HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1985 '114 "!l " '" ,1 ;" ~-'., ,; ,( ':1 'I., '. '1 ,., ,.," '1,' '. . I J I , ' .1 .', ! ., ' " ,I ~ " .,j......,.1 .~~ ;.,', ".,~I.' !_'~'" ,'i ,t .~. ~. ,,~~~:~-:.=.~~~~.;..~~~~;~~-;;.;~::,:~~-;;,.~ =-:;~~:.. ,~~~~'_~~~~~~~~:L~;;:;:;~""~ ~~~,;;~~I~~;.~,':_;~..:..,..;~-=..,.;..-t;::'- I,' I ' . .' I ". t, ' . i . '. ," , ,", I" I ,': ,1', ", . " , .' . to:. r .' :~ ~ I . 'I. . 1 ." ~. \ \ ", ' ," I~ ., ,I \' , l, . " \ I, I .' i ' , . ..... , I .I 'Signed, "a1ecl;~Oi de11TO"d \. \, \.SaIIl'l-Ol L. ~lolkor4' . (B,tal': ., I.' I . ',1 '( ;' 'In,OUl'' presenoel ,.', I'. . .' I '.' ..'" ,\' 'I.,\"\'\' !. II O~LeOOUl', ,. :','\" \, \ KB.r7.... 'lJloMtord ;:\,(~.,,1' ',,: 'i ',~ I I ,\. . ,.11 I L'~ l.t.lDley , ':. , I. , .', \' , , ... '\' ; ., . ~ ,\Lto' G. Xn4l!1 ,': ,. ,.', ,. 1 " I. ,'. . I ;. ,. .'" \ .1 "; I ~. K.O.'t.Oo~\;".:, .II.' '\ ,..t....~qi.R.~tWaPoan;) '1,\ .'/ '1",\li',,:.'~ \.'! . . . . \ . .., '\. . \ l'" . -'~. ' ., } ,\. ,I . , . . \ ' '., \ . ~ . t \ ' ' . I STATE OP NEW YORK \ . . ", ,.\.- \ ' . . \. \ . ..............-" - \ f .' \. " "I' . Q.oUBh .OFXIBGS. ," ','t:Iv' " . ',' ,', . ..\ " .', ., : \ \ :' I t. , '..' 'l"~ CERfI,ft, fbato~ ~qlS1~4a1\' Of~"'~ Di., 1920,: ~~;~e mOP~Q~17' app.ar..~\..: j", \' . . ' '\ \ \. '. \ _,t,' -, J 8,_ L. BIOD'ORD,an4.1af! 4,. BICD'O~.,..~~I wlfe, 'to 1I'..~Own .to bo t~e p,~O~,,4'8~rlbed}n . and 'i ~:.. ; . r: 'wh~ ex.oute4 ~e t~o~o'1nS OanT.y~~e t~ ~~O~~RD ~~ OO.:n'ANY~... a 'oo~p.ora.t.1oxi" ~4 .,ev'8~1l)",,!" . \. .j 'a'~bOwl'08.d ~h~ exeouUon.flhereot to .b. t~.lr 'tree aot an4"c1eo~. to~ the JI.8,eit andpul"pOtteia .t.~.~~1n . ; ", : ..' ",' \-\ ., . ." ~ \, .. .. '. .' 1 '( . lIlentione4( ~a.' .~ht, .r..14 Jrar;r A., Biolttord, : tb.e w1teof't.lle. 8a14. 8..L. Bi.~Jtt.or4. ona .epualie -:-# ' } . 'p'ri Tatie' ~~lna,~'on: t~.;~'~eAe b~' an4 betore :'.. ,'and.'8.p&rt.~t17 'andap~t,.,tJ.oo. :li'r' 8~14 '. .," j >, ~., '." , . . _. _'.. _' .:" _....... . '>. '. ',' " " ",' , '.' -'G., ",' ~ -,'" ., .' . '. ~"'. _ . ~ . 'c. _ '--. . ' !.'~," '- I.':': ,hUlbaii~,. o.1d ao~o"loGg._'l1a', 8he ,iaa4.e"h~..,l':t .li.parti.to,'be!a.1d',Deo~ ot~OonT'J:ano'for: th;t,',:I' . : . "Purp080:-Vt r.nWll~,r.llnqu1~~, .and. oonYe~~ all he~ "l'18h~-, t1tleUd'lntei'os~ ~ 'WhOth~j'otJ '1 '. ' , . .. . , . ' " , . . . " .' .' :.. , '. " ; .' 