HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1973 .' ~'2" f ~ ~.'J" . ~I" " ~'. ,', ,'16 '"".' "".. .:1, I ;, .'!, ,,",' '" ,I .: J I .,: I,'. :1.,./ ,.' : :'.!' I ."1, , -;~.~~:l7~~:~~:;~";:#;;L~~F~.~p-~~-;-.~;:~:~)~L~;2~~r::--~;::~~~~~~:~~;:~~~ ~ II { '.no ~alV~l'O~:,~o~"t~J~el'~ond~t1ons.,11m~~a;1~:s~~'rr,sr~;l'~'t10~~'le~~..~ q~ ~Pl~~4; :~r ral~~ i '1" ,', . ~', I ~o~ .~ long~h 9t' tiine,' t~ .ht~rooill.Q\T'.~e. ~lballl Olon8t1t\1te.a b~~ to .~l)h entoroem~nt. at, ~".. ~ \. ,I , ~~ · ","\' . ,\ ''t'" " I, ' ' \' . \ ~ " [ . ~.'ll' .:'~~ ~h~ :p~~; ~ot;\i" t~~~~...~ l~a' ouo~..~..~~ ~~,~0~~8na ~~~ll1a'~tho ;rigJ,t. . I j ." ,;',' 'I:' \ \ : 'riom '.t111l'" to tillle~'t~felea'e'~ 'o~ .the i.b~" or tor'egolng: re8tJ,"10t1~.. oo~d.1t'l~ns.OJ." 'u~1,tat:ion8. '. , :' I . t '. \ - -,' _ _..' \ _ . _ \ ~ -.' _ . ':'.' ~ _' ,. _ . ,'. \;' . _ \ " \ - -~...-----;-. ; b,.,ealed ~n,ltrwll.e~t duly u:~~te4' .~, '~OOO~~t, With the ;l.~Vl.ot ~he\'S,t...te ot\norld&., tor . \, 4 \ . \ " ~. . ., . ,'", . "-. -,. \ .\. . . ,: , ...". ." \. ,.l _ .' . \. -1 \ !' 'the .oo'n~e~oo otreal 'e,~t..~ ' . " \ . : ';1 ! . ~ . , . . ., . ~ -. -- , ,. . :0 '.' . . f-.. "UJ;>' \~HE S~D PJ.RTYOF,THE lIRsT P~T. tor '1twel~~ ,its, Quooes~o1'8t1 1U1d' asUgns.. d.oe~' hueb7 i." ,., . .':.' ..... . .. -- - -' , :, . ~ .' ~ \.. . . '. ., -- " '. .' ~ " '. i, ooyep,ant ~d ~e~"lth,tbe;..a1d part, otth~ a'e~n4, par.t,.hll, helr'.;~n4 aBsig~, ,that"t~e, above 1 ," f . _ . __ __ - . . '. --. '. . ,- -' - -. " . , .'. '. . ' " . ~ ; and to~~gOl~, reatx:1Ot10J).8. l1in~tat1o~ and OOndttl\Qnl 8hall'.be"1i1~lude4.'1.~'a4 deode and. .agree~;ntB 1 \ " ' " . " '.; tor 4ee~ in the' sai4 SuQ.'UV1Blon, exo~pt 1n that pO,rtion set apart 'tor 'bUS1ness pui.po8eiJ~' , , <l ! " .. ~ - , .. . , .' '. .' ~. ". ~.. . . . !. 'It 18, tu.rthe~' iIlUtu.ally aBreedtl1& t iii.' oase "o.ttallure o~'"the: sa~d Par~yot. 'the' I~oonci p~t ,l - } . -., . . - .' . ... :. . . .' . '\ ' . ';;,; - . ' - '. .'. '. '.' 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'-, '.'. . -: ',' ,', ..... j" ' ..;.' 5 l' resell laid property without notioe. withOut b'eing liable'to anY 'aoUon'. tQ.eretor. ,.'- :.., . i' ., '. , . .,..." , -: ' ' " '. . ' , ,\ .' '",.", ,..".. . ';" . , , ~e PM"t otthe tirst J>..art .'~a,n ~e88l~Via:!.k.s and h~rdsUrt~'i4, sti-et.a 'a~o.Crd1rig' to. .tn,e . lpeo1f1oaUoI8 Sho.