HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1986 ,. /1' '... f ' :"" I ~l _; . , ,I .' 1 " , , ) " I "1;1 'f: I I ' ,- 1.." __ ., ' , ,I. .1 I '. I, ' I /. . , I ,'1- I I . '. f. "! .,. I . ,f." ;~~~~::,_~;.~~.~i::::~~:;'..~:,~~,;:.~,:!;;.:;~s;~;.;:!:,;~~~:~c;,;;,:~-:~;~:";:'~~:=J::::;~i~':r~:L'..,-~~~~::~:~~::;t<',;;:_L~;;~~..:~~~i .. I' I ,I' I . I ,',' .' '... ,'.. " . ,. ~ 'I ."' . . I" ' I 'i . ,. " " I . ,. - ','.' i ,'': \ i. $YS~,IREAI,TYIC(:)l.[p4NY " 1, '\~ 'I to II, I';,., ~ THOU~S ',\ I.,' \ " ' . ,.' , , . ., " 1 ,'"TO:- .\ 'i. . 'Ii ,; _ I \. I, '.' .~rl . DUD'. _u\.~.," .,.. ' . :" 1.\ i~noo.,', ". :.1 j \'. \ \ ,,\. " '., . . . ., l . '/"" . , II . . ,', .. \ ',1. 'j , .i~:..!.,\',~' ::;', f I' "THtS'IHD~~~IKa~e\thj)8 lUq.:~,.Of .J~e,v.A.\D~ ~9~5. bl..~~, betw't!e~imSTONE'~~"" ,l,. ! "::! "~~~~,, a.<to.~poratfon ~Sti~g W\ld~r th~ ~aVfI'ottboli B~at.eo.t IPlor~~.! ~V1ngit8P~lno.,1~1,~'\ " \ ;, <' ,,\' .:'L )l~P.~, ot~.lneS$1J1-.tqeoo~t~" 4t St ..~qs.~. ;'Stateof'l'l~rl~a~.'pa~t o.t,t~~ #1"8~.~t,~d.. .,' '; \ , . J+ '~'q;n\)Thomas' otthe Co.untl otBt ~ ~e ~\ ,St~t.. ~tnor1~ .:p&,rt~ o:t"thes8oo.nd pa,rt\.: '~, ..' .\. ! . ..... . . . . J" \ " '. - \'. . . . ~ \ : _ . \ . \ . \ 'j ..f \. ,; WnNESsl!:.~:. ~at ,the ,~.~d P&:r:tl ;ot, ~he p~t ~rt\'to.:r" ~~' 1~ 'oona1d..rat10no.t, th~,,~WD .ot ~T .10.'00 an!1,'o'ther gdoci' and valuable o.on.slderat1~ne 40).1&l'8. 'to ,"t"1n band pa1d by the p&rt~,p'i<' , t, o ~.~\. _ . .' .'. "...:~," .' _ \ \ ."~ _,' '" \ .-'0 ,": ~ -: . .\_ ) . ~he a80. on4 part'"the ,reoelPt Whereat:,ls herebY' aOl,oio.~b'G6e4,' has granted, ba~g&1tie4'~ ~ 014, . " . .' . . ..' \ '.' \", .'.. : ' ': .. .... : \ '., . '.' . ,,; AU:ene4...reri1sed, released, oonv4ltye4 and c~f1r.ed, ,and bythe"np~esent8;dot,li gl'ant,'barg&l'ri..: > j . ',ell, "~~1.1~~~'rem18,~~ r~iQ~e.: d~~ve7' ~d04)~l~ urito -t~e 'I~~d 'p~ty~4th~~.eo'on~. p.~t 'lli':" ,..:n t . ~ . . \ _. .' .' ' :. _ .' ,":-' . '. '. ." . . . .. . _ , .' ." . " ...,' . - . . \>. 1: heirs and assigns toioenr,' all ~hat oertaln part1on,' of la,n.d,lting-and, be1J]g':' lntheOo~1;70f. : l.'. :. ' .. '_ -.' \ . - . - , :. _ - ~ . ..' ,,~ - " . , . -. .~' - - - . . .t',St.,Lu.o1e.~d State'o~.Flol"loa, to~~a. ", '. .,' t -. _ :t ,', "'; {.' " (' " " ',\ " : ': " . .~~" , I. "'t "'~., : , I ! I I,,' . ,I .117.5 ...., ,. , !... ~ i 'j '. Beglnning a ttheHorth1N.st. ~o.l"nOrJtLot '8:( 's.UMaraY1Ua SU9-. \ ~Vl'Sl~n ot:B,eot1,o,n 21,' 1!~~h.1P ~.~e .4~ ~t.:~oordl~1i : ,to a.'plat '.ot 8a1d8~bl11.v~81,on :reo~c1e4 :1n H~l&t. lloo.~ .4' at~. . .' ..':~ :'~" '. "~68' .0~"St!' Luo1.' Oowit;r Reoorda; ,.the'~oerun.~8t' along the ]!Or.th. '.' . . . ..' .. - .. . ..' , . .'. , . ",-', . -' . . ',' -- ~ ..... . ~o~~~'"~'~~~d l.ot,-Qne' hunOr,Od.:rit\r.' ,(~~) . t;eet;th~~~O~. ,~ ,";'\ ,.-' .Outh\1este~17 to ,ap,o'ln~ono'.h~dredt:ltt1.(1~) ~teet :East'Qt., . ,. . the Southwest 'oorner ot, ..aid' Lot 81 ; thenoe..:rUn Weatalongthe' ',. . . .. .... , . . '...". . 'South bo.~c1ar7ot la1o.1~t'one' hun~Od~~~tyli50)' tee.t;. t~e~oe . . .~. ~eaSter11 a1.ong theUe~t.b:oun4ary 01' 'lald lot :to,po1nt' . .t.. .,'." '. '... .',: .' '. :.' . of be~lnn1.il8. : . . . . " . (~ . .' ~. . . , .. \ ~ , . '.-" 'L ; , , . , .. ~ . "'1:. .