HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT�]T* ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SCANTED BY . Lucie Cou Quality Eleetric BUILDING PERIVIIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be (Company Name/IndividualName) electrical Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES (Type of Trade) (Primary Contacttr) the project located at -53(00 ockwQY) LC** (Project Street Address or Proper'ty'Tax ID ##) is understood that, if there is any change of status `regarding our participation with the above mentioned ect, the Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the notice. RT SMITHWI.GK 7 of Florida, County of PALM BEACH foregoing instrument was signed before me this 6 day. of 20-� by ROBERT SMITHWICK is personally known _�or as produced a t Public ERIKA LEBRINI 'tint Name of Notary P 11/16/2016 Aar R 11� SU`13 CONTRACtOR SIGNATURE (Qufilifier) Gary R. Evans PRINT NAME 28626 COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER Browatd State of W ida, CouIlty bf The forgoing iustrum6ut.was signed before me this,-. -. . day of February. ; 20 %.by Gary R. Evans who is personally known or has produced a as id/ihtiifica�tioif. STAMP U1l W L�YA. C A/� Signatuie of Notary Public � ERIKA LEBRINI Laura C. Linden '1�Y PVB� i� of Florida -Notary Public =* *= Commission # GG 084371 . Print Name of NotaryPt �FOF�oP�� My Commission Expires Marco 16, 2021 *V� Laura C Coik- ' on; Linden GG033695 ,:'�= Expiies: Septembei 26, 2Q20 % o� `� Bonded thru Aaron Notary STAMP PERMIT 9 ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 'Bu-ild,ing.4 Code Compliance Division One Stop Cooling and Heating, LLC the (Type Name) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have -agreed to be 'Sub -contractor for r NVR INC dba RYAN -HOMES (PR­IP , �iry Contractor)ctor! For the project located.at (Piqj6d Str'e'e.i A40qss oi Pr6pedy Tax ID ff) It is -understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the aboVe mentioned project; the 146ilding and d Code Regulation Division .of St. Lucie Co inty Will be adVised pursua ht to the filing of a Charjaf Sub;,c6ntractor notice. CONTRACOK.9'IGNATLTREI(Qijgii6ir)- SUB-CgNTRACTOlt SIGNATURE (Qqn1i.flqr) ROBERT SMITHWICK PRINT -NAME 28917 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER n Stat6 6fFideida,, County of. PALM BEACH Tlii'foieg6ifig.ifisteifdiintwas signed before inethis't& day of 20\Lb, by -ROBERT SIVIITHWI CK ivho iipe rsofivil!y kboivn or has produced a STAMP Signature of Nolan -'Public ERIBA LEBRINI 7 ERIKA LEBRINI' kL_r­­-f Flkrlda-Notary Public Prici,t'NmnicofNot#iPub111 Mmiss [on # Gd 064371 My.C@MMjssjon Expires lillji. tl Wroh 16, 2021 Revised 1I.A.620.1'.6 k8VIN.S*TIN8 PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION. NUMBER Stale of, Florida, County of ORANGE The foregoing instrument was'signed before me this 23 — day of F'EbkQAR'Y . :200.� by KE . VIN 8TWE who is personally known r has produced a at STAMP Signature of NotatyTvy W, State of Floddil • of My Comm: Ezpins.Apt 4,;2020 I PERMIT# ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES I Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT RIDGEWAY PLUMBING have agreed to be PCI1/�al y Name/Individual Name) Sub -contractor for O U Q, 1 0C JSQ, 2ya vl- &yneS (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) the project located at ! zj'1,�p� qDety-&tV�a (-GY19 ref (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned oject, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the ig of a Change of Sub -co ractor notice. TRA GNA URE (Qualifier) SUB -CONTRALTO GNATURE (Qualifier) I beet 8 V i +A w i C 1< GARY KOZAN IT NAME PRINT NAME 17-6826 JNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER