HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTN PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BuRdift,& Code Compliance Di Agion 1Bt9U)1NGftRMJT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM COMRACTORAGRUWENT SCANNED' BY St. Lucie Coin* ACOpplitY Electric have. 4gided to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the electrical Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYA.N 'HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary. Contractor) .for the proj eet located at LCA 4—,o C -kv" (proiectStrwt Address or Pxoperty:Tax ID #) t is understood that; ifthere is any change of statusregardingour participation with the above mentioned rqJe&,theBifi1d* Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the iling of Sub-C241 k,',O1EiEkT $M1THWck* PRINT -NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBEIt S, te of Florida, i lCountyofPALM BEACH ,rhl,ei foregoing instrument was sigd0&hdf6ri Me tbils of ig_j;g_lbti7.RO.BERTSMITH.W.IC.K ryhl ,is personally known:'_or has produced a` as i e atop. 01 STAMP Sioatafre'of N6,tary Public I EP,1KA LEBRINI ERRA CE8RINI of Florida -Notary Publi Priiit Na*e.ijf Notair.yP Commiss ion # GG 084371 My Commission mmission Expires. March 16, 2021 SUB -CONTRA OR SIGNATURE (QUA-1irlei) .Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME 28626 COUNTYCERTIFICATION.NUMBER Sfiti46cifF16i!da',Cciiiiity,iif Btbwdtd Thildiejoingj#istrumeut was signed before me this 22 • . day of f0ru�qry Zu 11 ,)Y.,Gary R. Evans who is personally )amwwn or hies produced a As ifthfififtflon. o U1(W l:[XA. 1.. ; (/YYIJI `J STAMP Signature of NotaryPi . ublie Leiura C. Linden 01910 Laura C. Linden ��k 4ihffton # 613.033695 1111.6/2016,September ,.6 202p �&� .4ant: Bonded thrd Mw'Notary PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES BuRdift,& Code Compliance Di Agion 1Bt9U)1NGftRMJT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEM COMRACTORAGRUWENT SCANNED' BY St. Lucie Coin* ACOpplitY Electric have. 4gided to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the electrical Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYA.N 'HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary. Contractor) .for the proj eet located at LCA 4—,o C -kv" (proiectStrwt Address or Pxoperty:Tax ID #) t is understood that; ifthere is any change of statusregardingour participation with the above mentioned rqJe&,theBifi1d* Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the iling of Sub-C241 k,',O1EiEkT $M1THWck* PRINT -NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATIONNUMBEIt S, te of Florida, i lCountyofPALM BEACH ,rhl,ei foregoing instrument was sigd0&hdf6ri Me tbils of ig_j;g_lbti7.RO.BERTSMITH.W.IC.K ryhl ,is personally known:'_or has produced a` as i e atop. 01 STAMP Sioatafre'of N6,tary Public I EP,1KA LEBRINI ERRA CE8RINI of Florida -Notary Publi Priiit Na*e.ijf Notair.yP Commiss ion # GG 084371 My Commission mmission Expires. March 16, 2021 SUB -CONTRA OR SIGNATURE (QUA-1irlei) .Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME 28626 COUNTYCERTIFICATION.NUMBER Sfiti46cifF16i!da',Cciiiiity,iif Btbwdtd Thildiejoingj#istrumeut was signed before me this 22 • . day of f0ru�qry Zu 11 ,)Y.,Gary R. Evans who is personally )amwwn or hies produced a As ifthfififtflon. o U1(W l:[XA. 1.. ; (/YYIJI `J STAMP Signature of NotaryPi . ublie Leiura C. Linden 01910 Laura C. Linden ��k 4ihffton # 613.033695 1111.6/2016,September ,.6 202p �&� .4ant: Bonded thrd Mw'Notary PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT I' SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT I I I I I II RIDGEWAY PLUMBING it have agreed to be (Com any Name/Individual Name) Ill�the PLUMING Sub -contractor for (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) �ior the project located at 53 �� 'Qa1�la•••d� L� � C w (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I I I fl It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned I project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the I� oiling of a Chanppf Sulontractor notice. ggKTR6TOR SIGNATURE (Qualifier PRINT NAME f� I�i 24��1�1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER Sti%te of Florida, County I � The foregoing instrument was signed before me thisZS day of 20_y by 12tJL-,-i SNS wlilo is personally_k_not�` or has produced a as identification. AkI k.n Signature of Notary Public Id rA lC . LG �Q .,tee Print Name of Notary Public STAMP JARn� "__ MY COMM SSION #EFF 144435 EXPIRES: August 28, 2018 l l / 16/2016 ��„ f;,i4 Bonded Thor Notary ubl'ic Underwriters SUWCONTRA R SIGNATURE (Qualifier) GARY KOZAN PRINT NAME 17-6826 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this day of 20_, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a