HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1994 [, , . ' , ) ," ,I j".:, '. I J I I I 'i f' . 1 ~ . . .' ~'I" I '1 ., P : , . I " " . ,i ;' .. t, I. I ' L I I I j. I 1 . . ; i :[' t " ' . ,....: . .. I.. ' . , ". ; , : , 'I' . .;'" , I c , . J ~ r. '. ' '. ' " , I' I ' :. 'I',,' . I ' , I . t . , . ','... ',I "', .. . ,,' '. " '.. I'P , 1 l' . l . :' ' . I. . ,"...:, I " , " i.J 'f' : " .' i '.';.' .:.. . . .' , ",. II' . .,' , ,'- r.i "1 'I'" '\ " , I ,. ,'j' 1, ','> 'j' ., " ' :, I .: "1', '. .,~. ~......~~tt;;;;:~='T::~,;:l1:~~~':::;~;-:':;:;::tt;.:.'~:~~~:::,.1::::~~;~::~~...:.;;~:-=;,;.~:.;~.:;.:..-:'~Ft~~~~.:....=,;=.:, ..~:.. , - ,:':':',~~;'--~' , ~ : ' P'," ", . , ' \ . I 'I, ,I '~_ _ _'.1. 1. I Iq'PRln>E'HTIAL, ~ CO. 11.'\. . ~I ", l\", ,'t' " J I " C~S 1.".i Rlitl!:HART I I \ \ e . .. ' , '.. ;, '-. " \ ," " . \_. I , !\ I' , '~' ," I"~ I' ,\' 'w.ufiuuttTDW' :' " ", .. '.'.. It I , ' :t '., . , \ . '\, . :, II '1 \i{', , I, '\. 1 ' . 1\ , ,'.,.. " .\ \ . I t' ,\ \ ~I I.": . .\,'. I' II . \' \, ,,, i' . 'I \.;, ~lUS ,\i1iDENTt1RE~.il(a~ ~~8' '14~r ~y '~\, .huia, ".\~li9~4. \be~W.~~ .~c1en~1.~\' Lan'd, ~;}fl1~~i, \\~ ) '\IOO~!)re.t1on~x18'tln,g:':unclOr \11h~ law. o~. the I ~,tate . ~t ""or1ds,. lhavSIlB UIpr1notpe.,l plaoo. e>>t, \,:'! .' '. , , \ , ,', \ "",., , " \, '. ,,1.' ,I \.. ';' . c t \LbU81nes~ ~ ~e, C~t7 ,ot .Du~ ,&pd' Sta~; ,ot. F.lorl~",\ ~rtF o~\~~e: It1rlt ,~art. '.~\d',~h~108 ,w,. 't R1nt,ha1"t,~~ Carth&88'. C~,~,~t s~.!r '~nd ~,tate" ot'll1~s$U"~,'~~Y: ot ~~e" seoon.ti ,P~i:t.,.. . ,\ . \; \ J .: " nTN~SETH.tba1; the: laid party otthe tir.t' .part;~r 'and in co'nald'eration b:t'the sum ot' '.' \ ", . , i ',. . ,.., . . , .' . \ . . , .... ..,': '. \ . ~ " .:. t ~~nDollar8.and'other'l'alue.~1~ oojlli1derat~on~toi~ ,in hand Pa.1d.~' th6 reoe~pt'~her.otts';h,er~y'.!. \ ~'-.,~ ,. .~': . \ . ",' _ ", '~..', ..'..\ _ " -", . ..'-',.'.- .' \ t :".' .: _.' ... -:. ) ,!aoknOWletl6ed, .haa Brante~. ~argaln'c1'. ~old, al1ened,rftmi8e~, relea,od, ,9onveye4 anet oont1~e4.. ,} :.' . \: ' . ",' \.......:-. -.. ,"' '.~ . . .'.\' ". \", \ .. \ . .' . ' .. ."', , . - . ~'\ .' .. " .... ~ " ,% and by th~,se'pJ;'eaents doe. gran.t.b'ai-gain,. ~llt' at ien~\'8miBe,' "lease,oonvey: 'and oOni'im. unto,) - ..' ~ ~ --- . ' ' ." .. '. . '. - . .. . . . .l,the SQU'l,l&,rt7' ~lt~est~Ondpart'and'h18~~b-8 'and. 'asstgri8, tOr.V.~f, ~ll'th~t oert,a.1n p~oel.~t .I ~ , -' ., - . .. ----- . ... '. .' ,.'. . -.. -.:." . , , :!'land .tying ~M. ,'~e~ .~~' t~e ~:o~ti ot '.St'.' Lu~ie~~d Stat&. ~i F~Orlda mo~e parii~ou~'~,r~Yd~~orib~~ 't . 1 . , " < " '. . . 1 as'~oll.~"s:. "; . ;', ..'. ..'.. i. I: '. '.,~~,N~~~~8t..~ter ..~Iffli) ot seotf9J1:.~en~y-o~el21) ~~wmh~~ ~l~t~';~~X'('~G)' ..' " " ,'! : ',- "i South.. ~.. fh'1rtY":nine. (19) ....:t. ~clO),n~~ ~GO_or.e8.lIore .01' 1~88' ac'i~,or4~ " .,.' f: 1~ 'to'.GovernmentS.u.rv01: thereof. . ...: SubJ~()t~o taxesa.nd ~as8.8sm~rits t.O~ .the 'year 1923 .