1~ ~ to / the l,anda',~e8.oribed therein, and 'that ' . . .' . , .. .' . she ex'oUted the .a14 4eed freel;y and vOluntarU.y 'andwlthout ~ O.ompulll0n, eonstralnt, ap-: ., p,reh~nslon or~ear ot :or troa ~.:t" "'1~ husbUl4.J . WITNESS JAy halld. and. 'ottloia1 stal at i't. l"1er~e, Count;y otst. Luole an4 State of J'lo:dda, ~h1S .El(OYObth~\,O, t ~. A. >>. 1920.' ed . lluna1 &. Ban ' 1l0ta17 Publ1o, Stateot nor14& :.-c..~- ....ll.p,S.al/ . ,117 oou1ulon e~pi~e August 12th,1925. / " ,- -'" ....-.~.,,// .- " 1"1104 and 1'8001'''-ed On thle / ( O~.~~.80~. ~ ~ ; / ',,- . . I 11th da;Y,otJu17,1925, . JieU .'\ ~ ~~ . l'eCO{~ D.C. I at 2;37 ~.ll. P.. a.Eldred, Clerk C1rolU t. Court. ~~~~f<dL ..: