HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1980 : "./' f. '. '1" I " ":1', ;....6" 9: " ',I'j' .jl, ""' I.' {,' : I ':. , . .i ,:. ' I " "', . I " j..At... I ! .', .,' '1'1.' !'.II',' I I, I '. . .;< ;. i:' 1,1 , " I' '. :. ',1'. , , .1 ~ .; . I "1 '\. , " I . '. '. 'I; " " I' .' ,\ I , '. \ ~~~~~~'~'~";~~;;P~~~~~~:~~~~~:~~~~~~;~~:~I~~~~: \1' 1,1(1, I, ,\ \. , . ,'I I!" . II " ,.' ',' \, .. I I' .',' 1,1.., ,1'.\ t, \:1''. ",: ,t.\S~A~,g pF FLOnIl>J. .\~ I \'\" ',"\ ,:\'~' \' t', '\. · :,' ~ .,,1 .\ '" ' ,', 1,1 t.. I \.'., . i .,\ , \ .I, .'\' OOV1r.rY OF ST~LUCIE, " II \ , ., I . . ' " .' '.' " I ,. \ t .. '.,' Ii . \ : '.',. "',. t. \ .' \ . ':, ',' '. ,\'.' " 1,:\ , II .' ,\ \ . i' ',\' .\ , . . \,~. t' " \ . ;'\ ,I!lEIlEBY O!,TIl"l ~ \~hli ~, qn ~h1, ,Ill 'dlti ot 1Iq, ' ..., 1>. ~ 92~, b .torpio pora'onal~;r,' app'lll'Od , · I ..,', '; " ,'\ ,in,1,J,~' R. 'iWu>" _\CUJlOL~,~. 'lU.llhD,:)ji~O ~t'l'~~,"'O 7..,.~.,~._,thO ~f',~iLo d"or~1>!d\in ,,\. , ' : !.'<oaand."h~ ~X;~out'ea!\\tb.e t~egp:i.ri8 'oonveflUloe, I t~ L.K,Kur2:'&;Y. and f"'e'Orall;y..~OlmoV/1redge\d th~;' ~x-;" '; . . ,\ , \.,'.'. ' \ . I' ." . \.,.' \. . i~ ': \ \,,' . ,.! \eo~tl~\''')\~l"'eot 110 be . th.l~b'ee \ aot~d ~~ed t~~~ 'tbe ~~s ~d p~po8es ,1ihere,1h menti()'n~d; an& I'. the said', C'arolynA.' H~de~ithJ:.lt~ ot tlie S~1d'1fli:l~ R,~rd~~.Oh' ~ ~~pe.r'a'to ,andPr1...~.. ,f e~aini~t\On \~aken ~ macie.' b1,:'and bet~re me,:an4 'separ~tell and &1>a1ot fio~~, ~or 8a1d ..1~\Ulb~~. . 1 did Bo}tilO.l~~', t~t\ she made ~el'l.lt..:al>ar~yto th~ said Deed ot Conve~o~" for'thft ,pur'pose . . " , . ." \.". , . , . ,.' , .' ." , J ot' \reJioUn.01~,'~el~qu1sb1ng.and .~o'n'(el~B11 her~1gh~.tltleand),Ji~er~st.' Vrhether. ot dowel' j. . ..'" \., , " ," . . , .,' , J'or:of sepUa.1;f propert,l.stauto'try: (ireq~l1iable., In. ~d.t'o the "landsthereln~"deso.l"lbe4..' and -:~ . "_ ,.'.' _.t, ". ..> :- . " . \\.' ..' '. :.". ";,, . . '". I.. .,. . " '\',". _"- . . ~ oJ that,she :exeouted ~aid. d~e~tree1:1and ,voluntar1l1. ~nd VI1th()ut anyoonetra1D,t. tear.~pprOheJi- .' . f .: . I '. ~.._ .. \. ',. .' ,,1,' ,lon, or' oo,atpUlS1:0 n of or froaa hel" sa14 husband,',' " ,":. :0 -'. . _ ,'. . - _, _' ..- ! '" '~ID1'.8igriat.ure' and:'oUloial s.al: at l' ot"1orl'~,. 'th)\- u.i J,nd1~r ia~t' afores~'ld" .. I' . '/ . . .\ . '_u__-'--'.~.._'-,-_,_ ,Fort p.lel".o~. in .tli.~, OOunt'l' ot .3t. wob ~4.'Sta~:1 ~ , . : r.i i~ :,1 . t ~. j 'i (, .': " 'l~ N. ~den' (Seal)" ,', "Notarl' Publlofor the,' :)~ate .tifFlorida.at' , '~Oailm1Uion.8Jql ires ,Aprll, .6. 