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I .1. . ! ,: , 1 ,I . I'. I I I,'. " .c ;',' . I j.: c,1 I " ,I ,", !. ,. . .., " 1, ,. '~I' I . ,,' ,: ! ,. I I '.1;'1 ' 'n I I. ".f'.t'. J j' -.' l.'.~ '".. ~", !".'; Ii I, " r,1 I~i '" j : . \' ',' , .'\, ." I ~~:;~'::::;,".":::-~, "~~'i:::~\.-i:::7; ~,' ~:::::-x.;-;~ :":~;.:~~.:;:;:~:--;;.~..--: ,~.~;.::;~,~:,.,:;;~,:;.:.,:,;;;;;t' ..:::;:2i:'~;::~: ,e:~~i':~;:::~:,::-:<c.:~~;:. :,' ~::.:~"~';':~:.'~:-;~:::':;=::~,(~T~i:~~;~.::::, , I, 'o.:~.' .l.LDISO:J."I'. .' I.'..:' 'II' "':' .'ro',.'" ,>.:..: c' I I.,'..'j"''''~rl~~ER': . , ,/'< ..<1,. I" ," " \ . I' I" . , \.' '1 \ ," \ . , : ' " 'jl', t., .1.'" . .', '" II ','\ . .....,1G'"' ....'.. ~... v'm' I':: 1\ \ , \. " il {-", i " . , '. \ \ .. I'. ... A a ,_ .. _ ~. .., . , . , ,; . I \ 'I I, . , . ...'J' ..' I \ \.' '\ ,.' I' \ " '.' . " " " , , ,i . - I ,,-~--' \--~---~- '-~~j----'---",\...I:-T--t\'--$'-' i, '. ~ I'. ARfJCLIS. OJ' .lG~K~n. J(a~, ,~hl~ l,at da., O~ ~~ \~\,the 7ea1" ot our Lqr4; o,~e, th,ou.ean4 ,.'1 '," \ J'" ',., j \ ~nlXL.' hUn".,,6 ~, ,d"TW~,nt7,~0~'.~,'. LI',O~, U,'~ ,f~~1! \l~O, n".. ;a' Ba~~h~lO~ part, o~. the'. il~8~' pU\'v~!~. \ ":\,"~'.~ ,,\ ~ ", t...\ '_ ." . . _ . \\\ \ _' _' - .\'. . . ; . . ; {" . 1.' I't \ ". _;. . -:~.... 1. 'U'xana,.er.a, Wl~wr01ji~t1 'ot,t,he,.IIUooJ1d. p~ti ~' ", \ I" . ~ - .~ , , ..' . , .- . -",' '. . ...' . '. . - l" _' ~ l \. _ . _",' . '. ' . . '.',. \ . \ WI,TBESSE~~ 'T~t. ~~' ~"&l~ p.art7:0~.t~~ .e~on4 '.~'~ ,,8~alJ.\'~1~8t'~~e, ~he p&plen~s .~~ ,.' J. . ;, . perto.'thec;oyenan"-. h.re.~t,l' ,.enttoried'on ,~I part, to b. maG.t an4 ~:rtOl'fA'e4., the ."~4 " .' " \ '1-' '~':'~tl o~ tio o~t1r~t' part hereb~oo;e~t~' ~d ~ee~' ~,O OOnve7 ai14."asa~. "'to th.'..ai4~pp.ri70!'-t'c~.:c.,.~,;+-;.-. 1., . . ..... \ " . .', ~:. . ,\ ,\ >.'. _ _' " . ~ -',. ., , . " ," . :' ~.~~. \ . . -. -~. " l. .J \ ,.the leooncl;~t.b1lhell'1t, 'exeoutora'"ac1m1n18h-atorl! br.als1gli8. ;in 'te~81J.lple.olear"Of~1:1 :',. i . ".',. ..'. - . ". ," -.. -' . . . . . .. '. . . ': ". . ',' ' \ ~ ~.' . ~ '. . .; ". ',lnOUlQl)r$nO.... wbate~l", ~'7~ a,good,'4n~.suitloie~t ~e4., the 10\, pleo. or'pi.ro'lotBr~d, '81~te4 '. ,>. r' .' i ,',. .....,. .' ., ,.' , ..." . .. . " '.' "', . "" ' .. . I " (. 'in t)18 Qoun1i7ot St. Luole, State ot. .nO~l~, known anl\ desori.bed'.. :tollowe. to,:"witi ,,'j" !'<', " " '. ~\ 10 in B1Q*.' 'in~h08Ub-~"101onl Qt~, .' .' ':. , t , ' ~.t o~ the. SBt of S.o,. 4 TOWlUlh1P 35 Bo.Uth. ,. ' · '. :." . ". . . . ' . -. '-"..' Range 40 kat. ' . 'r . '" . : ' '", . - . .. -'. '. .' . " . " ....' - .'~' ~ - . ." - . ", ~. -, '. ",: . '. ,:ai1d the la14 part1 otthe se~ondpart:h.reb100yenant$and asreee-.to-pay' tbthe'sa1d part1'" , i', ot ~hOtu,.