HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVALP.ibduc[ Approval Menw> Pioductor Application Search > AgpiicatiDn Gist > Application Detail FL #, Application Type Code Verslon Application ;Status Comments Archived ,Product Manufacturer Address/Phone/Email CONCEALED FASTENERS OR ATI'ACHMEl'l 1 S ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR OR RECORD Authorized, signature Technical Representative AddressjOhone/Email Quality Assurarice;Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method FL17443-RL Revision 2017 Approved. .],A TAYLOR ROOFING 302 Melton. Drive FT;PiERCE, FL 34982 (772).466-4040 4lewhite2213 aof com RECEIVED JUL 0 3 7018 Perrnitting Department St. Lucie County KC le Taylor kylewhite228@ao ,5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY BUILDING DIY ION REVIEWED F0k COMPLIANCE REVIEWE Y DATE PLANS AND PERMIT MUST BE KEP N JOB Roofing' SITE OR NO INSPECTION(S) WILL BE MADE Metal' Roofing Evaluation Report. from ;a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer I-J .Evaluation Report - Hardcopy, Received Florida:Engineer ror.Architect.�Name:whordeveloped. the IdtkeEbWden' Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49704 Quality Assurance Entity. FRI Construction Materials Technologies; LLC Quality:Assurance Contract Expiration Date 01/23/2023 Validated By Zachary! R. Priest, P.E': Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of, Independence FLi7443 R1 COI FL 17443 ) A .. for 2017,Code Eval Report with Details _ Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard 'TAS 125 01-1897 UL560 Year 2003 2012; 2006 Equivalence of Product Standards Cerofied By Sections from the,Code THESE PLANS AND ALL PROPOSED WORK ARE SUBJECT TO ANY CORRECTIONS REQUIRED BY FIELD INSPECTORS THAT MAY BE COMPLY OMIT iSAL RAPPLIICABLE CODES. MA Product, Approval Method Method i, Option D Date Submitted, 01/24/2018 Date Validated. 02%14/201$ Date Pending FB.C_Approval 02/17/2018' Date Approved 04/10/20.18, Pummary of Products FL # Model, Nui ber:or Name Description 17443:1 5 V Crimp 26GA 1/2" rill heightcover 15/32" APA;plywood Limits -of Use Installation Instructions'. Approved for.use In HVHZ: No Approved for.use: outside HVHZ- Yes ; .FL17443 Rt. 'Ih FL 17443_1_A Taylor 20.1-1Code Eval Reoor . with D xaik'R ,p�' Impact Resistant; N/A Verified 8y Locke, 8awden;. P.E. 49704, Design Pressure. +W 129,2,5 Other:-129:25 @ 6" ox. -69.25 @ 67 o.c. margin of,safety ; 2:1 with:24.7 max.: coverage Install; per manufacturers: detali. ;Not for use-in.HVHZ. Created: by Independent Third. Partyi Yes Evaluation Reports F.tn17443 R1. AE FL 17443 J A Taylor:2017 Code vat- Reps ;.with Details 95S5, C .eated:by°Independent Third party: Yes 174412 VICTORIAN CRIMP SHINGLE 26GA 1/2" RIB- PANELS LOCK INTO' PREVIOUS PANELS; ;OVER CDY4APA 15/32"PLYVYOOD Limits of Use inetaliaton instructlons. Approved for use in HVHZ: No Approved for use outside_HVHZ; Yes Impact Resistant: N/A. Design Pressure +N/A/-105 Other':-105PSF marglh,of safety. 