HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1959 ~",'tl' '~4'8"" I" ii J, c", '. r ," ',. .i j') '.':il-~" ':' I,,. , . '! ,.0' ,. .' I ' ' I' I' .'Ij I " ..-I, J .- " ,',;1 J f" ,'. J>!.. I ,('. I '" r . ,~,;.> ~ I ! ..... I . I '.; ";j . , I ~ f .' , "r ", , " ~ ' -. "'," _~ ~___"~~,u_~:_,_:~~_~~~~'''~~'~._r.~_~ _~. ";:~~~"~L_~~'~ ~r_,_~'~__:"r'_'~""~'.'~'_~~ .~~~_~_ _'~,~\.~,~' _~~~,:..~:2~J~~1. "'_' _"~~~, ~ t~~~~9"''';~~'''~_ ~"'.T~~r~-~7.-~~-~"""'f:;;o~'r-""'''-r~''''''~_''''''''_''''''C.~"""''''''~ ~..~.ao-""""~""''''-''''fo1'l~PI&--::X; ~t-!:4"":>oi~~.:._~t""'t;"'t.~; ~ 0ll'P't"f' _-....".no.~...........~~~~t~..l~~. -:"'" I . I . . ',l ., t .' . '. ~ . 1.1 ,', ." ,'. ... \ " . ' ' I, . '. I, '. , I',.!, , ' ..' '.. .. ~. " J; l ' '! fl...'. ~. ..' '. ",~d t~en~~ (1.Z20.t ,te~.~,; ~en~~~l{orth'O~~.~~~d n~~otJ-t",e....n(l~~),. . '.' ,!' '"" ~\ll te.~:,tp,th'~.ihtot "&7 ot,'the :norl~ ~t' Ooa"t RaU1JI.7J ~henot '," .I ; '" ", ,U.Ol'l~O~l~'ral'O~' 'oai~ ft~~~f ~aT.: Pi ~Oliwi~o'~ >~nd' ~p~':~);-,o.~.~ (~in ,,' ......" J; ;' ,i, 1: "',' ~e~tl,1!he~o~. ...s.t Ele10n hun~e'~ ,and t~~n!.l:,~l~~ .11120,', t~e~\, t:o t~~ \ \'...p01,nt, o~ be~1~~. oo~taln1nB, TWe)l~' a~f,e"',m\~~ or l'e..~ . ')I ~ \ ($Z(hOOI.R.St8Dpeo.nn.) ',': . , \ ,'\ \ . - _ ,,':', _ \ . \' . .' . ~' ' . ~'.. : _ '. . .~._ ," ". _ -~. \'.,'.". \. .,',' \ ~. \. \ _. _. {. r . , ; ..' > i ~O HJ.VE JXD m ROL1>,the 8ame ttogether'wi~h t'he ~ere_d1t&lllenteand app~teii:ano..,\\unt'o.the<,. u__..---;, , .~t,.-":----- ". -:.------I-.-:.~-"- ~'. -~~--;-.-, ..--~.'~---:-\.~~--'-----.. \..--~.---------..~:--. '--, w :,_ -.~- --- - .,;,---=-". '\ .. .-t . i sa14 grant.,., "and .1.t8 8Uooe88Q~_~~ ~d. ..,_signs in >,tee '81aple.* . ;; .,., ~\' -' .~. '\ Y: . :. , ~ " . '\. . ~ \ . '-;-. . \,_'- _' .. . . I, . \ \. . .' .; { , j. . \ .AND the sal4. grantol'8. tor \ themselv~.. an~ their heirs'and legalreJireeentatlvos, oovenant. ~ ~ \. . ".' \ . .' . . . ~ I,' " .. ~ . j "with 8e.14., grantee : it. :i~o~essora le~i representatives and aa~ignsl ,~~ .a1.d 'grantore are .'. ~~. t : . _ "',~ "," ,'....\~.- .\' ....., : . .~ . ./ " .' _ ,'",--- .-' - ,-'-,,' " ...: " "',,-,..'. ~ " '. ,. - _, .~, ,.-. .... ; .!.".. 1n~tea8~bly'. sUzed ot~ld'iandln.,tee: sl.lilp~e.J~tbat 8ald gran,t9rs have ;~l 'power'. a'i1~ lawfUl- . 1'~' ~.tk;';"H;'r,~{to '~QnVel':ealA 1~c1S/.1n'.t4H;e1i.Pl~s' afores~l:!l; ,th~t' 11;' ~hail be 'J"awtUlt~\~: " f' '..." ',' ,'.",.. ". " . . ,; "'. .,' .' " ".", .'; , ,,' ': . '. '. '.' . . '. . . : " \. sald gr~te.,'. 1ts' 'suooessors, legal repr"sentat1y~s, imdaastgn.. atatl' tiDie8 peaoe~bl;Y an4' . ..., ,... " ~/.' :', .' "".-' ~'.-~' "':' \. .... ..... -. '."" " . -", "'. " -----,....--.--- qu1et1.;Y to en~er u>>ont:hol~. O,OOllP7. arie\.' enJo7:.~e.1~'~and;that'~a1dland ls.~.1'ee from ~U.~~~' : . 