HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1950 ;. 1'1' .:",.1 I,;,. 11/ : I:, ,I .. ).11, ..!','/'.,iil.39' '. .,'!, :/':, .i[I',:I\' .'" J' J I'J" ':!: r,'.... (I, "" "J ,..1 ":'1' ~ ...J '~ '. ., . ,. , " " " .: ',1 < q' I ' J 0, ~ " :, I '1' i ," ':1; ,; " ., ." ' '1, '.' ,\ '. ," I,', 1, . , , " . :. . . ',' . I ~, .' . , ' , I I ' I' '. . I' , I " '\11 ~~}':~'4~:r ~.::::}~:,:h;:~:;:t;'~1f,_::~~;.;;,::::::,:;-':;:~:"7..:~:::;.';;t~:~:::;;:.:;;.:'~;:':':='::::::-~~~~r'1~~::':,;,,"::-.1:::;:-:::~:t.:r~~':~~::i=-~~',;:,:::;,;;,~~;;:;~~~:.: t;.F ~!, ..'.)~ 'il ;1[' .1 i ',,",'1, ,'. i,'!~~*\ ti' .~'I ~~~,~ O~'~" ~O~l4a.h ll1a~ k~,,'~,~' ':1,1, I:, '" : :'1 ,t" '.t. I o~, ,thfl~~~'i~.a rty111~tOf $tal pprt1o~ Jf' the ~o1'\1;h- \ \ ";. :1 ' \ ,1 ,,',., pan ot ~..nI,O.. .l\\h~iO.I ~O POl''' P~~..~~'l'l~. i ~ ',I, II j' L r' ',: " ,', i L, "', : V a,~ ~.1l'<< l~.~\lo~ I ~W',~Ol'~h':".~' rOl'\t1.11 .0~1l'~ ~1011 16 ,;.\ , Ii' , ,. .1'.' . l ',1.' ~"'ol>l>>~" 8~~", ;~ ~.~.~. ,l,n~.Lu~l' O-~l.." I' . " . \, ,"',I . I, '\. .J'lor~_. '.' \ " ., \" . \ ',' . . J', , , ,"'.pll()vxk*2111;z"~8' ti...,~,~~..,,~.~ r40~~~~..t~., all ,elt tho: 10nO.llg';'~."~ I. j ~. o,~ndl\t10~, "8ti"i0t1~~ aJld, liJiitat1.~pa.. app::J.1'l1!8 ~o,t~e "1tpro>>.rtY~d wh1ol1'ar~ int.ndoa.,' !. ~o. be, e.p4 ,J&l~b~ .ob'P~~'."8 .00v"J1&ntiFl"\UUib.18 w'1~th aa!:4 .land, :~~ "lil'Oh-~~ll.:'be .:_l!.1nding, . .., '-. \ c 'ulk. UPO~ ~he heir.,)'.p~~..ntatiY'1 an4 &Slign;,. Of the ..lLld p~~t,or' parties ot't'he lI,e00J14' . . .. .'# j. . . .., . . '. I. . ~ . . _.' . \ .;; . t part and on ~4!l__~,t,1e8' of. the tirst part;. '~().. .b, ,aoo,pllf,no. of. th1a :lnetl'lDent 1L8l''' .to~bld." ~" 1 \ ... ~ . ~ . . . . '. , . . \ '. by, 'perform aAd,"a4here t.o" la14 oon4hione...~.8:trlot10ri8mid .1Wtatlone, '&sone bf the .xprel~ . . ;:'," . . -."'- - '" -,' . ",., . -~ ,"'- >' .'. .... . .', . ~ .' , ". - ".". "", ., .'. ~:" j oondi t~~1 01' '.these ,preeents~' bUt ow.l'for theperio'ci'.uune .T~~y 18tJ.19,36.." : . '~-'-". .~.: - .. . -.c', '.' ,- ..~.'.~. .'. .-._ . ...;. ~.f .,' ., .' ; .' 1'., '!hat no bU114i~ 8hall _ be.. .re\l~.cl on ~h., 8&1.d lan~ :~xo~p~ ~,o~', P~'1. 'f'at., oWell,lD6 P~~~'" ".exo.pt uSual, andlleoesi&17 out-l>u.1ld1nge and t~t, the' l&1d dwelling hOu.seexQluslve ottho out.. ~ . ---.,..,..... . ,.' ~ ~ '.""f'" '.~..... ". ~. "....~ ...~. " -, ".:-" .' -:. .:- '~.':' ".", . .'[ ~ld~~'.. 'shatl..oost not le8s,t~'''26QO~O~,.',h10~, j>rl'Qel~al'l'not 1nOl.Udt~~1..0~~"l, ,~xp~nael". 'j ~r :~eea,' '~d 8ha:Ll. .'not, , ~OlU~. ~'othe~, ,ola~s . O,f' ~~~ovem~nt8 .i.~ .I.n~' .~~~Pt tile. :ao~l lIl~te;t'ial . 5 and oonstl'llot1on ~o.t ot the, 1&14 d1rel1~ ho,.~. ,', ' '.' .,',. . , '~I " II'. . . . . .j. , .. 2:.' ;!ha~ not IROre tli,anone .re8,1d~n~e". toge,ther wi th . U8u&l':and:ne,oes~.~~ ().u~~build1~!., anall ,1 be' e~oted:'on 8.011 of 81,1d lo.tl:. . . '3~"1'hat no ~l.a1dul. or 1mmO~&l,~4t ~lb~ m"de.