~l'"f~',~"; ot ~o h1lDd>"0d ~a ;i~t~~llar"1>y~, ~~l' t;1~~';1~P~~~ ~Hf.o :, I lnGl.8h, ,..eoiptotYlhl0~U ~ereb7 aoknowledged. and.t~e ballanoe inDlonth~e7 .paymonts ot .10.; . .', , , . ".' . _ . ,:. ,." . .' .' . I - '. ~" _ ", _ ." . 1 , . . . " ': . . ~ '- .' _ '" '. 'pe.r'.iIlo~tii. o~~t1n8 ~~t 'l,~t~ ~924.' .1t~ ,~t.re8~' 'a~,:t~e:~~e ~o,t ~~"~~rOentula:v~:anmua~' .j.. '.' P&l&blo ;J(o.~W'1',~n...the',who~e aUlll ~1Q&l~lns ~OIlt1m~ ~o tJ,me unpaid:!-DG; t9. ~&7~lltaxea,.';' .....' . \"a~8e8S11ieritl ~r'1iIPQs1tl0n,: t11&t ria1bele~1l11evle.4 or lmpopel1 up~ri 18:1~ land ,8'1l.bBe,qu~nt t'o'.he", .~ ". r-t ,,' ;'..,.. .-, . "-'. . .' ".~--==---,-'.' .' '". ' .--',"' ';. ""'-~..-'".~-" ie~'192a, and. to. ~~e~ t~e. bul1d1Dge Up~n said premiSe; i~ure4 <~n 8~Jlle ..OOID~&q'. aatlsfaotol'1 to ,'" '. ~hepartoot the, :Unt p~tl.1na ~ ~ot le~s: than.. Bon D~11.ar8. .d~ll16 ~e term ot 'thl~agr.,~~nt:." , ., ~ci 1110iol, ottailUl'e. ot th,eeald paNl 01' the :"eoona. part toii8.ke. e1th~r,o~t~. .pa.p..nta 01' .; '.' ~,par~ th..not,- 'or ,~t;o.p.rtora'.8DT~t. th~ ,oovenaa.~I. O~~18pa~t. herebl,aa40 .~~. en~~"'4~'~:, " ...-' . . ',' ~,. ":. '. ' , .', ~ . " . ". ~ th1B :~ontrao~ ahai~. at ":he oPt~ob 01"t~~, ~t1 .ot'the. :t1re~'.par~, be to.~fo~t~d ~4 t~1'IIII1na~~":" and tI10party ot'tb.e.:8~oondpaN ahall toi-tolt.all pe.,ments'aa48bl,hl-. on'~th18oontraot; and,;' . ~UhMent..~l' ~.':r4ttt~~b7 .the.aicrparty otthe'flrs,~pal't 1,~ Mi, '.a~~..faOt1'On 'ani. .'11qU14atlonOt:alrdama&'t8b7h1m8U~e4,&Z14 1a1~ Op~t70f' the"tlrstpart shail havo the' . ,~., '. . ",' ". . ' .~ . r~ht .tore-utert ~d .taltepollllesdonof.th~P~lIllS~8 atore8ald~Hhout being lVbl'.'~O. a:A7 . ." . . ;,. :. ......:., - ~ '; . ' '. - " .". . . - . .';' . . . . 'aoU~on. ther,eto:r'.' . , .' " , ;If'. IS IlUTUALL~AGREED, 1)7' ~d betw.en'the parties ',hereto. ihat the. tlme ot paymen~hai.l" an 'esse~tlal Part'Of ,this oontl"8.ot. an~ tha~ all oovenantilandagreemente here1n .oonta1n.e4:, , 8h~1 ex.tend '~o . and be. Qbligatoz? upon. th~.'h.~,. 'exeouto1"8~ adi.1ni.trators an~ 1l8s1g~ ot~h. rel!peo,ttve pa~tiee" , 'IB~lfITlfESS .~J'~ The partiel'to th.se' presents ha'V:e hereunto set 'thdr handS anel, 8e~11' , , 13()', 1 l. J-I. '. j , .' , thO:4a7 and7ear.lratabOyewrltten. . 8igne4, I'ealed and dellvereG; '. 'In presenoe ot: ... . . K. Cuanoyolt. ' 011Te A. SOlb. K, J:.Sanderson C.A.P.tr10k . , . . . : c. U.Jelu'lon. B. I. ..u.e~er , (Seal) t~o81) State' ot' norl4a'~ st./AnlOountl " . j O.U. JOl11.~'aoll:llOWlfJOgOI betore me That tbe 'Dovo 'inetrlJll.nt 18 hls tree' aot, an4 Large . .am. betore ... h, , 011ye A. Sosb. .01;&1"1 Publio tor the State ot Plorl4a at '117 oommi1110n exp1.re. Maroh 12, 1928. ,I . '. '~-- . t ! ~ ~ l , ~:t ,J , ! , I ~ " , ' -J... 1:- .;"; . . .,. ~"','","'."..,.,.,,' " '.~ ,.".: .f . ,,' . -.,~ . ~ , ' I,