2 1: Install per manufacturer's details irfd in compilance with FBC 2017 6th ed. Not<for Use in.HVHZ. FL17443 R1 Ih TL 17443 1 A Taylor 2017 Code EvalReps with Details RSSS,p Verified By: -Locke, Bowdeni, R.E. 49104 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Evaluation Reports •FL,27443: R1 AE FL it7443 I A Taylor 20f! Cade' Eval Reg= with Details:RSSS:RLdE Third- Party: Yes Created by Independent AaciE . Ncrt Contact -'Us rr 2601 Blair Stone Road, Tallahasaee'FL.32399 Phone:-850-487-1824 Thg,State of'Flolida.is an.AA/EWemployer..tooy_rtaht 200Z-2013.5tate of.Florida,:t. Privacy'Statement.:;:Accessi4111N.Statement rn:Refund Statement, Under Florida IaW; email addresses are public records. [hyou danot:wantyour e-mail.address released In:response to a public-recprds.tequesf;=do not seed electroNc mall to this enttty:anstead, contact,the:of8ce 4y,phone or'bytraditional mall. If youshave any questions please,contacka50.487>1395. •Pursuant to Section 455.275(13, Florlda Statutes, effective October Y,-20I2, ilcense'es;lliensed under Chapter 455, PtS, must provide the Department with an. email adtlress'tPthey nave onea,The emails p[ovided may:4e used for official communlnUon with the'licensee. Howevef email addresses"ate pubhcrecotd: if you G&not wish to supply a personal address; please;proVide-the Department with an emah addtes's;wlilch wa he:riade available to the public To determine if'you are. adicensee under Chapter 455,. F:S., 'Dlease Nitk i} ere". PnoductApp[oval Amb.pts:: Credit Cfiard 'Safe �I FBC Fort Pierce FL 34962 (711) 466-4040 -Wifth Florida 130ildling.Code 2017(61,edef ,with Florida ProductApprovA: Rule # 61620-3 Qual ity IityAssurarico-Pro#ra#W.,.PkICONStRUcrI'ON'MATERIALSTtC-NNOLOGY F CrfrnP thrufastened ,5VIWat eachipaneUedge, and Itastener in the center,of the panel, 241'�Lnet tdvejra"gd;� MA ASTM ihickCOX-Olywood deck.. Corr�osionotesistantfaite'ner�#9 . -19 'HWH with alilg,,washers,mttattolwood:conn&-'dons- with (Osteno"Ont I 'fi S 16"'thtOiijbstr6te. Nttenalong :thexrown -. to powoWQ the rib In the: centerof-panel and. al6ng,the:Np. First fastener to lie withfarofpanel Ils-s acdd 6" O.QreroofI%,wIth'less;than 19/3211� plywood (mih.'151321.),...Oiisiattachg�opti�to-be used ina ,P additionto Isting attachmenti Deck: slope 2:12 or,,geeater And shall: be comp Wit with FBC 2017 6TO ed. Underlaym.erit-jSqe tsc!0-7 67"- Sec. 1507 Talife:15071.1 *"Design Pressure: Spacing: I Resistariffastener #10 x 10 Zinc -69.25 PSF I& O;C 429.25 PSF .1".O.C. lock seam. 'Panels applied Ir- exposure, adjacentshiiigles inserted Into Itickseafm of prov-lous,sfilh k16. Nck slope 2I2'or greater ..-and'shall.-be priantwith- 013C io-17 611*ed. UndetlOymeiWIed FOC 20IT6T11 ed;-, Sec.. 1507. TableAS07:1.1 **Design Pressure: -165 pg Reference Data:. #02241-0561*-66 US 580-941): '(T57 5878): 41FA1-013-02-01 Ok580-.06/01.1897z,042 fto UL'580w 61eSt test stand.drds are Unckotlayrrient to -be-- compliaince.with-current-,,Florida Building Code (58q)201 - 7 ed-see Chart-AS61.1.1 Minimurnode ZOI 61t, ed.,,and perW NMI faitturerOristoklatio reference. , . sloPeto be compliant with FloridaFlorldaBuildin.