~d 8U~s'*lu.,n~,y.~ars'~ .' .: ':'rO'GftimRwlth..all <.thetenelaerits,. ller.ecUtan~ntB ailda:p~nano"8,. with evert irt~lleg~, right' 1. title', 1n~erest' e.nd ,: . estate~--~~l'~~S~O~;' 'r~ma1nder. 81,id e~selile~tthereto~d'!o~i~ ,'.or 1~~nywl~..' ' i........ ,:. . .' . '-"..- . .~"'.' ". 1.apP.~~.ta1n'U1g:T~}~YE .ANh ~ ~OLD t~e'.8ame, 1n-te~8tinpie;torever:- , .' . i j. "'4n4 :the '8al!l Pa.r~7' oftha tl,,1'8t partdoth"oo'venant. wltlithe sal'cl;party of the seoond.part ':' ."" __",' "_;_ _ '.', .... "."~ . . _,- . .' ."., ',' _"c_ '".. '. - . '. . . ,', .'.'. . ;", .' .' '~ - .,,-: '. - . . : ""- ;;....... " - ,'& - .: ' . . '. . ,- !.that1t,is lawfully sel,zed'ot the Sa1d"prem1~es;' tl1~t' theYllre1'1"ee 'ot8.1.1 tiiewnbranoes,',and 'tha ( , 1t, haS:~Od r'1ght '~d~ lawtu,l.auth~ 1tY.' to '8~11 th~8~();': and' the: ~llld . party. 'ot\~e t1~t pari :. : , . c1ges'hereb:r~1~y war~t,~~e tltle t~, 8a1~l.land, am !,1,~1 detend ,~~e,.88ZDe ~1nSt'. t~: 18.'(ftui ' oi~1ill8'~i:, 8.l: i ",P~rsons' ,wh~~oevor... .' " , . " . .' 'Ill\!iTlIE,S~ W1iERm~~th8"~ld~tf.:ottl\et1~t.partl1a' " ~au8~d these p:resent~',tobe 8ignedi ;- 1n 1 ts ns.me by1ts .Pre31dent, am i~rpom teSeal' ,to be aft1Xe~, 'attest~d by"its Seoretary, . . . ...,,".' . r '0\ ,i '- I,. " \ \,: ~,' '.. !, I; < .' \'! ,\ \ ~ . . \ . '\ .. \\ :\ . . ~. ~._'U". ~ }. ,:; ,u' ~ o , ~ ~ l ~ . I i , , .. ' L ,. "183 '. . , .. '. the .day andYJar above .;rit1:;e~. . " 'C.orP.Seal.'. PRUDZIITU.LWiD COitPAU"Y . .' .... . " .. ;. . \' ", ," . ' . Signed; B.ealed andb.el~vered.. h 1np;res enoeot:. ' ' J. E~ .Flem1.rig . '.A. S. G1bson '. . "By JE~ W; Thompson Fresh.ant ." Attest: L. To' Jaokson '. " ,aeoretary .' .' f' . I . ~ ' ! ' t L ~\O . '.. . .... ' ($1. .OOl:!ll, st~p'o~'.J ';STA~iot ILLINQIrr pOUllTY OF S.~ . - . . . ' I H3RZBY CERTIFr.. Tha,t on th1s. lOt~day : of. JUlY, ~., :0.1926, ~etore r4eper~onall:r app,eareci , ;.. . - . " '..' . ~" '. . . . . - ~ . : E. W. Thompson and L.T. JaokSon. respeotively Pre.s1dent ~d S'eoI"etary ~f"~ru.~~nt1a1.' Lalld Comp-, : ~,:,a oorporat1onunderthe lhws. of the Ste~te ,O~FlO1'1~ to ,me~Ol1Ji to be the: personSdeS01'1p,. ----'~ .. e(l.. 1n and who execUted the foregoing oonveyanoe Charles 'd. Rinehart. and severally Mlolowledt>ed . :J the ~~~cut1on' thereof. to b~ the~1, ~~. aot arid ded a. 'auoho1'tloora.tor tho '::'00 ondpurp.... therein mentioned;. and t~llt they r ed the~to the ottioial 'seal ,ot s.1d oorporation. and ~~e Baid instrument 18 the aot and ed ot said oorporat1on. . ", WI'I'lrESS mye1€nature and. offioial seal at. Toulon 1n the C.unty of Stark and stat.: of Illlnoi,. 't!1e day and ~e '!ht a.1'oreBa1d. ........ \ , ' ., .~ ' .P.Soal. :-"'; ..ot> .~ '" .v ./ :.'". ,~ :reOl)rded\>n th1~' 17thd4y of Julr:1?CO, at 3;38 P.t{. - , Jessie E. Fleming llotaryi1ib.l1o. ~ O~isslonexp'ir~s February 4th!1926. /. P. B (> , ~'. . .... -." , _ f ~ -