HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1988 ~ . f ' , I' 1 I' . ;' !, " I.. I " ( ,I j' ,17 7 :i I . ,'I:j I .: I j' 1'> " I. I.',? I, .:IJ\' r ',:' I)' " " r ' I ..,.r '.! I ' , I .,\ .' . :.: I, ...., , "... ' , " ,: " I ' 'I' Ii i'" I . ,: ~, " ' ; I, I " . "I ,. " " " '.\ I ,'. ",' I " I '.'. : I \ l' . ,. , ""..' ;:-*~;14:::~;;;;~;:;;;;~:"' -.I~{r;:~!;:7;;::;;tr;~"hr-;:;"7~'~":;;;::;.~=-~::;'=i1I:~::~2F~~~;'~~;F;-i::=7~; , I. ' , Jq\ QOl:lGtlsslon exp"~ee \ .1" . I ; I' \. { , I. "I' : ~ l, ..... Il{ota);'yl Publio :to~ the ~ta ~e 'ot 'Fl or14a. a1; Urtt ~., ;11 ~:..'. . '. \ .; '. ' ,\' \ " \\ I i', I :I'~' \O~1!lID1~81.0n \~XPife~ \ ~ePt~~be~,il.3. 192q,. '; ,i, .~" ! \. \1 1 <. \ \ " . \ '. . II' \'... .. \' " " I If\ '~l.~d~~'d' ;~:~r~e4 ~n' th'~:e "~h :~i,o'~ .;~l~,l~~\. \~t\ ~~l~O, ,i..i4.\" ~ \. I: . \' . f . \ ':' ._- \. .~,\ ' ~ \1\ .' \ _, '. .\ f I \ \ ,i ..,. \. \'\\ ' , 1:1 " '\ ' , . \ ' \' \ I " j \: I "".,.. ,~\~ '('J ,\ . \ ; ,'\ P. '0. Eldred, oierkl 01ro~t Oourt~ . _' ' . i \ \,. 1 \. . ,; ::..' "" I. . ". . \ : ' "'. .,,1, 'Ct.C~." ~, ~, , ':, 8T.::tL~!:3~ ( >>.a.' , t.., . 'J', ' \,:~..~..... ;'. ; '<~.:':'., .,'.. \ \'. : ,':1.,' .' .'" .'. \, '",'::..' ,,: ,.' ~~.:: '-"_: I, . ',~;#:I:I:i:l;iJ: i,:t;:.;: I:i :lsf:;:;:;: I: I- :I.e/,:!:# :,#:#:#:#: I: ;~';'i # sf: j ~ i,:.#: #: i:l: I: ~.:;:,: I: #:.#,~#:', V. , . ,., ,.' ;"LIZZlB B. KOCAB.TY', 'T01~~., IAonON; . ,;' , 1 - ~;...: ,. . . " , " \1ARlU.liTY " ])D]),., . ,. ~",,' \: !.' mIS IliDmURB,' lla48 this 10th '4&7 of l~ A. D.. 1925 BETWEEN Uzzle ~. KoCart7. '.wldo~. . .:.:' 1 \' , \ '. , -' <-- " . i'. ~_., ',.:.,-'f' ~t ~e.coun~f '~f'St.. Lu~l~ ~n, t~ .s'tateof, Florio.. ~.t7 oft~~ -~t' ,p~tJ' &n.d 'l~ :s..;e,.Okaon. :... 'I . of 'tho:_O~t7ot"St.' LUoleln'~he, state of nor.iq p~tl~f .'the: se~ond~rtj i '. ' , ~ " . .. . . . " .' ,. . ' , :. .." i " ", WI~S~.' ~~ .the: laid, llart7 ot ~e. f1nt',part, tor aJ?A'ln. oonslderatlon::bf th& 'BUll of, f . '. . ~ . ... . \ . '_: .' DlI ,(110.00' and othe..r' valuable 'ooneideraUQn)' Do1'1are;' to. her in.~d paid ~7 the ..aid p~rt7 ~:t . ~. - . . . . -. 1 theBeoon~ part, ,', the' reQe~Pt Wbe~ot"leh'r8'b~' aokn~i.4ge.d~. lias granted'.' ba-rse:1riedanG,8~i~to, ..'. "~"':';)" ... ~ ," ,...., '.",' " ".' ~.' '" . . ..:..., - . " ,.,- ":" . ',:. ..:.. :':"~ .'~' . -. ..'