HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2001 ,II \)' 'I r; J I 1'190' " " ',' ,,', )' "'I'" ',/ ' , I... " , ,j' I '< " i .:-r' I ' " .' . ." ,'; "J, ",,' .:,;,' :., ';, ...,.r, ',.... 'i'l: rf'lj 'I"~ ' .' ,')," ",:. ,.,11 i....~_.~ ....,_......~.~ c-~"'~. ~~ ,~~,~,-,~~~~~~.." ~~~.,....~~... ~~~_~__J'"-'-' ..~~~_...,..~_~*"'......,.~.~...,..:_I_d.'._~~.~...._~~-:~. l~"~"'I"',~~-r.,,..._,.~-~,v...!~~>:to....~-~~...........r::...~k-~fr~t""~..,.~.i~"""t-"'"J:t..-1rrt..~1..-~'":'~-pl.~,...,-.11~'~-:-,.~f""~~~.~-l"'!...-~~~~..,:-.~~~.\~~~~~ ,jl 'I,' ",." '. ; 1'1'1 :'1 I,.'. .\; ,\""" . '.' .;.', ,.' ~ , and. lreatri.et~on$. as tc) !,~Oh 1J~b~a'~:a','w1t~O'''lt tl1'e'clm~e~~ of'the ot'lrl1er,\ I ~r' ~wrier( ~tl ~~ ,~adJla~~'t . \ I . I :.\ "', I' '\ '" . '. ; '\. ,I' ., " ,', \,,' .', I! ' - ,. \ ' I I ' ' . \, " \'" ,I ;prem1.~~., ',,\,:!! I '" ,'j' 1.'1':, \ .,' .', .\,\ ,\1, ,', '\.',. . ll, ,\' ~ '~d tliela1~ 'party 'of"the ,fllrst;t>a~t: ~e~ ..h~r~by tully W~T t~etitle ~o h.ld llUld; ., ':" l\ . ;. .,\' I ~ , . .', , ' . \, '. .. \ , ',,' I,. '." I '\; J" ' ...~ ltill ,ii.to~ ~. \ .oio~lJ6I\ m.t ',th. l~~ .l~. : ~t; dI..J.P~l'f.~'Who~~.~.r. I,', ,.,,:' , ' ,I. , j:,) ; ~" }N WITUE~,S ,Vf1lE1iEOl!' the .~1d ~rty ,~:t\the ~l~~t part ~I Olf.us'f ~~ue. p~e~ent$},o. be' s~~ed 1,' "', I \ . \ ", , '. " , \ ,. " , . . , ; j' ,1J1',lt;l~riame b~,1~I'Prel1.11,nt ~~1t8 oor~o~te. 8~al\to~e ~.tix~d,~atteB,lI~~ ~y 1t~ seore~17'. 01,' \, . the da,y.' and i~ar ab01\e'wr~vttn~ . \ \ . \. "'\ . . -;" . " \.,' , " }' \, . ,\ '-,\.. " " " . '," ". .' .;\ OOlIDllIAL IaliD OO~ ' . (CORPORATE, j- ,'. {> Signed. 8~aled. anq. del1ve~~;\ln' o~pre8enoe:' \ . ' \ s' ,f ' \,\ , _., " ,ay B.ll.B.J.U.ller "-', . : L A~.B.. ~or. , ' . President .- '. \ :1f., 0, ~ ,BaglSott \. . '. "\, .1 ;' ,~ . Atte$t z E.G.B.JUller .; . ~eoreta);"y. ., f I r I 'I' '1' '. 1'\ .\ .' r' ,\ .' '\ . -~. ~ ::. . ! .' "', '. . '. sTArtO?' FL.Olt.ID~ . '" . , ',.. r .~. .- COUNTY OFa'l~ ;:LUdI~, . , " "'; , ': -i i , . , - - . . . '. . I . :'; '. . ~ ~~ ~ i" ',' ,1 'h~~eby~ertitY. that"on'.t~l~ l~t~ daY,Of: July,A. .p~:'~9?5'~'b8~~~~ ~e ,pers~natlYl1.I>pe~,.e4" '; ;B,.N.B.~t1.ler. and B:.G..B~Uillor.reIPe~t1vei"~.8ldent a~ ~eore1iai-yot Colonlal :Land,~01. a l~,e'W ',1" . . -. - . ....'.. .- -. . - . ' ., ". .' " ,1'. Jer8e;yao~porat1:>~ a\ttharbj~d:to,4q b~,ln~sln F:!..orida-:to lIlekno~i1'to,bethe pe:X'.sonsdesor!s,~~'~ " l~and' whoeieo.