HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1945 "/ ," ",'J ~ ~ . 1 . '.' .;. r I I .. . I / .' I 'J, J "r, J "', . Ii' I 'r : ., . ~! ! . .,'! .. 'i, . '. I .... ,'. ""~.." " ", ".,.,....., ,I l~...". i~" ,,' ".!' ,i;1 ~"i .... '.j "t '. '~':I'I'.' .'1 ~f';~;;;:~~~~~~ ,~-~i'7At.::~~~.~:0;::;~-'~2~~~t~~;:.~;~t;~~~!r','.~,~~:;;:L:1~~:~ 1 " ' .' ", ., \ .1" I '. "1 . :, ,I I, , ' I c'.',' .' 1 \1 I' . j, ., 1 \ It '. . .', ',' . , . . . t ,,;, '. '.. ~. I I _ _ . \' ... , ; It ~~" '. i-I ~ ' I \~_~..,____, ,.~\I.. OO~.C!:~R,I)KJm . . ,~_ ,I" " , 'I " ,\ . I, --1--'---r--~1--' l' .' . ','I" -.. -it ,..1 " \.' - ' ",', ;I~. '\i- .;\ I 'THIlS AGRHI('Ii;R~t Ma4" and 'Jiter.~ into '.b",~c1 bpi".OA tOll~ ~;'f' 'CORP01U.TIOll~1 ~t ", f \, . 'I'; . .'. . L, rbrtl1>>l.ro~'. ~orl~I. p~t;r"ot\the'-':f11-i'pI.r~'.:an4.~o:.&rd J,: 'T1n~~l'~~7'~t\t;h"~eo,~d\ ~t.,! ',' ;'~; , L;"~.\' ;'Iq:~SHH~\~t ~.0~'11.0\~00~~~~i-..t.1~n:hor~~'~~~~1.td~:,tlie'~d ,~r~7 ~~ tho. t\l~',.~p~t,:\, .,:.:~ '" . ". - .,',' ,'. '. '., " ' . . \. \ -' .' , '.' . '. \ \ ~ . hereb1I6re,"'~0, iell an4oonve;r unto thela14.p~ti. ozipar~18s'ot :the :.eoonO. part;' bJ' -- go04 I: :}. .. .-: ,., .' .\. \. ,t..\ .'\ '. .\.... ,., ,_~~' \\'. .'~. \ " ".,,_, _,.'. . (\, '. "'\,"~ ".;' -. -i .' \ . \ .LnG,' lutt1~18D~ wv~ tJ. 41e4,' tht, t9110WUJ6, d..or1bed' lan'4\, sUlIat,4' in . ~1i1t~uole OO\U1,V, ~te.~~' V ' .' . '~t~~'l;'" ;~o ~..i~I' ,..'..,c,~., u .,~' . '. .,., ' .' ,', . c, .. :-:-C7"';,-~~'''' - T ", --T::- i:L~t. 29 :a.n4 ~ ot BloOk Ono ot .X1rb7'~Subd1t1l!fon,'bt1ng~a't ~~_:.ot\ the, .~ "..' '$outhe&~tQU&r1ier ot ,1l~rth.e"l~ ~t,.~', ot, Borthe..~' :~ter,~ ~~ 'ifo.r.theaBt . . ! , .. .~( \ .,: ~t~r.:'o,t Southea.t'Q,~ter.~t .li~rtlfoa8t ~rto'r. SOo.~1~',i!~!01f11ebl; 86 .:", ' i" , : ",' ,'South, ~~ JUt. l11n8 SOU~h' 0% ~~~~'~Y~~~~'(0k8eOh.Obe,~:Roa4) aooor41n6'" ~ , . " .__' _=. . .'. '-, -. ',,' "-, . ; , . . . '. _ .~ . ' ':, ",'." . ,... , . '. ~ '0: , ' , ' . , , '. '. ',' ;, . .' , ~C!."Pl,a.t C)t' ~a1d '~1L4.1YiI1on,r~QOr~~11 o.n,p~~~. ot.~l~~}OO:t~.1n..the ~tt10~: '. 'nu,..J,'~,-~'~~'':-, ,,' __", . -'of'thO;:Clerk'otthe Clroul~ COl.lr't"'of,St..~01e,OouDtl,'; J'l,or14;a~. ,."", , ;!. <, ;i3'4 :\ ...', ..' "IJ1, o.0n81d.ratlOhwl1oreot'~ the.Mia. ~rtl-4r 'pa~1e. 'otth' ..~on4~.~~ herebl' >>rom1lel aJid'.: . , . - . , ':"" " :' . _ '. , ." " _ .' _ _ .. ~: _ _' .... " ... " .. _ :, ~r. " ". "__ ' , , ". . ',', ,.'" ' " ~ "~e,~..to '~&7"~h".~1c1 putt.: o.f.t~(~l1".t part.. (.700.00) a.enn .hundred dollar8~..:tOll0W8~, ~lZ~ . J.1QO,0~) One. ~..~ do;l1,Us 'oas;ti '111 hand ~1ci,' tbe re081pt whWeot :1~ horeb;r." aoknQwle48e,4, ..; ~ . and "tb~ ~al~oe~a'.tQil~~: '(~0~.09). T\'~nt7 4ollu8~n ~~'l~'~ .19~4'and{"2Q"~) T1fen~7dOl~~~' '.:' :' ,- . " - -' . ',"" .' , , -., " '- ',", . " ' : '" ~ . " ".' -, ' , ~ ~o~ ,tbe. :flntdq ,of.ea$- 8:1looee41ng ~'th'reatter. ~Ulthe '1\i11'8IIounf1sp~4 'w1th int.~oit,' ",.' -', ",,' .,..... -~~':.." .' ",',r. .,'," "" .. 'r " " _ ',', .,":' .'. -. . ~. -,.' ~,",,:1 . from o..t.here~t.n aUohdef~rred, P&1Dl$ntsat tho ra1;e' of B1ghtPel'oent.per' anna, 1nteres.. 1 '.. -, ,. .. . bl~ on. eaoh 1h8tallo;iOnt. ~tmatur1 t7' ,thel'1l0t ,.8a14 40~err.i.p&ymont8be~. eYl~n~e4"; - ,--',-~-," ",': .'