~.._' To. have~d. to ho.l.d 1;he. la.me ~ fee: simple'. torever; .~, tho ,_lei. party ,ot ' the. firs.t. pa~ . doth': " ',' ",-'~,' ':.' .~..~. .... " . '.'_": '-'.. .'.'~ '. . ':'_" .",_"..." ,~,', ,',0'_' .'~ '". '..'. ......: ... .;. ;. 'covonant ...,lth the 8a10>part~ o~ ,th', .e~ond f&X',t. '~~tl~ ~s .lawfw.ly s~~~~'~ C)t'the ,s~~4 prell!~.St8) ..: '~'d..t~at It 'has' go.04.:rlght . and lawtu.l ;a~thor1tttcfsell 1;11$. a8.me,anci'the.'~~P$:t1~tthef1".$ .1 . ',- . . ,,-.; ,'". . ,'. ' "Jart dO~8hereby tu.lly wa.rr~t' the .t:ltle ;to. sa1A 'land 'aiidw11~ 'defend. the' 's.ameB6a4M.t the: law- --.. , <,' ... . . '.', " .:, tu.l oh.1JDs, ot 8lL,perso.ns .bOlD8o.ever~ ,PROVIDED~ HEVER~S, That the~C?, presents ar".d' sUl;),Jeo~ ~o the follo1f1n8 'txpresB'o~J1- , Uti.ona. "rei~rlotl0n8 and 11mlt~tlozia. 'apply'ing tirthe.aldKa~a:vi.il" ; aooor~1lg to the ~oo.rci-' .' , ' . - - ' . ec1 'plat o.f 8a1d Jr(ar&:nlla,and Wh1'ohoond1.tl;,ns ;res-trlot1o.nl' am 11rn1tatio~ .aro lntended to.. be.; , , '.;' .' ~ ~ , .. .' '0' ,..' .' .... ...: .. , , ' ',' .. ~ ,"' ; """, . , -.. ,., ' . " ' . .'. . and shall. be aooepted as' oo.venan'ts 'rnnnhig 'Wl th thi land. and' v/h1oh..lh&li ,be',b1nd1n8'al1lteupo.n . "~. , " ,.' ,. ." ' '. . .' , . - - " . ... ' ' . - . " .,' .' :, , . . ; .. " '. , '.' - "',-, . ' ' . > ,: " ,- ---~ '.the h~li'8,.person~l1"ep~eseJ1tat1v~s andais1giisot the.part~of"th4lt 8e~ond part, who, byhls', aooeptanooof th1s1nst~ent 'agrees'. toablde by and ptrt.ol'lil said restrlo tlo.ns', l'1m1 tat,1ons and ' , , " .. , " . . ., . . oond1t1onl a~ one ot the,e~pre8S COns1de~t.10ns ot.,the~e' ~resen~, , . ,:1. lio.re81d..noe8ball,be el"eotedor'o.onst,-uotedot a lees.oost ~han $3,OOO..QO'and'ali ; 'X:ee1denoes 1n '~a~~.K8.rav1l1a 'Ihall bo oonstru.9ted.ot o,oralr~o.k~ o011orete~' 8t~O~O, ~o,~orete bloOk, hOll~W t'11e,. br10k or,m1aedo.onst1"UOt1,on.. ~r veneere~ \'l1th co.ral ro.o,lc or'brlok; 9i-trame 1 ~ .. venee~ed w1thstuooo, and shall be alo.ng Spanish, Koo.rish, Venettal, o.r s,1.I;I11ar, harmon1ouS . . _.. - ~ t>. typesot aro:1t1 teoture, and the, a:t,o.resa1d&lllo.unt. ~ba4. be aotuaily expended on Qonstru.otlon an.d ereot1on.of suoh bu1ld1ng andno.t for tees 'in 00nneot10ntherewith. 2. No. build1ng shall be, oo.~truoted;C?r e~oted oil any otthelota o.f l4arav1l1au.nt11 ath.I" . . the plana speo.1t10at1onl and looation ot'the same shall have been apprond by the . party of tho; . tint part, lt8 euoo..ssora, repr.sentat1Y4ta or ass1gne. ~--- ~,=- '~,~~.~.~~ 3.,' The .oou tru.ot1 on' or~re~tio.p ot a buUd1ng 1s 11.1111 ted to o'ne l"I81denoebu11d1ng and . " " ono pr1Yate gare.ge on each ],o.t. lOOxlOOte.t tfo.nUng on ~u.nr1ae Boulevard. 4.. ~t, no unlawful or 1mmoraiust shall be _de. at thepl'Im1eea hereby be oonveyed, no.r ',;< aball the 8am.e nor AnT part thereot, nor' aDl' 1ntereatth-erein. be 'old,leU.~' or otherw1a. . , plnOD,' , l ,~ : .."y,,~y!n~~"" aD.J'/othel' than ot the O~uo&81an raol, proT1ded that noth11ltS h'11,1n 'O,OJ1~1l.1I,o. 'hall. "%:-. ;':;;~~,_:.. '",>.-f . ';';0::: <-._~,'-_:'_:,"'.- ;.::..~~ '':.~:\... ~:H" ~-;:::}... :--_,-:,;~-: i..;~"~ _'. ' : ,. _ .. ' ,,"i-:,:,::-~ "" ::,';-;:~~":';:: _....",~~-::.. <:,;-!.,::-:.~...~"",<~_,_~ _:__>':'.;';':i..$~';;. -f...:.. :':';'.: ~-~,-i.:~ ~