HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1966 . · I I ; I '. ! 'I J ' J.' ~ ' I J I ,<, ", I '. ,/" , . ',", ' . I . :", " ;. I ~' ;', I " I" , . I ' , I 1 " .I. I. !I' . 11'" . I: .;1 . , ~; , I ';' I Ii. I It" j ,: . 1:\ ,:'1. ,. ,! 'I : "I ,I 'r" ( . ., '. '.. I .' . " " I 'I ' .' , ,. ,i' I . I I , .' t .,'. I . '.', , . .' '. I . " .'. ' '. I I.:, , . 1. , : ~,.~,- '_..~J. "'7"'" ". '" ~,. .>' ";": L.."" ,,"~' "., .,':-: 'I," 'I.,' 1 ,.,,' .:"~:::~:.~.:"X;.::2;"'\' ~,:;.,::~~*,.;:i :~j.:~~:.:;:~~....~~z.>.;-:;:::!--:::;:,;::.:.;;.: :::~~:;,,:':;:;;:::.1+,::~:;:;;::;;;:,j,. ~~: r-"~","-'.'~:JlrT:~;;~;:lf::~~p:;::::t':o.'t,;"h~\",i~ '1I".j~~~.1 ". ", /:", , ,(,(, ...., ". ,[' . j.", " , '. , ' . ,1\: ' \ ~ ..' " ',' , , '. ' ~.: \ \ " I ,.~ !' :\ . WI1m~~ ~ \~1p'atuN" \an~ ,ottlql~i \~eai 'a~ Plii~Qnt!'1n 'the"Oo~t'Yo~'O~liwo'1a\l'.: an~ 81i~te '~lt' \ 1 '., O~:;'" , ' \ '1~:'.W' York, the .4q .lfrd. Y~~r, r~8~ .~ore.al,d~ '.\ . \. . ',1,\ ' I I '. ,\ " . \' \c~...;, '. \" \ ,II, j . \ I \ }' \ \, \ . \ \ I . ,,\ '. '." , ! . \' f ' : ! " ' I '\ ,..'. '1' \ ',\' : Lor.I1ISO W~N1oholl' " I , t \ I . \, ' \ \.'. --'.."1. : Notal't ~b11o. 'I.> '\ . , ,. .:, ;' \; ,\' I . J(y commle.lon ,explrel ~ te'rmOf'oftl0' . . t, , ; II . N.P.Soal.' " .1 ' '\ 'r' explres . Jlar.31,1926 :: l' ~"."" , '.,.' "" ...1, , ,I ,: I, :'., .! \. ",\1':rlled &Dd ~do~ded op't~~. Uth.~~ ot\TUl7,1925t, at '1..~(i~~. " c \ (?". , i' I.;'; '.. .~. "~--,... ,', " ",.1,1' "..' \,1'1;' '\ ~; . ' . ~_: '\: :, , P~ ';O~ BlONd.. .,Qlerk Olr<<tUl't Ob!"~'.:. " '.' . ",. i . ! '. gt:gt.8'~1., , '. .h4~~B~; 'b.c, 'I: rl' .) ! f , 'I ( I 1,1'/1155 I> " , ' \ . '. .. . " i ',: r:: I,' '. ~' ~ . f:' . W\ J' J! . ~'~~"" ~. .i'; ~.. f ~{. ' . .j :, :~ I ,; . . '\ ,. :,. ,> . ' . ' \". . ~'- . ,,';I:i:I~#: 'tl:I:': 1:1 :1:/:1 :#:#:1.#:'#: 1:1:1: lai:I:':':' ~I:":":I. i# :'1:1:1:1 :1:: 1:#,:#:1:1 ;.#:#:#:I:ic'li#' .~ ~.. ',.' "., ,.,~. - "... .... '-' ..... ", " ."., '".. ,;.,'..:.. ,:., ,.'- . ',- ': . -:- ,.... .,~ .' . ..i~I;H B, ?OLUl.r AlID Wln ' .;' . '.' ,,' ~O' . , . ' '. " DADE ,weif LAl~e? ' . . <I ", ~ . '. ." , w.uuwrrt. DEE]): .. ~ . .. '.' ...... - . .' -' '!HIS DnD,:I(a~:th~ ],2'4.&1 of! :uDe'~~'1>:~ 19~5,07~ITH B. 'OO:r.KETaJidALBtR'uic. 'COLKET' ~hi~ ~. of the,~ooUnty o~: Onon48g~St~~o 'ot :s.~.'iOrk)1~re.inatter'o~le4.the ~~6rs,'to.D.lDE . ;' ,.,- : .' .'. .' . .., . :,-. '.. ,.'