as identification. �y • •� STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Name of Notary Public Ot �,IY I'llf`�i KATHLEEN M. HALL Notary Public - Stale of Florida My Comm, Expires Jun 17, 2018 ` OF FtV��t�� Commission # FF 133586 .. __/ Bonded Through National Notary Assn. 9 Y PERMIT #_ ISSUE DATE I ' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I' Building & Code Compliance Division m I - - BUILDING PERMIT I'I SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT II I' I I �I ill One Stop Cooling. and Heating, LLC (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be Mechanical/HVAC NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES I+I the Sub -contractor for 4 (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) I II Foe the project located at e)n�"tcl L-►<,t? Calf . 1 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) I I' II, It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned P 1I�I project, the Buildin Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie IIII filing of of Sub a G -co ractor notice. CONIR6,MR SIGNATURE (QualiBtrr I I'I ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NAME .28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of PALM BEACH � The foregoing instrument teas signed before me this GJ da • of II )J 20_R, by ROBERT SMITHWICK is personally --known _or has,produced a KEVIN STINE PRINT NAME be advised pursuant to the TURF (Qualifier) 29939 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was signed before me this 23 . flay of FEBRUARY ,20LO_,by KEV.IN STINE Who is personally known 4orhas produced a is ide cation. ~ . as identification. STAMP STAMP >ignature of Notary Public Signature of Notary Pu 1 " ERI'KA LEBRINI EBIKA LEBFiINI 'rint Name of Notary Publ „o °��; Steto ofFlorida-Notary Public lomm.'EX01res KELLY WEBSTER *= CJc h)rnission # GG 084371 MV Commission Explros Pubilc - State of Florida hatch 16, 2021 misl # Ff97t3034 Expires Apr 4, 2020 tevised 11/16/2016 PLANNING & DEVE.LOPMEAiT SERVICES Buildnrig'& Code Colmplinnee Division _ — BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PetersenDean Roofing And Solar Systems Inc, Have agreed to be (Company Name/Individual Name) the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (i ype of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at j3 �p E] �lny� _Loa Q C i y (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the B �I ll filing of a C . I' I' I' I ROBERT SMITHWICK 28917 CA Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Sub -contractor notice. OF Florida, County of PALM BEACH foregoing instrument was signed before me thi%day of 3 ,2A_4y RpgERT SIVIITHA= _____ is personally known —or has produced a lit . �oiT}i�#C`1'OR 5IG\:a'fIIRL (pualil'icr) --- Byron Keith McStoots PRINT a 1MF --. --- — 29024 _ COUNTY t EirrIFtC:A riUS, \L%11BER ,.State of Florida, Count.• of Palm Beach The ibrgwing instrument was signed before me this 22 _ day of February __ 2j l 11i,. Byron Keith McStoots who is personally known N ur has produced a - as identification. . �. S"r:1AiP SI A311' re of tiotary Public~ Kignature of Notary Public 4 LEBRINI „YP%. ERIKA LEBRINI 1. - u&!',of Florida -Notary Public Beth Wagner. , line of Notary Public _ ._ Commission # GG 084371 Print dame of Notary Public -- ;�ti�Foii `oQac' My Commission Expires March 16, 2021 BETH WAGNER 3.; :,.7 MY co MMISSION#GG081021 'dr' EXPIRES: APril 13, 2021 BmW thm Wimy Publk tlridetwritets PERIVII-Ot ISSUE DATE PLANNING & 0TWELOPMENT.SERVICES Building &Code Coim�l>tnce Division 9 011,15ING ft-_ OW SUB -CONTRACTOR AGit>C�IVriuNT have a greed to be the INSULATION S_ b-coltractor for _NVR, INC dba,RYAN HOMES 7. Of Tyadb (Type wpffiaty C Pe. It is Wide—f8t6o"d that, if tlidrid is. MY chectigo of statics- regardingobIr'; participation With the abbyeiffien ildned project, the Buiii ITdJaj and Code Regulation Division of St.. U106 Coffil Will be advised _p_u-r'-sfi_W to the fling of Cl 6f-Sub:�bbtfbdtof notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT NPAI. 28917 C,QVNTY'Cp .!tTIFICATIOX NU51RER' Sfiai 6 Y-of W gr 09009.X-1, aj isi �idbef6fififillfls2S' d.W6f ..Wm 0­­ -j-20thbi ROBERT SMITHWICK who is n or hits as file �' ciititiri. Y �nojy.. Print Nanle'6mt' ERIKA LEBRINI P :.State of Florida -Notary Public Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires IN0f N ", March 16, 2021 RcNiisiid 11116/2016 67 6 1 dc-1 Q1 79- COUNTY QERT1r,1CAT.1,0N. NUNIDER- glifgbt*Jokii]14;C_ If At -&-,a le� The''Fo"tinstrument I . Nais's­j "q"d. Uffior­ e'this 2 A4df - MARCH 12014 by, PAUL W. HASH Whii isVpersona y Iinown�Xor"JiM produced i .. r Jam STAAW Print Niine.U.Nofify Public 0,; o� ?" ��. 140 PublicState Florid Notary Commission 0. 1 356 91 mycomrn.wk g ?7,2QO2!1 Ilona ON