~~n .the' reoo;od.ed Plat., Of',a&1dSub'Uyision.: the expense ',otsarne tob'eb'o7-'i1t~ b* "r. the par~y of the, t1r'~tpar~., " , ' , r . r 'I;'IS 'WiUALLY~ AGREED.' b;r. a~d'betwe!3~t1ie. parties' hereto. tha;t, th~ ~1lne 18:otthe essenoe ., ;lo~ th:1~ ~on'raot, ~d '.~at al~:oove~ts,and:'agre.el:1enh fhe;e 1n~~~Sld8red ~.~h'a:i,l., e~te,iid tOapd'~,. ~bU.g~~or~ uPon the" he1l'~. :'pe'i"soDlt..i repre.IJellta~1ves..'8uooeslior8. and ~S81gzlB~:t--therreap6'cJtlle, ; ";, . i .... .' .' . . . ~,- '. ' '. . .ip~t18.8, and, ~he1a~~p~rtY'lhall ~Ol~d.e,part1e".. . IlfWITllEa$; Y6iEftEOF, The paa.tfes to. these' preeents hav~"her~unto sot',the1r hands ~ds~ala , I' ''''. " . .~. ,'. ;1' f~ l- , I '\1 '1 J .. ,tVc1&yand 1ear tl.ratabo-Ve. written. . Exeouted In Dupl1cat~. . . - '. ., :.: Slgned, ,sea18d arid del1veredln pres.enoe , , . of: ' . ., ." ; . UA:B,AVI~ I>t.uA.. Ino. ,~ . , l \ \ \. i ~ ~ . . . . i ,11,450.00, : 'or1; P1erce..Fl.orlOA., .~1' 23, 1925. .192... I ' FoR VJ.WE B;ECElVED I' promise to 'pa;y J.U.RA.YILLA.PLAZ.L.' INC.. or o*d.e~.the sum ot Fourherl' ' . ~. . . " - - .'. '\' -' . .' " .-, . ..' .'! Hu.ndredandFlttyDollars .ollars,a.t tl~~ ot:hoe of the w.RJ.VILLA. :?LAZA.,INC.. in'Fort P1e~oe. ~ FJ.orlda.' 1~ monthly ,iXul tallments,' P, ayable as follows. to-Wit;,' Fort~; Ej,ght D~n~~ ,aIJ.cl Thirty":' " "j Three,cents'Doll,ars on the 1st day O(July,.1920.and,e~8.33 ;oollu8on the'lst dayoteaoh f. . , . '.. O' ..f. '''By Z.T. H~ehn .,' (SEAL) . Pr4t.1dent. . Attest: . :iJav,1d Flinn (SEAL) Seoretar7, ~uoo~~~ng'mOi1t.h tpereatt~r.. until thp\'lhol'. aUa. named ~:8' 1'u.l.lypald,' with In.te~.~t trQm th18. .i. date at the r'ate .o~ e1ght.p~,: oent tier'annum. . TM l11ter08t on eaoh 1nste.llment.aiidthe1nteres~ on the unpaj,d bal,ano.e of' th,~ pr,lnolpal 8'W11~ret~be p8.1d at the lIlatur1 ty. of eaoh 1nstallmen~. If d'~aul.t is, made 1n the,p~yment' of WlJ ~nsta1.'~ent ~hen,dU8,then all,t'he rema1nl~ lnatai.lmen~8. .baLl beoome due and payable at on.e. Pr1vilege ls g1v~to pay two or ,more 1natallments'at I ':1 (Signed) W. C. Russell (Stal), . :riled and. rOClo~d, on thls. 16th da 1 of July,19Z6. /-~_.,--. . " -. . '. . '. '\'eel , -\Ten \ ~e(',Of<1, . ' . . .at 1: 19 P.K. . > ~, " P. C. Eldred. Clerk Clrou1 t Court. I' " .By'~~(:;;;J~D.C' . .. I ~--~