HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT REPORTSCANNED St. Luc* Gwg' j FIL Palm City, FL 34090 (772)872-8034 :ompiiant with Florida Building Code.2017 (6"' ed.) ompliant with Florida Product Approval Rule # 61G20-3 ompllant: Keystone Certifications: THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD IN THAT MAYBE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO roduct: 5 V Crimp 26GA Steel Roof Panel FBC Sec. _1507.4.2 OAAPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE CODES. Yield'strength:50 ksi min.; Attached to min.15/32"plywood or Wood Deck w/ min: OA2 specific gravity with screws: 24" Coverage R16'Height 3/8N . Drrosion Resistant_ Compliant: FBC Sec.1507.4.3 >tstener 1'(Method 1 Attachment). tt9:x 1-1J2" Hex-Washer'Head wood screw* to penetrate . ►167 mina thru deck or 5/8v embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficient len h to meet Iquirements) . . .9t . istener 2 (Method 2,3, & 4:Attach me. 0: vio x 1-1/2" Nex-Washer Head wood screw* to ?netrate 3/1,r min..thru"deck or.5/8" embedment into wood plank. (*or sufficlent-length meet requirements] llderlayment: To be compliant with: FBC Sec.. Chart 1507.1.1 . CONCEALED FASTENERS OR A'iTAClal�9E vTs AEr-,.TK RE.SPONSIBILI7Y OF THE )pe Shali be:in compliance with FBC Sec.1507. �'nkltq'1CTOR OR RECORD See Fastener. attachment specifications above �tall.Details: Table A:.. Allowable Loads METHOD1. METHOD 2 METHOD 3 METHOD 4 SIGN PRESSURE"': =86 PSF -93.5 PSF -101 PSF -228 PSF IW SPACING. - 16" G.C. 16" o:c. 8".o.c. 6" o.c..- STENERSPACING (ALONG Panel width) iZ".o.c- 12" ox. 12" O.C. 12" oc. .. STENER SIZE #9 #10 :0 #10 ,erence Data: ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC. TST ID#:1527 580-06:& 189.7-041 Test Report . fM893.01-450-18: 05/02j14 Test Report F3366.017450-18.12/18/i5 5.125-03. Test Report D05893.02-450-18 07/22/14 . ?UIVALt?Mt:Y-UL' 1897-04 is. equivalent to test standard M 1897-14 ;*Desion p>ersut�e marrgi� ofsafety 2.1 . _ H 1111f u: Bowden, P.E. does not have, not will acquire a flnandal tom ,��C1��uyc ' ' er this evaluation, ��`�."' `'t�.� ,,,,.,,��,, *wftctuiin or dtstributi V. .: Qr , , �� . g no Products re Bowden, P:E. Is not owned,.operated,.or cofitrolled b a cow a mi�ldfattures or�istrlbutln )rLY �•P d �, g products under this EX ST.' LUCIE"OUNTY E REVIEWED �OR COM N DATE : r �KEPN PLANS AN PER TMUSTSITE OR N �•. INSPECTION TL WO-0 - .1 f .. 7.. t ..ow .,: tONAL � •���. i FL17022.1 5V Crimp (26GA Steel); 24" Wide Roof.Panel- - Details Limitati � 1: Un erlayment to be compiianW'with current Florida:Bulldind Code .(FBC)2017 6� ed.. 2: Mi imum slop.wto. be:compliant with Florida Building Code:2017 6th.ed.; and per with Manufacturer's installation reference. 3. Products are. compliant for State of Florida product approval per Rule 61 G20-3. Compliance Method: 1713 4. En ineering analysis for "project specific approval by local, authorities w4urisdiction is allowed by other registered.engineers: 5. Fi 1,classification is'hot part of this acceptance. Shear.diaphragm values are.outside this.report: 6. Su port framing to compliance w/FBC 2017 6'h ed., Chapter 22 for Steel, Chapter 23 for Wood and Chapter 16 for Stn,cturalLoading4 7. Thi report does no warranty, installation, recommended product use outside of this report. Fes- k9 ■ 1-ur Min ror #10x1-V2'.'Min. Pw?&1eA'.rorffow' SV.cdnvPod Pand SP-ft and Design ArNeu w Hex Washer Head wood Screw6 i li oedL_ 1513r a 9rcaier P4vmd. or . ' -VWod P4anit . 1 24' . . s'fwATrons Panel Profile Nominal12" - -Nominal O.C. O.C. . ' Fasten.. ' #_M-1/2" Min. or #10 X 1-1&' Min. per . Table "A" -'Hex Masher Head $crew Panel Spaced 12" o.c: across.the Panel.lMdth- Overlap. Refer to Table for Spacing Along Panel Length Deck-15/32" or greater Plywood, or . - blbod plank