- ".' :'" . , . ." - .' . .wox WID.OOWNY, a 'Fior14a Corporation of . the Oount7 of Duvai. Utate ot norida h.reinafter , .' '.: . . . ~ .' - . '. . '. " , . ~;oaUe6.. the .granh....' ., . __', . . WIDBSSE~" ~t the .a14,g~to,r8, In oO~lderaUon ot ~.D." 00/100 Doil.'rs,~' the reoeipt jhOl'Ooil.' h.r.bi : aoknowla,,<!'{. do ~;.. g....~. bOl'B~D; ~ll. ' ~ 1....1'0Iill..;ril...... 'D1\oO~. toon~'7 an,d'~()n;~ i.m~'~~e; I~d~~~o~: ap.c1; ~t.~ ~uoou.sorl.and 'a8S~ 111 ~.oi1mple,'; ~he landa. : '~lw.a'te UiSt.lA.101e O~0:un~1. gounty~' 'Stateof Fl~r1.c1a; ,cl.e.or~be~ ~ ~O~,lO)rS:' '. " 4- . ",. , '." '.' ,', , , ' SeoUons TJientY"OA' and Twent7.-twp (2~ " 22) T(?Wn~h1p.TblrtY-Se~.~, (37)" , " SoutA '1i&nge.' ~utY~eight(~)..Ea8t,C)0~&1~. i'Well'l Hwic1re4'&nd Ji18h~;" ,. (1280)ao~.. moreoi.lels.' . .' \ j' . " 1(1 (120.00 I.R.Stan~a oanoelled) "" ." .:; .' TO lU.VE ~, TO HOLD' th~ I.. toget!ier. WH.h~h...~.r~d1~~t)nte.~ ,appurten~oe.Q,.W1to the' ". 8aid. grantee,an4.J.ts ~uooessC)rs ~c1 'si;~ lntee 8~pl".: , " _.~" . . , , '" A.BD the la~c1 grantors ~ tor tiiem.s.l va!, and, thelr helrs. &l1c1l',ga1r1"el>resentat1l'eS i' ct ovenarit . " ,., ., , '. , ," . , " \. .:' ~' , ,'. .t. lfi:t~ ....ald grante.,l.ts, 8uo~e880rs :l~~ re~e80ntatlvese.nda881g~: . Thatlald g1'&nto1'8 are.... : .indefeaslbly .01zed of la14lan~ In fee 81mple; that .a1d ~anto~ have 1"ull powerand,lawful r " --".. . - , .' , .' . ~ ' " . , '.",., ';'.. " " _', "' " , '. . '- ,'. ~. .'. , i.rtgbt tooonve7 ea1d.lan~' in t.e simple, all ,atoreealci; that it' shall b~.laytul.tor" lald ~te. .' . '~ ':" 1ts' ~\\~e8S0r8,~. le~~i'. re~~..ntauvel and as~ilgna.. 'at all time. Peae.a.011:and ~~tt17to~'te~ ..uP.C)n, hold, OO'WP7 aDd 8D~01'~14 land.J ~hat. la14. ;lan4:.1e 1:ree 'fr~Rl all ,1noumbranoes, ',thatlat4 ;. grantors, their h'lr.s and lec;al'repri..ntat1ve.s, ,wU:l'lIldteeuoh ,:rurther,a~SlU'anoeB to. pe~t.ot . , 'J'.'. '. '. _ . . .' . - . . '. ", . ~ . ~ . _ : . - - - "" '. '.. , . - ."~', '- . thefe.e1m.ple t~tl, to. .aid land.~~ laldgr&l\teO", US~\1ooeUO~s"legal r~~rese~tat1Te;. and. ,&8818ns" aIU1.r',asOhablT b. re9.u1re4; and tha~ ,laid g~an~ol'S, ,do hereb7ful17.warrant ,the titre to. 'eaid land and wl11 detend'the .ame 88a1nst the la.wtul' 01a111)e of. all p.rsonawhomao;' .,0' oyer. " WITNESS :thehanda and .8&1.1 ot lald gr~tor., the c1a7 an~ ;year'1l'8t aoo.e written. , . S18ne~, .0I1.d and deliver.d lnth. prel.noooot 10m 1. Mahar I.abel ~'lanoy " .' ~.>- . Mered1th ~. OOJ.Jte\t,>~(s.al) Alb.rta'X~ Oolket ' (Seal) '-'.-'! I' , . " , -=-r- r, n, '.' ~y-',:.,-.' " ',__