&C liu- n Products are compliant with State of Florida .product approval per We 6 .16M-3, Cprripli.ancemethdd-.I-D �englneering,analysi& for "project specific approvalby local authorities wjjurlsdj . icti6h: isallowedby.other registered engineers.. Fire classiOcatlon is not part of this acceptance:, Shear diaphragmvalues are outside1his report Support -frtmiOrio,,compliance W/FRC:2017 Whed., Chapter, ZZ.Steel, Chapter 23 WGOd.and.Chapter 16 Structural Loading. This .,report does not -imply Iwarranty, ;installation; recommended product:use,outsfde of this report. ite of'IndOpendencez den, 0 'E. doesmathove, not will' acquire Offiftan.41al interest In an evaluation., deln,.P,rE.. is -not o'Whdd;. Opetatdd,,oi controlled by any company, 5 V Crimp Fast6net;- 09-15 corrosion resistant wIsgpling washers 24" Fastener- #9 x 15, corrosion resistant with sealing washers in Compliance with 2017- Florida Building Code, Section 1.507 Periffietet fastening: 6"o.c. Main Field fastehing 1 2"o.c. Panel W 'ft'! id26 Panel Coverage: 247maxiMum 26; GA Architectural, Metal Roof Panel VIGTORIAN CRIMP MINIMUM FASTENERS Fastener-.-#IoxV AT LOCK SEAM Zinc Plated-'A4.TW Pancake Head CUT 1/2 SHINGLE REATESTAGGERED ERN :)RIAUCRIMP GLES- .9".EXPO,SURE CO 0 A x Ul BO - Stfqme I Cog in 1:4sq.Pegistraudn [—.HotTop(cs I SubinItStmharge Stats&FBcts I PublIationst Bcstafe I 9CIS.5de Map I Links f Search 'I, Pro -duct Appravai Ur WMPubf , Id User RroductARorwal Menu > P��yct FL 4, Appl-ication-Type Code Version Application Status Comments: Archlyed' Product 14anuMdUrei-, Address/Oh orle/ErnaiI l Authoni6d qj§hgtufe T60nlcal',RepreAentaflye: Address/Pthoh.e� /Emaj.1 quaiiiy Assurance; 116pedsehtatfVe ,Address/P4oneftrnjli Category %locategory Cdmpliancd Method FL9777=Rjl Revision zolz Approved 8 'Owens Corning; One Owens Carping 'P- Toledo, off 4360 .(:740j 404-7829 greg*eeler@owenscorningicom, Grog,'Xeder gfeg'.koele,r@pwens.corning,.cqrp Roofing UndedaVMerits RECEIVED JUL 0 .3 1018 Permitting Department St, Lucie County i Evaluation Report- frdrrf a, Florida Registered Xrchit,ed, or a; Licensed Florida FrqfOOslqp'pl 9091.n.ee.r 4 f!v.aIUatIoO,'Rdpdrt- Hardcooy Received Florida Engin6& or Architect Narne w developed the_ ZacharyR, PrIest )EVpL!U�atliqr! Report U' flbrid- �;��qe PE4462i -quailtY AssUriafnde EntltyUL ' LL - C Quality -Assurance Cdntract:ExPlraitfbfi Date: 12/31/2620 Validated 'By Locke�Bowdeh I;ertlfiqate"-of Independence �. Validation Checkjf#-.Har.d.copy Received FL97-77 R11 COI OCRI4002;*86 2017 FBO'Evaluation -Report %feaiherjo& Non=HVH7;pd Referenced'Standard: and Ydar,(of st6ndatd) SWifdatclYear ASTM'. 010ot 2015 -ASTM 15226 2669 AS G 155 ZOOS. TAS 103 .1995 UL 1897 2042. Ecipivalence.Of FrodUctStandardr. Girtified By Sections: Obm- the Code. Product Approval Method : Method 1, Option, D Date Submitted 10/11/2017 Data Validated' 10[i1/1017 DF;§te Piqhdihg,FBC Approval- 10/17/2617 Uate Approved iVfi120i7' Suftfrhhrw of Products: 'FL 0 Modell j Number or Name Description >9777.1 [Weath.riock G, Weatherproofing 'Unded ment Limits;of Use 4poroyed for use In HVHZ. N ­ , Q Approved for use outside:7— HVHYes impact Itesistan . t: N/'A Design Pressure: N/A Other::SO-e, evaluation report -for limits of Use. Installation.. ions 1 0- Instructions FL9777 K11 11 OCR14002-LrAg-201.7'F13C Evaluation Report Weaffierlock VHZ.odf. Verified lJY::Zaphary R�. Orl fest 7404 Created by Independent Third P6rtV.' Yes Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11A QKR14002.8a.2017FB C , Evaluation Report. 'Weatherlock Non-dVHZ.Ddf Created by. IndependentThird. Party; Yes 9777.2.(Hi�h WeatherLock G Tear) Weatherproofing Undedayment Limits at use Approved for use A No. Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes, Impect Resisiani: -N/A' Design Pressure" N/A See.evafuatlbn report'for limits -of use. Iiiiiallikion Vis&ructions FL9777 R� -U 11 DCR,14062,8a 2017 F6C- Evaluation% Report 1N6atherfock Norf Verified ,13,y, Zachary, R. Priest PE"74' 021 Created by Independent Third 136rtyr Yes ]EValluation, P ,eports FL9777 R11 AE OCRI4002.8a 2017EK Evaluation Reort 'Wbatheri6ck Non HVHZ. Vdf, Created by Independent Third Party: `Yes 9171-3 Weathdridt1k.MAT Vaterpr99flIn men 9 6n,4pt1,T-- t Lifni , 1:0 of ure Approved1or use in .11VHZ.. Yes Amproy% ouiside'4jkt- No Impact Resistant:NIA Design, Pressure: N/A. Qth6n: See evaluation report for'llnitts of use,; IristAil6tidn Iesti uctibns FL9777' RiIKjE4601.65 2QU'#BQEviluatidn Re6bft W6atheflock HVbZ.aff "Veriflied BV� Zachary A. Priest: 74021 Created by Independent Third Party- Yes 'Evaluation Reports FL9777 R11 -AE' OCE1140018b 2017, F130tvaluatibn Repo Weathedock HVHZjW Created'by Independent Third Part"/.. Yes -9777.4 Weatheflock MAT Waterproofing Underlayment Limits orose. 'Appro*O.tOeuse in,.HNH ZvNo, Approved :for use:outslde:HVHZ:. Yes ImpactAesistantr N/A Desig,ry Ptessure: N/A. 'Other,See evaluation report forilinitg of use.; 1h#taI!Aiior!, 19structionst 71A FL977119LR14002.8d 201 1 7 F5C EvaluationAevoit Wiatherlo& Non-EiVI-17,Dd fiki Verified ByZaid ry R. Pri6st-74021 Created by Independent Third Party, Yes Evaluation ROO Reports !FL,9777! 11 AE OCR14002,8&2017:F5C Evaluation Report Weafherlock• No Created by Independ ent Third ParW:- Yes WeatherLdck Metal Weafhqrpropfihg,Underlayment! Limits of Use Approved fdr'usO in 11jy1fg-, No -,Approved. for -use outside HVHZ., Yes V%04ct i ftsistant: N/A ' Design,11ressurev N/A Other: 'Se e uatio n'repQrt for Units ofuse. _gr: vaLt its 1hsWIatjon , , Instructions A -07z , - -Rii ji OVU4662-i8a 2017 FBC Evaluation Report Ve6theelock'N6n Verified -By Zadhary'k R.Pr16s�t PE=74021 Createdby, Independent Third . Party: Yes Eiialluitid - 6 Reports PL .777 Ri i At- 17 FBC Evaluation'Report, W-eAh6rlo&'Nqn,HVF(2jvdf, Created. by'Indep6rident Third. Party: Yes 0777.6; WeaitherLoci5 ,Metal. Weatherproofihg Ugderlaymerit Limits pfUse; AgOroved.'Idr use, In KVHZ: Yes Ap'-prom for,useouts'ldeH k.-Wo. i.In!itailloit!iDninstructions I FL9777 . 77T - RI 1 1 '11' OCR14002,81J 2017-FaC Evaluation Report (herlock HV(fZ,,Izd lMpqct ' Resistants ' ist;n,N/A Design Pressure: ' N/A �Other:'See evaluation ,report for, limits of use. 9777. 1 7 _WlatherW&Specialty"Ne &-Metall. Limits of Use Approved for use In HVHZ;: No Approved for use outsiii -a HVHZ" Yes Impact Resistant:.N/A Design 13rd"pre: +0/w142,�, ,Other: teeevaluatidh report The limits of use., Verified By Zachary'll. Priest PE44021 Created by.Indeoe6dentTblrd Party, Yes Evi�alivatibn' Reports Created Party; Yes Verified By: Zachary R. Prfest7,4021 Created b-y-.