HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_2011 , ; , 'Ij -- ." I I ' ': J I' r',' ,i " . \ . ,\ I, ',l 200 I .', , " I ". .' I I' " I I. ': ". ;',', .. ,. . , . I. ~ .. j ,', =r.~.+~:="7"~~~~~~~~:~~~:i=~;;:-~C:~'~;.:-"~~) '-1~~~~;:;.' 1.:,<aS!,~ ,U1 't~$ ~,~pUJ.~.~ lands ;Sit.V.dte in.S.t'. ~o1e qO\U1ty,\~' '~t~t" ot'..~ort4~.de.80rlb.e,d ~8 ,;.';, ,',:-.' ! " , '\ .' , I ' " , . .' , \. I ,..,' . , . -, ~ ----"_: '\ ~': i.tollowSI · '\ ',\. ' , '~I" , I " ,', ' .:' . " " , ,Allo~,th'e~S~u.~weat.l'~ti~r~er, (8,,*' '~f\the SO'~~heM.t ~uarter ,;','. +,1,\ ~-- -..;, '. i ,', \" . " " . .,' \ ,'-1, ,'. l' ' .. " \..., . \ . , , I' (smt) ,(~oept the SO\1~' ~:o aoree) oil' ~eot1on T\'I~nty.:..e~t'(28). ,,' . j \ ; ."<:.,\ '~OW1i'~~~,~hirtY.-+O~' (34) '~outh," R~e Thirty-nine '(:a~)Ea8~. " : \ \ '. .. \., ,:'" .:.\ . "~I. ':'EXO~Pt~\ ~owe\f'~. t.M '~i8ht :ot wayotPU:blio. l;oa.dJJ. and"~in&:nBe',,1 . ;. ~ .. ~':'.'_'. -\"'. . " ". ,'.". .'~ I. _,' '., Ie.'..' ',-:' ~ ",\' . r' ..', 'oanals ,or~4~~~hea.&8 shown 'on, the pla tot ia14 .1an4lJ lD.ad~, bt th~ . .. : , ' ,\ '".., , . . ", " ,\" '..' . '., . . ,:.... ,_-,n~D1~ .~t C~lit. Rea1.,tl.,:,OOm,i)@JlY, ,~d ~~Q~4ed.in the ottloe6t:the; . Clerk ;~ the Oiro:u1t' Oo~t ,0;: ,s't~ .~oie qounty., .J1.orida... ~' .. I .. . " , '_ . . . " \ "~' , . " . " " \ '($3.00 I.R.S~~P~ O~,j').,. , .' \ " '~'\, i -~-~ ,:TO .~VE :.un> 'ro::HO;t.D the same tOgttther wl~ the he'red,i.tamentS and' appurhnanoe'lJ:unto' ,tlle' ~. ~i ' .,. , " ' ,_ , .... . '. ,". '.' i .'. 8~f6. ~antee;~d ,ltssu~oes80rs .and' assigns ~ teesllll'!>le,.' '" , ,_,. , ' '. .! ~. '. .'. . '.,. . ,'. ".: , " . ' '. '," " ", ' ..., .. '. ',: t.,_._--'--' ',ABl) . the ~~~{d~,g~~O r8r'~or ,themselve8-a.rid,~t1;eir""he~~~an~:'lega];":~presentative8.cOOvetuu~t ,'J .. . ! ...... :'.', '" ,.'" .,...' '-.-" - ,,';. ',' - - '.--' ", ,', -,.. .,"',,_., .-~, -. -~:..... .... ",'~ '--:~:-. ,1, ..wlthsllld 'gl;'f1ntee~ :its ~UoO~8s~rs..l~8al l"epres~ntatlves 'and' assl.~a:' 'Tha~ ~~d gr:.antcEo,s.~ tae~' . '- . ,'. ~. ," . -. . ",. _ '. .. ....... "'-'.~~'.." ,;.. '. : ~.' . --, ' .. ': -.' .: '. . . '''-, : indeteasibly seized ot sald'l,and "11i .tee' 'S,iopb'; :.that S.l~' gra~'ors hav.. tu),l ,power and la,f1\1l .~ '.- .' , - . '" ',' . - . ' '. : , " '.' '._ . . . .' . ._,..."., "'_' ' _,' "I,' ,.:. . . :.j "ri&bt.-tQ.. ~~n~e7.sa1'd l~ds in tee 8imple. ~ ai0r88ald;...that :it' 8~allbe,l-a\1ful.1'o~~'.sald gr~te~. ' I " ' .., ' , , ., , " , l-b,l ts :,8~~es~0;t's. legal,rep~s?utatives . and e:a,~;18na. '~t :all.,t1me'8 pea<U'~blr.~d q)i1~~ly, ~o ont~r ! t :',upon, hC>ld.