~t'e'd :th& tore'g~liig~~vey~~eto,F1rit Chr1st~ln"'Ch~Oh Of' l-ort Piuoe., Fla. ' ' ' ! . '.iI ",". ' . '. ,.: '... , " ,",'., .'. : ,_ . ",,' , ,." :', ~d severally ao~~wle:d.ae~ 'th,e ~~e.o,~~on' there~t. ~Obe t~lelr tree act ~d, .~~~ ,as auoh;oitloer..~ f'orthe u,ae'~fan.d purpo8e~ 1;he~e in iAent~onGd;aJid. that' theyatflxed ',ther~t.o: theofflo1al.eal . of 1 .: '. .,.",. "~"" ".... ',' . '. : ,', '. ,',. .'.'.'.-' '" .', ",' .... .: ..' 1 . .IUd oorpor~t.l0n:~ and ,the 8a1d,1n.a.trwnent 1~ ,the a'ot. a,nc2,' 48e4.01' laid oorporation.' .<P, I ., " ! i , , .,S.ta te"o:r Wltne'aa ~:r 8~atUr.e and ot~olal' $~at Fort.Pleroe.:Fl.~.ln tM Oounty of St.LIloh .and r . . ~the day 'and year lasta;tor8J1,af4.' , . . .j ale ' W.c. . Baagett, llotary Publio for FlOrida ,... , ~ OOlllll11,s 8 ion e:iCP ire I' Aprl1 .30" 19 26 ~ , ; " r' " 'It ~ "I L... . ., j,.' ! ' . .I 'j \ . ~ r ,_...,' J. . j 1 ~ $ ''I ~l" '..f :~t, ,BIIIU HOLTZCLjW Elf .u,. :"1 "e,~ ,~ ;WA.lUlJllTY PDJ> ~ f~:t ~S-IBDI1iTuD, 1I...'thU ~th "~,~tJ~)'. .l.. D. i926'B1ITDD ....H~lt'lolaw .(fO_tfl~'." ;,' i.c' - ~07)..... h..._.. !l.A. .01\-~01" .t tli. 'C01UItVOt1l..., ~ 1Dt1>o}".toot no...... " putt.. of th.f1rat pa"'~Ula Ro..~La.L.. .ot th., Oount:r of'St. L1101t.ln 'th. 8h1oa.ot1'1:'ol1."( , , , part1 ot- tn. '..o~~ pal't. f WI'l'IISS.B!B~ That ~h..aaU peru.. ot the tU8'tpart, ,t<< .nO in oo~l,derat1<Jl of 'b' ~ r- .~ feD Dollar. (tlo.OO) ..4~~th.r ~.1u._le.oonsid.r.tl0D8 >>Ollar. to th...in hand p~id b.J.th. ~ >Jilftt7.t th,e s.oona pct'. the r...lpwb.reof 18 .hU"'b7 aoknowleqe4 hn. S~8Jlte... 'bafsa~'d an~ t .;,..oli,o t,he .ai.pu~7'ot'bI ~oond pan. he1re aDd a~.1pIfo'r~er. the tollow1nS 4..orlb'eaj ':~;tic_"~'. hate. 171D8'.abe1n1 in the.Oount7 Of -... ant .'Sut. ot norU.. .-wit: .,!l; ';"~' ::",;,::.,- ,;,'i". ' Lotnu. ~ 9). Bloot -1.- of DI~'8 .lDDI!IcW . . . . . , ~ls' l~th 4,~t ~f:.lf'~~.1925..; at:9; Ui:A..u~' -. . , '\ S". ,... ".,; ..:::,.-l.I ~P., c. Eldred. ,ClerkClrou1t ,Court.: . ~ , " , e. ' ,\ '. .~' . '. " 1:1: l: i:J.:f:1.:i:# ~i:'i: ;:f.:~: I: i,: hi:-t: f~":i:i;.i:; :1:#.:I:t:1 st:i :;':;:1: hi:f:1 ~ hi =.t:~: ::1: #.:i:#':. :" 's. 1 .' 'B7 .':JA:t.~;V /1;u4-/ ~~~- '. 1>.0. , " . "., m " .'.. .R08.l LD La .> ..~ '. 1 i j ~ ! x 1, ~! .. iO,'ort P'ler.o., llol1.d_. aooor01nl t oth. h.'b~h a.oort. of St.I.uie' cODt7. Statt ot 1l0r14a. (tl.OO 1.1.8taape) the ..14 par1il.. ot the' fi nt pen tobez:...., hU,. warrant 'the t1U. to .aiel laad, Cld 11111 th.... .i..t lbe lawfal 0181_01 all ......D.whOMo...r. ,4