^In.depencfent't"6iid.',Pa-rty,., Yes Created ,Party: Yes Contact Us :52601 Blatt Stone Road. Ulahassee FL 32:159 Phone: 80-40-182.4 The ."State -of Florida lsanAAJ#E-0 employer. dogytight;i66-J-7.6i� State of Florida:.Prty6cy-staterneh Accessibility Statement,:: Refund Statement VnderFl6rtda.Fa)0;.6mal1 addresses.Ajiip6blIc hecords,.11you do, not want your e-mal . I . address released in response to a;pu . bl . lc"records request, clo;hot7sejd electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact thq,qT;p,by phone or bytraciltional mail. If Vdu,h6Yb,P.ny questlons';please 606tad!850,487.1395. iTursuanti twSectlon 455.275(1)',. Florida Statutes;.eftioe Octobir 1, 2012r licensees licensed under:Chapter455j-F;S.'must pFdyldajhe JRppqrtment wlth:an eriialll-acldress Iftfijy have: one, The enialls provided may be used for official communication' .on with the licOnsee. "dwever. emWl:acldresises are:public record. If you do not,wish twsupply a personal •acldressj please provide the bepaitnie htwith. an erriil['address wlilcW6nbe made. availa'ble.io the public. To determine if you are .z. licensee Wider Chapter 455, F.S, please dick here Produd Approval Accepts: Cert1ficate of Authorization No.-2982.4 CREEK 1-7520; Edinburgh Drive T6rhpai, FL 33647 TECHNIC AL SERVICES, 4LC (61*60-'3421 EVALUATION REPORT' FLOgipA 13UILDING CODE. r:DITION' 1(2017) Manufacturer-, OWENS CORNING ROOFINGAND ASPHALT LLC, I O.wens'Gomihg Parkway Toledo, OH43657 (800)4$0-7465 WwW.owenscorning,com Manufacturing Location: Brentwood, NH Houston, TX Quality Ass(jrah0bUL. LLG (QUA9625) SCOPE Category. Roofing Subcategory: Und'erlayments Code Sections: Properties: Physical pro 'Olt Olt . 61.s REFERENCES issued October 11, 2017 Entity Report No. Standard. Year ,PRI Construction'Materlaft Techhold&s (TST5878) NEI.Q39-02-01 ASTM D1910 2015 PRI Construction Malerials-7echnologiei (TST5878) NEI!-042-02-01REV2 ASTM,;D1970 2016 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878 MJ=646,42-01 'TAS 103 1995. PRI .c6nst-rLi'c*ti-,bn:''M"�i-te'-dals;Tdd ndl esi(T h og�PT5870 , NEI-045-02-01 A8T.K.-G-165, 20051 PRI Construction Materials Technologies logles (rST5878) 'NEI-053-0241 TAS 1:03 1905 PRI Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) jqb-053-02-.01 ASTM -G 155 PRI ConstructidnNaterials Technologies (TST5878) Nd-093-62-62 ASTM D: 1970 2015 Oki 06ist4icti6h als:T60hpo Odles'(T, 0OF-2113-09-01 AtTMD1'.623 2009 PRI ConstructionNaterials7ethno ogies (TST5878) QCF-237-02-01 UL 18,97' 2012 PRI Construction" Materials Technologies (T'&5878) 06F-152-02-61 :ASTM D 4798 r20Q1 PRI Construction Materials TechnologiesC (TST5878) 0 F-262;OZ-01 ASTM b;,i'9'7'-0 Ppolodies .2 16 PRI ConstrucOon,Matetials;TOrtihologiiB,!§ (mTwgj, OCF�253-02=02- I ASTM D, 1970, 201� PRI C6nstm;0on,Materia1s Technologies'�T&5878) -- b&F . -272-02161 TAS 103 1995. PRI Construction Materials Technpiogies (rST, .4870) 0CF-29"Z,02 10G-E8,AC 186' '2612 lCQrESAC48 2012 PRI Construction Materials Technolog16s'(TST5878) OdF-2971;02=01.1 ASTM D 19,70r 2015, PRI Cons O.Matdrials Technologies (TST,5878) 0CF-318-02-61 ASTM D 1970 2 1 S. 0 Pm Construction Materials Technologies (TST5878) . QGF-VM24.01 TAS 103. -1995- PRI Construct !on Materials Technologies (TST5081) 0017-320-02-'Qll ASTM G;1,55 '26056 PRI Construction Materials Tachnologiesi ST-58 OCF-3211-02T01: ASTM D 1623 2660 PRI Construction Materials TechnologiesY. ST587 "Materials .0.CF-kM2-0i UL 1697 2 12: PRI Construction Tethnofoglesl(TST5874) GCF-355,02.0.1: UL 11§911 2012; 'Deteffnined to be equivalent to,ASTM D226-bg; Type I and 11 TaPhn1cd1'Servfces,,LLC of ai This evaluation report does n specifically adOressed'herein. for Statebf