HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1998 ",.. .. .: -:. ~;" ( I "I,' 'I ... . " , ' '-'''';'87 .' '1 ' . , , r,. , . J I:" ,.. " I ,0: , ...: '. 'I' . '\~ . I : : , ' ,; '..'~.....-~' ,.... \<\\co,. ,'. p,.,c. '1n<h-~d,' ~e~k' C~:r:OU1:t~ Co~t. 1 : Qt;Ot.s.. · ~~c~{~t " ~7;f)l.J,~/ik'Jl.~. " '\ . : " . . ." ,.' ,', { " , " . \..<~ " '., . . ., .,..,....,.. , ",.'... -. .::' '. '., " . q' :,' t':1 :l:#:#:1 :#:#:,/,;#:'.: :1:i:I': ;:#: #1,#2.# ;;:# ':1 :#:# alII :1:.":;: #atd:#:.;~i: i,:lii.i:I': i:; :h~ ;i:;:; :i::' 'iT; :,."f~'.'i l>'tERCE'FnlAlIClilci.&CO~ST~ co...' . TO ".. FT"l>U]lC~ GoLF"&' a;Ulrr'ai' . ..,.': '. ' " ,;. CLUB.' . ; L , . . . ~ '<; . j .f' , i . ., '~:', .': :'\1~~"l>EED ,~. l:HIS~Im>JmTUiu:,~~e thlS',ltith Aa,yoi' .lprU,A,; ~. .1924!.BET\'iEE1~ 1t~.PlerQe' Flnancl~-&: . ~()nstruo~l~n Oo~.a oor~orat1'onexlstlng' \Ul~'l:th'~,ia.s of.the Stat~, ot F1oi-~da,' J1aVl~ Us . ~. "." ...", .' '~.,"'" ." ~ . '., -',. ~ --: ~ .-. ,'. . ,.' .".. . -.... ".; -; . .. , . ." prlnolpal plaoe ~ot bual~es.a.~ the: oount7'ot St. LU.o'le and Sta~~ .0& ~or14a pa,rtr ot'1ihe t~~t" pa~t , '.. , ' , , , 9 , 'd' ~d~t.:,..Pleroe .G~+f& co~t~ Ol~l>, aoo~orat1oti Of7h~, ocntn.tr 0: S~.'~o1e :allUtateof Fl~rld~, partl~~f' o't the 8~o~i1d,vart. :WI~UESSBm',' ,t~atth~ a~1d, partrof ___thetil'fJt llart" torandln C0n81d"';:: ' i ~~~t.lon ~~,'. th~ s~ '~f Flve' H~lldred 'D~.liars;'~0'1~..'~ hand:'~a1d,.th~ 'reo~'~p~Wh~r~t',18.~el"'ebY' ,.' . ~ . . '. '. ~" . . ,. . a'OknOVlleQ8ed,. haa gr~:ted,. bar~lned, . Ii old, tlll'eneci,i" rem'i~,ed. 'releu~~,oome~. and: ~ontlrmed~ . . ; andbt' .these . presents (lothgnwt " bargain', ~ell;. ai len, rGl;lliSe .r~l ease,,'- oonver'.and. 0 ont1~~ u,nto' . .' : , , ,. " '~' ,r . . ' _' . ". '_ . . . 'j theaeJ,4,' 'part1es ,otthe .eoondpart: .and ltahe1rs and 8.8s1gnb fO;r~ver, ai:t:that oertairl ParoeLot ' t ' - , . . . . .. .' , .' . "', '" . _, ~ ~. . '. .'. ~ ' ' " . . ":lano.01y~'and'be1l1g':Ln the'ooUnty.,ll! st.LUo1e and St~te'Of Flo~icia'~ore part1o~e:~lr dftSO;1bed . )' '." " . . .". " , i po, t' ~, k, f. . . : .&s. tollows: .:> -".' The South halt 'Ot the South~lf .of 'the ' Oft1i~ SOli thhal'% . at: tho' '" , " , "~ . , ",: . ;': . '" ..... ~. . . . So~th Ia.t .~torot th~.:So.uth'ea.s~.~quariiel',:otseot;10Ji 33~ TOwn-:-'." , ship 34.~'South:o'f Ran8e 40 East, oontalnl.;g. (6) a~res;' more or ' ~ .' . ',' .,.. ' .' ' ~. I"" , leS8. " .'." ~ . . i . ,Also ~egln.n1.ng at theSouthwe$t o orner of .8e0t1~~, ~., Town8hip. 34 S.Clutb,IW18e' 40,~st, ,thono'e rUnliat".th' 30ha1qs '~nd 3?l1nka,' thenoo , 'East parallel. with ,~he' ToYmah1~ line .to.'the West Bow~ll:e.r1- of: the'~O .East " . -' ", . - .."! . -' "., Coast~llway,thenoe a1;o218 a8.,id Right~ot VI&:! i.~ aSou.tl1eJ.'ly d1~eotlon ito~e' TO\'lnship11ne tl;lenoe ~ettal0218 the Townsh1pl1Jieto '~he .poln~ ()'~ . . be~1nnlll~H- . " .TOGETHBR nth all,tlle ttmel!i8Iits'. hered~tamentil andappurte~noeB, with eVe1:'Y pr1vqega. right, ? , r , . r ,: title, 1nterest and esta.to, reversion, remainder ~d easement tb.er~to belong1ngor in anywise. TO IU..vE AJI]) 1'0 HOLD the 8~e ln tee 8imple to.rever. AAd t.hft said party'ot th.e f1rst part do,th oovenant with the said part1~8 of the . \ that it i8 lawfully ae1~.d ot. the s&1<1. premj,aes; that they ar&, free of all lnO'Wllol-an088, 1t hAa good r18ht an4 lawful' authority t08~1l the aUla; . a111 the sald pe.rtr, ot the .t1l'8t 4Oe~ heri,b1 ~ull-7war~nt ~,t1 tle to 8a.ld ldnd.an4.n d.et,nd t.he .... 86a1nst tnelawtut