'oiuDbranoes: t};la t.'a14. ',gran tell.....their he1rs"'and .i.eg&lrepresentat~ yea .w'Ullllake suohturth.r. . . , ", ' . .... ,t'- , . .' . . " . " ' - .', a~sui-anoe8 .~to '~rf~otthe..:tee.im~let~ti~ 't~ ..a14.~and'ln:8.1d:' g1:ante~; .1t~suo.oe~sors.l~s&l. .~ep~8sen~at1Ve8 '~~' ~8~ig~,. ~.'IIl,~"'p~a~onab~1~0 r8qu1~d; ,and. i~t 'lI~ld gre.ntor~,' 4.o'~e~bi'.. tully '..r~t'th8.t1 t....e 'to .a14 land anei' Will de'ten4th~.. ~ame:.'~fth~le~wtU1, o)..aluui'ot'an . .' - ". . . " f , ~ j \,. ( }' ,1.'\. ' f Ij I..' ~ ' '" \ :~'I' .,. I _' ~~. . \. ~ .~ . '.~ , .":' . . '. ~," . .... ". \. I, ~ ' , . plrso~ .hom8oeye~. ftTJ.iESS .the ~and.8 and Beals. of sal4.~tOl'B'" th8"UJ and ;..a'; flr.st ab~...e' written. . I ~ .--.- ""-.... ~ . Slgned, sealod and' dell ver04,//" ~ . In the pr..enoe ot .' ~J..:I!:., Clark ,(S~al)' . ...'L. ,Co&1l.' '. '/, '.' , Otls R. ParkaI' ;( 'B.P.Seal. "Fre.nkClark. '(S.~l' . - . \,... . . ", ',. . /. . . . ' -, /. ..: "'~"t'~" , --'._-'"- ,~~'~j . '. ~ I . '.''J . :1 '] . ..1 J . ";j' . , , '~." .S!A1'E OF, FLORID.L " COUlnY OF Sf. mOB. , ~. . . . I ~y. CERTIFY. That on this.aay pe~On..ll1, appeared betol't'lIle, an' Ot:fl0e,r du11,a:tlthor1z.~' , " .' -. ' 'to' aclmln1ster o,athBAnd . take aOkno\fl.e~ents, JLary K..Ol,l.1"k aild P)'ank Clam. per.husbandto 110, ,well. b.o~arid101owri '~o . me to.'. be ,the li1d1 v14u:&1.8US'orlbed in ~d .):10 exeau ~d,theto~ego,ina . . , .' ': 't, 4eelt, anA who aOknov,iedge4 :betot-o'lIethat ,they exeou~.d the ....treeltand voluntar-1l1. f.or the: .', ; ~ .~ ' . . , pu.rp9.e.e. ~hereln eXpr.ss.d. ..~ I' FURnmR cBRTI~. ,Tl1a~, the '.al~ Kary E.. 01 ark known.to lIle~ iobe thewl:(, ot the laid' P'ranll:' Olark on's: s~~andpri.,a.to eDm1nati'on1;a)cen .and made~land beto~ me, separa~'17".~ . and apart trQlIl,her ..dd hU8blUl~, 4i4.,a~knowl,e46' ~nat'~ho made'hOraaelt'~partJt~ ...ld 4e'd'.'tOi~.> , .; . ", . . . "-' ' . .-.' ,..',' . '" . '. t, the pU11>o.e o{ronoUnoln8. rellnqu.~hlD6 . and ()onve;ylng, ~l~ '.her rlght. .t1t+e and1J11;eroet, 1rh.'h.r . . . ,,:.. '.',' .', , - '.' ,,' ot dower. homestead oro~ spoe.rah propertJ,ltatu~or,yor.equitable, in and1io. the ,'lands 4e"0~1~e4 . .therein. and t~t8he exeou~ea.. the .1L14.doed tree~7 anet voluntarlli, and without &Of OOlDpuls1o.n, ~. . . ~ ~. ~ , ;. -1 f .~ ,1, , . . oonatralnt, apprehen8l'on or tear Cjt or' troll .hor.al,d husband. t. WITNESS &qnan4. azido:t1"1.o1al ose&1 at lI'ottPleroe, Co~tJot ,st. Lu01, and State of P'lorldar, ,j . th1s . i J ,t - i. /,1' l' ';rUed and reoorded ~j . ~I . 1920." ~'~' " . . . . \ , \ wi L.Coa'. ! Notal7! Publ19 state at Largo. . .' Notary Publlo. Stat. ot Flor1da, at Large. ' . JI,y oornm1s,slon tXpires Januar;y 5,1928,.' , .~,',. . :J , ! 14th ~i otJul~,~~25. 1". , ~q ...~ ~~ o ,,(. .Se~. ~~' at 2~19 p,.K. P. O. Eldred. ClerkOlrou1' Oourt. , , , B7j~~:.IJ~~~ t~'-- ., 'I D.O.