.... ".'" '. '." " " ". .. '-" '. '.' . . .bi.prom1ssory' notea,. of ennc1at, hereirUJh Said pai-ty otthe, .e'ooi:1d,aareea to ,pay all tues,. L' , ' , ' . . " . '. , ,'..,.' '.;. - -. '.' " '.. . ~ .' -. '. .. .' " ' - -' ~ . -. .' . ,', '. . ',' . . . "~ ." speot'at aS88Siments "or l~eD8 agains~ .aid land and all.1mp~o'Y~en1is 'thereon lovied. ()rEL8~ea8.ed ; .'att'er' ~~U&l'7 1:-~,,1'924.~" '. . , , .'. . " \.; ". On tu,ll~a)1!llent .ottho 8,.1 or ~one.y ~d 'interel't atore~~1d,' inolu,dS-ng',e.ll amo\Ul.~s oxp'ended': . Y. . ; _::;-, . .' . " . bT. the lalc\.' ~art;r ot tho .tirst ~art o,n aooount of taxes ~d8p~o1al: aSBoe.slllentB and ndempt10il;'.: . . .' . '. . . " , " . . ~ ~.rom ~ lal,il,the lald party o.t~ho' iirat ~t8hali.oonve7' s$.1c1 lan4to' ,tho:8a1d,part7 ~r. partiEls ot 1;h~8eOOXidpaiot b7 warranty 41ed~ :troo' t1"o~ al). enoumbranoos', exotptluoh"aa mar.be ' 'pl;ao.'4 ~hereo~ b1;uJer:o~ ,t~0~'par.t7' ot. t~.. ~oondpart, SUbJe'~t', to: tbo 'fOllO,;~ .~e~trl~t~onlt~. .: . ) ,PROVIDEn, liBVEaTlmLEsS, Th:ea. pr.sonta.-Qreraade subJeClt 't;O"~'19t the .tollow1n8expr~ss.d; . oond1tions, re8tlo1oti0D8 and 'limitations,:' applylD&iosaldpropert;y,a.n~ whioh oond1t1ons, re-:. . " " .' .' :'. . ~. , .. '.' . .... " ' - ,. . . ' . ' '.' - , , ' . ' . .' , ". ..'~ . 'stdotlonB~nd lim1tatloiw,~jll1~lt~.~9'''''4''' p~one~ty..' A.n" '~.T'1.,~'tl"'''1.~h-< '-Ttrlft.U~_6 .....0., .....1 h.~" 't~ are intended to b., &net 8hal'1 be ,,"ooeptie4 as'ooyenant.s 'runnll18 with 8aldlanl18'~.anc1: '" ., '. - . . .. '. . '. . -' . > ',', , " . . "' ' .', . . - . " ~ :. wh1,oh ..hall b~: bind1nga1.1k. .upon 'the h011'8', r.p~..ontlLt1...e~ and, a8ei8~8()ft_he.' sa1d.p.~~ty or ,;' . parties ,otthesOl1ond p~,t,and;ontho, parttot the seoond >>art~~o~ by aooe~tanoe of th18 , .. " . . , . instrUment a8ree.. to. abldeby t'~eriorm and aahere . 1003a14 oond1ti.o~, r.estrlotions andl1mltatloni, . . al OQe o'f the .expressJ,cond1 t10na of these pre801l~s.~ '.' l~ That no building Shall'bepreotoc1 on the I~dland exoept'tor. pr1vate d."el1~-P\U"Pose., exo'optuau&l.and n.oess~n- outbuild1ngs. ~~ ,that the aa~d'}'-Woi.~1i1g 'h,ouse exolua~Te "o't the out~, . .buil41ngsshall .oost notleea than t2ooo,oo, .hioh pdO" shall not1no,lude aroh1tootural eXpOnses. o'r :foea,' ~ct ahall not .1noluAe ,any. o~hel" oias~t improvements ,~ave and' oxopt the' aotuai mater~a+' andoowstruot ion 003t of th~ sa1d'cWe1l1ng house. ' . I,. 2. That not' moro. than one resldenoe, togethn w1thusual. and neoiuse.rY' out-bulldlngs~ , --==--"'~~ -=~="'-- ; . ~ shall bo ereotedOn each oruaU lots, . [ , , - I 8. Tl:l,at no u.nlawfulor 1mmoral, uSellw.U P, e ma<ie of tho "'rem1".s hereby 86reed to be . loon.,.;.4, nor 8 hall the .lIle bff used :tor ,~~ 00..ero,1a1 purpos'~, no~ '*1.\11' tho lame or a~ par. tlWroot, 01' &0.1. interut thereln be lold, loasod or ot~erw1" ofnveyed to any person other 'haa ; , \. Cauoa81an ra~e,; provided ,that ~oih1u8'-Ure1,n oon.tained. ~11 prevent k..p~ng an.4, 1 I l ), ! . ! l . ,Oil !, " '. . " ~ ~ , . , , ....' .':;' ~ } I'" ::'~ , , >.? . j : '~ ~ . j ~~ .' , .. ," v "-j , -l '''\.'. n 1 . J j , . .. ,I