14.t....a-eo..:::ot ,Iop~ate proPtl'ty~ etatuto17' or. .qulta~~n, andt.O thtlandl, thereln 4elozo,lbe4, ~'4 , ! . . . , ~ . ."0,. . -,.. . ,: " . _or'" ...... .' .,..'. . .' ...".. . ". _' ,-,", .' ~. ",: .' ~ . :" . t that8:he. e,x"0u.~4, salct~.e~'tr'~1.7 ~'d .TOiunt~nl' :and, w~thO'c?-t im.1.'o0n8tra1ntt.~ear.~ppreh6ns~on" · '1, or. 0 ClIIl~.slon ot' or fl'cahor aaio.' husbam4~ . " ',' ", ~ I": . '~lms8 ,1.F'~~~t\1l'.~~o:ttlo1ai's~al'at :BrO~l~"~.Yit ~,n' th$ O~ty'~ ot'~K~~ ~~.~ta1;t!.""': ot' lio.. Xo~k~he U7,;bd 7eaf 1a8t. ator.e.&i4.: -' ' " I' ,',' I I '. J ~ ./" !' I '" ~' I.." i ' . J J;" , " , ~. I .. ~., j .. -r./ j . ~ . .. Lep G. lne7 '.' rOTARY PUBLIC ' .!rotary Pub110, .X1nge Oount)" , JtlUt;S Oount1 Ol erk , . Bo. 134'. Xlngs Countt Res1lter'i Bo. '6154 Oommil~lonexp1ro. Y&ro~ ao, 1926. '\ :'(1' .'. ','.', ," ....., -'. ,-.,: . ~~., I, i J ; . B.P~SO..l_'. iii' ~OlllDll8lollexP1l'88' " l. , ." ., -' T ' .~TAD ,07, '~ yOaK,.J .:': _ . . . . . , SSe i COUBTY'OF KI'GS ) .' .... , . . ,I, WILLU,JC'~ KBLLY.~Ol.rk.O:t~h" ~Ount7 :~tKingl~'~da~BC '-Clerk, ot.the Su,pr.e co~f" .' . ... . . ". ," ~or8aid Oounty (laU, Oow:-t being a Court ot,Reo'orcU, ~, HEREBYCER'Unt.hat ' 'LeQ O. bey i. J~ . whose name ls8uboorlbe4, to th~'cert1iloate ot:pro.o,f, aoltnow~e4gment. ~r a,epOllt1on otthe &nnJ!,'J,. lnBt~ent' and,ther~onwrltton, '~.... at. t~e,t1mo ot..hking .IV.O~ proot ~r'iolmowlei1snent~t ',' , BO!~Y PtiBLIOot.tblt~tat.e,ot 1fewYork lnand' tor said OO\Ultyot~l. d"111n8,~1n8aici,' '.' Oouri~Y' ;~O~18S'~he4.'an~.8w~n ~cl4.ul7 ~~or~~~ake~:~e.~'. . .t.nd' ,~.th.r, tl1a~' I ,~.. . '. ," ~ . . -. . ,..,.- . .. .. ;" :' ...-' . .--r'-'-" . - - -'" ", '. well, !lO~UAln~ed with the" han4~1tlng c4 IN.oh Notary, and. verllybl110Te t,b&ttheB18nat'ufe to ~. suA C.rUt~oate, 1,,'g~nu1n.~andthat th~' .a1d ~rist1"\1lllent :1s 8~ou~e4aiid aOlm~WledBea.ao:oOrd1Jl8 , ~ '. - - - ~ , .. . to thela.."ot 'the stat. 'ot, Ie. "(ork. ,i I - ~- . l' "j I ). . l ' ~ ,1 " i l I , ~ I i {~ ~ . i ~.. .~ ! ~BDSfl101iY ~~P, I.,'ba~e hereUnto set 'Diy' hand and atfixe4 t~e eea.J, 'ot the' la14, Oounty - ., , . . and c,~tt 'thil 7. c1i.l. o~ lull 1926 1m. B. .Xe111 Clerk. , " . ICount1 Seal.) , . ---.---'.. :rUe4,and reoor4t4 on thil.14th day otJul1:1926. at 7;'9 1.11.. -.:. , .. .,1,.",.,. ';;, 1.0 : P. O. BlAred, Clerk 01~ou1t Oourt. " . f~prnr,l Vr~.rinc~ ','By~~B~ D.C. Ot.Ot.~elll. . ~~--------