no -rlmplv � r - — ),qt, the: duration- for Which this repoit is V'alid use, orother pno�duct attributes that- aye not OWENS CORNING ROOFING AND. ASPHALT LLG CREEK WedherLock® Selfweahfig Ice & Wateir Barriers TECHNICAL SERvices, LLC PRODUCTDESCRIPTiON.AND: LIMITS OF USE WeatherLock® G Weathert ock0 G s an ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment constructed from SBS (Brentwood; NH) modfied •asphalt, ,a fiberglass mat. reinforcement and surfaced with granules. The product is supplied in 2-sq,. rolls with nominal:dimensions of 3.4 x 66.7,ft. WeatherL.ocko. G is permitted to. be 'used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1' for .mechanically attached roofing coverings. Exposure on 'the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum. 30'days, WeatherLock® Mat WeatherLock® Mat is, an. ASTM. D 1970 self=adhesive..undedayment.:constructed' from. (Brentwood, Ar4or SBS rhodifted asphalt _with a fiberglass, mat reinforcement.. The; product is supplied in .1 Houston, 7?C) tq. rolls: with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x:33.3-ff and 2 sq rolls with nominal; dimensions of'3-ftx 66.7-ft.. Weatherl-ock® Mat is permitted to be .used' as prescribed in FBC Section f507...1,1 for mechanically -attached roof coverings. Exposure. on the roof deck shall be limited to a maximum,30 days. Weathercock® Metal WeatherLock®:Metal is an -ASTM D 1970 self-adhesive underlayment .constructed, from (Brentwood,. NH) SBS mad)fied asphalt -with' a• figerglass mat reinforcement and plastic film surface. The product is supplied in 2.0:sq. rolls with nominal dimensions of 3-ft x 66,14 WeatherLock& Metal 'is permitted' to:.b„e used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507.1.1 for mechanically attached roof coverings: Exposure on the: roof deck :shall tie limited to a maximum 90. days. Weather.L•ock® WeatherLockO.Specialty Tile & Metal is an ASTM D 19.70 self-adhesive, underiayment Specialty The & Metal constructed train SBS modified asphalt and surfaced with' a noh-woven polyester1abric: (Brentwood; NK or, The product is!supplied in 2.14 sq: rolls With nominal dimensions ofl3-ftx 71'.3-ft. Houston, X) WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile & Metal. is permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC. Section 1507.1.1. WeatherLockb ,SpecialtyTile & Metal is permitted to be used with adhered clay or concrete file :roofirig using either 1CP Adhesives: Polyset AH-160 (ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc:) or TILE.BONDT" Roof Tile Adhesive: (The. Dow Chemical Company); Exposure on the roof'deck`shall be limlted .to a maximum 90 days. 'The 'rtiaximufn roof slope: shall be 6:12 when used with clay or concrete file installations ,without battens. Tile -shall, be,stored. on battens for :roof slopes greater than 6.a12. Tiles ;shali.not bwstacked greater 10 files Perstack. WeatherLock@':G (High VldeatherLock(6`G (High Tear) is aself=.adhered,: undedayment used as' an alternative to Tear-), ASTM. D 226, Type Vor Type 11 roofing felt and. ASTM' D 1970 self=adhering polymer (Houston; TX) modified bitumen underlayment. The: underlaymerifis composed°of SBS. modified asphalt with a fiberglass mat internal, reinforcement and is. surfaced with granules. The, product