HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1965 1.,54".'., ',." I'j """ I, ~, II' " :~ Ii. ,: " ' " . ',I.:, i i: I I :i . i , " . L I . I ". l I . ./ . ' r. . '., j "I . If,' ';1' {I ,': j T L I, I '.. i.,jl' . . I . : , . ' " " 'I" . j . I' ; ii' " . '.' '. '" I.' , .' I' i :..' " i ':' r ~ , ~': .-:...!;'i:~~.:;:':!'l:ifr;::::c;~;::c;t;:;-;;:~'7.i.~~i.I":;':: '-;.::." -;~: ;;!~-::-'- ,;;:;1;'-;:' "_-_:;;c.:..:_c:::~;+::-;;;;i;::;"~":'::;;~;;-;;;;:;:L'..-;.;;'~:::}~;~:q: __:;~ ' 'i,.I., \11'. . ";;'! . \ ,.j ,1:,Ij,O~lf~. (~\ }~O\~~'ri,~X (~a) ,'I.bO~ ~t..U8i~e, 'an~'L~ll~,:rltt~eJ1' (115,)' 1(, ' ! I Li~,":[: \;." ..\ .' :',j \ II ",' . ,. \ , ' . ~:o. ,~~nt,,":.i8Pt 1(1~8\)'" ~tb.\,\ln~~~lvt~ \~t\ J~n~ea~'" \SUbo.1J18'lon ~t i. , ) \ . ",' i: I', ". " \ ' I . I .\ I \ _.. 1 ','" I I " I, '., \ \' , ,i ~~.I Ono <,1:) ~~O (~) ~t ~tpQt1~ ,~~~ty.ndne.(29)1 'I '. \; ", ,.1:- \\ c:",1 '. ',.t" \',' ~I' .: \! < \ ',' ,\ \ <'1ho Jf~h, ha~~, .,to,to".' 111. ~Vo~1il~ T~U;~J'\(ZOll", \ ' ' ", \ I ,\',' . . 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", '; - c;' , .' _' \,' .', '. . .' \ . ,._. ,; ,', - .. '.'i~oth'.rw1th 'al1: 1nt.erest"due ~,to ~eoCIDe' d~" ;th~1-.oni. the':~rty.oi'tb~' ,.J . , ".; . . 'I. . '~" ;' ~ '.." . . ..' ._ _ . . . _ . . . _ - ".' _ '. . .. . ~ seoo~4 'Part, .b7' ~hO ao~optanoe: ~~: 'thi.' ~~ed,'a81.UIles and. &Br.e.' .to, r/Ai.': . .'. --' ..".. . '.' . . " '.All 'of' the above desOJ.".lbo,d' pr'opertl. '11 oon~'fed.,' 8~bJeot' to a'l~ taXe8 , ',' '. ;~a'~~e8sme~tS 'that may, ~~..legal17 -iev1e4or 1mPOSe4 thtti'~O~, 8UbBeq~nt., . " '. . i. '~, .'. ",'j ,I .':1 .' . to t118: y~r' ~. :b., ~ 1923. :J .~ 1 .~ " I ~ . -'~ 1 1 j .l l.i ; ~ i- , . , ., 1'0~~ . ~t.~. '&l~, the,ten8llle~ts " her~dlt~nt.Ei and appurte~e.noe~t ,W11;ll tly:eri prh~'lese. '~ r18h1;, title. '.interest and estat~. .dower and r1'gh,t'ot d""er,:rove>>si-,n. rem.a.~der 'and'easement . '.. ......' .. ...' '.', . " . c. , .' .~. ," ..," ':, ,.: . , , . thore~obe:10ngl~" or ,1n . ~yw1~e" a~Pti~~aln1,~: ' .'. . .' , .'. .' TO UVEAND TOHOLD"thelame in teea1mp18 ;torever.--- . .' ".~" ,:' ''':''.. <.' " "'.. ' .' '... ..; - . ": .. ." ',.' "....., . . .... ~ ..' .. . . ..' . '. ,','.. ..., " ' ,', JJfDthe a,.i4. part1es.o~ the' tirst-. par:tdo oovenant1r1th tbo .al~ 'par~,yot' theaeoon4 part , ~ - ..' '. ... .. . . " . .. - ' , .. . -' -' .. ." ..' ' , .. . ", ..' - '.. .' .. , ',.... ~ - ..' .. . .. " .. ~. . 