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'~- .: . .. . ;, ...p~.'tll, ~elap8l" tro. ,h_, ,.a1a".h~-..a. ,4U aob2Q1rl,~.. that' th. ..ete ,ho~..lf . P..tl ' '.1. '0 ~.iel' el~'ea, tor the, PUrpo..' ~t l'8Do~ofns.'I'.~ll1qu~.hl~ ~a, o On!.;1nS aU' .h'l'r~h,.u.i.', .'f, .na. iD.t.I'..t~~h.th_ to.e!' .'. 'hOlle.i...~' ~I' "oi<;.p.r~~..p~()P.i'il' ..'i.t~~o,i-J; "~r,...qu.lt able.:l'n , " '.,' .', '. - -~-', " ", . ' - . " - ", ' ..", ,- -,' , j . anel'" to, the iana,.. 4..01'1 b~u' ~..1n..:.a.l4 that ....h.. exeoute. 'th~. ..1 i c1ee'( tr'..17 'Da~.ol\lDta- ,', '. , . j '.. :rill: 'aDO w1<t~01l~~7 ,Oompul.lon~-o.oD8tr,a1Ji,1i" ~pl'e)jen.lo~~' ort.U'..ofo~ "frO!A h~r"s~lef'hUe~ 0' .'~' \ai1'." '.' ".. .... ", . -------' : '.lms8 ~,. hanCS 'ant ot#OII11. ,'eal',at.'ft'. 1'1e1'0,~.. CO__l-,ot at.: Lut._4 S'at. ~ . ! '" " ,. .,' . nod4.. th1i1 Uh4q, o:tJul7'..J.. D.l~8fS. '. ,,,,..,.,'. ' L , \' I :> , . r I, I I .. ~ l' " i, : 1 :,',','G ",1..,". 1'.' l' t. t ,t , ,c... J ,.. } ,I, J t' it '1 . ". ,1 i1 . ," " 11 " > . I ~' '. ". f 'j" .' I < , ,,".!, , ", '~Uoliipp ,'" . , .,. . 80'*7 l'ubU,o. 'Stat,. ot Plol'Uil :, ,'Jq ,ooa.l'lloll oXJ>>11". .A~ll 8Oth,1'89.' ..'.. - ',' '. ~. ,..'~. " 'I ", . j. ~" . 1 . '..' ~~ ", ~ , 'j." . . " '11..' _elr.~6r,.oeto.nthl..18th el81' O~,'J~.1926. .t; a;39 1',)(. , , . .;., . 8"/' '~ 1'.,.O~Blareo, Clerk Clrou1\ Court. ..,' . '6"C~~8eo1"'.'. . ,. 4~ .... · . .,..,.;~~.,4~ . ';,rD' . , , , .' ',' /' " ,'. ~ ."'",,' ..., ,.' _;'.0." '. " ", ..' .... ...".' " . J" . /"- ; "- . . ,'~'" . -' '.: "r#:#: I: Ir I: i: #;#'iI.I:I:#:l.a# :#:'.':#r.:i:.:I:':fa#::#a'ir#:# if ~Isl:~:f :1; lal :1: I: lilll:':# :1:#:1 ' , , ,< . ~, D.C. . '. f~ " :f ~ i-' , I' f: . ~ , ~: it", " I!' ~. :!.;. - _,c. ' .. I' ~,r,",' ' tf i,j!:~.,', t,i i '. t. -"";-. l:t '. rt ."~ 1'. ~~-'-' ~ ~. '.u~&~."HOLLEY . '..JACK-WLLDE'l' Ai' TO AGREEUEUT ., ARTICLES OFJ..GREElmlfr.' Yade th1s20thday. of ~pril-in: the year of' our Lord, one thousand ,... ' ....... , . ), ' .. '.' " . " '. , nine !lUJ1dred and' tw:enty-!1Ye BE'.I:\~l.UnaE L.' HOLLEY~ J1ngle, party of the. first part,and .rACK VlIW and ,DAVID WILD parties of the second'part, "". '\1ITliESSE'lH.. That if the'laiA,pe.rtl~a ot t~eeCOml.:part shall first :malte the pa~ente and , . - " perform the~oovenants h~rel~fterm8Jltloned on 'thelrpart ;to'be"o.de and performed, the so.ld. " -, ... ' '-','" , " " . ~ ' -' - , ,',,' , " ' . \ ;' party' Of :thefll'd part hereby oovenants, and agre~1.1 tooonvey and asSUre' to the 8a1dpart1es 01" the JI.oondpa~,' ~h~il' hel~S. executors; adm1ni8trators or assigns, ,1n t~e Si,*p~e,'Ol~ar 01' all incwnb;r.olllZ1ou whatover. by a good and lu:rf~Olen.t4.eed, . the ,lot, pieoe, orparoel of grou.nd~ . situatod 1n,theOount7 of St. Lu01., State of Florida, known and.,de.orlbed as fOlloW8, to-wit: . . Lot One ('1.) of B100~ Til1r~een (13)- Qf Rolley and. Morgan's Sub~iv1s1on' . of Gonrnment Lot Four 01' Seot~on,Onet. Townah~P 35.801.\th, ~e 40 East, . . 'aooord1ng to plat reoordodin the oftioo of the 'Clert of Cl~ou1t Court-ot St. Luoie Co~ty, Florida, in Plat Book 4. page 102. To~other with riparian ~ ", ~