~~ the~r~1Ie8 ~~r8bj.o.onV8304', ~~r, sluiU. . ;:the lame, be' use4 tor :ar!:ioommerOlal . p:urpoae; nor aha.\.): ,.tho 'Iueol' :apl.part'the~e~t , or~ . in... . , . ~ . ", . a . _ - . : . . '," . '. .' ".,.-.. . .' .' . . .~. .' - . . -' . . . . _ . " .: '. : : .. ... .' ';tere.~ the"in,~. sold, 1"el.al.40r c>tllerwia. oonT.ye4.t!) ~ persone' oth~~ th4Lnth,eC,,~oa'l&n :, . . > ~ . . . - .' .' '., . ,', .', . - ~ :~ . . . " . .' ; ". -,." .... . .' . .'. j' raoe;,provi4'4.thatnotll1l1B 1leN1!l. oOnt~~04ah:aq prev~n~the k~ep~J16 and'.lIl&lnte.~l~ usual .~ andnloesaaJ.oY 8.rvbtB on'the, prORert;Yforreaa CI1a~le .famlll' ust. Thl,8 ,provls10n,boweve,,8hall:. . . . '. -' .. . . .. . ". .' '. " . .',' '. '. . -. . not oaus_ forfeiture unless the bolder of tlle-reEt i.1I.11~wn t.o b41. at -taUlt.-. '. . ",. ' , ..,.. . . '. :.' ." . .. .' " ," . . . -. . ~. 4. . fllat 'no 'bu1"Ung lliha:J,l. be oonstrQ,ote4' or .ereoted at 'a"le8s distanoe ~an twon1;l feet '~;rOlD ~:"" " .. . ~ '. .; '. '. the tront line.ot 1,&1d .lot, o~' e1therofthe...:. 6.: That'Li' ~El1d .partiel ott he '~oond pA1'~, ,th01r :~e1.rs ';. r~pr8S~l1tatlve~,9r. .~B ~ 'orany , . hold.er of the l?roper~y here,b1. oonveyed blvl~~ue of f1lJ.YJud,1oial~rOQOed1ngs,. ishallf.a~lto.~OIllP11', . ..' '. '. ". . ". ", With any' ot the &.bOTe and foregoll18' re8trl~tions, . o onditi one or i1mitatl,omrithul' 8ixty days after : . " ".' '. . - . ,-,.' - , -. -. ," '.' .' . .' . . 0' . , '..' ... '. . ,. . ~ ." ~ltt!~:notloe ~7 iIlaU.~o thesalci'part1:el. at 'theseOond. part,.~o4' '~elrs,:.personalrepr_!Jenta'tll'e 01' as81gns. or -a~o:t,"thell, at ,the last k:nonaddres8, by the 8al(",,l>~tle~ ofth,e ,~1rst par11, . .' . - ~ , . '. - . tlle~r suQoes8'o~8 ,l>trsona.l'represontatives 01' a881g~".,o.r either ot them,' then the8a1~ above' ~ a , . f- -.' ~. I , , ~- : . desorlbe'dand oonveyed prOPerty 8halt,llll:lIiiG.1e:tell'reverttot,he, sald'parnes' of th.' first. 'part, - th81r suooessors orass!.8ns, who shall . . be e~t1tled~O ~ed1ately enter uP.o~ .sa.1,d ~.opertYw1'th~ I~e wlt-h full.title in fees1:Dple,togetherw1th 8J.lim-: " f' I l ~ Lou.t notlo" andtak~ pOS8888i~n.o:f' ~he . proY'8~ntsthereon, ain no 'wa'lv8r of .anyot thes'-oon41tlone, l1mitatloIlSor rest~otions, ex.;.,. prene'd or implied, orfallure fOr ani l8I18th oftlllleto:'!n1"oroe the lame shall oonstituto a bar to Iuoh enforoementat the time.. It 18 further understood. an4'88re~dthat partiel of the f1rst part will not lQ8ke any deed' '.. to aJ1j" lot in B11 tmore :2ark prior to .Janual":f'llt, 1936, without the afb ruUd ,provisions 'and rOltrlotlone . " ., [ l TOGEnnm with all thetenolDents, heroditaments ,an4&ppurtenanoes,W1th nery 1~1Yn.ge., I' I ' ; , .~, r~ht, tlUo"interolt'&nil es,tat., doworandr18M of donI', l'evorslon, 1WIlalnder and .asement -'~ I ," , th.re'~o belonalD6 or in tU11"'i.. appeJ:ta1n~1 ,~ , , . . TO UiX .11iD TO HOLD the .&IllO In .fe. simple for~'f'er. I I I _ --~ ~ ~~~~Jn'lIrII'~ l--~