of Florida, County of al im , &-ac i foregoing instrume+ntt was signed, igned ��beff�ore me this 'ZS day of 20'6,by"RO, 1`� S►ml FGIlu1GK is personally known Zor has produced a of Notary Public j5E42i l4P of Notary Public Revised 11/16/2016 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of FLORIDA The foregoing instrument was signed before me this _ 20_, by GARY KOZAN who is personally known X or has produced a day of as identification. fJ STAMP STAMP Si ature of Notary Public �fIKA LEBRINI Florida -Notary. Public Print Name of Notary Public State of Commission # GG 084371 My Commission Expires March.16, 2021 S KATHLEEN 110. HALL y Notary Public - State o1 Florida Icy Comrn, E>;pires Jun 17, 2018 i, COMMIssion # FF 133586 `` Bondod fhrough National Notary Assn. PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Buildilig & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT PetersenDean Roofing And Solar Systems Inc. (Company Name/Individual Name) have agreed to be the Roofing Sub -contractor for NVR, INC. dba RYAN HOMES Type of Trade). (Primary Contractor) .I For the project located at : 5 n0 ayc6a i (Project Street Address or Property Tay Cnf ' It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, th='Sub-6o_vdractor Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK 28917 ct>t�;�-I•ti� ciR=rn�Ic;�•a•toti �c�rBrR Stnte of Florida, County of PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was signed before me this & day of ROBERT SMITHWIC}__ who is personally known —or has produced a aside cation. /Q��, S'I';1\tP Signature of lotarg Public -- ERIKA LEBRINI ,\\\wYPJ,==LEBRINIRINItP °'ary PublicPrint Name 4—Sotary Public3. 084371OF FIExpires021 Revised 11/16/2016 *tt Y);�'1IUCTORSIGINATURE (Qualifier) `— Byron Keith McStoots PRINT' N'A;41F.E--� J-- 29024 COUNTY+1iRER State of Florida, County of Palm Beach The forty:oin2 instrument ivas signed before me this 22 day of February 2 1 § hy. Byron Keith M_ cStoots rho is personally known ALor has produced a as identification. SPA31 P Signature ofotary Public Beth Wagner _ Print:SameofNotary Public N, BETH WAGNER = t,: MY COMMISSION # GG 081027 k EXPIRES: April 2021 '•.; of v�o `\ Bmdad Thru Notary Pu* Ua&r aitom PIERMITli ISSUE DATE PLANNING & Pf VELOPM , ET NSEIRVICAK$ Widog & Code Comphiethee))WIWO-101 91ALIANG. ft, AM IT 'W!3-CONTRACTOR AIGRE� ti MENT TION have aareed to be have . 1: agreed _. 1. � _. the INSULATION Stub -contractor for NVR, INC dba RYAN HOMES (Type of TIriidd) wqMaty, Contractor) For the project located at �T�kaad L.MfIQ Cuf (Project StreetAddrd§sT.'dr?r�0drty a).CID#) It is undd.gtood that if ihOp is afty change of status reg&dliig. our". Paft1Q1-'-PAek0 With the above. mentioned m I project, the Build . amid - C I ode R . 6gb1Ati6fi'D'iv"isi6n of St: Lu-c i le Coiffity WOO be AdVi§6d 'p-4r.'su'dfitto the P I i n`g of a Cl an Vo ,.. fsub:�ntrdidt6r notice. ROBERT SMITHWICK PRIN.TNAME 28917 COUNTY ClqRTlF;qATJQN 141��IBFR e of F _8i loridi, County :of ePaj Yn &� A The lor foregoing fris ir')i - iiie-ii t jfri i sij�kid, bellb'ke fi c this DO day of cg ROBERT SMITHWICK Who is WS6 6r lisis "' diked it, pro ,Is .. i.dej - qlijoii. STANIP NbNry Public COUNTY QE,RT1r-1C.ATj_0N. NUMBER S.61 t e o'.f . 11. or, i da', County' Th . e - 116irgoiiifg instrument was sighed bcrore iiii ihis 2 d4 of MARCH .20 1 E, by PAUL W. HASH C I osm, STAMP I Print N11iiii of Not" T! .., - Print KiineWNolafy Public bf, I ERIKA LEBRINI I da-Notary Pu]bHic -State of F ofi 1 MELISS' SA PP O�:84371 A �;,S. PP =teaCommission # . s I ' A. �V pre ?, �'. on Expires taryPublic staleofflorida 0 MY commissi 1 Sion #.GG 138356 1/10 March 16, 202 irk s Aug 27.202.1 Revised I 1/ 1*6/2016