is supplied with a nominal thickness. of 50 mils in 1.95-sq tuffs with. nominal dimensions of 3-fi-x 65-ft. Weaihert.ock( G (High 'Tear) is. permitted to be used as prescribed in FBC Section 1507JA for mechanically:attached' roof coverings•. Exposure on the roof deck shall be limited: to a maximum 30 clays: Tliis'evalUat cn report"is provided for State of Florida product approbal under Rule 610204 The manufacturer shalt notify CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any- product changes: or:quality assurance changes throughout the Apration:forwhich this report is valid. This evaluation,report does not .express nor imply warranty; installation, recommended use, orothei pioduct attributes -that are not specifically,addressed: herein. CREEK, TEcKmItAL URVICIE% LLC PRODUCT APPLICATION OWENS tbkNfKd k06FING-AND ASPHALT LLC WeatherLock@,Self4ealing IC68; Water Barriers Min. Roof 15[ope:. 2*1_2 in accordance with the'FBC Applipatiorr All undertayments, shall be installed in accordance with the -.FBC. Deck substrates * shall bedeant! dry, :and :free from any irregularities and debris. A fasteners In the, deck shall -be checked:forprptrusion and corrected prior to uridedAyrrient application.Prior to beginning rl yme P ginning installation, -the unde a nt shag be unrolled and allowed to relax kra,minimum: of 3-6 minutes. The underlaymeht shiM be installed with the release backer removed'and pressed firmly ifit.o,pla. Oe. to ensure - re complete' contact with the: deck, The underl , ayrnent shall be: installed. with e and .i roll Iengjh parallel to the eaves starting at the eaves, a with mlhimumj,3" side, laps and minimum,6" end laps, staggered mirt.. �-'ft-frorn. preceding course:. urse.. Additionally, if applyi'r1g. Wea.therLock@), 8p..e.cla*lty,TiA jjdMetal, end. laps Vwll b - e primed withASTM. D 41 primef or s6t,ildd WtIj asphalt roof cement a minimum. of 3-4 inches across the width of the lap. It is permissible to back nail tide ,undedaymerit.12-ihches on -center as needed: (nails shall be: installed perpendicular to deck with the nail heads flush; to the top surface of the- underlaymerit). Additionally, WeatherLoc - W-8becialiy TOP &Metal sh, all be back hailed ,when installed on rodf,s1qpesgr"1;er`:tNi.,h 1124 Min. -Application. 40*F': Contact the manufactorer when' installing at temperatures below the, minimum, Temperatqrqs, applico(lon temperatuh% WIND RESISTANCE The Maximum,Design Pressures shown below were calculdt6d using 8 21 margin ofsafetv i)e'r,FBC Section 1504.9. Underl6vment. systeqwj —Wedtherbjck Specialty Tile, 6, & Metal Only Roof Nick.: in 15/3 - . ood attached to wood supports space a ma 4� V I � 2 inch CDX plywood _d - maximum 6.6. Underlayment: WeatherLock@ Specialty Tile & Metal shall be. applied in accordance with ffi0hUIaOue&e$ iristalldfion. instructions to the fastened:deck. and ba6knahed along', the selvage with, minimum, 1-2ga, 1-1/4-"retch, galvanized prig , -A'Onk-ro6fl'', roofing: hailsAhrough optionally ,pfiMod,12ga. x 1-5/9-inch 0 tn. caps spaced 12" o.c�. I The applied underitiVment: shall be'. rolled 'with a -minimum 751b• steel roller immediately f9lio'd rolle wing application. Maximum Design ml 42.6,psf Pressure: This evaluati - on report is -provided for State —of Florida product approval under Rule 6IG20-3. 