1927'.' ". targe. '. , ., , , '.\~,.'?' . , . .J 'u " i . , STATE OF,FLORIDA COUNTY Of LWU;Oli. i .' . '. ;'1 I j '. "'--~- . .-' . . .'- ". . '. -. . ." ,On this d~perEl.o~ll;y appearedberore meFLOREUC!. L. 1lA.Y9. a w~dO"'.to,lIle w:ell.known "~;J . onCt.of' ~b~.per80~8 'deS~lb~d . in'. , and"WhO,exe,~tedtbe fore~Olng 'D~ed~' ~nd :\Okn.~.lt;c1cie~::t~t ~he, . executed tl}o same tor thepu.rP088., therein eXpr~s~e4. ., . . . .... I j . III L '~RE~F.I bave hOl'~;"'tOdtiX'~ lIl7~d ar;d ...1; thlo ,i5 da~ ot IIq ....1>,"1926, ] , , ' " \,' . . .: '.' " . Co' Ceoll"'nrlant ~ (Seal).' .', .' I , " .. . 'ltotar7 Publio. ' . . . '! lkP.SOal.'/ . lq' 90mm~qeion expires,: Apr. ,24. '- 1928.. .1 I 1 "-....-. " ". !' . . . . . F1hd andreo'orded' on <th1S'15thdayot' ~ulY.19Z5~at4j39P.l.t. ~. .:-,...:..''\ . )' ~~', . .; ..'....0') . ;: Ct .C/t.~ ,al.'~ . . . . 'Q" , ' ' ~ .....~...'..;.6~..... _,'. _. ,,\.~'2;~ . ~.~', "'\;" ., .c~- . .~,.' . . I: I: I:~: I:;: I: #:;; i:';:ia i: i:i :'j:i.:#~: I:;.:i: i:~:;: #: ,;I;:#:i :#:1:;;# :;:.;:/:'1: t ~ I; I: J:J: I: t: Ii I:: /: i: , . P. c.. Eldred. Clel"k Clrau1t Court..,';" . :'1 :! .. ". ~y'~~(d~.. D.O. .~, ROBBIllS& G~ CO. TO WAIUWITY DEED . ,J. .S. JAC~N I 1 j !" : ~~ . . I t . ~ . . ., . .' ' . . . . __' , . '. '. . .. . -. . - _...l. i aoorporat1on .eXlst1~ under :t;be la\'isOf 't hi , ~te. te ot FlgpUa., Aa...1D8!,tls~;r 1:n"1p&lplaoeo.f :bus~ess in the. . COuntyot ,Brevard, and state, otFlor1'c1a, partl ,ot th~ t~r8t pa~t, '~ J ~.s. JaJlkson ot the Oounty ot St.. Lua1e and StateotFlor1da party of the s8oonl1part, WITlfESSE'l'.H. > . . . ~ . ; , , that ,the said ~arty o~ t~1il'8t-pa.J;t. for and.ln oo:nsid~rat1onot the, sumot SIX,DolllLr~. to 1t1n h,and,paid. ~the reoe1pt whereo,t 1s hereby 4Lo1oio\'lled8ed~ has granted, bargal~edj ,soU., . i TlIlS Ilm~lTURE. ,],(ade'thl~ 1st datof ;u.ly, A.D. 1925,; BETWEEn The ROUS!liS& GRAlW.! COMPAllY 'j I l 1 . ; f', ,J alienefd. 'remised. relea:Hld, conveyed and. oOnf1rmed, and by thelle' presenAa doth grant.b'4"gain., sell. alien. remise. release, oonvel and oonf1rm unto the said-party ot the seoond par.t. and his he ire. and aaa1gns torever.alltha t oertain paroel of landll1ng and be1ng in theC~untl 'of . ',' st. LUo1e and State of Fl~rida', more" p&1"ti0 ularl;y desoribed ai'tol~oW~1: . .:An,undlvlded one-half lnterest in and to the Eaat halt of South.ast' quarter Or Seotion 00. In TO\lnshlp M- So~tht Range , ..40 kit. -.",-,,". ..~.~. '-, ~.~jc~ ~- ,",