'that;, ~th87 are .lawfully .~e1zeO:-ot thel~d p~em18e~l!l: that ,t~T'&l"8-c-~~ee' otal;: lnoumbranoes,. ' '..: . ' , , , ,',. ..',. ,'. . ',. .. , ", ' ." '.. ,\. ,., ,., .xoept'ae Itated, abon p,nd :that the7ha'Ye' goodr1ght andlawtul author1t7t~Bellthe'S8llle; and". '. ';. '., .', . /.... . ... . . . ' . :. that, ,~ld part1e's'ot.t~~tl:8t'Part 'dOhere~7' iul;11~r~tthe tltl. to la14'land, and will de.. 'fend t~e 'Ame aea1iult the lawful ola1nls otall :persons 'idiomsoeve.f', exoept ast!)la1dmortB88ea, above desorlbed/' :;I'~ ' '1 10 , I '. . -~ '; . I~ WI~SS '\'IlOijt8OF, ,the.a1d Pa~1e8 ot tho ,t~~t., part have hereunto set, t.helr luwdS. and Be.ala', the~y and year tlrst above wr1tten~ S1~ed~' s&'aled and del1ve~ed 1n thep~se~oeot USI..' :-01:) '... Erio W.' Taman ., . Lorenao'. .1I1oh018 '. " . Lewls F. Har4.er .,( Seal ). Certru.u H,.. .lll1order {Seal) , J (~'fi"oo I.R.St~pe~ oan.) , .,.,'" , . , STATE OF NEW YOH1C. . COUUTYOF COLtJlC.8U. ' . ".. ., I HEREBY 9ERT1F'i; That ont~1a 16 .daY. Of, AU8U$t, A. D. ~9.24. betore me per8~11yappee.re4 . LEwIS F. IU.RI>ER.and GERTRUDE H. 'HJ.RJ>ER. to me weil J010wn and ~lCno_ . to. me to 'De' the persona .. '. .,.,.------;-.. "".' '- .,. , . . . '-'. . '. . .i 'j -I ~80~1be4 ,in and who exeo~ted th~ toreg.olne oonve~oe to GUL:r,ST~{'I~T c~upm, a oorporat1.on organlzod and exlst~ under the law8 of tho 8tahotnor.l4a. andaevel'al1,y ao- . I . , ' > i .! kn01rle~d the exeoU.tion thereot 10,0 be. the1rtree aot and deed' for the uses ..~d purpose's there1Ii; , . ~ . , e . I I '~J! \ { \l 'J ~ . >J . ::i ;i , ~ j , . mentioned; .1 I I , And tho 8eJ.d GERTRUDE H. IURDER, thew1te' of the sald LEWIS F.HARDER. on a 8epar.ate and , , Printe examinatlon take)1 and. IIl&d~ by and. ~eiore me, and sep~at~17 and apart :trom 'h~r Bald hUband, did a01010\fledp t116t she. ~ade herselt a pa'rty,to the aal,d~ed ot Conveyanoe,foJ;."the ;. , . , '. - - ~ , . , .' '. . 'i purpo.e _~t>reno~olng, r6;Unqu18h1n8 and oon~e'Ylng 'all her r1ght~ t1 tle'. and' lntoreet,' ,whither oj:. 'lo' '; . - . I '. (. l Of dower or ()t .ep~~te property, st;.t.utoJ;."y or oquitable, in and to the lands' thereindesor1bed~ .xoout.d .a1d d.ed tre.i7 aza:d Toluntarily and wlthout aIJ1' oonatralnt~ feOor, I. i . f --, .