'The rnahufdcturer�shall notify -CREEK Technical Services, LLC of any,produdt,chq,ngqsor quality assurance changes throughout the duiratI606r which this " report" 4s valid: Thispvaludlion report does -not express: nor imply, warranty, installation,. r6b&rnmended'use, or other product attributes that -are not Specifically addressed har6ih., �.l CREEK: TECHNICAL. SERVICES,, LLC GENERAL LIMITATIONS OWENS CORNING ROOFING'AND ASPHALT LLG WeatherLock(b Self -Sealing Ice &. Water Barters 1') This evaluation report. is not use n'the HVHZ.,. 2) Fite Classification is not within the scope ofthis evaluation.. 3); Installation.of'the:evaluated product:shall complywith,this report, the FBC, and^the manufactu(er's published application instructions: Where discrepancies exist, between these sources, the more, restrictive. and FBC compliant installation detailsshall prevail. 4) The roof deck:shall,be constructed of closely fitted plywood sheathing for neW or`existing construction.. 5) The space under the deck,area'shall be'p(opet}y yeritilated,in accordance with .fhe FB:G requirements: 6) Alt side lap cams: shall be ins -Wiled to shed wafer from the deck. 7) The underiayment may be used as described imother current FBC. product'approval documents. 8) Design wind load pressures shall be determined for doinponents and' cladding in accordan.'ce with FBC' 1609. 91 The'roof deck shall be designed' by others, in accordance; with FBC requirements to resist the design wind .load pressures for components and! cladding. 110),.Maximum Design Pressures for a .,given und6rlayment shall .meet or exceed ,the design. wind loads determined for the=roof assembly. 11,) All products listed in this report shall: be. manufactured under a que lityassurance program in comgliahce: with. Rule _61 G20-3. CdMPUANCE STATEMENT The products evaluated, herein by. ;Zachary R< Priest, :P.E. have demonstrated compliance with the:flodda.Building Code 6th Edition (2017) as evidenced; in the referenced:documents,submitted bythe named manufacturer:. 2017.10. S-Ve. STATE OF . w: Zachary R Priest, PE. 021 Organ zatio Organization'No. ANE9641 CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE, CREEK Technical Services, LLC does not haVbj..nor will it acquire,: a financial interest -in any company manufacturing or distributing products:undor this evaluation. CREEK'Technicaf Services;, LLC is not owned, operated;: or controlled'by anyycompany manufacturing. or distribufing products under this evaluation. Zachary-R. Pnest P E. does not have; nor -will acquire;, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products under 1his.evaluatiori. ZacharyR Priest, P.E. does, not- :have;, nor will, acquire, a financial interest in any otherentity involved In the -:approval process of the product ENMOF REPORT OCRt4002 8a• FL977,7-R11; Page.4, of 4_ This evaluation reportis provided:for State,of Honda `prooduct approval under Rule 61.G20,3. 'The manufacturer shall notifyGREEK. Technical' Services, LLC of-any,product:changes or quality assurance changes throughout the duration for which Ws, reporIH valid. This evaluation report does.not express nor imply warranty, Installation, recommended use, or other productattributes that aremot pe�caliy addressed herein.