HomeMy WebLinkAboutFBC ENERGY CONSERVATIONi 1y it Planning & Development Services a T Building & Code Regulation Division U SCANNED 2300 Virginia Ave, Rm 201 -, �� Fort Pierce, FL 34982 6� • 6 � , r ��. �UCI� CountyFBC Fax772-462-6443 �Z�Z �?s FBC ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE �j% '/AQ Duct Sealing Certification Prescriptive and Performance Method Da{i : c;;? � / Permit #: Lot #. 19 C I tractor. Address: Construction: ❑ Post Construction Test ❑ Rough -in Test ,Date: � ` 2 —� Floor Area (ft2): i jime: 1 Z: ot3 Primary Location of Supply Ductwork `3 Indoor Temperature (F): "� Primary Location of Return Ductwork OutdoorTemperature(F): :Leakage: ❑ Djefault ❑ Prop. Leak Free Pressure: ,eT (Pa) ,line Duct Pressure (optional) (Pa) Press. (Pa) I Flow Ring Fan Press ,ewposed On = o • ac— Results: s ❑ Fail Total Leakage (cfm): 45� Total Leakage per 100 sgft: 0102 CFM25 x 100 divided by the CFA = Duct Leakage CFM/100 sgft Testina Comaany Company Name: `'s i �g�.-�-�e s Address: it. oa Vie I . I hereby certify that the above D ling Leakage results demonstrate compliance with 5th Edition FBC Energy Conservation requirements in accordance with Section R403.2.2. �I Signature: iil Printed Name: C)td 2;�, alb License/Certificate #: �� HAS MET THE STANDARD REQUIRED BY RESNET, AS A CERTIFIED RATING FIELD INSPECTOR Certification Date: Certification Expires: 08/07/2018 08/07/2021 R F I # 2GNAB7 L Tim Smith, RESNET Quality Assurance Designee ,t 4 15 liy htyears RESNET QA Provider # (1998-199)