- oooUi>y,a,~en~o~ saldland; that'sa1Q..l,and-ls tree"trol!i ail.1~~um.Q~oe;; that 8~14,' II',; :' ~raxitor~ ..th~ft he iI'S' s.ndleglll." pre8ent~~ iYe'S. ~Will.ll1&keS~Oh ~~he:r a~s\U'&~oeB. ~o, per;eot.' :,the 'tee simple-' title to 8a1d' le:nd1J1 sa id,grantee.,, its SlUJo8ssorsl-egal :reprea8rttati,ve8-an<1.-ass'18l).S. !., 'a~~ay~~~S,~n~~b!y ::.b'ereCluire,d: :~d..tlult ,8Udg~tor~"'~,he~~~~'tul~'l,w~rrant' th~ titl~ to .~a14:. .... I. 1....4.",,4 ~~n dot .nd the ...... "".ariot ~. '.1 airtUl .1..... ot 011' ""'01\8 who.... .ev'l'. . I ,wi:'r1iESS 'the' A(U1d.a and seJJ.s ot ~1~ld ~~to.rs. ~~ ~y end yea~ 1"i~t ,:ab~ve' ,\'11'1 tte~. i t . .j ;) ~ ...,;,...e-..... ;. I " I , l. ,,'J .' t. ;" ,.' i J I '0. .): " , \ - . )-- -~- '. .; . :$i'gned.' ileale~. 9.lld d81,1"10"d . lnthe >>r.lenoe of , B., In., Bause_~ ,'R. ;A. Weaver' . . ,'. .. , " . ~'. . ,r'.' - -----. ,; John:B. Cophran. .'.(~eal) , .~. .! . .u10e ,v.", D.,: C.O 0 hran . (Seal} OITY -OF, ilJ.SHIliGroH : . DISTRICT 011' COLlnl:eIA.." - .. . - . - ~ . . . I HEREBY CERTIFY. Thatonthhaay personaily app~ared bet~re ~e '. an,otiiQ~r dul1 "uthotb~4.' . t '.".. : ':" _' '" '. .., , .. "';' ,... -.' . ...~. . ,to adm1niateroaths. and t.ake aoknowledgments. .,jOhnB, Cochran alid, JJ.ioe V.'B~',.Coohran.h1s '~lte..' , . ..., .. ',1 '. ..' , , ." ,. \, ' ..' '; '... , '.to;' ~e well.known and 1cno\m to me tQ be the fudiV1dua18;deso~1l)e,din ancl'wllo e,xeouteA the foregoUlg -. . . 'deed. and thel ao~O'\'1ledgedbetore me 'thlLt'the1 e.xeoutBd thes,a.me :t:reel.Y and'yol\U1tarily fOJo, ' . "the 'purposes thoreinexPres~ed. ~'-.. AlID I FuR~IER CERTtn.Thatthe fJa~dJ..l1oe V.B. Coohran.knownto me to ~e tli~ wite ot'the, 'said John B.. Coo~an~ .on~' aeparate'anupri\fat& examinatl~n tak~~ and ~de by and betore'me,'separatel~ , "and apart from ?er 8aid,hl,Ulba.nd, did aOk~O\~l~e that s~e made herselt,a par~y.~OSaidd8ed,tor..~. _"th~..Rurpose of renoUl~Ol~t rel.1nQ.u18hi~ and oonve~~~~he~ ~ight. tUle an~'1Ii,te~::;hb~:~r~ .'1 ot dower. homeatead,or ot 8eparate-property. statutory or equitable. Uland to the landa/th~reiri . " I:, Jand that ahe executed the laid' deed treely and volun~arlly, and wl ~hout eAY oOOlpu.;l1on. oonsbaint',' t " . - . . 'i l i'! ~~1- - , I 'I "I i i 1. ,&ppr.hen81~n. or te,ar of. or trom hersald husband. '" ,. . WIT1IE:SS lilY hand and ott~olal seal. at Washington. 1n the Distrlot ot Col-umbla. th1s 18th day otJune .1... , -=---= -=--T~ .' .Bernard L.Ba.uaoJ'lll&n Notary Publio My oommissiort expires Deoember 22. 1928. 20th day ot July,19~6t at . ' 'd' Verii\eA' Recor 3; 09-" P .11. P. C. Eldred. Clerk C1rou1t CO'Q,M. . 'B1~7/1ud.$~"..,"~g.:, "