." '"-". ". . : ~' the' said 'part1' of '~he a.o~nd 'part~h18he1re~d: &8a1gn8 forever. the followin8 4elorlbe4 l&11d, '. I ...; - .. - . , . : '. 0 ~. ~ -, ' " . - .~ -. .' . . . . ;" , '"a ' ' /, to~tt . \ . . 1 . 4.,twO:'I1xt~ W:1dlvlded ~t.re8~ ,U1B.J?A.to1ihe . j. ( . i, . . .' Bast h~:t.:O~ S~utheu~ClU~ter' of Seation 20. Ii1 . "--.' fO~8blp' Z4: South~- Range '0 ~'. .' '. . . .. . ',' .. '. ' . . ~. , ,.," . . , ' ." , (~~OO, .~.}l.$tampI ~~.t,' ....". '. " And' the laid '~t7'Of the fl1"11tPilrt '4.Q.es. bf)Nl)1.tull~',.':-ai!~ant.the:t1~;Le' to' 8a",~ land. arid w11,l ., defelid tho same against th~ lawtul ol.~8, ot' aU ,P8~ons who'm8o,ver." ....:....." .~ - ',>' -,.' . ',"-: ~". '-. >,'. . " '~. !'.; .:' ~:." ". " ".. ',",. ,,', .., ;..... " . X1l WITliESS \'fIIEREOF.Tl1e sald, part7o:f ~~,f1r8tJ ~rt has hereu:ntoaet her ,hand and ae_l.. - .' ' , '.' ~ '. . '..'". .' L the d.a,y,~d ~earf1rst ab~e Wl'l'iten. . '. . , ,~. . 0.. '. 'r. - .. . . '.; . S1gne.4, 'eeal..ec1.and.de11vered . ; . 'in pl'.8..noo .of us:' , , .hed 1'0. Ethol F. ,Taylor " , 1 \: .~'" :'.\ \.! ,\.1, .' 1\. ,f ~. ~~,-' ~-"': :. U . . t ' .' , ~. r -' f Liaz,1eB~ Ko~art~ '. (Seal'> . .,' ...,-. .~ , ...~ :': . , STAT! OFFLOaID4 ~ · , COUJtTY" OF ST. Ll1C IE ' " ": ~ . l. .' I HEREBY OERTIPT ~t .on thia4a)' personall.7 appeared, before JIl4t,an oftlo,er duly auth~r1~ed' . . . . . .,. to a!llll1n1ster oathl~d' ,take.iP.OknowledglnOnt8'.Llzz1~B. Kodart)' .tome 'well known' andkao.n:to.' , " '. .... - " . " .' . - ~'~ , ," '. -' " . ' , ~ -. ,.... ~ - , ' me to~~e"'ndlvldu.al desorj,bed'1n and whoexequted. the, tor~o~ngd~ed.' and.' aok . . . '... -.' - ' '. tore me'that'8heexe~u.ted the .ame t~eely and voluntarilY'for tbe, PUrpoIOS. t)le'reln, 'expi-e4e~dl. WITNESS: lIlY hand and oft1o.1al seal 'at P'ort',Pleroo Oount)', of St .,Luoie and S.tate ofl'lorld1. D. l~?D. ~ffi' ,:~ . ~, :' ,-- ~.' 1 ~ ~," . ..., ~': ~ '. '\ \, ~::])1' :riled and 'rooorded on . , Ethei F I Taylor , Hota17 ~Q1.1o.. Stato at Largo. K.Y oOlnlll1as1o," e~lre8 Oot. 9, - 19~7. th'18 16th day of Jw.y.192D~ _t9;44 A.H.' .' B7~~~~ , . . . ~., , " p. o. ndred. Clerk Clrcult Court. "", , . . ' ~\(',{'\. . . ...~ f?-\ ,,~.' " ' .-t..'. - ' . ((.' , ~~ ,. 'I;: Ie;: #:1:#:#:1 Ii: #: i: # :#: i:I:1 :i:;: #:#,:# :,1: 1:1: I: I: i:l: I:t:;:# I;S i:I:;: l: I: II #: 1:1: #:1:1:1 :#: lit: ,!, " , rr. - ~ . -lj D..O.